o MILL CITI ENTERPRISE JULY 21. 1949 Church Activities Idanha Mr. and Mrs. Frank New spent Sunday afternoon fishing and boat­ ing at Blue Lake. Mrs. O. C. Lady returned to her home here Sunday from Athens, Ga. T. V. Peterson is here for a few days. He has been doctoring in Port- alnd for arthritis. Jerry Pittam was in Roseburg this (week. On his return he brought his nephews, Larry and Tommy Pittam, with him for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Counts of Leban­ on visited the Otis Floyds over the week end. Barbara and Faye Floyd | returned with them for the week. : By MRS. RHEBA SNYDER James Budlong, who was injured by a saw at the Idanha Shingle Mill, is being treated at the Salem Mem­ orial Hospital. Evan Evanson returned Sunday from a motor trip to California and other points. • The George Barneys have a new CHURCH OF CHRIST car. Services Every Lord’s Day C. B. Howard, night watchman at 11:00 Morning Worship the Idartha Lumber Co., is living in 6:30 Young People’s Meeting 7:80 his trailer house next to the Elbert Evening Worship ! Brown residence. Tom Courtney, Pastor Mr. and Mrs. Pearly Cribbs of Mill Mill City Ixdge No. 144, L- CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. citY visited at the Carl Schaffer w^^Jo.O.F,. Meets Every Friday DAY SAINTS hnme' night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall j The Little Theater Group of Id- ' airha met at the Gerald Pittam home Saturday evening. Attending were FREE METHODIST OHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gordon, Mr. and “The Church of the Light and Life Mrs. Al Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. War- I Hour” ren Stoll, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaf­ Plumbing and Sheet Metal Works 10:00 fer, Mr. and Mrs. John Ray, Mr. and Sunday school Ph. 505B 11:00 Mrs. Frank New and the host and Morning Worship 7:00 hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Pittam. STAYTON, ORE. Young People’s Service 7:30 Evening Worship The evening was spent playing | 7:30 bunco, after which lunch was served. Wed. Prayer Meeting North Side Donald Hinkle, Pastor Marvin Thomason, sawyer at the j Idanha Lumber Co., has been hospi- ! GATES COMMUNITY talized at the Salem Memorial Hos­ OHURCH OF CHRIST 10:00 pital. He is receiving treatment for Sunday School his eye which was injured a week ago 11:00 Morning Worship while working. 6:30 Christian Endeavor The Carl Schaffers were in Salem 7:30 Evening Worship Saturday. They returned the same Walter Smith, Pastor. evening with a' new car. COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor 10:00 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:45 Evangelistic Service 7:45 Wed. Bible Study FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prelude; cal! to worshipjdoxology; invocation; gloria; psalter selection; hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; notices; offering; music by choir; sermon; hymn; postlude. Jacob Spaniol & Co. SCENE from “Joan of Arc,’ starring Ingrid Bergman, coming to the Mill City Thetaer Tuesday and Wednesday. PARKING SERVICE — Cohered Parking — 115 Church St. Phone 2-561*2 — Open 24 Hours — It'/io "SATURDAY SPECIALS ' ARE YOURS EVERY DA Y AT TOMAN’S A friendly family atmosphere prevails / reSert'cA ome — Preserve Foods by Freezing /fs easier, quicker—results are better Freezing food* is simple. It’s the easiest way of preserving requires half the time, half the effort There are only seven steps to follow for freezing . . . fourteen for conning With a Deepfreeze home freezer, you no longer spend long tiresome hours over a hot stove, or go through the drudgery of washing and sterilizing jars. You save time, work food and money Freezing is nature's way of preserving foods It seals in all the quality, flavor and food value ... it retains the appearance, texture and color of the choice fruits and vegetables you grow or buy. And it keeps them SAFE from food spoilage The Journal of the American Dietetics Associa- tion (June issue, 1948), Cornell Univcrsity, states that no case of food poisoning from froien foods has ever been reported. ¡¡J^ Hilltop Store July 25th is a RED LETTER day for the people of Mill City and the North Santiam Canyon—It’s July 25th that Mr. and Mrs. Toman open their new store to the public and the same day is the time for New LOWER PRICES on all food items. Changing from the credit plan of operation to the low price cash policy enables us to be right dowm to the lowest level on all food items. Visit our new store, check our everyday low prices and we feel sure you will gladly accept the new plan of our business. SHORTENING SOMETHING 3 SPRY, ( RISCO, SNOWDRIFT - YOUR CHOICE YOU’LL REALLY SOAPS Iff- Pkg OXYDOL, RIN SO, SUPER SUDS 2 FOR 2.¡< CANNED MILK L*“'1 ALL POPULAR BRANDS PEAS 18 Elsinore. No. 303 can FANCY. SWEET DIMPLE CR. CORN 2 No 303 cans TEXSl'N M»-oi ran 29c Ml-of. ran 41c MO. run 25c No, * y ran 43c UNPEELED APRICOTS’^ “ 23c EI.SINORE BLENDED JUICE SPRINGDAY BeefffreexE fat*? «M« 4M t IMI VB HOMI FltffZf* Lof Ul Skew Y m H ow Tbo Doo*froo>o H omo trooior Will Qi.o You Bottos Limo, While It Royt to« ItooH Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance SERVICE RACKING BARTLETT PEARS STARKIST SOLID PACK TUN A EI.SINORE WHO4.F. TASTY PAK GRAPEFRUIT Mo. t ran 19c III NTS FANCY — No. 2'.- can» YELLOW ( LING PEACHES HIM»» » FRUIT (’(M’KTAIL » i SINORK Bl i F LAKI CUT GREEN BE ANS Our Meat Department is the last word in modern merchandising. Self-Service Meats—each piece is properly cut and trimmed, then wrapped in sanitary wrapping with weight and price plainly marked — you can see exactly what you buy—you choose from self - service refrigerated case your choice of the finest cuts of meat, a large assortment of fish and poultry—at low every-day prices. Kliewer Quality Meats TASTY PAR — “THE BRAM» IN DEMAND" GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 23 8.89 CANE SUGAR i APPRECIATE PALMOLIVE SOAP.325 RE