Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1949)
Looking Up and Down the Canyon T he MILL CITY ENTERPRISE k J By CHARLES WOLVERTON Serving U^N’S, MEHAMA . U K”N, MILL CITY GATES. MONGOLD DETROIT, IDANHA Sometimes I believe we’ve been ap- iproaching the problem of getting an VOLUME V, NUMBER 39 Mll.l. CITY, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTI adequate highway fromm Mill City Ç. 5 CENTS A COPY into the Valley from entirely the wrong direction. We have worked with other town’s chambers of com merce, we have sent resolutions, we have exerted the pressure we could muster—to little avail. The time has come to examine the I A new plan for Boy Scouts call for causes of our repeated failures. A an older or senior group of boys be glance in retrospect at last week’s ■ ginning at the age of 14 years and meeting with the highway commis- j older. Such groups were being organ sion and its attitude places one sure ized all over the country the first of fact before all who witnessed it or September. lead the reports in the papers. I The Mill City group had their first _ appears _ to Deer hunters already were on their It is the attitude that meeting in the high school recreation meto weigh"heavily. in the'higbway ¡way to eastern Oregon to be ready room Monday under the leadership of commission’s brusque treatment of for the opening of the season Satur- Warner Hampton. the petitioners. It was the attitude day. And many local sportsmen had The boys electee! the following of who considered themselves picked out spots around the Canyon of men w ficers and they were sworn in to their SO strongly L .. entrenched in their jobs f°r a chance on a buck. respective offices: C. A. Lockwood, Oregon gurre _ L*J Ixxikwood, gaire di- that they could do with the people’s Vernon Christenson monev what "they "saw fit’ ¡nd'those rector, said that about 200,000 hunt- Pres. Joe Stodola who appeared befor the three old ers were expected to go afield this Vice Pres. Herbert Hampton Sec ’ y: men were merely tolerated out of >e*r in Oregon. Newcomers to the Dickey Flicker deference to traditional forms of con- Canyon, and the veteran deer hunters Treas: Rain and high humidity beginning horn, Freres-Frank’s slashing fire Philip Goble ...____________________ | K «* nvnOnfcul trt hfl GIF» tnPlr WAV Sargeant of arms: ducting governmental business. | here, are expected to be on their way _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ _____ Tuesday held __ in _____ check ____ many ,___ fires __ in burned fiercely Monday, and ___ on the Not chosen Ass’t. Sar. of aims c by the hundreds this week end . Now, if I have properly and fairly 1 I Lockwood, in a general instruction The next meeting will be Monday the forest area in and around the I old Freres logging a blaze of unex- gauged the demeanor of the three to huters, said “the very numbeis who [ evening at the same meeting place. Canyon — flies that had gotten out I plained origin burned for awhile, of control in some places.__________ ’ Two miles from Mehama a slash- -men on the commission—and there will hunt place a heavy responsibility A heavy blanket of smoke laid ov- I ing set behind the Oakdale school are others who remarked about the on each hunter ... and one that must ■ same thing—a serious situation con- | I er this region, moat of them the re- ‘ got away and swept up over the hill, I The North Santiam River will dis be assumed by all.” fionts not only us in the North San i suit of slashing fires, which got out buining a small stand of timber. I appear from its custom ’ ”'.irae for Lockwood stressed: tiam Canyon but the state as a whole- Firefighters left Mehama, T " i of control when the wind abruptly 1. Observance of game laws, over a quarter of a ml ’ O this week 1 shifted Monday to the east with a Mi” City and other Canyon towns at For, when a party in power in a 2. Caution as to iites. end, when its flow will be directed ‘•teailng tow humidity, continuing un- uaytireak Tuesday for the Elkhorn state has reached the degree of self 3. “Better that we never get our into a tunnel hacked through the satisfaction that its representatives I buck than to destroy a human life.” I region again to attempt to bring the til late Tuesday aivc.uuv,,. mountain at the site of the Detroit are not loath to show, then the people --dar control. The game director pointed cut that I Along the Little North Fork to the fires u»*v. Dam 12 miles east of here. had ought to take alarm at the situ- j “one cigaret butt flipped away can On