MILL lITY ENTERPRISE. VERN E’S Grange Fair BARBER Prizes Listed ■MMT 1919 a 2NDaBWAY U Q □ n N-X I C O SOME SCIENTISTS HAVE HELD THAT WILD ANIMALS SHOW MORE IMAGINATION IN FOOD CHOICE THAN MOST CIVILIZED PEOPLE. IO TO 7 HRS Nearly $350 was awarded in piixes , by the Santiam Valley Grange at its recent fair. Tne following won awards in the many divisions: Flower division: Mis. John Leng ascher, one first and one second; Mis Albert Julian, one first and two sec onds; Mrs. George Nydegger, one second; Garnett Bassett, two firsts; ; Bea Hiatt, one first; Mabel Patton, two firsts, one second; Frances Mc Carley, one first, two seconds; June Whitney, one first, two seconds; Mrs. Forrest Nydegger, one second; Mrs. Clare Humphreys, one fitst; Hugh Hampton, one first; Judy Hampton, two seconds; Mrs. Warren Hampton, two firsts, two seconds; Mrs. Luther Stout, one first, three seconds; Katy Miller, one second; Leora Stevens, 1 first; Pricilla Miller, one second. Mill Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. D. Phone 751 Mill City A RENTALS A friendly place to meet HOWSER BROS. fA gas range It*» Magic because it SAVES FOOD All top burners can be limme; set tor water less vitamin-rich cooking Maqic Chefs Red Wheel Regulator aware« accu rate oven temperatures — no spoilage — !_ ••• ll’t Magic because it SAVES TIME You get instant lighting of all burners, high speed oven. |ust the right heat for the food you're cooking. It's quick: it's accurate, it's easy /<’$ Magic bfctuff it SAVES MONEY The amazingly low cost of a Maqic Chef gas range plus the real savings of LP-Gas Service bring real savings to your house hold budget SPECIAL OFFER FOR SEPTEM BER ONLY! Brand new Magic Chef Range, General Water Heater and gas storage tank, completely install ed. Easy terms if desired. ’315“ ■4 See it Today at m Mlgic Mi Thai oa aiy other Bai|< Chef 3 Just Arrived! i ■ I &. <» v 1 • • • ** Si s ( ING — A-S ’ ' -’v ■V ' 1 • ' First Christian Church Mill City Dallas Meserve, Evangelist Special music by the Ferrins « ! îirffli .iniiRtmniMninnifflinmiMHMiNnr EM »«Mil Real Values | I » 1941 CHEVROLET •/, ton Pickup - Al $695.00 1395.00 1941 CHEVROLET Tudor ..................................... . 495.00 1941 STUDEBAKER Commander Sedan.......... ........ 6953)0 1941 STUDEBAKER Champion, Perfect...................... 695.00 1936 ODLS — runs good ................................................. . 150.00 1949 FORD Club Coupe — A Beauty.............. «........... 1695.00 1946 CHEVROLET Sedan — It’s Tops ..................... 1295.00 1947 PONTIAC Streamliner Sedanette........................ 1595.00 1948 STUDEBAKER Starlit« Hub Coupe, R. H. A OD. 1595.00 1940 PLYMOUTH Ds Luxe Sedan, has new Chrys. Motor .. 595.00 ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 No. High, Salem, Ore. Take advantage of our Car load Purchases and SAVE on all of your building needs t A Every Meal ’ An Occasion O&Uft Dianari SHIRLEY S BEAUTY SHOP Oska ’s lunches to go. 754 z Wide menu daily OPEÑ 24 HOURS DAILY SHIRIJJY LAIRD MILL CITY Phone 2603 ■ 1949 WILLYS '/j ton Pickup — like new .................... PORTER & LAU Propane Gas “ & Appliance Company 349 FERRY ST SALEM Opposite Morion Hotel Mere W obci Cook Information Center. You’ll be sure to hear those words when you attend the Special Meet ings at three seconds; Bertha Basl, four lsts, three seconds; Mrs. Bill Basl, one first; Bill Prichaid, three firsts, two seconds; W. R. Stevens, two seconds; Bob Gerath, one second; Lloyd Sletto, seven firsts, three seconds; A 1 n^ Kirsch, one first. Farm booths: Luther Stout, first; W. R. Stevens, second; Giles Wagner and Tony Moravec, tied for third. I Hobbies: Mrs. John Roller, first; Melvin Peck, second; Mis, Jerry Coffman, third; Mrs. Leora 6tevens, fourth; John Lengascher, fifth. Baking division: Alice