o ____________ 1' MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, AUGUST 4. 1949 EAGE SEVEN FT— I BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY, Manager DAVIS SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON """"T ice ^ e T*"*"**^ GARBAGE SERVICE MEATS Margaret NOBLE • GROCERIES Janet NELSON Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! DETROIT TAVERN ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133, 1895 Hemlock, Lebanon. • and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Red Rynearaon Otto Russell Glen Dryden of PRINT DRESSES Baldwin’s DISPOSAL SERVICE Canyon Club Bruce WANTED TO TRADE: -Home in Lebanon for similar home in Mill City. Write 239 Elmore, Lebanon or Phone 2622. • L. A. Knowles. 3tp HMOUHOII, ------ 1-------------- -- ----------- Horner’s »"’SL CUSTOM CUTTING Agates to Sapphire« and Rubies Cut and Mounted to Order Drilling and Placing of Emblems and Monograms On Stones. Prices Quoted On Request. Member of ROCKS & MINERALS ASSOCIATION Visitor« Welcome Mill City GOOD DEAL: -Boat, Trailer, And Mercury Motor. All for Only $150.00. .Santiam War Surplus, Detroit, Ore. FOR SALE: -- Cement Blocks, tile 4X8 X12. Also quart fruit jars at NEED A HOME? Am Practically Giving Away A 1947 50 cents a dozen. Phone 2152. James American Trailer- A 25 Footer. Just Reed. Mill City. Like New. See At Martin’s Court. FOR SALE—’35 Chev. truck, flat bed. George Hollingworth. $125. Don W’att, Call at house acioss FOR RENT Cabins and apait- from O. P. &. P. Co. mill. 2. mi. E. of Mill City. 4 ments. FOR SALE — 60 acres, improved FOR RENT — House, 4 bedrooms, hill farm. Must be sold to close est large living room and large kitchen. ate. Make your BEST OFFER. Wood range and wood circulator. Lin H0M1 81 EK I RS IGBN< 1 oleum on all floors. Bath with tub. Phone 161 “r 1l31' SILVERTON ’ mile west of Gates at Manati’1* Oregon. Trailer camp. NEW SHIPMENT $1 per month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons PHONE 2352 LEONARD HERMAN FOR SALE—1938 Cadillac, 4 dr se dan, motor recently rebuilt, tires good runs good, looks good. $525. D. M. Church, 920 Saginaw, Salem. Phone 3-3741. 2 Santiam FOOD MART CANYON GARAGE I FOR SALE - 24x7’7” Pacific liner trailer. Sleeps 4. Elec, ref., oil stove, range. Insulated. See at Stayton, 282 W. Virginia. st. Richaid L. Moffitt. 2 Persh o MIGHTY SPECTACLE! uunicks TJ UfcL ’utUSUMÍ r«cl»RÍC»l«> Sunday and Monday THURSDAY The Sun '£..„,WAIIEY tg&ÆHOLM 4 «tw FOR FULLER BRUSHES and clean FOR SALE — 1948 Maytag Deep equipment call your fuller brush deal- freeze. Also Inte: national fuel oil Doors open 7:20 p.m. Complete show can be sewn anytime up to 8:45 er. Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 Box circulator for three rooms. See Jos FOR SALE: --Eastern Oregon Alfal 229 Aumsville, Oregon. eph L. Valek at Martin's Trailer Ct. FINED ON TRAFFIC COUNTS fa Hay. See Clayton Baltimore, MILL 4* List your homes and farms with me. CITY, Oregon. Frank caraway, no tail lights, fined Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, I FOR SALE — One radio. One fold- $1.00 and $4.50 costs; same, no opera FOR ANY kind of brick work and Detroit, Lyons. j ing ironing board, and half gallon tor’s license, $1.00 and $4.50 costs, in fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE Ifiuit jars. All at reduced prices. See Stayton. or repair. Free estimate. Tel 1171, i Mrs. Frank Bass. 4 REALTORS John