McCully Mountain, mCn WOr^®a Elkhorn area, a forest fire iaged out Diversion of the stream will take ation. mean hundreds of starving deer” if | w control in several places, and sev Monday until after midnight to 2*** •'lace when a coffer dam at Cur”’“” The Republican Paity has been in a b:ush fire is the result. eral stands of timber weie briefly a yarder and loading donkeys and Creek backs ¿v*r to lhe level the driver’s seat for a good many ( theatened. ( other logging equipment of the Wil years now. The highway program, of the tunnel. Divert , water A crew of plasteiers did quick ( Slashing fires set by the Ercill Wil son Logging Co. for one, is wholly that party’s res will give Consolidated Builder», work on stuccoing the exterior of the son Logging Co. and Freres-Frank However, this portion of Oregon’s ponsibility. It controls the legislature new bank building, and considerable Logging Co. seveial das ago were forests was spared the serious fires main contractors, a dry land work I that appropriates the funds, and the | progress was made on the interior. fanned into an uncontrollable blaze that struck the coastal area at the site at the dam’s location to cut out present and former governors have The quarters for the jewelry store for awhile by the east wind. same time. There was no general re the keyways—a deep excavation on administered the projects. ' were almost ready for occupancy, and In the Elkhorn area, above Ran- cruitment of men to fight the fires, the sides and base of the dam and The Mill City GardenClub woii And Oregon today, despite the fact , the furniture store space, both in the dall’s Guest Ranch, fire had broken although forest rangers in the Can eventually to start on construction that it has enjoyed tremendous fed- j the grand sweepstakes award at the bank building, Wai nearing comple- , out Monday into the green timber, yon were getting ready to call for of the concrete work*. Mantiam Valley Grange festival Sat- eral subsidy, has unquestionably the ' tion. j but a crew of men working with fire volunteers. Jack Murray, CBI public i elation« | iirday as the organization with the worst highways in the west. In the bank interior, beautiful .pan’ pumps and sovels—despite an inad the most numbet of prizes. Effects of clearing fires in the De executive, reported considerable pro I’d like to see the question of the The club won seven first prizes, ' els of biich were being installed as equate water supply, had brought the troit Dam reservoir area were noted gress on the work this week. North Santiam highway approached four second prizes and three third wainscoting, and electrical work and the fires under control Monday after here, and neaiby mountains such as Excavations for the south acceM politically. Perhaps, if the Republican tilebroad ceiling were completed. noon. j Monument Peak wee obscured by the load were nearly complete. Similar prizes. administration cannot see the advan The exterior will be surfaced in Mrs. Gladys Mason won two firsts, However, early Monday morning, smoke for several days. preparatory work on the north cable tage of adding hundreds of miles of the marigold and lady finger, and the white, reports were that the blaze again The Chris McDonald home in Me- ways was estimated at 90 per cent first late road routes by merely fin Owners of the Dawes building said was out of bounds and' had woiked ,■ a- spared from file by neigh- of completion. ishing the 30 or sd miles from Mill aster and white bouque arrangements that structuie will be given a coat rts way into a largo stand of timber, tors who quickly extinguisher! brush On Mtriy schedule f. under way City into the Valley, perhaps the ‘De- 1 and second in mixed color asttrsc I Mrs. Curtis Cline won three firsts of paint soon. Shifting winds and rain later the fires started apparently fiom a short aie excavations for the mixing plant, mocrats could. Mr. Johnston, Salem builder, has same day helped halt the fires. fushia plant, and lose and marigold circuit <*f power lines. on the Linn Couwty side; the south This is an independent newspar er. arrangements. begun the construction of two new Fire was also crenring upwaid al No damage was done. cableways and other roads. I’d advocate the election of a techno The dry spell caused the Mill City crat if I thought he’d benefit this 1 Mrs. Fem Shuey was second with homes in the Swift addition. The first ong the Little Sinker, for a time The coffer dam is 30 per cent of 'a begonia arrangement; Mrs. Arthur for which foundation already has