ll MILL CITY ENTERPRISE.AUGUST t 1949 Mrs. R. L. Faust and Mrs. Bob Trask and children were in Albany Monday visiting Mrs. Alton Parks. Miss Daisy Hendricson and Mrs. Charles Wolverton called on Mr. and Mis. Van Dahl, former owners of the Mill City Logue, in Albany Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Taylor of Ster ling. Colo., a e visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beebe. Miss Margaret Oberg was uniter! in marriage to Rudy Bowe on Satur Broadway Hits of Today--4 records day. August 6 at 8 P. M. in the Cent enary Wilbur Methodist Church, Poit- Album .... 3.27 land. It was a candlelight ceremony. Vaughn Monroe Album The couple plan to spend their hon Wide Stock of 45 rpm records— eymoon touring Nevada and will be at Classics, Popular, Westerns ami home at Mi th and Foster Road. Port all vinylite — 89c each land after August 15. Classic Albums: A reception was held at the church Beethoven Symphony No. 7 parlors for 300 guests. Mrs. Eugene Tchaikovsky Symphony, No. 6 Gregory, sister of the bridegroom, cut Tcsaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite the cake. Wagner’s Des Rheingold Mi. Bowe attended the Mill City- and many others High School. I Mrs. Wanda Batterson, Gene and I LeRoy Fay of Nehalem spent Tues day and Wednesday visiting her bro CLAUD* JARMAN JR., who starred in The Yearling, now plays an "First With What You Want Most" ther and family, Eugene Gregory, her pealing role in "The Sun Comes Up” at the Mill City Theatie Sunday COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE sister and family. Mis. Council Smith, Monday. With him. above, is Lassie, a star herself. and brothers, Bud, Paul, and Dick Radio, Washer Refrigerator and Gregory. Light transmission facilities will be derive coke,” said Mr. Bronson, “but Electrical Appliance |we here on the Pacific coast have no used. Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 BIGGEST STATE FAIR YET source of uniform heat for industry PROMISED FOR OREGON —and charcoal is the product to fill the gap. Grounds for the Oregon State Fair I Other charcoal uses include domes- ing Salem were being readied this 1 tic heating, fertilizer, an agent in week in pieparation for the state’s , poultry feed. PHYSICIAN & St RGEON ’ biggest outdoor show. The project is backed by a group The last major construction for the Mill City of lumbermen in the Eugene area, 1949 exposition in Salem is a Kiddie members of the Western Forest In- land amusement area, now about fin ished. The 77 acres of parking space has been leveled. Demand for commercial display In the interests of fuller use of space is ie<ported to lie the heaviest forest products, we present ano in the history of the show. Farm ma ther story of an apparently suc chinery alone will occupy two of the cessful experiment — this time eight blocks on the midway. C. E. Pink’ Mason, Prop. Helene Hughes, San Francisco the charcoal. SHELL PRODUCTS atrical producer, has assured Manag A ten-day trial run of a new pro- AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES er Leo Spitsbait the night vaudeville I cess for producing charcoal from saw ZENITH TIRES show in front of the racing grand j mill waste is expected to attract vis- stand will be the finest ever offered ‘ itors to Eugene from all over the FISHING TACKLE at the fair. A trio of high wire acts I Northwest. Fram Aug. 10 to 20 a I will be f ee mi way hows daily. I test run will be made there. Current methods for producing I’litt ER PACT BOOSTS SUPPLÌ charcoal require several hours. The lountain States Power Co. was one method developed in Eugene by OSC Freest Products Laboratory takes five Northwest utilities which BE GOOD (¡ATES joine 1 in the purchase of 30,000 kw only 15 minutes after the wood waste TO YOURSELF of power from the British Columbia enters the retort. Scientists from the laboratory are Electric Co. AND EN JOI T e power suiplus of the Canadian headed bv Dean Paul Dunn and in n- clude Dr. Phimister Proctor and firm was the result of ariditior ChArTe AA’. Ross, both of the forestry erating capacity on a dam on OF GOOD HEALTH school • River. The extra supply wili help We specialize in the treatment H. K. Swanson. Eugene lumberman, relieve the region’s «hostage of cur of rectal disorders. rent. Bonneville and Seattle City carried on the development ofter its originator, H. S. Phillipson, died last No Hospitalization No Ixrss of Time year. At the plant, wood waste