W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt. 3 * Investments - Insurance - Appraisal« IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab FOR SALE Second growth timber by have it recovered, modernized and FOR SALE 1947 Frazier, 4-door • Blacksmithing SCIO BARGAIN CENTER—Ph28F6 We specialize in all types of apprais made like new. Mail us a card giving sedan, 27,000 miler. In excellent con on 8’a acre tract, easy access. Cecil 4 • Welding 2 blocks S. of Bridge on Main St. al^ See us about your values. Expert exact location and I will call with dition. Dareld Satern, Phone Blue 281 Haun, Innside Cafe, Mill City. Beds, Chairs, Tables, Plumbing Fix Federal appraiser. Have testified in samples and give free estimate of at Silverton. • Logging and Sawmill 4 TOP SOIL for lawns. Fill dirt, river Repairing. tures, Heating and Cooking Stoves. Federal court 33 times on values. cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. run gravel and rock. Trevor Stayton, Many other items. Come in and look Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen FOR SALE — Bieakfast set with 4 at Stayton, Ph. 688, or Mill City684.* around. We Buy, Sell & Trade. • BLOCK WEST OF THEATER sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone chairs. In excellent condition. Will sell for $35.00. See Virgil Cribbs at FOR SALE Electric train complete 1153. MILL CITY FOR RENT mod. house, running the Santiam Garage. 2 for $10.00 cash. American Flyer. See DISPOSAL SERVICE A GOOD selection of linoleum yard water, barbecue pit. See Tom Bowers, Pearl Reed across from Hathaway’s Idanha, Ore., 2 Garbage, ashes, trimmings. etc. age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. FOR SALE — Fatm, 115 acres, 4 service station. 1* large barns and chicken house, 9 room Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also yd. Mill City Furniture Co. FOR SALE Asiiestoline, cold tar modern home, stock and equipment. Wood logs delive: ed GAR-WOOD HOISTS light hauling. 10 A., county road, year round spring < roofiing, at less than wholesale. 350 Kirk Wirick, at I $12.00 per M. Call Mill Leonard Herman Phone 2352 fruit, school bus, electricity, daily pa i Priced to sell. and DUMP BODIES gal. Good buy to take it all. Acioss Lyons, Ore. Phone 1271. 2 9 from Hathaway Service Station. ’2 NEED A TELEPHONE? Come in pers, no building. N. L. Pennick, 3i BODIES MADE TO ORDER FOR SALE • 3 room house, in Lyons and see the new Stromberg-Qarlson mi. E of Gates, S side of river. Ph. FOR SALE popcorn stand, com desk telephone. Highest quality and 702. TRAILER COURT Lots of shade, on laige lot >1500.Allied Brokerage LOGGING TRAILERS plete, easy to move. Can be* seen in approved for your local phone ser washing facilities. Room for 18 trail Company,216 Henry Bldg.. Portland. Stayton. $100. cash. See Van Dries vice. At Stifflei’s Radio & Appliance CBI needs accomodations: single and ers. 1 mile west of fiâtes at Manouli Phone Atwater 6233. Local represent double rooms in private hmes, houses ¿he, Star Theater, Stayton. 2 Phone 902 1 ative, Pat. C. Gorman, Sublimity or Mill City to rent. Please list your available Ti ailer camp. Phone Stay ton 44F23. 4 543 Ferry St. Ph. 2-5590 FOR SALE EXPERT auto and home radio ser SURVEYING, sawmills, building space with CBI. Call Personnel office. Salem, Ore. Illness forces us to “ell our bus rate. 20 years experience, all makes. plans. Registered engineer, J. J. 4202. FOR SALE Herring-Hall-Marvin * iness at a loss. Guaranteed service. office safe, Class B. Wlli withstand Pearl, 537 Park St., Ix?banon, Phone !