been threatening a large stand of O & C fire department to be called out two Canyon. ; Ke r, first with a gladio]?. arrange- laid, is a two-bedroom home and the timber above. Fii e fighters werp un times—once to Mehama where a cot ' completion, and the retaining wall So, let’s query the cur ently men , . , on the west end of the diversion tun- able to continue because of darkness tioned candidates for governor on the I ment; Mr-.. W. J. Robinson third for second will have three bedtooms . «7^1 Ivy the Beilin’s caught I nel betow the damsite. i asters. Two large ranch-type pumice block Monday night. fire and burned to the ground, with 1 j Mr. Murray said a heavy constiuc- subject. Let’s see what they say to Begonias were chosen as the 1950 ho re- off Evergreen across from the Halfway between Mehama and Elk- the belongings of .Mr. and Mrs. Cox, ■ tion schedule will ve maintained in our request. tenants, completely lost; and to the the fall and winter months. To be This paper will be on th? desks of I project of the club at its meeting CBI addition are nearing completion. BeeBe place here for a minor blaze. built are the cableways, the aggre State Senator Richa:d Neuberger, Sept. 22. Al Clark of D’Vista Gar” They aie being built for the families August Flegel and the present gov dens will advise the club and Mrs. of Lee and Lemke, logging contrac gate plant, the mixing, cement, cool ernor, Douglas McKay. All three aie Cline will :aise the plants, later to tors, who have acquired a large stand ing installations, a carpenter shop ■ distributed to club mejnbers. of timber in the upper Canyon area. requested, in the name of the people and warehouse. Completed are the On Oct. 27. Mrs. W. B. Olmstead Work will begin soon on construc of the Canyon and the people east machine shop, the offices, the tire re "of the mountains to state now what 1 will discuss bulbs and t! eir care at tion of a fiozen food locker business pair shop, the electrical shop, first the regular meeting, to be held at the by Bill Hirte, Gates, on the site of they would do about our request for I ahi station and minor structures. Alh- rf Toman home. Preceding the Mrs. E. A. Moravec, 26, of Oregon Hilltop store ’ s former warehouse. immediate com. letion of the Norta Mr. Murray estimated current em Most o<f the framework has been City, was seriously injured Sunday in Santiam highway, if they were gov- i meeting the e will be an echange of ployment at 525. flower bulbs among those present. a 30 foot fall when a timber on the completed on the new Standard Oil ernor. Mr. Murray said CBI had been in station on Santiam Blvd. Estimated old suspension bridge here gave way. Gentlemen, there are a good many : The city council Wednesday night convenienced by reports in certain The bridge is used by pedestrians. cost is S21,000. tens of thousands of people who will approved the hiring of an additional newspapers of an increase planned in Mrs. Moravec fell to the rocks be patrolman for Mill City. Joe McNeely, construction superin- be interested in your replies. hiring. He said reports of that kind • • • Richard James Recd, Detroit, was tendent for Consolidated Builders, Inc low. She broke her left arm in six were not true and were unauthorized, Employed was Ray Rich, 29, Wood Some folks never learn—including , jailed Saturday morning in Salem at said a large play area would be land places nd suffered cuts on the head bum, war veteran and former mem and that his company had been in statesmen. The general tenor of ofli- the county jail on a chaige of assault scaped in the middle of the CBI ad and far” requiring stitches, ar.d suf- ber of the military police. Mr. Rich convenienced by a rush of job-seekera. fe-ed >m loss of blood. cial U. S. comment after it was dis- with intent to kill following an alter dition. Chir of Police King directed her will assume his duties assisting Chief cove ed that USSR hail had the atom cation intermixed with gun-lay in a remov I and brought h*r to the hos of Police J. T. King the fit st of the ic bomb since 1947 was: Detroit cabin. INJURED WORKER BETTER month. Clyde Bressler is prog; easing sat- pital in Salem in his car. “Who’s afraid ? We got more of | Warren Boscolm, Detroit, was shot Mr. Rich is married, and he and tn.” Mrs. Moravec is a daughter-in-law through the hips in the Reed cabins isfa. torily at Fatom Memorial Hos his wife will reside here. As a humble citizen I’m greatly er. there. Boscolm was taken to General pital where he was rushed last Tues of M . and Mrs. Anton Moravec