MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Yl Gl ST 11. 1919 been postmistress here for 23 years. Miss Georgia Coffin of Urbana. Ill., I Legion Convention in Salem Thurs A fire of undetermined origin broke a librarian at the university there, day afteinoon and evening. out in a shed at the back of the home arrive! here recently after a flight Albert Ring who celebrated his 89th By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT of Mr. and Mrs. James Jeffries one west to visit at the home of her sis-- birthday anniversary Friday, Aug. Quality job printing at the Enter Rodney Moore, PFC, son of Mr. day the early pan of the week. Luck ter. M s. Lloyd White. She left Aug. was honored with a card shower. He prise. and Mrs. Guy Moore, of Detroit, and ily it was discovered an I put out by 6 by way of Colorado where she will teceived over 35 cards. Calling to con gratulate him in the afternoon were Miss Colleen Met million, daughter of Joe Villar and Jeffries before it did visit another sister. Mrs. Frank Harrow of Mongold, Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman, Mrs Mrs. Rose Mermillion, also of Detroit any damage, and before the local file B A R G A I N S were recently married in Cheynne. department had completed getting who suffe: ed a heart attack last week Minnie Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. C. ’ In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes McGee of California. Surprising him They have been here about a week, out the hose. It occurred on one of the end, is able to be about again. Clothing, Housewares visiting their paients. Saturday eve hotest days. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larkin, their son- to spend the evening for a few games Mrs. J. E. Fry left by bus Friday in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. of pinochle were Mr. an 1 Mrs. Clyde M A C ’ S ning a reception was given them at the Moore home with Mrs. Mermil to visit her children, herson, Edgar Sam Saunders and daughter Judy, all Lewis, Beulah Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. 115 S. Church, next to Salem Parking lion as co-hostess. About 80 attended. McCluer at Sydney, Nebiaska, a dau of Salem, weie guests Saturday of Oscar Naue, Ruby Naue. Mr. and Mn | John McClurg. Ray Kampy, Fred Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. ghter, Mrs. Ben Adams, an i her mo the Frank Wilsons. Lloyd Chamberlain, Kelso, Wash., ther, Mrs. Cynthia Wertz at Denve , Mr. and Mrs. William Cauble Sr. ; Vaughn and Gus Steinberg. and Mr. and Mrs. Hal McClary, Port Colorado and two other daughters, spent the week end at their home Pauline Bridges surprised he >>ar- land. oldtimer.- here; Mr. an I Mrs. Mrs. Edna Andeison and Mrs. Mae here. ent- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bridges when Glen Blair, Aurora. Mr. and Mis. R. Gordon at Grover, Colorado. Mrs. Fry Miss Barbara Chrisman, Portland, a few close neighbors gathered for Morris, Scio, and Bob Young, Mar- expects to be gone about tihiee we -ks. came on Wednesday and will spend the evening to help Mis. Bridges cele ion Forks. Other guests were from slw w -» . y! 1....................................... her vacation at the home of her par brate her anniversary. Pinochle furn Miss. Georgia. Coffin, of. Urbana Detroit and Idanha. See Ed L. Davis ished the entertainment. Present were III. who is a librarian at the Univers ents. Mr. and M s. Chet Grimes, Mr. and Many beautiful and useful gifts B. C. Crawford of Boise was here Lyons, R. F. D. Mrs. ’ Francis were received by the young couple. ity of 'llinos flew from < blcago to -eve al davs this week visiting his i/J" " 1' Jungwirth, Mr. and Mrs. San Francisco where she visited fri Phone 751 Mill • >ty Pvt. Moore will repoit for duty in granddaughter, Linda Good-peed. He 'prn Nydigger. and Mr. and M . Har California Aug. 12. Mrs. Moore will ends and then flew to Salem, coming stayed at the Ray Johnson home. He old Thornsen of Crabtree. remain here for a longer visit. Mis. here by bus July 26 to visit at the formerly worked for the telephone ELKHORN Guy Moore, one of the hostesses, has home of her sister, Mrs. Lloyd White, (company here. ♦ -4 Word was received here last week '■be will leave by bus August 6 and fio >■ County Judge Grant Murphy will make the return trip by plane that work would begin on the Elk 'topping in Colorado to visit another horn Gates road probably in Sept .Mrs. D. R. Stevens received word ember. At present all men and equip that her daughter, Mrs. Leon Wads Bv MRS. RHEBA SNYDER ment are engage 1 in oiling projects worth, is seriously ill in a Portland Id- which must be done during good wea . wish to offer an apology I hospital. She left Monday to see her. -Mr. Stevens, who works for the Ar anha subscribe: s for the absence of ther. Just as soon as equipment can my Engineeis, went back to work Idanha news in the last two issues of he spared the Gates road is to be Authorized Frigidaire i improved and graded, stated Judge Monday after being oír two weeks the Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaffer visited Murphy, with a hand injury. with relatives in Mill City Saturday Commercial Refrigeration The Forest Service was busily inl Esther Fouts and Myrtle Geston Mabel made a house-to-house canvass in Id and with Mr. and Mrs. Don Norton ployed tacking big red anti orange at Roads End Sunday of last week, signs leading ’Stop, closed to