enters Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Next to Postofli e. Mill City the top of the retort and drops into Naturo Proctologist DRESSES SWEATERS a series of three troughs, moved by 1141 (enter St. Salem. Ore. SKIRTS BLOUSES a screw conveyor system. By regu dustries Assn. The p.ocess is looked EX ROUTE TO INDIA upon aa feasible for salvaging log Mrs. La Shanks has receievM a ging waste that is left on the ground letter from her son, the Rev. Max after sawlogs have been taken away. Chance, from Alexandria. Egy pt, that he and his wife are en route to a Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Rambo mission field in India. I have purchased a home in Mill City, Their route took them near Gib- formerly owned by Grandma Smith. raltar and Malta and will take them Mrs. Delta Allen of Ookland, Calif. through the Suez and to Celon before [ and Mrs. Fern Graham of Portland, eventual l< a’;. r in A : ?.m, India. I Ore. visited recently at the home ot Mrs. J. R. Geddes of Mill City. Quality job printing at the Enter Rosalie Bassett is vsiiting in Sa prise. lem at the home of her grandparents, [Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Shepard for a week. in Salem Thursday. Mrs. Frank Blazek went shopping Don’t Borrow — Subscribe! "Float Don’t Bother Me I’m Dusted wi PULVEX DDT PORTER & LAU D W. Reid MD ’ Kitts fitas KfffS fM OO Mlil Citv Pharmacy \ From where I sit ,.,/y Joe M rsh Charcoal Plant ^oecs And I tee Eye To Eye Finds Use for Mill Waste MILL CITY Service Station A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern Asked Specs Allen to jfo hunting last week. Known him all my life, so I wasn't surprised when he showed up with no gun. Spec doesn't like to kill anything. Couldn’t ask for a better hunt ing companion, though. AAe train > ..round the woods, and whenever the dogs flush a bird, I blaze away while Specs just watches. Told him once I was surprised h went along . . . feeling the way he oes about shooting anything. A'ell, Joe," he says, "you do what think I d I”l stick to what I think .s right. I’ve no call to dislike you for not seeing retry thing the way 1 sec it." From where 1 sit, open-minded i.ess is a wonderful quill ’’ are plenty of limgs Specs ai niii-> that / don't < nre for. Li«e his fondness for buttermilk. I’d rather have a glass of beer any". .0 . . . but Specs Allen and I don’t let little differences get in the way of •mething big like frierdr »ip. Vnitrd .Slatti Hreueri Foundation Wood’s Store I.l ZIER’S COSMETICS Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! ■W—I1"* SANTIAM WAR SURPLUS ARMY & X AVA OXFORDS TENTS W ORK BO ATS FISHING TACKLE 1 mile east of Detroit .... ... iiSsSiÿ.-i-ï?: lating the sreed of the screws, the exact volatile content of the finished product can be determined. Air is excluded, and the gases resulting in the ca bonization process are distill ■ ‘Progressive line production is the i -e ret of the whole thing, said R. U. | Bron on, owner of the Trio Lumber i Co. and an officer in the chaicotl firm. I The reaction may be considered in three stages — drying, decomposition of *<>od and subsequent cracking of the primary tars to foim secondary charcoal. Oils and tars are condensed. Research is now being conducted on the commercial value of these distillates. Charcoal is fast rosuming its for mer place in commerce—now in the important chemical and metallurgical industries. “Industries in the East have their coal supplies from which they may ANY BRAND 25 lb. hag .. »5 LB. BAG CANE. tt.19 100 Ih. bag cane................ AHITE STAR, grated ' 4 size can ................ DOG HOUSE, lb. can 3 for .............................. PEAS Ml (TIMORE 303 aire per can ........................ SOAP TIDE, OXYDOL. RINSO SPRY. SNODR1FT J lb. can ............ .19 .25 hicken, chicken noodle, »eef. veg. beef, clam chowdr N.B.C CRACKERS I lb. box ............... 43 lg. pkg.................................. Pure (¡round Beef 35c per lb. <>///> Pan-ready stewing chicken, per lb. — i T M ayflower CHEDDAR CHEESE NO HIND - NO WMTC II Citv State Bank MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT IN Sold in On«. One-halt. Two and Five !b. B»ckag«s Skinless Wieners, Ih Meat prices effective Friday, Saturday and Sunday Potatoes, 10 lbs. 29c Lemons, ”<«. Radishes I hese Prices Good Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Ken Golliet $t<>re Hours 8 a. m. to 7 p ni. MEHAMA Sundays 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.