The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949, June 16, 1949, Image 1

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    Seri mg the North Santiam
The North Santiam’s
Mill City Enterprise
Looking Up Looking for a Place
and Down to Live? Get a Tent
the Canyon
Hamman Stage Line could quite
profitable operate another bus, late
at night from Salem to Mill City and
other points up the Canyon. Much
of the constiuction work is on a two-
or three-shift basis. Week ends are
particularly cut short for many who
don’t have cars, because of the com­
paratively early leaving time in the
The new highway soon will mean
much more bus travel via the North
Santiam route through the Cascades.
• • *
All future Rose Queens should be
tested for allergies. The current one
had a bad case of the sniffles—rose
• ♦ •
I’m not an economist, but I’d like
to know if there is any connection
between the current slump in busi­
ness throughout the country and the
policy of the past few years of send­
ing billions abioad.
The ostensible purpose of propping
up certain governments with stacks
of American dollars was to get Joe
Stalin’s goiat and to halt the spread
of the kind of government he likes.
After three or more years of such
a policy, a count of Red noses (and
I don’t mean those that bloom front
spirits! brings us a total of about
700.000,000 people, Before we set out
to save the world from communism
there were about 200,000,000 under
its sway.
The past three years has not seen
a federal budget of less than $40,-
000,000,000 yearly.
Roosevelt’s big­
gest peacetime budget—which built
Bonneville, Grand Coulee dams and
other vast public works, never hit
above ten billion in .peacetime. The
only way it can be figured is that we
aie spending—what with an enlarged
military establishment upwards of
$.30 billion to stop the Reds. That
ought to have bought a lot of anti-
communism, but it hasn't.
• • •
What bthers me is that the United
States, with the consent of the Dem­
ocrats and Republicans, has really
ladled out the gravy to keep Them-
ostocles Popopolis from turning Red,
has dishes! out plenty of rice to a lot
of Chang Cbangsjor the same rea­
son, they haven’t spent a dime on
me to keep me fiom waving a red
flag or heatring a bomb at a capital
ist. Heck, I’ll stay non- communist,
even divest myself of the pinkish hue
of which I have been accused, if the
government will give me a small frac­
tion of what it has been passing out
to the rest of the world to keep it
from going red.
The business of keeping your ed-
itor from looking longingly at the
Kremlin by paying him a substan­
tial bonus has manv piecedents. We’­
ve been doing it for the past three
years to the citizens of other coun­
tries. Another precedent could be de­
rived from the good old days of the
new deal — when they paid farmers
foi not raising wheat.
I’ll pledge not to raise hell for a
whole lot less.
A near disaster occurred at the Id­
anha Lumber Co. mill Friday. It start
ed with a sneeze.
An employee let loose wi‘h a wol-
loping ha-choo! He then was seen to
pa* fiantically through the sawdust,
then dash out of the mil! and down
to the conveyer. There he waited for
a few moments, at last picking up
what he’d lost.
You guessed it. Twas his uppers.
“Where are we going to live?”
That question was being asked by
hundreds of newcomers to the Can-
yon, now that school is out and wives
and children are coming in to join
their husbands employed on the De­
troit Dam and related projects.
And the answer is:
“Theie just aren’t any houses.”
Trailer camps appear to be the best
immediate solution for many. Mar­
tin Hansen’s trailer court in Mill City
has grown from about five or six
tiailer occupants a month ago to at
least 30 today. The Silver Saddle is
filling up. Butler’s camp in Gates is
already a small city on wheels. And
up in Detroit the same growth is ev­
What few local homes that have
been vacant are now tenanted, some
at triple previous rentals.
Many dam employees are buying
lots -and are planning to build.
Heie and there are tents pitched,
and large families are roughing it.
The real housing crisis probably
will not come, however, until next
year, when Consolidated Builders’
payroll will start climbing to its
peak of 2500 or more.
Two college boys, out to work for
the summer, looked vainly for a room
and finally located one in Gates—at
Breitenbush Road
Closed Part Time
■S. T. Moore, district ranger, has
announced that the road from Detioit
to Breitenbush Hot »Springs will be
closed to the general public from 7:45
a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5
p.m. because of construction. Sunday
is excepted.
The ruling took effect Wednesday,
A $250,000 road widening pioject is
under way. The improved road will
improve access for the construction
o tfhe Dertoit-Maupin transmission
line and for looging of federal tim-
be- on the right-of-way.
