Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. OCTOBER 6. 1949 “The installations were made to salutatortan last spring, made the Mr. ami Mrs. George Veteto drove tinuously through the evening. The Joan and Arthur Lake. highest gra>ie among the entering keep up with the growth of the Can to Roseberg Sunday to visit his daugh second show will begin at 7:30, and freshmen at the University of Ore- , yon,” Mr. Reynolds said. DAVID KARR TOPS IN a complete bill can be seen up to 8:30. ter, Mrs. David Maxon, who was op- gon this fall. “Unafraid,” scheduled for Thurs TEST AT V Miss Marilyn Mu ray, «laughter of e. ated upon recently. day. Oct. 13, has been dropped, and Young Karr, who shared with Mar Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stiffler and M>r. and Mrs. O. Murray, and Typewriters Calculators a comedy, “ Cockeyed Miracle, ” with ian King the honors of the ’49 class, family visited Mr. and Mrs. O. B. John Sugrue, f Mr. and Mrs. Adding Machines Keenan Wynn, Frank Mo:gan and also received top rating in high Thomas Sugrue, of Itetroit, Mich., Aasland and family of Harrisberg CAPITOL OFFICE school preparation, according to a will be married Saturday in Poitland Sunday. Me. Aasland was a former Cecil Calloway, will take its place. EQUIPMENT CO. former teacher, Miss Ina Pearl Allen. at the All Sa:nt* Catholic Church, the S. P. clerk here. SALEM 531 I Court R ush King and Al Ward were out “As he was in competition with Rev. Thomas J. Tobin ^performing the Sales — Rentals — Service students from all the large high | hunting Saturday but had no luck. oeremony. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Davis and schools in the state, I think the re- | momoomom ■aaMMaMMaaaHMMKai Mr. and Mia. Richard Narey of I F.ank Blazek left on a hunting trip cord speaks well for Hill City High,” z---------------- -------------------------------- Portland will be bridamaid and best Tuesday. Byron is trying to shoot the wrote Miss Allen. man. SILVER SADDLE Following a wedding trip to Vic deer he missed Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek, Mr. IDANHA POWER ADDS UNIT toria, B. C., the young couple will be GARAGE and Mrs. Red Wells, Atey PPodrab- “T” Henness, Gates pioneer, was * a4 home in Mill City. The Idanha Power Co. is adding a sky, Pearly Cribbs, Mr. and Mrs. Ed honored Sunday by many friends and Highway West of Mill City Miss Murray, recently of Detroit, Goschie, H. Maag, Charles Kelly, 200 kilowatt diesel generator, is was FULLY MODERN jvaa a recapikihiat there. Her father were among those who joined the ex- relatives on the occasion of his 95th announced by Paul Reynolds, man in public relatiopa executive fo<r Con- odius to eastern Oregon to try their birthday. The affair was held in the ager, today. EXPERT MECHANICS social rooms of the high school in iolidauM Builder*, Inc. Mr. Sugrue luck at deer. ‘ Foundations already have been Gates. Is also with OBI, employed in the WELDING AND REPAIRING Mr. and Mrs. Del Coville of Turn poured, and the unit, which will add Mr. Henness came to Gates when warehouse office. OPEN DAYS ANI) EVENINGS er, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Guinpapa of about 30 per cent to the plant capa he was a youngster of ten, and has DUDLEY JONES Los Angeles visite Mr. and Mrs. C. E. city, is expected to be in operation by lived here since. In spite of his ad Tel. 903 Mill City ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colburn ami Mr. Coville over the week-end, the lat ì vanced age he is hale and hearty and David Karr, Mill City High School Oct. 20. J andMrs. Harry Wood drove to the ter moving into the Coville apart- his stories of the early days spent meents on th Marion County side. damsite Sunday. T here aie full of historical facts. Ira Teeters, who has been in the Mir. and Mrs. Arlo Tuers are the ri The afternoon began with a cover parents of a balby boy, their fourth, Salem Memorial hospital for the past ed dish dinner, followed by visiting born Friday here. three weeks, is much improved. and talking over old times. - Mrs. Lowell Stiffler and Mrs. Geo. Dave Reid, fire insurance agent, “T” recently was honored when the Veteto were hostesses at a stork was much surprised when he was new North Santiam Highway was K shower honoring Mrs. Temar Iverson. called back to his office because of a opened, riding in the lead