The Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 1949-1998, September 22, 1949, Image 1

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    Looking Up
and Down
the Canyon
k J
As an expression of a state admin­
istration which has been shedding big
and salty tears for ‘states’ rights,’
the declaration that the completion
of STATE Highway 222 is “up to the
federal government” sounds rather
Yet that was the answer of Chair­
man Banfield of the State Highway
Commission to our appeal for finish­
ing the highway—or at least making
travelable the portion between Mill
City and Mehama.
“Let the government take care of
it,” mumbled Mr. Banfield as he
chawed on the earpiece of his spec­
To the delegation that went to the
big city from Mill City the hearing
Tuesday was enough to sour a per­
son on the efficacy of democratic gov­
ernment. Along with Mr. Banfield’s
spectacle, it was a spectacle of inept­
itude and impropriety one is almost
ashamed to admit he witnessed.
Just to give you a pictuie:
Vital road and highway programs
were presented to the commission by
men whose manners were those of
bums asking for handouts. It was: "If
the commission would be so kind as
to hear our story”—“and servile hand
shakes followed invariably whether
the applicant — or suppliant — gM
what he wanted or not.
Some of us were momentarily ex-
peering Mr. Banfield to remove his
brogans so as to allow some of the
poor fiefs to kis is foot.
Honest, it was isgusting.
And of all the witnesses who tes­
tified at the hearing, only one raised
his voice so that it could be heard
by the audience. Our own County
Commissioner Rogers mumbled his
say so quietly that I, who was five
feet away, could only catch a word
now and then.
Had Banfield had a sceptre and the
applicants bumped their heads to the
floor three times, such doings and
trappings wouldn’t have seemed out
of place.
The spectators from Mill City—and
that’s all we were—were plainly ap­
palled. We’re old fashioned,, I guess.
If our council is doing something we
don’t like, we holler. If the school
board is adjudged amiss, it hears
abou- it. We’ve neve- gotten in the
habit of groveling.
• ♦ •
And for good leason. A public offi­
cer is a public servant. It is he, not
the citizen — if I have my American
tradition right—who must make the
Enough of this dreaiy story.
• • ♦
What about the Banfield conten­
tion for letting Uncle Sam do it?
Uncle Sam has just got through
spending about $5,000,000 in the Can­
yon on a state road. Is Oregon re­
ceiving quarters in the federal poor
farm ? They told me when I came out
here three years ago that Oregon
is one of the richest states in the
union. I’m not per suaded that our
chief manufacture is tin cups.
The Canyon is not asking a special
favor. We ar econvinced here that
the Mill City-Mehama project is but
a link that gives to Oregon over a
thousand miles of usable highway,
which, because of its incompletion,
is used almost solely by the sparcely
settled section of eastern Oregon. We
contend that our demands tie in with
the state’s interests as a whole—to
p ovide vital east-west and north­
south alternate routes, both intra­
a id interstate.
The question of completing High­
way 222 has been confused with the
traffic problen s connected with build­
ing the Detroit Dam. Those problems
are not germane. Highway 222 stands
on its own as a vital route—dam or
no <tam.
The commission is trying also
make out that the project sought
some Marion County pork-barrel,
added up the requests for this and
other Jobs and tried to represent —
without being contradicted—that we
were trying to hog more than our
share of state funds.
Again, it must be emphasized that
finishing the job here is not a local
pr -position.
It's clear, after returning from the
hearing, that our Baldock Coiner ha«
been misnamed. Henceforth it shall
s* Banfield Bend. And prepare to
die, all ye who travel thereon.
Some folks are complaining about
the rrounds of dirt, f-e debris that
»»companies va iou; const’uction pro
je-ts, and the rude «cars in the land
« ape made by bull zers ami pouer
«hovels. I don't worry.
It will bother me . to e when there
ig no such litter around. It will be
n omen that Mill City has stopped
or Mowed down in its upward surge.
Two Towns
To Incorporate
Chest Fund
Local pranksters hung a sign last
I week on the new bank building here,
as a gag on the workmen who have
been i emodeling the old brick build­
ing this summer.
The sign originally was hung near
the top of the west wall and said:
“WPA Project No. 131313.”
Not at all abashed by the prank,
the workmen tacked the sign on a
temporary fence on the street level,
• in a much better display spot than
Organization of an incorporateu
Community Chest for Gates and Mill
City was progressing this week, and
a final windup meeting has been set
for next Thursday.
