MILL UTY ENTERPRISE. (XTOBER 6. 1949 rnmitmuiffl'iiiMHi Better Vision Means Happier leisure Eye care will return dividends for every penny it costs. One pair of eyes must last us a life time. Don't force them beyond their ability. If you can’t see you can’t read. If you can't read you can’t learn. If you can’t learn you can’t earn. Take the best care of your eyes. 1 Dr Mark Hammericksen REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Offices at Mill City Furniture Co. Open Every Thursday 1 to 6 P.M.6 I*. M. to 8 P.M. by appointment • Eye examination * Eye glass adjustments • Glasses fitted. * Broken lenses replaced General offices at TenBrook Jewelers, 313 W. 1st St., ALBANY today’s Blitz Weinhard a car accident Saturday. Mrs. Harry Elmer and' son Gale of Albany spent the week end at the By EVA BRESSLER home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Floyd Bassett was hostess for Percy Hiatt. the euchre club of Gates at her home Saturday afternoon. Faith Rebekah Lodge held its re Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burmester are gular meeting at the hall with a spending tibeir week’s vacation i n large attendance. Frances McCarley, Newport and other coastal points. noble grand, and Blanche Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hartley of vice grand, presided over the meeting. Gresham were Sunday visitors at the For the good of the order a true- home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye. false quiz on the work of the ritual Mrs. Fannie Saetebeir who has was presented. At the social hour spent the last two months at the the committee, Alma Olmstead, Gar home of her niece, Mrs. George Hoff nett Bassett and Verna West enter man, and family, has returned to her tained with games and served i c e home in St. Cloud, Minn . ceam and cake honoring the birth Mr. and Mrs. George Keeley, Port- day- for September. Following the Ian li, spent the week end at the home lodge meeting the Three Links Club of her mother, Mrs. Alice Huber. On held a short business meeting with Saturday evening Mrs. Keeley was election of officers. hostess to a party honoring her mo Beulaih Lewis was elected presi ther on her biithday. Invited guests dent, Gertrude Weidman, vice presi were Mrs. Percy Hiatt, Mrs. Harry dent and Helen McClurg secretary- Elmer, Mis. Pat Lyons, Mrs. Floyd treasurer. Various plans were made Bassett, Mrs. Earl Allen, Mrs. Alex and discussed to have a benefit some Bodeker, Mrs. Norman Johnson, Mrs. time before Christmas. It was also Clyde Bressler, Mrs. Bert Lyons, Mrs deciiied to hold club meetings follow Roy Heineck and Mrs. Donald Huber. ing lodge meeting on the fourth Wed Ms. Lizzie Bassett returned home nesday of the month. Monday from Midvale, Idaho, where she had been visiting at the home of LIPPOLD - BRENNER her daughter, Mrs. Jess Fox, and fam Accountants ily. -Bookkeeping Service ‘Auditing Mrs. Dell Westenhouse of Scio ♦Payroll Reports ‘Income Tax visited friends i n Lyons Thursday. Phones: Mill City 207 She was a dinner guest at the home Salem 3-7615 of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett. Worldwide communion was observ • ed at the Lyons Methodist Church Sunday, followed by a fellowship din ner with a large crowd in attendance. Several from the Lyons Methodist Church attended the district meeting held in Salem Wedfiesday and Thurs day evening. LYONS The Mari-Linn Parent - Teacher Assn, was host for a reception hon oring the school teachers, at the Re bekah Hall. John PPrideaux presided over the meeting in the absence of the president, Burl Smith. Mrs, Wil son Stevens, principal of the school, introduced each teacher. A short mu sical program was presented, and re freshments served. Salmon are Striking I 1 1 JUST ARRIVED! IMPLEMENT COMPANY REMEMBER Stayton COME TO CHERRY lITY MILLING COMPANY — JUST TWO BLOCKS FROM CITY SHOPPING CENTER We have concentrates (any kind you need) Bee Supplies Top Quality Mineral* Fortified Feeding Oils Quality Mixed Poultry, Turkey, Hog, Dairy Feeds Seo-Pai Pellets — Chick, Rabbit, Goat, Turkey BLatchf ord’s Calf meal and Pellets Stock Fly Sprays SPECIAL CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING TO YOUR ORDER I>et our Fiald Service Man help you with your Sanitation and management problems. Modern Service Given with Old-Fashioned Friendliness CHERRY CITY MILLING COMPANY Trade A High Sta SALEM Phone 3-5795, 2 1655 Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON I 30 New Designs n 11 ALL MARK n CARDS in Playing Cards $ i ! : X HALLMARK 11 CARDS IIALLMARK n CARDS Also Canasta Score Cards • 11 ALL MARK 11 CARDS 1 Edward Williams 330 Court St. Salem, Oregon 1 •• L/z\zl forspending control ... PAY BY CHECK,. Thenyou. will have a record of payment Youll know wl are and where you’re ( Chris Craft Outboard Motors and KALL MAX Montague Salmon Rod $10 to $22.50 Richardson Salmon Rod $9.90 to $17 True Temper $17.00 ' L? ■» z* Iv rv uri rvzxw Santiam Hardware ............ Our Salmon Tackle Stock is Complete Mrs. May Swank of Stayton was a Saturday night guest at the home of Mrs. Daisy Johnston, and attended communion and the fellowship dinner i at the Methodist Church Sunday. $2.75 up James Lande is spending his va Ocean City Reels cation visiting friends and relatives Pflueger Akron Reels $10.00 in Los Angeles. » Mr. and Mrs. Vem Goodell, Clai- Penn-Star Drag Reels, $4 up ence Goodell and Darleen Gasparetti are vacationing at Coos Bay and will 30-lb. Test Nylon line visit other points along the coast. I 50 yds. $1.50 Mrs. Merrill Brassfield spent the week end in PoPrtland and Hillsboro Hooks 95c at the E. K. McCoy and Emery Thompson residences. ! SPINNERS Mrs. Albert Carr, who underwent BearValley, Viberlite, Camps major surgery at the Salem Memorial Gantron 30c and np Hospital, was brought home Satur day. Mrs. Paul Gerath, who also was Red Leather Hooks 25c operated upon there, returned home Friday. Mrs. George Huffman, Janet and Jeanette, spent Sunslay in Eugene at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard. They also vis it«! at the Clarence Decker home. Ben Wheeler is confined to Salem Memorial Hospital as the result of Open Every Friday Nite to9 Distributed by Gideon Stolz Lu ■........... R. D. Woodrow Co. Gil Ward, Prop. welcome jrour account Mill City State Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. 450 Center St., Salem, Ore. Don't Borrow — Subscribe! Quality ioh printing at the Enter prise.