MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. SEPTEMBER 21 1949 The Mill City Enterprise FOR SALE Mill City, Oregon. Chaclaa Wolverton. Editor and PubBaher Elabeth Wolverton, Business Manager Staff: Leo U. Dean, Mary Jo Wolverton, Patricia Wolverton Entered u second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. WOOD DISPLAY TABLES (COUNTERS, 5 and 6 FEET IN LENGTH. SLIDING DOOR, SHELVING, SOME WITH GLASS. OUT OF SEARS STATE ST. STORE, SALEM. ALL IN EXCE- LEN'T CONDITION. Cheaper in lots of 5 or more PRIMITIVES NEAR NAI­ ROBI, A FRICA , REL ISH COOKED GORILLA, A L THOUGH HUNTING THEM SOMETIMES RESUL TS IN DEA TH I FOR HALF THE ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those reoeived later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify” section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Also cash register and wrapping counters. ( ontact ENTERPRISE or DON ROACH, at Lancefield-Burmes- ter. Stayton. hunters ! CLASSIFIED RATE One insertion for 50c or three insertions for »1 00 Display advertising 40c inch M c » h L u !A 1 TO CELEBRATE A FRENCH VICTOR y, L OU IS X! V GAVE A DINNER AT WHICH A CONFECTION SH/P CARRIED GUNS CHARGED WITH REAL POWDER! .i a x* ¡Al»« Church Activities FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prelude; call to worship;doxology; invocation; gloria; psalter selection; hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; notices; offering; music by choir; sermon; hymn; postlude. Sept. 25: “Many Mansions” '< BKOWN t o OCTOBee Att The Third Rail ßy Side Roads and Short Cuts. A Salem constable, stepping into a store for a package of cigarets, was attacked and severely beaten by a couple who jumped him without warning. This proves, boys and girls, that smoking cigarets is a danger­ ous habit ... By the way, whatever became of the tobacco ehewor, who used to at least hold the balance of power in the average voting pre­ cinct ? Gone with the wind, and the pelicaloojin bird, and the rats and switches in milady's hair, we reckon. Anyway, we once acquired a most excellent jackknife by saving tin tags in the shape of horse shoes, from Horse Shoe plug cut. Them, as the feller says, were the good old days, ■vhen house-cleaning meant, among other equally appalling stints, pull­ ing the tacks out of half an acre of carpet, then beating the carpet till no more dust arose from the beating, by which time a small boy’s right arm weighed 86 pounds, easy. /5* C/A/ TUR'/ ENGL !SH- MEN, LACKING RE­ FRIGERATION AND PRESENT SCIENTIFIC CONTROLS, PREFERRED THE COOL MONTHS OF MARCH AND OCTOBER FOR BREWING BEER. L eo C. D ean just how low a woman, a reporter, and a daily newspaper, can get. Johnny's Essay on the Mule. The mule is a beast of burden which is often mentioned in the Bi­ ble Our hired man often tells about the mule, too, very loud. The mule is a sadi-looking animal, like a horse with a hangover, and the saddest- looking mule I ever saw kicked my grampa’s pants so hard that his false teeth lit ’way up on the roof of the henhouse. The mule has been chosen as the symbol of the Democratic par­ ty. but the mule had nothing to say about that. The mule does not chew a cud like a cow, but will chew con­ tentedly on a hirer! man. The mmule is very stubborn and patient, and will wait his chance for weeks, and then he comes all unwound and is hard to reason with. The mule is not a musical animal and has a very odd voice, like my uncle who sings in the choir, but is very useful and hard working. My pa says a hired man will never go to sleep while he is Monkey Business. United Press despatches last Sat- driving a mule. uulsy included the cutest story! All about a dampbool woman who insist­ And We Quote. “It has been my firm belief ever ed that a pet monkey be equipped with diapers. We had thought that since that all persons who devote the farthest south in adult morons themselves to forcing virtue on their was the little jerk usually married fellow men deserve nothing better to, or at least supporting, a large than kicks in the pants. Whenever A shopworn blonde, leading a dog on annoys oi injures It on the pretense a leash while the lattei made his of saving or improving X, A is » routine calls at suburban hydrants, scoundrel." H. I.. Mencken in News but this monkey diaper thing shows paper Days. ‘ Typewriters Calculators Adding Machines < \i’H(>i. on B i EQUIPMENT CO. 531 Court SALEM Sales — Rentals — Service McEWAN PHOTO SHOP Open each Friday Mill City Furniture Company 2:00 to 7:30 — PORTRAITURE — Services Every Lord’s Day 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Young People’s Meeting 7:30 Evening Worship Tom Courtney, Pastor FURNITURE CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall i>J V Chirkf the Detroit church Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hamilton, all of Escondido, Calif., are visiting here at the homes of Bill Hamilton and Jeff Flemins. The Hamilton men are, brothers, and Mrs. D. C. Hamilton is Mr. Flemings’ sister. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Girod and sons and . Lloydi’s mother, of Salem, who has been visiting them, spent Sunday at the Rock Gardens near Bend. Mrs. Giiod returned to her home Wednes­ day. Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.- ^X^o.O.F.. Meets Every Friday night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1 Ossessi st WHEN CARÊME, CHEF TO K/NGS, COOKED FDR ENGLAND S GEORGE IV (/82O-/83O), LONDON ALDERMEN PA/D HUGE SUMS FOR H/S F IT ES, LEFT FROM : ROYAL TABLE Copy ' ■ I FREE METHODIST CHURCH The Church of the Light and Life Hour” 10:00 Sunday school Morning Worship 11:00 Young People’s Service 7:00 Evening Worship 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Donald Hinkle, Pastor North Side Cafe AT LOWEST PRICES IN THE VALLEY NEW & USED GLENN’S MARKET I GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Christian Endeavor 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 Walter Smith, Pastor. COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Evangelistic Service 7:45 Wed. Bible Study 7:45 Private Dining Room "Fleas Don’t Bother Me I’m Dusted with PULVEX DDT'' 1605 N. Summer SALEM, ORE. * Linoleum • Wool Carpet * Appliances * Living Room Funrniture a * Bedroom Furniture * TRADE • TERMS Ph. 3-5110 Don't Borrow — Subscribe! dine Stoll. Sixteen members answer­ ed roll call by naming their favorite radio program. The oiganization was By RHHBA SNYDER Among those attending the circus divided into two teams, with Flossie in Salem Thursday night were Mr. Storey and Esther Fouts captains, to I and Mrs. Frank New amt daughters, I Ket dues in by Oct. 1. The winning | the three Snyder boys and Virginia I team wil1 be treated to a party by i i the losers. One guest was present. ! O’Brien. Sherry Pittam (bought her sister’s Refreshments were served. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I hair was too long, so she gave her a hair cut. Poor Patty looks like Frank New were Miss Shirley Nor- ' something the cat dragged in, but ton, Portland, George Barney, and * einight doesn’t seem to mind. Her only com­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer guests Sunday were Mr. -I Mrs. ment is, “Sherry bad girl.” The American Legion Auxiliary Robert Lind of Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wiekel and son, met at the home of Roselle Vickers Tuesday night. The 'meeting was call­ Neil, of Corvallis, were Sunday vis­ ed to older by its president, Berna- itors at the Jim Gordon home. Th< ' daughter of Portland is also here f :■ a week’s visit. Mrs. Carl Schaffer. Mrs. Jerry Pit­ tam and Mrs. Frank New attended a surprise “pink and blue” shower for Mrs. Eldon White of Detroit at Idanha KIUS FLEAS Mlil City Pharmacy To While Away i Your Idle hours Richards Tavern Wood Circulators Wood Ranges Gas Ranges Beds and Springs MILL CITY Service Station Every Meal .An Occasion Courteous service. pleasant atmosphere. delectable food —make our meals remember­ ed! Chicken Ihnners Steaks, Chops Workmen’s lunches to go 75< Wide menu daily OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY LIGHTING Salem Lighting & App'iance Co. SALEM I NBimiiuii.imiMuw um il» Roberts Shoe Repair AI TO STORAGE' BATTERIES LOCATED Below Mill City Furniture Store FISHING TACKLE Ihposit tor Repair [Night or Day] in Deposit Rox 24 Hours a Day ! 1-Day Servici LITTLE ILLS MAKE FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS • True, thit "little illnett" you've beer mentioning in ■ n offhand way, may net seem to amount to much— just a few faint symptoms. But, neglected, these "little ills" can lead to big bills for doctors, medicines, etc; not to mention needless suffering and loss of precious time; Consult a Doctor now—• you'll save by it in the end; And, of course, we h»>pe you'll bring his prescription to us for rereful compounding; St2 Plumbing Co. Phone Blue USB or I2R STAYTON '7 Capital Dru» Co. ( Quality Repair Parts v Expert Wo r It mon skip Come to the Santiam Farmers Co-op. for your needs in We also carry Appliances, such as Home Freezers. Refrigerators, Stoves, (’locks. Pressure Cookers, Washing Machinesand many oth