Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE OCTOBER 6. 1919 au j»" due to the loss of his son passing awwy from polio. COME IN AND SELECT Mr. and Mrs. Roland Kopp aaie I VOI R FALL WARDROBE Butler’s Trailer Court, Gates. sporting a new awning. It dresses MARKETS FOR FARM WOOD NOW I Dorothy Long has been quite ill their new trailer up like a new lady. Here I’ve been pecking away at my with the flu. We are happy to report old thiee bank Oliver with its muley- ' SMART SHOP that she is on the road to recovery Clise Trailer Court. Gates. saw typebar action, squatting on a SALEM Bobo Dorland fell and cut her head Betty, June and Allen Mitchell bench in the dry end of the booni- on Long’s patio Monday. The cut re spent Saturday an i Sunday in Port pond shack as 1 write, never dream ing I’m wielding influence. quired one stitch. land. I. But wontiers never cease. My piece ; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clise from the Mr. and Mrs. George Davidson mo tored to the coast Saturday. Mrs. Da North Fork spent Friday ami Satur- on the deplorable lack of marketing , vidson had seen the Atlantic Oceoan day taking care of the court while info: mation for the farm woodlot and looked foiward to seeing the Pa Mr. and Mrs. George Clise attended owner was no sooner in print than PHYSICIAN & SI RGEON Harry Schrader hustled a letter to to business in Portland. cific. me promising that the gap is going Mill City Mr. and Mis. Ed Towne and daugh- y Ora Hauser was called to Califor Ml nia Sunday. Her son-in-law is ill. She 1 ter Sandra ,iame moved to Stayton to be filled in Washington State. In the public eye Harry is Dr. O. . will surely be missed while she is | ! where Mr. Towne has accepted a po I Harry Schrader Jr.. Technical Direc ■■■nawr; i i ■■■■■■ sition with Shower Motors. gone. . tor of Washington’s Institute of For ; Mrs. C. M. Hamm has been home I Newcomers to the court aie Mr. est Products. He is an engineer and Next to Postoffice. Mill City and Mr». Härtling from Springfield, the past week with the flu. She is | DRESSES SWEATERS and Mr. and Mrs. McKeever and son, research scientist of considerable ex feeling better now. perience, he has been a retail lumber SKIRTS BLOUSES fiom Salem. Jim Crowell and Mr. Biooks were . LUZIER’S COSMETICS Mrs. Gladys Mitchell spent last man, and he was professor of forest Dorothy Long’s Monday in Oregon City with Mr. ano products at the College of Forestry, M guests at Dick and University of Washington, for sev- Saturday night. Mrs. Roland Kopp. eral years. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Carlson and Mr. and Mrs. George Gaines of Ar Men like Washington’s Schiader I son Robert motored to Bteitenbush tesia. Calif., were guests of Mr. and and Oregon’s Dean Paul Dunn are I i Sunday. For Guaranteed George Clise last week. putting great ability, knowledge and ! Dick Long celebrated his birthday Mr. and Mis. Robert Mitchell a »vi experience at the service of farm and Cleaning. it’s the , last week. Mr. and.Mrs. Roland Kopp, Bill Mitchell, of Portland, spent Sun industrial forest owners in the Noith- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson and Mr. day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. west Corner. They are proof that In and Mrs. Paul Mitchell were guests. Paul Mitchell. itiative and enterprise a:e arouse ! by Mrs. Wallace Lake’s parents of motive other than those of money- Mrs. C. Lankins and daughter mo tored to Lebanon Saturday. They Portland spent the week end here. making or political power. The dean spent tihe day shopping and visiting Mr. and Mrs. Poage ami family were and the doctor live to serve. 48-HOUR SERVICE in Salem Saturday. friends. Now their work holds expanding MILL CITY piomise for farm forestry. This is be We want to extend our sympathy cause it is looking into better mar 'to Leonard, the Master Bread driver, Santiam Trailer Court. Gate« kets for farm wood. By Mrs. Wilson Park Mr. Völkel has installed a new Forestry Costs Money. clothes dryer in the laundry room. Recently this column told about the Mr. and Mis. George McBride and farm woodlot demonstration that is Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Parker spent last a permanent featuie of the Columbia COMPLETE PAINT JOBS OR SPOT MATCH—ANY COLOR Thursday in Salem. Mrs. Parker County fair. Two leaders on that pro bi ought her cat home from the hos ject are Charles Ross, farm forest FREE ESTIMATES ACETYLINE WELDING pital. specialist at Oregon State College, In spite of rain, Mrs. David Luck, and Paul Goodmonson, faint woodlot