o MILL CITY ENTERPRISE; LYONS By EVA BRESSLER Miss Mary Pietrok who is employ ed in Salem spent her vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Pietrok Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mie. Walter Hilton wer her father, Frank Hoffman, her brother and wike, M. and Mrs. Francis Hoff man, of Evanston, Wyo., and Robert Podiabsky of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hoffman plan to locate in this vicinity where he will set up a gunsmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Penkava of Dallas are the parents of a baby boy born there last week. The young man has been named Gray Lawrence. Mrs. Pankava and baby are now at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. New of Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Huber, Den nis and Donna Lou, with his mother, Mrs. Alice Huber, visited Bunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gearge Keeley in Portland. They also visited Mrs. Huber’s brother, Ben McDonald, who is seriously ill in a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma, Rich ard and James of Lebanon visited Sunday afteinoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hiatt. Mrs. S. L. Pankava and little daugh ter Irene and infant son Gary Lawr ence icturned to their home in Dallas Sunday after spending a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Naw. Mrs. Catherine Julian has retuined AUGUST 11. 194» urday guest at the home of Mrs. Min to the home of her son, Albert Julian, of the Huffmans in South Dakota. Mr. and Mis. Clarence Jungwirth, nie Smith. after spending some time with her daughter, Mis. Joe Johnson, and fam Dickie and Gayle are ¡«pending their Sunday dinner guests at the home vacation at the home of their sister, of Mr. and Mrs. Rammie Martell ily. in Albany. Mrs. Ida Weldon and little son of j Mrs. Charles Berger of Modesta, Cal. «eie her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Portland will make an extended stay Mr. and Mrs. Carl McGee of Cal Averill of Halsey, and her brother, at the home of her parents, Mr. and ; ifornia visited one day last week at Burnell White, and family, of Port Mrs. William Fetherson. the home of Mr. and Mis. Albert land. M> . and Mrs. Joe Johnson Sr. of j Ring. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheppeid and Los Angeles are visiting at the home Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain daughters of Baker are visiting at of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. : went to Grand Ronde Sunday to at the home of her parents, Mr. and Joe Johnson Jr. tend the wedding of her gramlaugh- M's. George Clipfell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ere are the tcr. Sunday dinner guests at the home parents of a baby girl born at Salem ' Flora Enders of Salem was a Sat- of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ring were Memorial Hospital. Bob and Paul Jewell are at the home of their parents, the Rev. and Mrs. O. A. Jewell. Paul is employed at the Detroit Dam and Bob just re cently returned from a Methodist hostel tour. Mr. and Mis. Normah Johnson of Portland were week end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Miss Maiy Overton, also of Portland, spent the week end at the Bodeker home. ■> Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spaulstra, Dale ¿nd Janice of Salem were Sunday guests at the home of M r. and M r s. V Arthur Anderson. Mrs. Spaulstra is a sister of Mr. Anderson. Shop in Air-Conditioned Comfort Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Claience Decker and child at SEARS ren of Eugene visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman. Additional recent guests at the Huffman home were Mr. and Mis. Nick Croat of Portland, Mrs. Wagner and Son Howard Celty, also of Portland, who were friends T-Shirts Jeans Underwear Tii es, Batteries Seat Covers Mounted Free Camera Dept. Movie Cameras, Projectors, Still Cameras, Films and Supplies Men’s Suits PENS PAINT SETS PENCILS TABLETS ERASERS PASTE WRITING PAPER Ready-made and Tailor-made Types to Suit Every Man RULERS And many other item». For the tirât time you can buy right here in Mill City your COMPLETE NEEDS for echool! SKI ( APS Ladies’StyleCenter The Newest Styles in (’oats. Suits, Dresses. Hats and Accessories RENTAL LIBRARY Mill City Variety Candy Dept Wide Variety of Chocolates, Cremes, Hard Candies, Pop corn, Gum and Nuts Jim and Irene O’ Leary “ ? a ABT Featuring CARDS Store Hours DURING OPENINt hallmark 77 CARDS THURSDAY 10:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m Unusual Cards HALLMARK n CARDS for birthdays. anniversaries HALLMARK 17 CARDS and birth congratulations HALLMARK " CARDS Edward Williams 33«» Court ■une«* SALEM FRIDAY 9:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. SATURDAY 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m SANT1AM Fraternal Order of Ea gles 2745 meets at Rod and Gun Club in Idanha each Wednesday 8 p m. — Subscribe! ft at 10 a. m. OF THE NEW Beautiful Completely Air-condi tioned SEARS Store in SALEM ’ Big Savings! Easy Terms! tees were appointed to have chaige o various booths.. Present for the after noon were Mrs. Francis Jungwirth, Mrs. Mike Fink, Mrs. John Jungwirth. Mrs.Phillip Pietrok, Mis. Doc Jung wirth, Mrs. Mike Schwindt, Mrs. Pat Lyons, Mrs. Herman h ree and Fathet Schniede:. THURSDAY August 11th Service Station Clothes for School Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trask of Albany, M . and Mrs. Dean Trask of Port land. Calling in the afternoon were Mrs. Maud Burmister, Del Redick, and Vern Wingate. Portland, and Mrs. Ida W’oithington of Oswego. Mrs. Bob Flee was hostess for the Altar Society at her home with plans being completed for the annual ba* zaar which will be held on the church grounds Sunday. August 21. A dinner l will be served at the noon hour and throughout the afternoon there will I be fancy work as well as many other I article« on display and sale. Commit- V. FREE PARKIN» : 500-Car Parking Lot. No Limit i •