------------------------------------------------ VARIETY STORE, idea! busi Stiffler's Radio and Appiance 1850 degrees heat for 2 hours. In 5602. 2‘ ness for couple, must sacrifice in VERY NICE fou: room and bath. At side measurements 19 inches deep x quick sale. 30 inches wide x 41 inches high. New Oil OR SALE Canning beets. Sweet FOR RENT Johnson Electric fl<«<> tached garage and basement. BUILDING Low rent, lease to suit tenant. p ice over $500.00. Our price $300. com in tw’o weeks. Stony Wells. 3 polisher. Will really put on a pro floor furnace. Good location and less FOR SALE tective coat of wax! $1 per day. Also than two years old. Will carry good LYONS VARIETY STOKE, LYONS, 00. Mill City Manufacturing Co. 3t* DRY SLAB WOOD Ready to put GE Tidy sweeper with all attach loan at only $5000.00 2 A. K. ments. Exc. for cleaning car and EXCELLENT older type home, new 40x60 Metal Building—now in shed. Immediate delivery. 'FOR SALE Four wheel trailer Hutchinson, Rt. 1 Lyons, Orc. 1 mile housecleaning. $1.50 per day at— Í used as R. W. Byers Const, paint and roof. Located close in on house with truck tires, new plywood back of Pete Peterson’s. 3 Stiffler's Radio & Appliance Store beautiful landscaped corne lot. Plen t o. Office and Shop. Located van body, 6 ft.Sinches x 16 ft. $200. on Highuav. Selling Price FOR SALE Cocker pups, not re FOR SALE: --Gladiolas ft>r every ty of fruit and large shade trees. For 00. L. I, Howard, 1 *4 mile SW from $600.00. Building to be mov quick sale owner includes three stoves gistered, but good blood. One red and occasion. Mrs. \rt Kerr. Mill < it), Tu ner. 2 ed. Has trussed roof. Suit it ti e low price of $4750.00 aix black, male and females. Oregon. able for any type business. \LI. FURNISHED and ready to HOUSE TRAILER, 995.00. Fiist i Caw — Good family. MILL CITY FOR SALE OR TRADE: New 2 b. move in. Fou: rooms and bath, good clas- cond. Not iunk. 24x8. Contait Brooded Turkeys and tuikey fryers. loom house. Haidwood Floors, In Io ation. $4000.00, Good terms. Jerry Coffman, at Ken Golliet’s Sun A. M. Knox, 1 mile east and *4 mile laid Linoleum, Tub shower, Table top, I SOMETHING different. A very rus day a.m. 2* south of Lyons. Phone 1284. | water healer and utility. 507 So. Wa tic little hon e that you woul I enjoy FOR SALE 1948 Shultz trailer I ter at Silverton, Ore. 3tp owning, built on tract 100 x 800 ft. FOR SALE 22 ft. Noble Trailer Real Estate house. Frigidaire, hot an i cold water. house. A bargain at $695.00. D. L This is a good buy at $5000.00. FOR SALE: -- 18 foot Trailer. In MILL CITY Three rooms, ¡deeps four. See ,at Walker, Martin’s Trailer Court. 2 IF YOU are interested in a very nice Fox Valley, Chailes Cruson. P. O. good condition, almost like new. Ben three bed oom modern home that is Mill City, Oregon. !ltp. Johnson, 875 Fifth St., Lebanon. Ore. les than two years old I would like 3tp to show you a real bargain. FAIR SALE House with three lots, FOR SALE ’!0 ACRES excellent soil. Paid up fruit and berry bushes. Fine garden. 7 room house, basement, oil furnace, Water right. Very good home and Joe Liberty, Mill City 3tp. Has Everything for Your easily made into apartments, 2 cor small barn and tool shed on paver! TRADE Two nice residential lots ner lots. Toa I p iced at $8000.00 OFFICE NEEDS in Roselierg on paved street for large house trailer or good car. Phone 4503, 6 room modem house, lot 100x150. FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES fruit, lawn, best of location, only Detroit. 