Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. JUNE 23, 1919 *«•« F* Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crawford are visiting at Lake Tahoe. They plan to settle in Detroit on their return. The Glen Drydens and the Geoige Renners attended the baseball game in Portland Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Diavis went to Eu gene over the week end to pick up their 11-year-old son, Freddie, who has been attending school theie. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Vealey -were din- ne guests of the W. D. Smiths Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ran Hellwig spent the week end in Salem. Elkhorn ers Club met Wednesday with Mrs. Bertha Reynolds for the first pot luck dinner of the summer, Only four By REBA SNYDER members besides the hostess were Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Tucker, Mrs. present. Richard Cannon and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lloyd Girod, Alan and Jim- Bill Hamilton spent Sunday in Bend mie went to Salem Wednesday to with Richard and Calvin Cannon who spend the remainder of the week. are hospitalized there. Mrs. Cannon Alan Girod on his 11th birthday and Mis. Hamilton remained in Bend entertained nine of his friends Fri Mrs. Jerry Pittam came home Fri day evening with a movie and re day night and will remain to care for freshments. Those enjoying the eve their daughter, Sherry, who is ill with ning were Jimmie Girod, Bruce and measles. Bobby Gordon, Gerald and Lanny Mrs. Orval Lady and her two chil Vickers, Leonard Snyder, Jack White, dren who have spent the last year Russell Rice and Terry Fletcher. Al or so in Georgia joined her husband an received several gifts. and son here Saturday. The three older ilaughters of Mr. Vernon Hallford and Glen Willis and Mrs. James Gordon spent the had a profitable fishing trip the past week end with their parents. Mary week end. Martin Rudy took a U-drive truck to Smith River, Calif., Friday to move their furnituie here. His wife returned with him. Mr. and Mrs. Frank New and girls were boating on Suttle Lake Sunday. * Ice Boxes The Lloyd Girod family spent Sun * Davenos, Tables day fishing at Suttle Lake. * Gas Ranges Jeiry Pittam went to Portland on * Wood Stoves business Monday, returning Tuesday evening. The North Santiam Willing Work- 145 S. Church SALEM Idanha By JEAN ROBERTS Ray Roberts and Bud Johnson re- turned from Crain P.airie Reservoir Sunday where they caught their lim it Saturday. The fish averaged 18 inches long. They reported the fish biting good, but the mosquitoes bet- ter. Ike Myers left Monday for East I.akke where he intends to spend sev- eral days fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Biekett Jr. and Terry Lin left for their home in Tex as Friday moining. They had spent the (past three weeks visiting at the Bill Bicket home. Paul Clise attended a Masonic con AT THE SILVER SADDLE vention in Porthand three days last Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hough went week. to Vancouver over the week end, vis Army Engineers were in Elkhorn iting his bi other, Calvin Hough. Wednesday last week looking for a Edward East of Portland left the log jam that was reported to be dam Silver Saddle court Tuesday. Many ming the ¡¡ver at the narrows. It had years ago Mr. East worked here fofr been reported that the drift hail the Hammond Lumber Co. raised the height of the river to 30 Mr. and Mrs. Charley Thorton of feet. Residents of Elkhorn said the Eugene visited Mr. and Mrs. Roland drift had been in since last winter Hopper Sunday. Mr. Thorton is with and could see no cause for alarm. the state highway department. Fied Longnecker of Eugene and Mrs. Harold Werner is employed Mrs. Anna Longnecker of Silverton at Viv’s Steak House. Mr. Werner were visitors Thursday and Friday is working on the gade school build at the Carl Longnecker home. ing as a carpenter. Sunday guests at the Ray Sischo Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norton and chil home were Mrs. Bess Vandermeer, dren, Robby and Linda of Corvallis anil Wanda, of Mill City, Mr. and visited the Dudley Jones’ Sunday. Mrs. Lyle Rush of Salem and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Huey Long attended and Mrs. Claude Morse, also of Sa the Santiam rodeo Sunday. lem. “Muddy” Sischo accompanied PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ; the Morse’s for all all-«hay visit with AT MARTIN’S Mill City U her son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howard and Bar IS Mr. and Mis. Bill Biekett and fam ily ateended the rodeo at the Lazy bara Sexton and Mr. and Mrs. Don Maple ranch Sunday afternoon. They Walker and childen had a picnic at Silver Cteek Falls Sunday. It was PHOTO SHOP liked the show. in celebration of the eighth wedding Open each Friday Dinner guests at the Kenneth Ran- anniversary of the Walkers. Mill City Furniture Company dall home Sunday night were Mr. Bud Howard has built a new iporch 2:00 to 7:30 and Mrs. Ike Myers, Mr. and Mrs. for his trailer home. — PORTRAITURE — Ray Sischo and Terry, and Mr. and Small gardens and even lawns are Mrs. Ray Roberts and family. coming to life at many of the trailer homes. