MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. UBO MAN JOINS ENTERPRISE STAFF Leo Dean, Salem newspaperman, former publisher and for the past ten years with the Capital Press, has joined the staff of the Mill City En­ terprise as composing room foreman. Mr. Dean for many years was also a columnist on the Press, when it was edited by A. M. Church. His column, The Third Rail, was read throughout the Willamette Valley— a lively ami humorous weekly offer­ ing. Bfore coming to Oregon in the mid 30's, Mr. Dean owned a printing firm in Sioux City, la., and published a weekly in Burke, S. Dak. He was advertising manager for the Capital Press for many yeais. Mr. Dean will start his Third Rail column in The Enterprise very soon. JUNE 30. 191« after aviait in Delake with a* friend. The Enterprise hit the 900 mark Miss Rose Kerber, formerly of Mill j this week, moie than double its cir- About Town, with paiagraplu of in­ ’ £ ’culation two years ago. teresting gossip. The paper is print­ ed letter size on a duplicator. Candid Forestry i t? ONV Of WORLDS LARGEST LIVING THINGS DOUGLAS FIR TREE Ajk* GROWS FROM ONE OF SMALLEST SEEDS ----- tL L I WRECK VICTIMS IMPROVE Calvin Cannon, Idanha, who was gravely injured in an automobile col­ lision June lb, is still in a Bend hospital but his condition is greatly improved. Richard Cannon, in the same ac­ cident, was released Monday. He sus­ tained a broken nose which became infected. / Mr. und Mr». Cnaile* Doleza., wl.o ^are diiving from Great Falls, Mont., where he is stationed with the Army, will vacation with his parents, Mr. rand Mrs. Charles Dolezal. Odd Fellows and Rebekahs attend­ ed church in a body Sunday, to com­ memorate late members, relatives and servicemen. Dr. David J. Fer­ guson .spoke on “Friendship, Love, and Truth." Miss Leia Mel Kelly has leturned Thomas Housing Project LOTS, HOMES FOR SALE If You’re a G. L, See G. E. Thomas, Mill City / / Mor>F(tv __ _ *5*5^---- - [¿5? _______ _____________ I LANDS I ' 6flANT DOUGLAS FIR. TREES OF II OREGON ANP WASHINGTON MAY GROW TO 300 FEET IN HEIGHT, AS LARGE AS )Z FEET in diameter and weigh as much as zoo TONS. IT TAKES 40000 FlR SEEDS TO MAKE AROUND; 500,000 WEST COAST HEMLOCK SEEDS; Z5O0OO SITKA SPRUCE SEEDS AND 400,000 WESTERN RED CEDAR SEEPS. now in ✓ ✓ Here's your light and lively refreshment in a new convenient package! Now you can enjoy Blitz Weinhard in cans as well TRADING POST ADDS WEEKLY TO MARCH OF DIMES FUND The dimes are marching the year gold. It contains news of social ac- roi’nd at King’s Trading Post be­ ENGINEERS Pl BUSH PAPER A lively little newspaper, The Can- (iv ties, personals and some interest- , tween Mill City and Lyons. A big percentage of the cover yon Courier, ,ia being pulished by ing gossip. Outstanding feature is charge each week end goes to the Army Engineers personnel in Mon- a column, Chet Sez, with jokes, and fund to tight infantile paralysis. It at 1 I was Frank King’s idea. As much us $25 weekly has been I taken to the Portland office of the March of Dimes office in Portland. as bottles...whichever you prefer. Buy it by the case for home, picnics and outings. TOY & HOBBY SHOP LOSES EYE Fiank Rav. planer operator at the Idanha I umber co., lost the sight of his right eye Wednesday in a mill ■ <’ci lent. He is in a Salem hospital where he is receiving tieatment. Don’t Borrow. Subacribe! A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern GATES i BUTZ WEINHARD COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON A NEW CAR- See the difference! See why the New York Fashion Academy fudged Ford the "Fashion Car of the Year.” See the luxury of line and the rich krterior fabrics. See those “Sofa-Wide" teat«. They offer you more hip and moulder room than any other car In Ford'« field. before Feel the difference! Feel how Ford’i "Magic Action Brake, stop you 35% eosier. Feel bump* di*- app-c. .j»h “Hydra Coil” wrgi, E-jua-Poise’’ Power. offers you a 100-horsepower In its field offers you your Springs. An^ .'eel Only Ford In it. V-8 engine. Only choice of V-8 or that field Ford Six. Save the difference! Where < -he ’ __ con so little buy you so much cart And you save up to !C% on ga*. too . up to 25% with Ford’s new Overdrive.* See for yourself. ’ l vovr dealer far a ride and you’ll order your Ford today. at e«trO co< gets down Take the wheel... trv •*»* new to FORD FEEL' thi low cost of electricity For a lung lime, eleetrk ««vice ha« been )u*t about th* be,I bargain In leur fainlll budget— read, at all Um-« le nuke Ilf* easier, healthier, more comfortable for you. What el«e give« gen aech high Using value al «urh Inw < net* MOUNTAIN STATES POWER COMPANY A Self SuppO.Lng. Taa Paving, Private inferprue" it your Ford Dealer's HERROLI) PHILIPPI MOTOR CO. STAYTON. ORF. AWAtOfD THf FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AS Irti FASHION CAR OF THF TEAL