MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 6. 1949 Mehama children living on t h e Zimmerman road Thursday and Friday of last By MRS. JEAN ROBERTS week, owing to wet weather. One A large crowd attended the church turn had been graded recently, and baxaar at the Women’s Clubhouse a portion of the road -graveled, mak- Friday. Dinner of chicken and noodles i ing it impassible for the bus. Nine was served, but owing to the large i children aie transported from that crowd the food ran low and a number area. Six cows broke into Mrs. Mae Pat were turned away. ton’s garden Sunday, destroying it, Fancy work and homemiade candy and tearing dow fences. This is the were sold and three quilts distribut third time this week, states Mrs. ed. The satin quilt went to Mrs. Elsie Patton, a white haired little lady in Myers of Elkhorn, the wedding ring her 70's who lives alone. by Mrs. Kirkland and the third by Young people’s meeting was held Mrs. Franklin of Lyons. ait the Harry Monroe home Sunday evening with 12. attending. The eve- Mr. and Mrs. Delbeit Bailey are i uing was spent singing songs and the parents of a baby girl bom in playing games. Salem Sept. 29. A heartening note, in the disaster Mr. and Mrs. Otis Marks returned of the turned home of Mr. and Mrs. Friday from Woodburn where they [ Cox last week, is the report that attended sevices for Mr. Marks’ mo tieir silverware was found in good Poking through ashes ther who passed away last Monday. . I condition. ------------- ---------- - ------- -- the — ---- Mrs. Gladys Dake, Mrs. Moe and the c,hest was iiourui bu,ned and silverware ------- was --- still Mrs. attended me the mis mis- "------------------- — in- — - — Mae PPaton atvcnueu red but the sionary society meeting at the home tact' of Mrs. Duffy in Mill City Wednes- 1 Many neig'.-h- i s already Have do nated bedding, c' ’hing and <Jti g day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Stout attended utensils to »his young coutjle, o u * a picnic dinner celebrating the 95th ! more is needed. Church ladi»« arc birthday of T. Henness of Gates Sun holding a -"ore- 3nj quilting be*’ . ■the chu-ch bmement Thursday art*-- day. noon to benefit the Cox 'amily. The school bus failed to pick up PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL! VENETIAN BLINDS Light... Lovely... Longer Last ing ... Easy to clean .. . made of flexible aluminum alloy for long life. Sun-proof plastic finish won t chip, crack or peel. Custom-made to fit. Come in for our estimate today. Western Store Stay ton, Oregon MEH AMANS WED 50 YEARS Friends gathered at the Mehama Women’s clubhouse Snday to cele brate the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kirkland. Pi esent were C. D. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Norville Emmons of Salem who had been present when the Kirk lands celebrated their silver anniver sary 25 yeais ago in South Dakota. Their Dakota home was but three miles from the site of the famous buffalo stampede where bugalo rush ing down the canyon to the small Grand river piled body on body to leach a height of 14 feet a solid mass of skeletons. The spot has been preserved by a historical society. Manon ture and take more than we really have need for. Do we all need the cooler full or is it just a desire to be like the other guy? What do you think? As I watch from my window on the main highway it reminds me of the main trails from a huge ant hill to a big hive of honey. Just one continuous string, coming and going. Jack Lindeman and party of two made a horseback trip into the Bow- BARGAINS In Furniture, Stoves, Dishea Clothing, Housewares erman Lakes and those adjoining and reported fishing good. Gene Ware is moving his pack and riding horses from Big Meadows to day. He will continue in the elk hunt ing teriitory. Christmas Gifts for the Little Folks at the Hobby Shop MAC’S 168 N. Commercial, Salem 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parking HARY c S ted WEST coast FORESTS RE-SEED NATuRA__Y FROM SEED trees left 3 s LOGGERS. AT NlSQUALiy, .ASHiNlGTON TVABERMFN -ROW MILLIONS OF AB* TREES EACH YEAR O PLANT 5POTS WHERE RE HAS DESTROYED 'ED TREES OR WHERE -TLRAL. REFORESTATION AILED FOLLOWING REVIDUS HARVESTH.J-, COATS WINTER L eave seed TREES Wool Flannel Wool Gabardine Wool Sharkskin liox or Fitted Styles Mr. and Mrs. Paul Klug of Port land have been spending their two weeks’ vacation on Marion Creek while building their summer home there. Mrs. Klug is a niece of the Scott Y'oungs. The first snow-fall of the season hit the higher ridges a short time ago. Bugaboo was white, and Mt. Jef ferson looked very beautiful with her new crystalline robes upon her. How ever, summer weather returned, and the sun was bright and the autumn leaves are ablaze with gorgeous col ors. Hunting season is now started, and the highway has been a veritable speedway for all sorts of vehicles. Some travel al a mode and some just travel to get ther and first, if you please. I often wonder how old mother na ture likes her beautiful handiwork killed and maimed as they are. I won der too if most of us don’t let our sports get the best of our better na- 29.95 to 47-95 Dicks SHOE REPAIR MILL CITY Football-Home Game Mill City High vs. Jefferson You can order the style preferred in any color or size OLESON’S 2 p. m. October 7 • ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mrs. Dean Smith, a resident here, has just returned from a two weeks visit with hei folks in Milo, la. She also visited relatives in Des Moines. Arnold Snyder was a recent visit or here. He had leave for a short time from the maiines. Agnew’s Used Cars Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer Across from Hotel Albany Phone 1052-R 2nd and Lyon St. ALBANY .OREGON LINCOLN—MERCURY TRADE-INS—FINE USED CARS—YOUR CHOICE AT BARGAIN PRICES '49 FORD Custom V-8 Tudor, radio, heater, sun tiaor, windshield Washers, air-rides, undersea! and other extras. A beauty with only 9000 miles .................................................................................. $1795 ’49 MERCURY Spt. Sdn„ radio, and heater, windshield washers, seat covers and fender shields. Only .,........................................ $1950 '48 BUICK Super Sdn., radio and heater and many other access ories. ......................................................................................................... $1850 ’48 BUICK Roadmaster Sdn.. with dynaflow, radio and heater, also custom upholstering. Cost approx. $3500. Our special price $2175 '48 FORD Super Dlx. Fordor V-8, radio and heater, winshield wash ers and whitewall tires. An outstanding car ........................ $1450 '48 FORD Tudor, heater and fogiights. a real buy in economical transportation . ................................................................ $1295 ‘48 DODGE Custom Fordor, loaded with equipment ....................... $1795 ’48 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster club coupe., radio, heater and spot light ............................................................................... $1575 It’s your big chance to win one of these 700 prizes! ’47 FRAZER Manhattan, this car is in beet of condition and is loaded with equipment ................................................................................. $1585 '47 MERCURY Sedan, radio and heater, exceptionally nice condition —$1385 '47 OLDSMOBILE Sednn, hydra mafic, radio and heater, shows the best of care. ........................................................................................... $1485 '46 DE SOTO Custom Sedan, fluid drive, auto, transmission, radio and heater ............................................................................................. $1175 '46 NASH Sedan, with radio and heater, best of condition only $1095 '46 '46 ’41 ’41 '41 ’41 ’41 ’39 ‘38 ’37 ’36 '37 ’36 '36 ’33 ’33 ’36 PONTIAC “8” Sedan, in nice condition ................................. $1295 STUDEBAKER Sedan, unusually well cared-for ................ $985 FORD Super Dlx. “6” Fordor with practically new motor . $745 PLYMOUTH Sedan, only ............................................................. $«85 Chevrolet Sedan, very nice condition .......................................... $795 FORD Tudor, fair condition ............................................................ $650 STUDEBAKER Sedan, with overdrive, very nice .................... $575 PLYMOUTH Sedan, one owner, best one in town ............... $525 FORD Sedan, a good buy .................................................................... $345 FORD Coupe. 85 horsepower, unusually nice ......................... $345 CHEVROLET Town .Sedan, oustanding condition for a car of this age.............................................................................................................. *395 CHRYSLER Sedan, worth th« money ........................................ $225 PONTIAC Coupe, worth the money .......................................... $295 BUICK Sedan, worth the money ................................................... $295 CHRYSLER Sedan, worth the money ...................................... $125 DODGE Coupe, worth the money ..................................................... $145 CHEY'ROLET Tudor, worth the money ................................. $195 1. Di ) to any Ford Dealer dis playing poster shown below Get i Free Car Saiety Check Free Safety Insignia and Free Entry Blank. 3. In 'C fluids or less on entry 2. blan« hmsn this statement All cars and trucks should be safety checked periodically because 4. Mail entry before midnight. October 41, to Ford Car Safety Con test Headquarters B om $722, Chirsro 77 Illinois (Owners of any make of ear or truck may enter contesti Use only official entry blank obtained at any Ford Dealership displaying the poster shown below. Print name and address clearly. b) (tontest limited to conti nental U. S. and Alaska. c) Prizes as stated on entry olank, will be awarded on the basis of sincerity, originality and aptness. Judges' decisions are final Duplicate prizes in case of ties. Entries must be submitted in the name of the registered owner or his desig nated representative. Only (a) one entry per car or truck may tie considered. All entries tiocome the property of Ford .Motor Company. Contest sub ject to Federal, State and local regulations and to con test rules on entry blank. (d) Winners’ names will be posted at all Ford Dealers' not later than Decemtier 1, 1949. (•) Contest is open to all residents of United States, except employees of Ford Motor Company, Ford Deal ers, their advertising agencies or their families. Arrow, from Hotel Albany 2nd and Lyon St. Cat of th. Tear ” -A-d w',h k drive om. J Ford Soden,, equipped J,c Air" Heater, Over- Sidewait Tires. 5 fáw fa®/wax F.nvi ZeJt ts toil teofer ( Optional) General Duty Model F-5, V-8 engine, stake body. 158-inch wheelbase FORD Trucks equipped with Radio and "Magic Air" Heater. Optional as prize* to the fop 3 of the 2$ cor win ners who specify preference for a truck on Contest Entry Blank. 25U000 US. S avings B onds fOO WO US. S avings B onds 200(50US S avings B onds 350 25 US S avings B onds ’38 CHEV. Pickup flatbed, excellent condition in appear ance and mechanically too .......................................... $395 Agnew's Used Car Lot ¿ZSAúw/tws Drive in today! Cot year free Safety Check, Get year fatty Hank! Herrold-Philippi Motor Co., Stayton “/t It s an Agneu Deal Its a Gcod Deal" Phone 1952 R ALBANY. OREGON IN YOUR ENTRY * CONTEST CLOSES OCT. 31