The organization committe includ­ I
es Tony Ziebeit, Bill Stewart. Clyde
Golden, Mrs. Albert Toman Sr., Jack
Lacy, Mrs. Lee Ross, Bud Brude
and Mrs. Charles Wolverton, < of Mill
City; and Joe Bowes, Mrs. Allura
Chance, Floyd Völkel and Elmer
Stewart ,of Gates.
Need for local incorporation of the
Local business houses were clipped
Community Chest has been stressed
as a means of being able to allocat for about $150 late last week when
the funds collected to local purpose- . a construction worker who had been
Without such an incorporated g oup. in the Canyon several months opened
money collected here must be turned up his check book and started writ­
in to a county fund, and local spor ing.
sored organizations which usually ! The check forger used two names,
share in the funds do not get them. , T. H. Tidell and Pat O’Hara, and,
according to Chief of Police J. T.
King, both names were fictitious.
Nu Method Cleaners were cleaned
| for $32, Per and White store went in
¡the re.l $36, Stewait’s grocery dis-
i tributed lettuce worth $29, O’Hara
.„-**». over the top at the Hilltop for
j ’8, and a seM’ke station was rub-
•ed out of $20.
The Gates scl
Chief King warned local merchants
to the utmost mis week, and one against cashing personal checks for
classroom spilled out into the hall­ strangers, and said ipayroll checks
ought to be scrutinized carefully, be-
FV -st and second grades, which had , cause there is a gang operating in
been under Mrs. Mary Champ. in­ this part of the state with duplicated
creased to 26 in the for t •». and 24 company drafts.
in the latter, necessitating; ihe
hiring | Chief King this week investigated
of another teacher foi seioi md grade, a force(j entry into the Shell station
Mrs. Bentley, of Lyons.
car storage building. Charles Mason
The second gr ade class is being held soid after a checkup that he believed
in the hall we v of Atn *.-■*
on» a tire, and perhaps other things, were
Other arrangement* are bring Stud­ missing.
ied, including rhe possibility of build­
ing a new room.
Three new pupils registered Mon­
day, bringing the total in the first
rix grades to 102
Mrs. Martin Jepson of Mill City
was substitute teacher the first week.
Funeral .services for Riley Abra­
ham Mason, former Mill City resi­
« dent, who died unexpectedly in Dal­
Motorists must stop for school las Saturday at the age of 67, were
buses which have ha'tcd to pick up held in Mill City Christian Church
or unload children within city limits Sunday.
Mr. Mason, known as Abe Mason,
as well as in jural areas. /~hief of
was a planerman here before moving
Police J. T. King said today.
Chief King said many drivers pro­ to Dallas. He was born in Findley,
bably were unaware of the fact that Ohio in 1882; was married there to
the new school bus law a Is > applies Louise Mahler in 1901. Mrs. Mason
died in 1923 and Mr. Mason married
to city wtreeta.
Toe law, enacted by the legislature Rillie E. Wilson in 1935.
last spring as a safeguard foi bus­ I He was a member of the Christian
riding school childen, requires motor­ Church, the Maccabees and th-* IOOF.
Besides his widow he is survived
ists to stop when coming behind or
passing frorr the oj osite direction by two sons, Paul Mason, Mill City,
a school bus thit is loading or un­ and Donald Mason, Wapato, Wash.;
two daughters, Mrs, Ethel Harrinj.
loading passengers.
“This means traffic in both direc­ ton, Silverton, anil Mrs. Bernice Conk
lin, Banks; a brother, Perry M: son.
tions must stop,” said King.
“Cars mus» remain stepped as long Mill City, and several grandchildren
Burial was in Fairview cemetery
is .any children are leaving the bus
the IOOF lodge conducting the ser
or crossing the loadway.”
The only exception is traffic mov­ vice.
ing in the opposite direction on the
other side of a three- or four-lane MILL CITY LOIXiE No. 1X0 Al 4
roadway, which may pass with cau­ AM will hold special communication
Monday evening. Sept 26. M. M. de
will be conferred. Charles C.
Kelly, secy.
The Mill City Tavern and the Mill
City Pharmacy are building a retain­
ing wall at the sidewalk to prevent RE( EPTION FOR TEA« HERS
The Mill City Woman’s Club honor
cars on the sloping part of the street
from sliding over the sidewalk. The ed the teachers Tuesday evening with
-ity will oil and surface the graveled a pot-luck dinner in the recreation
nortion between the sidewalk a n < room of the high .«chool.
The program started with a greet­
the pavement.
ing from Don Sheythe, school board
So, may there be more piles of lock member, and followed by introduct­
and junked lumber, may the I a n d- ions to the teacher.« in both grade an .