entry, Sales & Services anha with dedication buttons. Mrs. j Anna Chamberlin of Dallas except by permit,’ on all roads lead The Boy Scouts will serve icecream is visiting her niece. Mrs. Braxton ing off the county road into wooded and pop at the picnic grounds Sun 1860 'tate St. Fouts, and Mr. Fouts. areas, up this wayThursday. From day. A tire was discovered in the planer the county road to the river remains Mrs. Stanley Foster, whose husband shed of the Idanha Lumber Co. by open and anyone desiring to picnic SALEM, OREGON is employed by Poite Construction employees in time to be eytinguish- or swim needs no permit. Phone 3-6900 Co. here, had a major operation at ed without damage Wednesday af Ike Myers attended the American St. Charles Hospital in Henil Satur- day morning. The Glen Drydens vis- ternoon. Jerry Pittam took his two neph SOFT DRINKS ited her Sunday and reported her do ews, Tommy and Larry Pittam. to ing very well. visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mis (ANDY and CIGARETTES A fire of undetermined origin broke Cochran in Jefferson Wednesday. out in a shed at the back of the James Tommy and Larry have spent two For a comfortable and Detroit Carl Manasen Jeffries home one day last week. It and a half weeks here. a was discovered and put out by Joe ATTO PARTS Mr. and Mrs. Leland Pittam, for inexpensive place to stay Villa and MHr. Jeffries before it did mer residents of Idanha, now of Rose it’s- - - •Delta Band Saws any damage and before the local fire burg. are the parents of a boy, Mon •Delta Joiners department reached th scene. It was ty Glenn. •Delta Table Saws one of the hottest days of the sum Mr. and Mrs.. Elbert Brown went Delta Wood Lathes NORTH mer. to Salem .Friday morning where Mrs. Delco-Remy Shocks It ’ s the Hospitality .Mrs. J. E. Fry left by bus Friday Brown had a medical checkup. SANTIAM Phone 3-9151 Liberty and to visit her child:en and mother. Her * Evelyn Martin was the honored After hours 2-1593 Chemketa trip will take her to Nebraska and guest at a pink and blue shower giv TAUERN en for her by Mrs. Eddie Delker and Colorado. SALEM, OREGON W eddle runeral I tome i m'Bmn imtanri rirnn uninmni—iili Mrs. Jack Gullifoid at the latter’s MNMmUNMMKSi-Wt 1 Ona Mile Ea-t of Detroit MODERN FUNERAL home. Fifteen guests were present. SERVICE Mrs. Mary Floyd, Shirley and Paul of Colton are visiting at the home Stayton, Oregon of her sons, U. S. and Ottis Floyd, the past week. Mrs. Fiank New and daughters, Eva Lou and Sally, and Edna Golden C /(// Ambers' have returned to their homes after two weeks working in the bean fields near Turner. A roup of four men from Dallas ame up Saturday to help put the JUST EAST OF GATES rafters up on the new church. « <♦> •:♦:• E iison Vickers, Quincy Smith, Mrs Floy Storey, Mrs. Bernadine Stoll and M s. Roselle Vickers attended the Legion convention in Salem Sat- PIANOS irday. Reports were given the fol- BAND INSTRUMENTS lo*ing Tuesday night. Mrs. Lloyd Girod gave a party for INSTRUMENT REPAIRING friends of Jimmie on his seventh ACCORDION LESSONS birthday Monday. Twenty-two child- en were served ice cream, cake and punch by the hostess. STEAK Mrs. Benson of Crosby, N. I)ak., I R T SE arrived here recently to spent two 136 S. High St. or three weeks at the home of her daughte;, Mrs. Lee Hopson, and Mr. Hopson. Mrs. Edith Talsted and friend, Mr. 16k N. Commercial erry, have been visiting a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Ges Phone 2-1588 ton. They returned to their homes in Milwaukie Friday. Mrs. Paul Hopson and children of Portland have been here with h e r | husband the past week. Mrs. A. R. Snyder and sons, Don ald and Leonard, returned to their home Wednesday after five weeks in the berry fields. * ( OME TO CHERRY CITY MILLING COMPANY TWO BLOCKS FROM CITY SHOPPING CENTER Detroit Lyons Santiam Hardware and IMPLEMENT ( COMPANY Stavton Oregon Mutual Fire : Insurance BR 1DGE TAVERN Idanha Jones & Fags . \/ the bridge m Mehama McEWAN PHOTO SHOP Ojien each Friday Mill City Furniture Company 2:00 to 7:30 — PORTRAITl RE — Hendricson s Store .'*»*.<* Dry Goods, 'Yti." Pool Hall In Salem CAPITAL I Hotel Salem TOY HOBBY SHOP At the Mill City Fuinuure Store Otto Rll 2> INSURANCE Agency • Fire Auto Life Accider: i Phone 1502 Detroit Mom & Pap s Cafe Private Dining Room :«• THE M aples ■ Every Meal An Occasion Courteous service. pleasant atmosphere. delectable food — make our meals remember ed! Chicken Dinners Steaks, Chops Workmen’s lunches to go. 75<* Wide menu daily OPEN 24 HOURS DAILY Jacquith Music Co BUILD for Happiness BUILD a NEW HOME REMEMBER We have concentrates (any kind you need) Bee Supplies Top Quality Minerals Fortified Feeding Oils Quality Mixed Poultry, Turkey, Hog. Dairy Feeds Sco-Pal Pellets — Chick, Rabbit, Goat, Turkey Blatchford’s Calf meal and Pellets Stock Fly Sprays SPECIAL CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXINC. TO YOI R ORDER Let our Field Service Man help you with your Sanitation and management problem«. Modem Service Grien with Old-f a*hioned F ri end I ine** CHERRY CITY MILLING COMPANY Trade k High St». Î SALEM Phone 3-5795, 2-1555 Complete supply of all your Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON,OREGON building Screen Doors Knotty pine paneling Sheet Rock ALL GRADES OF LUMBER. LET US ESTIMATE YOUR MATERIAL COSTS. YOUR ENTIRE BUILDING PROJECT needs KELLY LIMBER SALES 0. OPEN SATURDAYS Retail Division Russell Kelly, Mgr