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howard diove to Portland Wednesday to get Mrs. Duckworth who is visiting her sister By AMBER RUTHERFORD For a comfortable and at the court. The second meeting of the Detroit Mis. Woodrum, Mrs. McElvain aiW inexpensive place to stay Dam Recreation Assn, was held June Mrs. Dickerson went berry picking 16 in the mess hall with an estimated at Heater’s this week. For some rea it’s- - - 60 persons present. Ran Hellwig was son they are complaining of sore appointed temporary treasurer and knees. gave a financial i eport and suggested Mi. and Mrs. K. H. Dickerson went various means of raising funds. Ted It’s the Hospitality Brown reported results of a survey up the Santiam above Detroit Sun day and caught a mess of trout. of recreational needs and outlined HMrs. Rose Duckworth of Portland various committe plans. Clauiie Beck announced that the sister of Mrs. W. C. Carlson, is vis organizational committee is waiting iting until the Fourth of Jwiy.- HAUUNG GATS. Mi. and Mrs. H. C. McElvain went legal advice from Portland before it SHOVELS and draws up a constitution and bylaws. to Portland Sunday for Father’s day. HEAVY EQUIPMENT Ray Overholser, Harry Rutherford Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Higgins and and Mrs. Winnie Wegleski are to be family, and Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mc judges in a contest to name the as Cabe went picnicking up above Idan Salem Heavy Hauling & sociation’s newspaper. Mis. Lewis ha Sunday. Equipment Co. McDaniel presided. CofTee was serv Robert Sullivan of St. Louis, Mo., Phones: Plant 34644; Office .39408 ed. has been at the trailer court since 1405 N. FRONT ST- May 1. He is employed by the Shea SALEM The next Engineers Club dance will Construction Co. which is digging the be held July 8 at the Rod and Gun tunnel at the ilamsite. Club. Mr. and Mis. Willis Nelson and Roy Ljunggren moved his family children of Pasco, Wash., arrived on to Detroit this week from Woodburn. MILL CITY Wednesday. Mr. Nelson is a carpen They have three children. ter. POOL HALL Mis. Jesse Glasgow and Mrs Bud Stevens spent Monday in Salem Dont Borrow. Subscribe! NOW OPEN Billiards. Pool. Snooker. COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC Shuffleboard LIGHTING ( het Hollinshead Ben Hauck For taxi service call Mill City- 2602 or 2108 Trailer Courts D \V. Reid MD McEWAN In Salem Mongold remained at home, the other two re turning to Portland where the are employed. George Cannon of Giand Ronde was a Bend visitor Sunday. He also called on Idanha relatives. PARKING SERVICE — Covered Parking — 115 Church St. Phone 2-5612 — Open 24 Hours — SPECIAL! OREGON DRIED PRUNES 2 lbs. for 34c Bed Springs and Mattress C O O K I E S KellonTs Grocery Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. High St. s urna.i...... nujssniMuini.mniiiui uiilim . iii .. ji SALEM MASTER UM j Popular--becauww ü___ Z___ =. ’s MOBILOIL MOBILGAS Wins Again! City Electric Indianapolis Memorial Day races 1948, Mobiloil took first, second. third and fifth places. In 1919— first and third. Electric Contracting COMMERCIAI) & INDUSTRIAL WIRING HIED SNYDER 245 Center St, Salem Mill City Phone »02 a reason. Trv it. lie Winners. I Bring in this ad. It is good for 1 quart of Mobiloil with an oil change at— «II IM Greenly s PLUMBING & HEATING Hotel Salem HATHAWAY GARAGE FOR HIRE I LET US FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING \ND HEATING. NO JOB TOO LARGE AND NONE TOO SMALL. Shop and Residence 4260 Macleay Rd. SALEM Ph. 2-7609 I Mom & Pop’s Cafe Freres Building Supply Co. Building Materials oí All Kinds Private Dining Room Stayton FR E PLANNING SERVICE AND COS I’ ESTIMATES FOR TRAILER COURTS HOME BUILDERS I “ì ... juliu — G. C. McKinney CIVIL Ph. 2-2578 engineer UNIT BUILDERS 310 S. High Surveying Construction, Plans and Specifications Salem, Ore. RESTAURANTS « CONTRACTORS for Cooking, Hot Water, Refrigeration, and Heating requirements- - I h<* luaciou* new Salem-m-m BE SURE TO GET OUR BID BEFORE PURCHASING! Due to volume buying we can eave you money! of chocolates, with .10 varieties.. In th* one and two pound distinc tive box. \ beautiful eift or prioe . . \1 — different. And don’t for- ret the Oregon cherry box. ALLMARK CARDS S30 Court SALEM Our Mik,. Tamasi devotes bis entire time to Canyon service. Call “Mika." Phone Salem 3-5098 or Phone 2-0447 evenings Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON, OREGON PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCE COMPANY 34« FERRY STREET SALEM Opposite Manon Hotel PHONE 3-5*«