M rs Alvin Haman an I Mrs. Arthur marketing specialist, also of OSC. Peterson went gaddin’ in Salem on Peithaps Mr. Goodmonson’s services Thursday. were secured in a rush by the OSC Mr David and Hany Barnhardt powers that be after my outburst on spent the week end in Vancouver. the big hole in farm wood marketing Mr. and Mrs. L. Kahle was in Port information — but this is probably land Monday. claiming too much for one week’s Mr. and Mrs. Duane Haman, Mr. output of the three-bank Oliver. and Mrs. C. Dupries, Tuss brothers The main thing is that the hoise and Mr. and Mrs. R. Zitzewitz have is being put before the cart, and the marketing is to be recognized. moved into the court the past week. Every kind of forestry costs mon Bob Roberts and F. J. Nosack have moved in one of the cabins. ey. It must be paid for either out of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barnhardt and taxes or out of industry or farm pro children took a sightseeing trip Sun- fits. Farmers are sim«ply not going lay over the Santiam pass. to practice forestry on their wood j Mrs. J. L Anderson of Stayton vis- lands unless they can be shown that • ited her daughter, Mrs. Ben Burch, there is money in it. Education and | Sunday. exhortation, or even the laws, will not Mr. and Mrs. James Fish and son get far on this proposition until mar kets for farm wood can be shown. spent Sunday in Dayton. Fiank Atkinson of Roseburg spent The market is the very first thing to i this week with his wife and children. be consideied in any farm forestry program. Foresters commonly give it Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Völkel were little notice. Salem visitors Monday. Sources of Information The sources for a compilation of market infoi mation for the farm Otto Russell woodlot owner are varied and volu- I minous. Surveys of retail lumber I dealers through their trade associa- ! tion are one prospect. A similar sur- I Agency vey of the log buying pulp, plywood ! and dumber mills should develope an Fire other type of valuable infof mation. Auto ( State fie wardens, the U. S. Forest Life Service, the county agent, extension foresters—all foresters, in fact—are Accident other sources. And there the list only Phone 1502 Detroit begins. Anyhow, Hairy Schrader is making a beginning on the compilation of basic information on markets for the timber and other forest products of the farm woodlamt in this region. Pau! Goodmonson has gone to woik in Oregon with State College back ing on farm forest marketing prob lem«. The horse is hooked up to the cart an<l headed right at last. Yay, Dolly! : Trailer Courts D W. Reid MD to Quality job printing at the Enter prise. CONSTIPATION (Colitis) Is a sy nipt on, not a disease. Rectal ailments are the under lying factor. Hemoroid» and other colon ailments must be corrected. •No loss of time No hospitalisation tree descriptive booklet f I Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo Proctologist 1144 Center St. Salem, Ore. Wood's Store NU-METHOD H. E. Martin’s Body & tender Shop Phone 88 Mehama, Ore DANCE INSURANCE New Civic Building, Stayton Saturday, October 8 Good Modern Music Adm. 75c BR IDGE TAVERN COMPLETE I I > Auto Insurance Service Policies issued directly from our office Claims adjusted directly from our office At the bridge in Mehama Smitty Mabel Used Furniture Used Refrigerator, good working condition $65.00 Used Dutch Oven, combination wood and electric range, very good $69.50 Two Used Baby Cribs, good cond $7.50 and $10 Also Used Youth Bed Mill City Furniture Co Mick s Midway ( afe and Boarding House WEEKLY RATES. ALL SHIFTS ACCOMODATED ON HIGHWAY 22!! Midway Between Mill City and Gates MILL CITY TAVERN • I BYRON DAVIS, PROP. “At the Bottom of the Hili” OREGON i MILL CITY Randall’s Elkhorn Guest Ranch Breakfast Dinners Lunch 15 Miles East of Mehama on the Kllrhem Road ♦ « SANTIAM Fraternal Order of Ea gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club i in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p.m. 30 MILL CITY VARIETY Just arrived: Ladies’ and childrens’ umbrellas Plastic headw ar New and uuusual gift items and toys 1 At Savings of 10’ to 20* DAVID M. REiD AComple.e Insurarce Service—Hr.», Theft. Life, Casualty, Auto, Surety PHONE 207, MILL CITY Use our convenient Layaway plan for Christmas dolls and other toys Open tri., Sat. ptpnings JUNGWIRTH Sand and Gravel Co. Washed Sand. Cement Rock, Crushed Road Rock, Oil Rock, Fill Rock Shovel and Trucks for Hire MILL CITY-Phone 9242 Days LYONS J ®7NigL. Mill City Plant 2 miles west on River Road MMN