Looking Up and Down the Canyon T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE By CHARLES WOLVERTON 9 Seri'i ng LYONS, MEHAMA ELKHORN, MILL CITY GATES. MONGOLD DETROIT, IDANHA A city charter soon will be present ed to the voters of Mill City. It is >2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY Mil l. CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6. 194» VOLUME V, NUMBER 40 the final step of of the program for incoiporation begun two and one-half years ago. When the election is held, it would be a good thing for the town to get out a rousing vote, affirming and re cognizing the benefits we have re ceived from incorporation. The siren bandit is back again, or Not the least of these has been Up was last week. wards of $15,000 returned to us as A motorist reported to Chief of Po a city in proportional state taxes. lice J. T. King that his «ar had been We’d never have had that money as halted near here by a car trailing an unincorporated community. him and blowing a siren. When the We’ve had needed police protection George (Sparky* Ditter was first motorist saw the car trailing him, he and better streets. A building code 1 to return to Mill City with a buck suspicioned that it was not a police An appropriation of $9,500,000 for Work will begin soon on a perman has raised the standaids of construc , he killed on the ridge north of town car and pulled away returning to Mill ; the Detroit Dam this year was ap- ent coffeidam at about the site of the tion. And there’s more pride taken as the opening day of the dee: season City to ■ eport to police. i proved Wednesday by a joint confer upstream bridge. This «lam will be in a town that has a city govern ; virtually emptied the Canyon and ence from the United States Senate built to contain the Santiam in its ment. brought thousands of hunters over and House, for the fiscal year of 1949- nigh flow, to insure a dry area for I /We’ve been lucky, too. Consistent the ne.v North Santiam highway. '50. ly there has been a first-rate city excavation and later concrete work Mr. Ditter hail his buck in the The proposed appropriation, which on the dam. council, working cautiously at times, meat market by 8:30 a.m. now awaits routine House and Senate M . Murray said employment was but always looking foiward. Herb Maag and Pearley Cribbs al ♦ • • passage and signature of the presi-» unchanged from last week when 526 so were first day dee: slayers. Twenty dent, permits construction at about workers on the dam were reported. These are factors which ought to j or more deer were handled by local the rate planned for by the Army be considered by another Canyon j meat cutters. The week saw continuing work on Engineers. The Army corps had ask excavation for major installations, in area—Detroit and Idanha—who will But rep< ts from Mehama put that ed $10,300,000. The Marion Forks fish hatchery vote Oct. 19 on incorporating into a town’s hunters ahead of the Canyon cluding a load to the south cableways New students at the Gates grade The appropriation is contained in site, the cooling, mixing, aggregate located on Horn Creek is piogressing single city. There is need foi a stable I in the deer hunt. pushing out the school are literally the omnibus rivers and ha:bors bill. and |H>wer plant sites, and other pro and enduring town in the upper Can Mr. and Mrs. Ray Roberts each rapidly. walls. In it other Northwest projects such jects. are fash shaping the Several crews yon, and the people of Detroit, not boaster a forked horn killed at 6:45 I With the big rise in population in as McNary Dam, with $35 million, buildings and ponds of what will be far away from the time when they ■ opening morning. the North Santiam Canyon town, due and Lookout (Meridian) Dam. with must evacuate because of the Detroit I Gib Wagner, Whitey Wagner. Bu.l one of the largest fish hatcheries in largely to construction of the Detroit Dam, ought to have a chance to car- I Johnson and the two Blum b ys got the state. The hatchery is being built Dam, Gates school directors found at the sacre amout as Detroit, were list for the state ed. by the A: my Engineers ry on. four bucks, a five point weighing 191 the opening days of school that en At the Debi oit Dam the past week, I’m not wise to all the conditions Rponds, a four point, a thiee point 1 and is one of many projects co-ordin rollment had doubled. So an addi A disorderly condui t case develop a major step in construction was ed into a rambunctious one in city ated with the Detroit Dam. or arguments being considered in Id l and a forked horn, all killed between The main hatchery building is un- tional classroom went under construc made, but it was accompanied with jail Thursday night. anha and Detroit in the forthcoming | 6:30 anil 11:30 a.m. the first day. some dramatic moments. ■L-r way with the concrete floor pour tion tills week. election. Hunters east of the mountains Trevor Stayton, of Stayton, truck Last Friday the North Santiam The '.oom, by 40 feet, will house ed for the lefrigeration plant. The Y’et, I believe it would be the tes seem to be successful this season, as driver, was put behind *• ' ' r ..« wars oy CM«. I the second grade which was pushed was diverted into a tunnel, which will f „ ,. 