3tp. 141 N. Commercial St. Phone 3-4531 $7000. MORERN house and acre of land be 945 birst St., Stayton, Oregon tween Lyons and Mill fit) Very rea Duplex, new h’wood floors, gas floor Phone Blue 264K sonable terms. furnace, elec, pump, easily $150 per FOR RENT D 7 Cat with logging 2 BR home, bath, toilet and built ins. month income. «inch. Call Mill Cit) 1815. 2 only $3500. Ia»ige lot. Terms. 2 BR house on cement foundation, P upane gas range, 7 rm. house, 8 a., o npaved road, im- FOR SALE only $3000. Terms. refrigerator, 100 gallon gas tank. mediate possession. $1500 handles STAYTON 5. A TRACTS, only $ltS.OO pei a. See at Moore’s Grove, Gates. Ore. 1* balance like lent. Terms. C. E. COVILLE. Real Estate Queliti ioh printing at the Enter 5 rm. house, new- h’wood floors, lot prise. Mill City. Ore. Phone 3407 64x85, only $5250. FOR SALE 1948 Buick Super St« 10 a., fi.ir bldgs., good location, onf,» C. E. & L. IL (’oville tion Wagon, low mileage, excellent $4250. good soil. Don’t put those needed repairs off any longer. We have made it pos condition. Royal Rayon white side Real Estate Brokers sible for you to take care of this necessary wwk by paying a small SPECIAL ■walls, radio, underseat heater, spot ■ amount each month. We srr running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor light, window washer. Can be seen Why pay rent. 2'» a.. 5 rm. at Reid’s Motel, No. 5 anytime F. M electricity, school bus, only $2200 repairs on Chevrolets only. Septic Tanks Cleaned Mullins 1 Terms. HOWARD CORSET SHOP Tank« priced $1$ 50 and up, 1 \ . 4 rm. hou<e, onh $800 down. Install piston rings and Electric Roto-Rooter Sew- OR SALE 1946 Ch, ■ FOUNDATION GARMENT' •r Service. No digging. No Grind valves 4-Door, In first class condition. $1200. Special Attention Given to Fittings PENNICK PENNICK muae. • lean and align oil pan .arl Wilms, Box 352. Mill City. 1 Hosiery-L'ngerie-Dresses-Sm<x-k- Phone 1901 Thone 3-9468 or 3 5327......... 131 High St. Salem Ph 4032 Burn out breatherpipe. r'OR RENT Two new mod-m du til gaskets i u Rea 1673 Elm St, W Salem p'uxea, 3 rooms, electric refrige-ator. 9 I 5 quarts oil gas stove and gas heater. Bath with shower. 1 mile west of Gates at Man THIS INCLUDES ALI I,IF. \BOVE LISTED oulis Trailer lamp. PARTS AND I. ABOR FOR ONLY 1 Wants and Sales H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop J- K U lrich co Jorgensen Steinke’s David M. Reid The Commercial Book Store SHUX ELECTRIC COMPANY ( hevrolet Owners-th is is the opportunity Listings Wanted MIKE'S Septic Service POR SALE 50x100 ft. lot. See M Rulli Vining o Mrs. Alice I TRAILER HOUSE for quick »ale $595. Rolling House Exceptionally fine but««» range. Inlaid linoleum. It Weathers < t. between Gates «nd 'till < itv ■ SANT I AM GARAGE GENERAL WTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACET’i LINE W ELDING PHONE 34»! you’ve been waiting for. take advantage of it while you can (otean Construction Co. P.O. Box 197 Phone 3*51 Mil I CITY. OREGON 2 Mil Es E \ST ON PR VIRI E ROAD li W ' he ’ S n<'. ( ru<h d (¡ravel, Concrete Mix DI MP TRl( KS m Hoi i : <CONTE MT *49-95 DOI'GI.XS McKAY < HEVROLEI COMPANY Ihrn t forget to ask about our budget plan. ■;<» Nmth < »mmercial Ph. 3-3175 Salem. Oregon