-eape never settle down to the tran- high school by Vernon Todd, superin­
pfllitv of a fixed scene. It’s the way tendent of schools and Henry Bay­
if America: Tearing up. ripping lees, principal of the high school.
The barbershop quartet composed
down, building, iebuilding.
of Mrs. Don Sheythe. Mrs. Bob Trask,
I don't mean that there’s anything M i. Shields Remine and Mrs. l/ce
ttractive about a pfle of rubble It’s Ros.« gave several numbers.
Afilm on (Tbina today was pre-
- »be credit of UBI that ita 21 bom ?«
ie-»- the park are com p'eted t * the •en’ed at the close of the evening by
lai’, detail. Lr’wr.s nd «hru’* * e M- Nason. It was the last authenie
nr and the entire site ha.« the film *o c* Tf out of China.
fifty member« an i gue>t
appearance of a residential section
established for years. An* all in less wer<* p
Ho«te«s*s Gir the evenin- we*e
*-~n four month.«.
Mild—’ Allen. Mrs. Nelson L»m
The completely finished product— V
n»u* t'ie evidence* of new build'ng phear. M- Jack Colburn. end Mr
ir t'at makes a con lete picture Cheriea Wolverton.
of a comrr.-unity where wellbeing and
The table decorations »ere fair
'lowers and leaves.
>rre > are coupled.
Check Artist
Clips Stores
Into H«!!
Services Held for
Abe Mason
Serf i ng
Mill City-to-Mehama
Road Project Loses
Dam Worker
Highway Commission Says
Job Is Up to U. S. to Do
The State Highway Commission in merce, Robert Veness, secretary, Roy
Portland Tuesday flatly refused to I Beebe, Martin Hansen, David M.
Homer Bauer, scaler for Consoli­ consider construction of a new stretch Reid, Charles Kelly and Charles Wol­
dated Builders, Inc., was reporter by of Higway 222 between Mill City and verton.
a Salem hospital to be out of danger, Mehama and said it was up to the
, Col. D. A. Elligvt, acting Portland
following treatment for injuries he federal government to do it.
district Army engineer, withheld
received this week when he fell about
comment except to say that the con­
50 feet from a cliff.
tractor, Consolidated Builders, Inc.,
According to witnesses, Bauer
grabbed a loose rope, which he ap­ group, asserted that the portion of on the Detroit Dam, would be more
parently believed was tied down, and highway sought by a joint represen­ directly concerned with highway pro­
tumbled backwards below. His skull tation of the Mill City and Salem blems and truck hauling to the dam­
was fractured, and his wrist injured. Chamber a of Commerce, was a fed­ site than his division.
eral matter because* of heavy hauling County Court to Fighi On.
to the Detroit Dam, a U. S. project. • Banfield's st»'
■ (ori n
-«ement that the Mar-
The chairman, was asked:
county Court should seek federal
“Since the hauling to the J
uam will funds for the alia City-Mehama pro-
ha'‘ L u« on almost 100 miles of
ject has not halted the court’s cam­
'highway besides the seven miles in, paign for it, County* Judge Grant
I question, do you think the federal
Continuing progress on the Detroit government ought to build those high , Murphy said Wednesday.
He dedaiad that the delegation
Dam was i eported today by Consol­ ways, too?”
, asking for the road improvement
idated Builders, Inc., today.
“I’m not so sure they (the govern­
No major unit at the damsite was ment» is going to haul loads over our “doesn’t have any apologies to make,
even if it does run the state highway
completed, according to Jack Murray highways,” Mr, Banfield replied.
costs around here up to $15,000,000.”
public relations representative for the
(Several weeks ago a trucking con-
company, but work was continuing on tracto: for the cement haul to Detroit as asserted by Banfield.
the south access road, the cable way Di m sought an interstate permit for
“Since 193!» the only federal aid
excavations, other excavation at the the contract, in a hearing in Portland spent in Mai ion County was $237,000
base of the dam, and the coffer dam and decision rests with the Oregon on the Silverton road last year, and
at Cumley Creek.
State Highway Commission whether we have an authorization far $450,-
The south access load leads to ex­ his trucks will be permitted to use ooo more on that road. The highway
department also matched about »500,-
cavation locations on the south face the highway.)
of the dam base and to the Cumley
The cominwrfoa heard the low- 000 on the Noith Santiam highway
Creek quarry.
voiced «weal • f>? Commissioner Rog as a relocation project. The- new Pa­
The cable ways towers will be high era of the Mari«n4k>unty Court with cific highway improvement was built
above the crest of the dam and will bored inattentions but listened with out of war funds and not from state
support cables upon which giant slightly more interest to an appeal or federal aid funds, and it was built
buckets will be carried, tiansporting by Roy Harlan, president of the Sa­ as a military ioad.
concrete to the dam forms.