and Other council action: couraged by the resolute answer of,Hospital in Sator, and his injuries day morning with a compound frac- had come for a birth 'ay celebration tu e of the right leg and a broken In h' nor rf ' er >n.d her mother-in-law.' • Further street g:ading and repair our leading ; oliticiws. It will be a were pronounced as not serious, was approved. • comfort to me to know, when the cold j State Patrolman Bob Steele made ankle. He was injured while working Before retu ning they went to the for the Mt. Jefferson Lumber Co., re bridge to ee the almon when the ac- t A catch basin near the corner of war warms up and Uncle Joe Aops the arrest, Six additional options for the pur cident occurred. i First and Everg een was approved. pairing the carriage. one of his atomic messages here- _____________ | Mayor Harold Kliewer said legal chase of property within the Detroit abouts, that over in Koppel vichograd, ' . work on the city charter is virtually Dam reservoir aiea on the North San Siberia, an American bomb of even I completed, and would be leady by the tiam River have been accepted*by the greater power had the Ruskis hang next council meeting, at which time Portland district. Corps of Engin ing from the trees. date for a charter election probably eers, Lt. Col. I). A. Elliget, acting In the year 1955. I scratch the will be set. fliiArict engineer, said Wednesday. atomic rash on my astomic- -the re A Portland columnist this week re More street signs have arrived and The options included one for 57 sult of beta and gamma rays which po rte I that Dave Epps, Sweet H' re will be installed soon. acres with Clarence Mason and an still are haunting the atmosphere, it and Mill City furniture me chant, is other for 10 acres with George J. will not cure me but at toast will give t'.e party’s choice for the state sen IDANHA MILL LOW BIDDER I Reiser. Also includled in the options me surcease to know that Ivan of atorial nomination if Sen. Orval ON BREITENBI SH TIMBER we.e a half acre with Alda Smith Koppel vichograd has a worse case of Thom, -on declines another term. and lot owned by J. Stallman, Waldb atomic hives. Timber cut and decked along the The .e ort appeared in Moyes’ col Nettleton and J. C. Fowler. Just think of the glorious victory Breiteribush road was sold to the | The PPortland district real estat« umn in the Oregonian. • e will enjoy. We’ll end up the war Harvey Lumber Co. of Idanha last Mr. Thompson has been previous- division will continue to accept op • ith one bomb and no Russians toft week by the Willamette National for tions on land within the reservoir as Iv reported as not interested in re- over—while there will be at least a est. The Idanha mill submitted the turning to the state senate, an! f:om rapidly as posable until all necessary dozen Americans. only bid of 14122.50, the appraised t‘nr.” to t’,1 :e his name has been men- property has been acquired for the price, for 230,000 board feet, mostly project. Col. Elliget said. t’oned for govemor. CHET SEZ■ After ell is said and Douglas fir. M . Epr i was his party ’ s choice for | Detroit Darn is one of the major •lone, mo e is «aid t' ?n done. V ’ I y of state in 1916. units in the Willamette Valley floof 4 Sandwich p ead what people NOTICE Mr E «, for—er publher of The control project of the Corps of En get from eatirz between meals. Enterprise, began in the fu niture There will be a covered dish din gineers. Also includ'd is Big Cliff, a Fro.n the Canyon Castle, Mongold b ’ne i ’-»re about twoand a half ner Saturday evening at 6:30 p. m. re-rrgtdating toper voir two and one- years ag<> and his busineaa expanded in the rec. ration room of the Presby half miles downstream. I. 1ST LOGGING TR \1N TUESDAY •o inelnA» a larger Sweet Home store terian churcb. Afterward» there will Tuesday night was the last run of ebo”t a year ago. ' be a reception for Dr. and M a. David Mr. and Mrs. Lloys "omstock are the 'ogging trains to M 1! City. There Sen. Thompson is a lawyer in Al James Ferguson. Everybody in in the parents of a girl, bom September Is now one local f eight train iaily. Orval TViompson vited. • 14 in Salem. bany. Deer Hunters B”.vSeouts Plan To Reorganize Await Big Day On Saturday I CBI Ready to Divert River Into Tunnel Changing Wind, Rain Abate Forest Blazes ama a Santiam Channel To Shift a Remodeling Of Bank Nears Completion ¡Gardeners Sweep Grange Prizes Woman Hurt In Bridge Fall Council Hires 2d Patrolman Held in Shooting Basin Land Options Taken Epps Reported as Sen. Thompson's I .z