Walker, one first, one third; Bertha Basl, one sec ond; Dorothy Garrison, two thirds; AT YOUI1 FINGER' rips Cecil Bassett, one first; Mabel Patton, one second; Marion Chamberlain, two firsts, two second», one third; Mar garet Phillips, one second; Mrs. Wil liam Basl one first, one second, one thiid; Mrs. Fem Sletto, three firsts, Alma Kirsch, one first. Needle work: Garnett Bassett, 3 firsts, two seconds, two thirds; Ber tha Basl, one first, two seconds; Mrs. William Basl, one first; Margaret, Broadway Hits of Today—4 records Phillips, one second; Frances McCar Album .... 3.27 ley, one second, one third; Mabel Pat ton, three firsts, one second, one Vaughn Monroe Album Wide Stock of 45 rpm records— third; Jennie Bohannon, one third; Goldie Peck, one third1; Eva Bressle Classics, Popular, Westerns and one first, one second; Leota Crowell, all vinylite — 69c each one first, one second; Eulalia Lyons, Classic Albums: three firsts, one third; Alta Bodeker, Beethoven Symphony No. 7 one first, one third; Fern Sletto, two Tchaikovsky Symphony, No. 6 firsts; Mrs. Albert Toman, one first; Tcsaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite Alma Kirsch, one first, one secorfd; Wagner’s Des Rheingold Arlo Ashley, one third; Helen John and many others ston, one first, two seconds; Mrs. Foyd Cox, one third. r Canning division: Bertha Basl, one first, foru seconds; Margaret Phillips one first, one second; Frences Mor avec, four firsts, two seconds; Mabel Patton, one first, one second; Shirley Johnston, two firsts, ;five seconds Mrs. Ed Taylor, one first; Mrs. Paul Johnston, one first, three second«; and a Chicken in the Rough 24 hour« a day City Garden Club, seven firsts, two seconds; Blanche Wagner, one first; Betty Tienney, one fiist, one second,. Fruit and vegetable division: Bea Hiatt, two firsts; George Berry, three firsts; Vern Nydegger, two firsts, 3 seconds; Tony Moravec, seven firsts, four seconds; Ed Taylor, six firsts, six seconds; Cecil Teagarden, one se cond; Anna B. Julian, thre firsts, one second; Shirley Johnston, two firsts, Propane Gas-The Magic Fuel ami eat. Detroit, Oregon C l with & Tavern Supply QUEEN Tty, WIFE OF PHARAOH AMENHO TEP III (1375 B. C) GA VE LAVISH POLITICAL DINNERS FOR HER HUSBAND, FEATURING DUCK, GAZELLE, POR CUPINE AND BEER. REPAIRS You can have the Davis Electric Arthuis ( afe after the french REVOLU T1ON (<789 - 1795), FRENCH CHEFS BECAME THE RAGE IN ENGLAND. THEY REFUSED TO TEACH WOMEN - UNLESS THEY WERE PRETTY. Your Power Tool Rental Headquarters 1410 So. 12th Salem, Ore. Phone 3-3646 > ( *0 juvus!) ONE INDIAN RAJAH ECONOMIZED BY GIVING, AS GUEST FAVORS, ONLY SOLID GOLD C/GAR- W ETTE CASES.' '^11) WOODBOSS CHAIN SAWS SALES Mi s. Tom Putman, two firsts, one se- second; G. S. < .'rem ell, one first; eond; Fern Sletto, two firsts, one Giles Wagner, <"i« ¿econd; IJoyd Slot* i second; Dorothy Garrison, one first; (to, one first. , Helen Johnston, one first, two sec onds; Celen Taylor, one first; Vivian Miller, one first, two seconds. 4 H division: LaVern Wright, one third; Bient Bentley, one second; Ce cil Bassett, one first; Ted Silberna- j gel, one first; Shirley Johnston, one i second; Shirley, W eider, one third; Commercial Refrigera George Johnston, one fiist. tion Sales ami Service Livestock: Bert Carr, one first; Sal ly Studnicka, one first; George Ny 2131 Faiigrounds Bond degger, one first, one thiid; Shirley Salem, Oregon Phone 7193 Johnston, theree firsts, one second; Paul Johnston, two firsts; Warren .a ■fl Haniriton, three firsts, two seconds, two thiids; George Johnston, two firsts; David Trahan, two firsts, one 11. V ii S’ STEAK HOUSE -•-A CEMENT LUMBER PAINT WALLBOARDS BUILDERS’ HARDWARE SHEET ROCK SHINGLES BRICK Estimates Md on a Promptly FRERES BUILDING Mill City Jefferson V J Given >L Stayton KEEP OREGON GREEN »