// MILL CITY ENTER PRISE, AUGUST < 1949 Quality job printing at th - Enter (Continued from Page 1) and E. Russell, Sisteis. West of Cascades: Clay Cochrane, Salem, Manley Robinson, Salem, Ro bert Veness, Mill iCty, and Bill Smith of Mongold. Mrs. Ray Johnson is ex- officio chairman. Reception committee: Mesdames of every bride’» Overholser, Vealy, Otis White, Craw wlthlng Ulti j ford Beck, Schlador, B. C. Haseman, Earl Parker, G. W. Moore. Cl ice, and Scott Young; Also, Noman Quail, Col. Jack Miles, Huber Ray, Ray Johnson, Clay Cochrane, Ed Byrkit, Walter Brisbin Norman Garrison and Glen Henness. Food committee: Ms. Cal Schlador, chairman, Mis. Joseph Wegleski, Mrs. Louise Bray, Mrs. L. L. Rynear- son, Miss Joan Cauble, Mrs. Esther Cline, Mis. Clise, and Mrs. Parker, both of Gates, Mrs. Norman Garri son, Mrs. Carl Schaffer, Mr». Warren Oard and Mrs. Crawford, all of Id- from $1.50 up anha. Safety committee: Mr. Jackson, A variety of th»$e famous Deltah nock* Miss Leta Hamar, Mr. Fitz chairman, laces to chooee from In »ingle, double gerald and Mr. Moore. and triple strands of luminous, simu lated pearl». Wonderful values in a Park committee: S. T. Mooie, chair wide rang» of budget prices! man, Mrs. S. T. Moore, Mrs. Howard Dean, Eldon White, Cal Schlador, Ted Maker's Gillespie. Mr. Hintz, Sam Weiser, Mr. Bell, Quincy Smith and Holland Sto rey. Queen Committee: Mrs. Howard Baldwin, chairman, Mrs. Nolan Ras- nick, Mrs. Aichie Mattoon, Mrs. Ov erholser, Mrs. Vealy, Mrs. Holland Stoey, Mrs. Warren Stoll, Mrs. Bris bin and Mis. Traggaw. « Publicity committee: Mrs. Joe Wright, Mrs. Harry Rutheford, Ed Byrkit, Jeiry Lyons,Mr. Parker and Mr. Venass. *- Ball committee: Janet Nelson, chairman, Mrs. Nolan Rasnick, Mrs. THANKS TO ALL Gordon Skidmore, Mrs. Jerry Lyons, I OB HIE WELCOME J. C. Fowler and Raymond Sophy. TOU HAVE GIVES Parking committee: Otto Russell, OUR NEW BUSINESS assisted by the Boy Scouts. Amateur night committee: Mrs. Typewriters Calculators Eli Bangs, chairman, Mis. Louis Mc Daniels ami Mrs. Gordon Skidmore. Adding Machine« Chaperones, Mrs. Otis White, chair CAPITOL OFFICE man. Mis. Del Nelson and Mrs. Vira EQUIPMENT CO. Bray. 531 Court SALEM Mr. Vickers took the queen, of the Sales — Rentals — Service Santiam, Miss Jeanne Bray, and her <«• <«• <«• :«• .» <«. «. <«. .«¡r «. prise. princesses to a luncheon in their hon* hall will be a banquet for 1500, and or given by the Redmond Chamber Wednesday night. of Commerce. En route they stopped at Sisters to be greeted by the Cham HOWELL REUNION SUNDAY ber there. T The 16th annual homecoming -f the Howell school, four miles east ot SANTIAM K. OF C.S TO ATTEND Stayton, will be held this Sunday. PORTLAND NATIONAL PARLEY A basket dinner will be served at Edw. J. Bell, Stayton, secretary of 12:30, followed by a program of en- the Oregon State Knights of Colum tertainmetn and sports« bus, said this week that many mem Mrs.Roscoe Poole, B. L. Kirsch and bers of the organization are planning Tex Kimsey have charge of the pro to attend the national convention of gram. that organization in Portland Aug. Even though the school has been 14 to 18. closed for several years, the reunions The program will begin Sunday at unfailingly bring many fotmer stu the Portland Hotel with a welcome dents to the little country school. session. A naval flotilla will arrive Mrs. E. T Ware, Stayton, is sec 'in Portland Monday. Tuseday the retary-treasurer of the organization. convention will be opened with Sol- em Pontifical Mass with Most. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Roten of Me Edward D. Howard, D.D., archbishop hama visited his mother, Mrs. Mattie of Portland, celebrant, followed by a Murdock. Friday. civic reception in the Neighbors of 8. C. Dilley of Floience, Wash., JVoodcraft auditorium. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Tur- The same evening at the Neighbors nidge. Mill City School District No. 129J, Mill City School District No. 129J Linn-Marion County, Mill City. Ore Linn-Marion County, Mill City, Ore gon, will accept bids for 20,000 gal gon, will accept bids for 10,650 gal lons of diesel fuel oil (furnace oil) lons of oil Pacific Coast No. 300, until 8 o’clock P. M. September 1. giade No. 5 until 8 P. M. September 1949. The Board reserves the right 11, 1949. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will 1 to reject any and all bids. Bids will be opened and read at th» High be opened and read at the High School after 8 P. M. Sept. 1. 1949. School after 8 P. M. Sept. 1. 1949 Signed Signed Charles Kelly, Clerk. Charles C. Kelly, Clerk. Mill City Jewelry CAFE At TOM AN’S Hilltop Store MILL CITY FURNITURE COMPANY’S BIG Grocery Dept. 3 lbs. Shortening FREE with each $10 order or more HEMOVAL SALE Produce Dept. Order your Canning Peaches Now for Future Delivery Removal Sale Still Going On in the Old Store Building Sto;e Hours 8 a. m. to 7 p. mj We deliver Watch for Grand Opening V ery Soon! Continues through August The Richfield Service Station $30,000 Stock Must Go! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED I am now in charge of the Mill City Richfield Oil Station Come Early for Best Selections and extend a cordial invi tation to all my old and new frienbs to visit me in the new location Easy Terms, of Course C. IL (Hank) NELSON Richfield Products, Goodyear Tires and Batteries. The best modern facilities for car washing ami lub rication service OBEX EVE INGS I