Santiam Spanned
Above Idanha
A bridge acros the North Santiam,
providing access to about nine million
feet of timber on the Linn County
side, is nearing completion today in
the Idanha vicinity.
The timber was purchased of the
Forest Se. vice by the M. & M. Wood­
working Co. last year. The Idanha
Veneer Co., which markets its pro­
duct with the M. & M. firm, is build­
ing the bridge androads.
The bridge is of steel, 90 feet long
with a 32 foot approach on the Linn
side and a fill on the Mai ion side.
At the conclusion of the logging
operation the bridge becomes the pro­
perty of the forest service.
Kliewer to Start
Meat Service Firm
Harold Kliewer, mayor, has an­
nounced the establishment of a whole­
sale meat business, which will begin
to serve several outlets in this vitin-
ity in a few weeks.
Mr. Kliewer was associated with
Fleetwood’s grocery here for many
yea i a.
The meats will be cut, weighed and
packaged in cellephane in a new
building almost completed at the new
Hilltop General Store.
The meats
then will be displayed in local stores
in self-service cabinets.
Ixx-al outlets for Mr. Kliewer’s bus­
iness are Hilltop Store and the Red
At W bite Store. In Gates, the general
store there will be the outlet. The
new firm also will suupl.v many res­
taurant accounts.
Mis. Les Mullen opened the doors
of an attractive restaurant next to
Les Mullen's tavern on the highway.
The eating place was named Viv’s
Steak House.
The new establishment has a iron­ Lt i£ VICTIMS EFFECTS FOUND
tnge of about 40 feet and ia complete
No t: ace of the oody of Jonepo
ly new in all respects. A modem kit- Harris. Stayton. who was uroward
chen has been installed.
in Suttle Lake last week, has been
found, but his boat, tool chest end
purse have been located
Mrs. Alice Huber. Lyon* school
distrcit clerk, explained today that 1GED HOM \N BRE \K-s HIP
Mr*. Saloney Hinkle. 82, of Afbany-
notices cal Ing for a school meeting
Monday were based on standard time and a former Mill City reside«*, fell
and that the meeting will begin at 9 Sunday and broke her hip when she
trippe-i over a black cat.
p.m. DST
$40 per month for a hole in the wall,
hey said, ’Huh uh!” and went out
and bought a tent.
One CB1 wife located what sha had
been told was a furnished apartment.
The furnishings did not, however, in­
clude refrigeration, hot water, wash­
ing machine, and many other items
normally expected at the high rental
Local people, as well as newcom­
ers, have been caught in the housing
bind, when homes they were renting
weie sold. Their chances have been
a bit better than others because they
were better informed on vacancies.
Many workers and executive per­
sonnel are living as far away a# Sa­
lem and commuting daily.
To outsiders, the best advice seems
to be:
•‘Bring a trailer—or a tent.”
Plans Advance
For Highway
Opening Fete
Edison Vickers, president of the
Canyon Commercial Club of Idanha
and Detroit, announced Fi iday that
a meeting of heads of civic groups
had decided on preliminary plans for
the opening and dedication of the
The meeting was held at the high
school Thureday evening.
A ribbon will be stretched across
the road at the Breitenbush bridge,
where a caravan from eastern Ore­
gon will meet a caravan from the
valley. Plans are for a 45 minute
dedication service, and Gov. Douglas
McKay will be invited to participate
as chief speaker. At the same time
a Queen of the Santiam will be
crowned. The queen will be chosen
according to plans not yet completed.
Invitations have been sent to var­
ious groups in eastern Oregon and
the valley. Also present will be pro-
11 inent men from the Corps of Army
Engineers and the Public Roads Ad­
On June 21, heads of Chambers of
Commerce from many eastern and
■western Oregon cities will meet in
Salem for further plans.
Hl' ffii !!l! nilllt’IMiM.Bll lUlilUHiil MB'Utt fill WM UilUttMfflM
»2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A C«PY
Ji xe IB. 1919
Lyons, Mehama. Elkhorn
Mill City Gates, Mangold
Detroit and Idanha
Rapist of Teenager
Given 10 Year Term
C. of C. Will
Sponsor Air
Worker, 27
Hop July 17
Pleads Guilty
Swift justice wa* dealt out to Ed­
The Mill City Chamber of Com­ die Snell, 27, confessed rapist of a
merce will sponsor the breakfiash hop teenage Canyon girl. He was sen­
July 17 at Davis Aiiport her«, when tenced to ten years in prison Wed­
about .300 fliers and passengers will nesday in circuit court in Salem.
