MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 6. 19H* with two strikes on us, like King Canute, who attepted to sweep back the >ea with one of Ginsberg’s sixty- Mill City, Oregon. five cent broom«. In fact, the failure Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publisher of tnat befuddled old jeik can be di Elabeth Wolverton, Business Manager rectly attributed to lack of dear, fol Staff: Leo C. Dean, Mary Jo Wolverton, Patricia Wolverton low-through thinking, and not to Old Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Crackskull ■whisky, as has been charged. I pause for station identifi- Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. cation.” ENTEBHUSB CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and WOMAN those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify By George Steffy Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not She’s an angel in truth, a demon in be responsible for mors than one incorrect insertion fiction— CLASSIFIED RATE A woman’s the greatest of all con One Insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1 00 Display advertising 40c inch tradiction. She’s afraid of a cockioach, she’ll NATIONAL EDITORIAL scream at a mouse. A sTo c-ik T I O 11 But she’ll tackle a husband as big as The Mill City Enterprise ‘-r The Third Rail * The Third Rail is fortunate this week in having as guest columnist J. Coonrod Dusenberry, editor of the Yelltown Argus. Mr. Dusenberry, a free and independent editor if there ever was one there never was) slugs straight from the shoulder the chips fall where they may, though the chill autumn zophers frisk through the bosom of his wan and neurotic seeisucker britches. We had thought to admit that these were his wan and only pair, but journal- istic ethics and the feeling that J. Coonrod might consider this an in vasion of privacy and comb us athwart the dome with the ballbat he uses as a cane gives us the necessary pause. He has chosen as his subject “Tlie Atomic Bomb, or Ixtt’s Talk It Over, Joe.” His deathless editorial follows. “Down through the ages, or at least ever since the first barefoot hus band paced the icy linoleum and won dered where the goodwife put the baby's bottle, while the clock in the steeple struck the 'witching hour of Mt ’ « :«* 4» ♦»•<•* THE Cliff Ambers' M aples JUST EAST OF GATES :«• : it /je- :«• L eo C. D ean twelve, and his fitst-born emitted screeches that caused Patrolman Clancy, on the gas house beat seven blocks away, to clutch his nightstick with both hands, consisting entirely of thumbs, the problem of the atom has caused the brow of the scientist to become more fui rowed than a washboard. This is granted, But for the sake of clarifying this premise, how did John L. Lewis get into the act? Ah, there we place our finger on the soie spot, which throbbeth even as a deacon’s bunion, or as the area on the posterior of Junior, who sat down on the dilligent little honey bee, which is no mean atom itself when goaded. But we digress. Let us not sidle up a side street trying to recall what the goveinor of North Carolina suggested to the governor of South Carolina, incisive, as it was. "The atom bomb is a ring-tailed snorter. One of them, no larger than a pawnbroker’s heart, can upset a man’s calculations no end, and the dropping of one of them in Brooklyn is thought to be the only way to as certain the identity of the scoundrel who threw the overalls in Mrs. Mur phy’s chowder. To state the case mild ly. any country upon which a number of atom bombs has been deposited might as well be his by the seven- year itch, or prohibition. "So let us approach this matter with circuapection, and not start out FALL TUNE- UP 9 A teachers’ reception Monday eve- ning, sponsoied by the Deanha PTA in the library of the grade school, was one of the highlights of the year, The evening was given a good start by two vocal solos by Mrs. Cauble, accompanied by Mrs. Skbllmore at a house. the piano. Get-acquainted games and She’ll take him for better, she’ll take fun games were played, followed by him for worse; dainty tefreshments. Of the 15 teach She’ll split his head open and then be ers in grade and high school, only his nurse; one was unable to attend. And when he is well and can get out of bed, A tlrive for funds to pay for ma She’ll pick up a teapot and throw at ’terials jor the new community his head. I_______ She’s faithful, deceitful, keen sighted i mi im-uHimiiifliiintiuu. and biInd, She’s crafty, she’s simple, she’s ciuel, NORTH she’s kind. i 6he’ll lift a man up, she'll cast a man SANTIAM down, She’ll make him her hero, her ruler, TAVERN her clown. You fancy she’s this but you find that she’s that, Ona Mile Ea->t of Detroit For she’ll play like a kitten and fight like a cat. JEWEL MYERS, MGR. In the morning she will, in the eve ning she won’t, And you’ie always expecting she will, but she won’t. Idanha By RHEBA SNYDER Saturday morning found Idanha nearly devoid o f male population, hunting, of course, and some came back with their buck. The Noith Santiam Willing Work ers held their first fall meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Gordon with eight members present. Mrs. Johi .«pundquist was a visitor. A committee was foimed to obtain a Cub-master and Den mo thers for the year. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Jeny Pittam and daughters left Friday by train from' Portland for Nebraska where they will make an extended visit with Mrs. Pittam’s patents and other relatives and friends. Mrs. Snyder and Mr. Pittam I drove them to Portland. Mrs. Ruben eJnsen and son, John nie, of Astoria, were week end guests Should Include Accurate Wheel Alignment SERVI REC^ fell ritiiiHiimnituii We’ve installed Latest Modern Equipment- John Bean VISUALIZER FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Let us show YOU whether or not you need steering service. I Bring Your Car or Truck to Stayton Plumbing Co. SHOWER MOTOR CO. WE HAVE THE LATEST IN TUNE-UP EQUIPMENT AND SPECIALIZE IN CARBURETOR AND IGNITION WORK Phone Blue USB or I2R STAYTON ♦DON’T FORGET — W E GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS ON —LABOR, PPARTS. ACCESSORIES, GASOLINE AND OIL Shower Motor Co. ( Quality Repair Parts NORTH EDGE OF STAYTON. OREGON 1520 FIRST ST. the home of her biother, Lloyd | church, which is being built in Idan at ha. will start soon. Contributions will Girod. be gratefully accepted by the solici Mrs. Chester Cole wa.-. taken to a Salem hospital Tuesday morning. tor. Her ailment was diagnosed as a kid ney infection. She has been with her A birthday party was given in hon mother near Salem since her dismis- or of Miss Donna Storey, age one al fiom the hospital. year, Sunday afternoon. Miss Donna William ami Arnold Hiebert of Dal had as her guests the three Storey las were week end guests at the home girls, two Smith children, four Mc of their brother, Henry Hiebert. and Kinney boys and the two Lady child family. ren. v Expert Workmanship We Sell aed Install PHONE BLUE 25-R Mom & Cafe ’s "Flea s Don't Bother Me I'm Dusted with “*> PULVEX DDT” KILLS fltAS KlfPS CM Off Mlil City Pharmacy Wood Circulators Wood Ranges Gas Ranges Beds and Springs and miscellaneous items MACS 145 So. Church, Salem Serving Turkey Dinner Friday, Saturday, Sunday COMPLETE DINNER 95c Gates, Oregon » Kiln Dry Lumber Retail Dept. and Finish Lumber Idanha Lumber Co. Phone Detroit 7024 Church Activities FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prelude; call to worahip;doxology; invocation; gloria; psalter selection; hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; notices; offering; music by choir; sermon; hymn; postlude. October 2 —Worldwide Communion. Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.- ^*O.O.F.. Meets Every Friday night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. McEWAN PHOTO SHOP Open each Friday Mill City Furniture Company 2:00 to 7 ;30 — PORTRAITURE — FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Services Every Lord’s Day 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Young People's Meeting 7:30 Evening Worship Tom Courtney, Pastor CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall Private Dining Room JERRYSCAFE STAVERN FREE METHODISE CHURCH “The Church of the Light and ia'fe Hour” Sunday school 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Young People’s Service 7:00 Evening Worship 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Donald Hinkle, Pastor North Side GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Christian Endeavor 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 Walter Smith, Pastor. COMMUNITY' CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Evangelistic Service 7:45 Wed. Bible Study 7:45 FURNITURE AT LOWEST PRICES IN THE VALLEY NEW & USED 1605 N. Summer SALEM, ORE. * Linoleum W'ool Carpet Appliances Living Room Funmiture Bedroom Furniture • TRADE • TERMS Ph. 3-5110 Don’t Borrow — Subscribe’ COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC LIGHTING Salem Lighting & App’iance Co. 23« N. High St. MILL CITY Service Station C. E. ‘Pink’ Mason. Prop. <111 11 PRODUCT* AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES SALEM Roberts Shoe Repair LOCATED Below Mill Citv Furniture Store FISHING T \CKLE NEW KAISERS, FRAZERS, AND JEEPS; ALSO USED CARS GEN ER VI. REPAIRING — WHEEL BALANCING. \L1GNING. etc. 24 Hours a Dav 1-1 lay Service LITTLE ILLS 1 he liveliest weekly in Oregon MAKE O k / rhat’s what folks outside the anyon are saying about THE MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. • Yet just a little over time years ago, The Enterprise was a four page, handset weekly. ens of other businesses, it s growing u ith the Canyon Subscribe today! Nine months trial subscription Name Address Likedoz- • True, that ’’little illnerv you’ve beer mentioning in an offhand way, may net seem to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms. But, neglected, these "little ills" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time. Consult a Doctor now— you’ll save by it in the ende And, of course, we hope you'll bring his prescription to us for rsreful compounding. :«• :«• Come to the Santiam Farmers Co-op. for vour needs in We a'so carry Appliances, such as Home Freezers, Refrigerators, Stoves. Clocks. Pressure Cookers, Washing Machines and many other items Capital Orini Co Not necessary to be a member to make a purchase Salem. Oregon Santiam Farmers Co-op ’ w STAYTON «fr « «C- «fr «fr «C «t- «C ■ -TK- «b «• ■»