car with Guests weie Mrs. Bud Mattson, Mrs. fire. A lightedcigaret thrown into a Gov. Douglas McKay. ¡John Muir, Mrs.'Waldo Nettleton and waste paper basket under his desk. Mr. Henness, as a youth, with his Mrs. L. N. Iverson of Salem, and A neighbor saw the fire and reported brothers, had blazed many trails 'Mrs. Joe Walters. Sending gifts were it. Yil through the Canyon, and Eph Hen M.s. Joe Joaquin and M'rs. A. Stahl- Mrs. Joe Liberty cut her hand on ness, his late brother, is credited as I man. an unbreakable glass this week, re one of the discoveiers of the pass. The evening was spent playing quiring five stitches. Present, besides the honored guest, bingo and at the close a lovely lunch were Eldie C. Turnidge, Mr. and Mrs. aeon was served. THEATER CHANGES HOURS Bill Himing and Nedrebeau were The Mill City Theater will discon George Cree, Mr. and Mis. D. L. ’callers in Mill City Sunday. They are tinue the Sunday afternoon matinee Turnidge, Miss Daisy Geddes, Mrs. fforme. residents who are now living this week, and the regular evening J. R. Geddes and Mrs. Alice C. Bur- in McMinneville. show will begin at 5:30, running con ton, all of Mill City; Frorr. Hillsboro weie Mr. and Mrs George Russell, George Kristensen, Yvyle Clark, Keith Clark, Dale Clark and Weaver Clark; Luther Stout of It takes any Stayton; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mil ler of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Vane I paint finish Henness of Mitchell,Ore.; from Lyons weie Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bevier, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Nydegger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassett and son Cecil. Those from Gates included Mr. and Mis. Glen Henness and son Earl, Mr. and1 Mrs. E. L. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. -f Lincoln Henness, Mr. and Mrs. Claude I SAM BRIDGES, Prop. LYONS, Orc. E. Alexander, Mrs. Lillie Lake and Mill City Canyon Fetes ‘T’ Henness, 95 NOTICE To Any New Gas Heat account, or any Old Account not now heating with gas, we will Sell Any Heating Stove in stock at Price! Fast Economical (lean Safe Gas Heat, Inc. » I MOMMHM BETTER EASIER CHEAPER IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIII Wallboard ^N^inscoating .Partitions Faust & Ross in finish as an artist’s pallette for Chapco it good-looking naturally with it* own fine light color; or will take any paint, lac quer or enamel, or plaster-paint. R ed HAN NEW cot CHAPCO Dimensions: 4-0. x l-ft. 3 TlbckndS'ogt 1/1 ■ 1/16-lr , l/*-ln. Coffee, R&W, 1 lb. 52c I HILLTOP STORE Friday & Saturday Specials Porter & Lau Hear the new RCA VICTOR SYSTEM OF RECORDED MUSIC GROCERY DEPARTMENT Campbell’R Vegetable Soup, 6 101 .-oz. jeans ¡69c Libby bellow Cling Peaches, 6 No. 2'> cans 1T9 Sunny Morn Coffee, 1-lb. pkg. 40c KiA Sno-Kreem Shortening, 3-lb. can 79c Spam. Hormel's spiced luncheon meat, 12-oz.ean|39c Hurry’ The Annual Canned Foods Value Round-up Ends Saturday World's fastest record changer ... new 7-inch record — distor tion-free over 100% of playing suriace. BIG SAVINGS for you I FREE With an order of $10 or more we will give 1-lb. can Mission cotfee. one-half gallon White Rose Bleach, and 1 box of Scotch cleanser. Lawn Rakes, special 75c. Rain Clothes, Rubber Footwear, Wool Jacket and Shirts ALBERT TOMAN. Prop. Porter & Lau 2 lbs. 1.03 ?. Last chance at this low price—coffe<e is higher Hershey’s Cocoa Tuna, White Star, bite size Green Beans, Pheasant, No. 303 Ripe Olives, Pheasant, selects Cream of Wheat, Quick or Reg., Shortening’, R&W Graham Crackers, Honey Maid Log Cabin Syrup, 12 oz. .27 Pancake Flour, Sperry’s Shredded Wheat Dog Food, Rar None, No. 1 tin. Airwick Deodorant Scotch Cleanser Borax Soap Chips Boraxo Toilet Soap White King Pineapple Juice Grapefruit Juice, No. 2 tin HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Hill Top General Store W hite S tore OCTOBER 7 and 8 Kelly Lumber Sales TOMAN’S and Specials for Friday-Saturday WITH PROVEN, --------------------------------------------- —----------- iw 1-lb. tin No. tin tin 2 for No. 1 tin Ige. pkg. 3-lb. tin 1-lh. pkg. 24-oz. 48-oz. 3 for 2 for Iff. pkg. 8-oz. tin bar > Jo. 211 tin 2 for .35 .30 .25 .23 .30 .73 .27 .51 .45 .15 .25 .69 .19 .25 .17 07 .10 .29 S< e »he New Items in our Tin and Vuminumware Denartm -nt Phone 2671 WWW e; • • ‘ We Deliver I I