1" timony of most of the people of Mill several trucks an ! trailers laden w>tl' flat t' ^•se« for about 12 circular p«miH - »—n when school comment.” provide a dry a*tea at the damsite• * V» _ - a «once J. T. on *•» a disorderly ivr u. i, King rvuift vn City that its incorporation ha«,Jj<?en ¡have been k outed. The weather has | out in the ...... _ «1 eady have returned. |oonduct charge an l. as if to prove the - a good thing. And there's no rt.Sor. Hen pel e.t up to thd last few days ed. construction. But tne temporar) «... correct, proceeded to tear up 1 can see why it wouldn’t be good PTA SLATES HEALTH FILM for the concrete work. No frost has Ed Kadiin, Gates, is in charge of built to turn the river into the moun —«ruling to King. Re- for the two upper Canyon towns. return- The Mill City Parent-Teacher Assn. yet hindered. the construction. Effort is being made tain was boinbarded by a fou, and the plumbing, at«. In fact, Gates, Lyons and Mehama ' has arranged for its first meeting of The dwellings on tfie hill are tak to finish the addition before the win- one-half foot rise of the river, and leased on bail of $75, Stay«.«.. -qually as well might study the same the school year Cct 13 a movie on ing form and soon should be ready ter sets in. workmen and superintendents worked ed to Stayton. An attorney notifies proposition. for interior wo k. About 75 men have I con municable diseases, presented by New pupils continue to overtime register to combat seepage, which the local court that Stayton was for • • • j Howaid Pyfer of the Marion County I i been c.r.,.1'. yed the past week. each week, and there were 106 pup threatened momentarily to delay the feiting his bail. Theie’s one overriding reason for j Department of Health. Mrs. Lorna Schraback, Mill City, ils attending in that building, which work on the dam itself. I We incorporation in this Canyon, T' affic cases: houses the first six grades, at last All p. rents of «chool children are However, according to Jack Mur was fined $79.50 in city court by have watched the struggle of the var- cordially invited. Entertainment will ray, public relations executive for Judge Donald Scheythe on a charge Earl Dean Forrest, no operator’s 1 faooit. ious communities to get from the foUow the program. and license, $5; Clarence Skinner, no op Trailer court popfrlation _____ __ has ac- Consolidate«! Builders, Inc., said to of reckless driving with liquor in state or co untied things they need— lnclude iefrea)llnenU. erator’s license, excessive noise, $15; counted for a large part of the in- day that the poblorn had been whip volved, roads, street work, police protection, Lonnie Burna forfeited bail of $75 Mrs. Arthur Kriever, way» and William Rieke t, no operator’s license crease. ped and was not serious. Mr. Murray' etc. We’ve all seen how many tluws means chairman, will present plans ’ —$5; Orville Miles, faulty lights— disorderly conduct. Gates showed a 100 per cent in- staled mat seepage hail been expect I on a citaT*'*' we got the runaround. But you just for the annual ptogressive dinner. $4.50. crease in school population this fall. ed through the temporary dam. can’t give an incorporated town the 1 ■offhand treatment dealt out to unor ganized communities. Foi one thing, ABOVE, thd North Santiam 11 mis a | RELOW, the completed Mill City certain tax money has to be given new course, as its waters ar.e diverted g a le school, a fine example of beau- them by law. And their influence in into a tunnel. In the background, the fy and functionalism. the state and counties is greatly in temporary dam can be seen. Photos bv Morrell Crary creased Jack Lacey, Consolidated Builder, Inc. executive, was chosen to head the newly formed an 1 incorporated Mill City-Gates Community Chest in a meeting at the Fire Hall last Thursday. First vice president is Tony Zie- bert, and Mrs. Albert Toman Sr. is -econd vice president. Hunters Get Back With Deer 1st Day Siren Bandit Returns Here Detroit Dam Fund Of $9,500,000 OK’d Gates Rushes I’ish Hatchery 'School Annex Rises Rapidly As Roll Rises Disorderly? Sorta Something Started, Something Done City Charter Draft Ready City Council members this week were studying the newly drafted city charter, just received from attorneys, and planned to set a charter election ate at their next meeting Wednes day, The charter was prepared by the Staytan law firm of Bell and Devers It has been mimeographed and bound. Several copies are now available for study, and the council hopes for a thorough critical examination before :t is presetned. Mayor Harold Klie- wer said. H. Kaplinger Dies Funeral services for Henry Ka«p- linger. 88, a resident of Mill City since 1903, were held Thursday in the Mill City Ptesbyterian Church. In terment was in Fairview Cemetery. Dr. David J. Ferguson officiated Mr. Kaplinger, who hal been in ill health for several yea: s, was born in Greenfield. Mass., May 9. 1*61 Sur viving are a son, Leland Kaplinge-, Mill City; a aughter. Mrs. Minnie Kane. Kalama. Wash; a sister. Ms. !:nnie Dunnigan Salem : tbre** indchildren and one gTf at firrand- ighter. )V î”l 1 Hl Rt H TO A film, “4 ..ina’ « » îiilerMTF.** will shown at the Lyons Methodist hurch at 8 p.m. Tue* lay evening. *ct. 11. There is Ino •drrDiMOD. WSCS of th» -atre ebn ve a tamale social Oct. 13. wit i -ner to be serve i beginning st 6: e public is invited.