“Marion County has been contrib­
lem Chamber of Commerce.
As soon as the coffer dam is com­ Delegation Glum.
uting to state highway funds through
pleted, the North Santiam River will
Mill City's delegation had to sit gasoline and' other channels an av­
be diverted into a 1400 foot tunnel. in helpless silence while the short erage of »2,000,000 a year and ad­
Thiee-shift employment at the <lam 15 minutes allotted to Salem for five ditional 1-cent tax will run that up
stands at about 500 at present.
separate projects, of which the Mill piobably to $2,500,000. We received
City Mehama road was one, was con­ I back an average of about $300,000 a
sumed by Salem's Baldock traffic year.
"Undoubtedly in the 10-year period
and other matters. Total time
L. A. Knowles has opened a new
from 1939 we have contributed
garage and body repair shop on First
ject consumed about three or four'around $15,000,00 to $20,000,000 into
Av., near Broadway.
the state highway fund. We are not
The firm has been in business for minutes.
Despite the Salem Chamberof Com­ blaming the highway commission for
14 years in Lebanon, and specializes
merce invitation to Mill City to par­ it hasn’t been expedient or conven­
in repairing wrecked vehicles.
ient for it to do these things until
Mr. Knowles and family have rent­ ticipate in a joint effort to present
now, and a vast backlog of them has
ed a home in the Swift addition.
Canyon representative was asked or built up.
"The city of Salem evidently is go­
invited to pi esent arguments for it.
ing to neap the harvest from this
It was Salem’s show.
The Presbyterian Church Rally Day
Banfield asserted the state had no backlog but certainly such projects as
will be < bserved next Sunday morning funds for such a project, and took the North Santiam Highway, Silver-
at the Sun lay School.
Salem’s representatives to task for ton road and South River road should
asking for a highway construction not be long delayed.
“The North Santiam highway is
program that would cost millions.
Louie Kanoff, Mill City business
However, Salem got its Baldock wholly a state project and we believe
man ar 1 fanrar, suffeied a heart at- plan (which it didn't want) and a it is entitled to early consideration.”
tack v lie driving home Mon lay bridge over the Willamette (which Bend Tried and Failed.
from S ayton and is in serious con­ it did). Clay Cochrane, manager of
Two years ago the Bend and Red­
dition in Salem Memorial Hospital. the Salem chamber, heartily shook mond Chambers of Commerce, and
Mr. Kanoff was driving when he the hands of the commissioners. His representatives of other cities in the
was stricken. He diove his car into day’s wo k was done
eastern part of tile state made a
. farmyard and collapsed. Residents
Attending the hearing from Mill strong appeal for the Mill Olty-Me-
there identified him and notified re­ City were I«ee Ross, J. C. Kimmel, hama road project which was actu­
president of the Chamber of Com- ally partially cleared for right of
way ten years ago. But the commis­
sion then abruptly turned them 'krwn.
Detroit Dam Work
Shows Progress
Charter Vote Due
Mayor Harold Kliewer reported to­
day that legal work on the city char­
ter was nearly completed and that
a city election on it would be held
as soon as possible after it is ready.
Mayor Kliewer said the charter la
being amended to contain the neces­
sary provision« of the Bancroft Act,
a state piovision setting up proced­
ure on special assessments and city
bond issues.
The mayor said he had been ad
v:sed by officials of other cities to
-lace the Bancroft provisions in the
charter; and by so doing save consid­
erable legal expens«- in the future
Twa «bip« of a Naval expedition to the Antarctic, the ffW F.dlito and
the I’HH Norton Island. Me up to bay Ice In the coerse of exploration
work in the -south Polar regions. The above photo was taken In the
Bay of Whale«, sled and «81« used la aarfare exploration are la the
left foreground. The Navy’« role In carrying the flag of the I'alted
stale« to the end« of the earth 1« exemplified In Ita frequent «alllea Into
the «oath and north polar faatnesaeo.
ro-xial U » N«vy Pbo««grapk>
Basic grading and graveling ha*
been completed on First Av«. up the
steep 1 ill to Ivy St.
Final surfacing and grading will
be undertaken after the fill packs.