'descend on the Canyon.
Snell altered his original plea of
A barbecue has been planned to not guilty to guilty before the trial
'feed the visitors.
Lowell Stiffler, chaiiman of the
The girl was criminally attacked
committee, told the chamber of the May 1 when Snell was t eturning her
program for the day. The committee to her home from a visit above Ni-
met at the Entei prise office Wednes­ agara. He tried to intimidate her to
day evening. Present were Byron Da­ keep her for telling her parents, but
vis, Te l Galbraith, owner and mana­ she revealed what had happened to
ger of the field; Harold Kliewer, ma­ them upon arriving home. The next
yor; and J. C. Kimmel, president of d*y she identified Snell in the pres
The Shea Construction Co. this
ence of officers.
week was on location at the Detroit
Local fliers got a preview of what
Snell was a highway construction
Dam for its subcontract of digging
their July 17 breakfaM. hop here will worker, is married and has two chil-
a 1400 foot diversion tunnel for the
be by attending one in Redmond Sun­ dren.
North Santiam River.
day. Over 1000 airmen convened at
Consolidated Builders, Inc. complet­
the Redmond airport, and the skies
ed ecavation work at the east portal
were filled with planes.
of the shaft which will bee 25 feet
Five local planes took ofT here ear­
or m oreindiame ter and will be cut
ly Sunday morning, along with two
through sold rock.
from Silverton and one from Salem.
Other work the past week at the
In contrast with a general trend Byron Davis leached the field across
damsite included pouring of footings of slowing lumber production and the Cascades in 50 minutes.
for the main office of the construction mill closings, a brighter 'picture of
A big feature of the breakfast hop
will bring hundreds of planes
of a new lumber producer put in op­
About 350 are presently employed eration this week was good news for here from all over the Northwest, ‘»'SafrkFP b l*ftni9O*P
an air
circus. Visiting
on the CBI pay roll, with over 100 the Canyon.
air circus.
Visiting aiimen
ai.----- will
---- m I v I V I 1 "1 tz
at work or scheduled to be on sub-
It is the Oregon Pulp and Paper
The first con plated busiress build­
Co. Mill between Mill City and Gates, oeuvers. A local student flier, Glen I
ing of the current conspsKtion boom
a plant -which was moved from its Roberts, is s> heduled to make a para-
here was ïéady for inspection this
Monument Peak location where it had ciiaM jumff.
One of the most interesting attrac­ week here It aqs a two More busi­
been idle for over a year. The mill
tions will be two 'helicopteis from ness b'ock built by C. A. Booth for
An important school meeting will was set up in its new location under the Army Airforce. They will be the C. E. Mason, on Broadway.
be held Monday evening to elect two
The new structure, with a frontage
first ever seen in the Canyon.
directors and vote on the proposed City.
Mr. Davis and Ted Galbraith, man­ of 80 feet, is of concrete block con-
budget for next year.
ager of the field, are studying out ! st ruction. The exterior is trimmed
The terms of Ramon Roberts, chair­ ber, thg mill will produce about 35,- the problem of feeding the hundreds j with green. The interior is white, and
man, and W. B. Shuey, who was ap­
of flieis and their passengers. A big is lit with floreacent fixtures,
pointed to fill the post vacated by
The building was finished in les*
barbecue has been decided upon, but
Willis Potter, expire.
One director
the sponsorship of it has not been de­ thin u month.
is to be elected for a three year, and
Landscaping in the form of shrub­
Enumeration of business establish­ termined. The affair will come up for
the other for a year’s term.
ments in the Linn County part of discussion at this week’s Chamber of bery was added as an extra touch
A budget about »10,000 above last Mill City wilt begin next week, it was Commerce meeting.
George Manolis, Salem and Silver-
year’s also will be discussed.
announced in Eugene by Olga A.
Local fliers and passenger-, were ton restaurateui, began construction
Freeman, district supervisor of the Elmer Moore, Don Walker, Byron of a large drive-in cafe between Mill
Davis, Lloyd Hoeye, Glen Robeits, City and Gates.
Census Bureau.
Footings for a 40 by GO foot build­
Reports will be sought on 194b bus Ted Galbraith, Virginia Galbraith
A new swtichboard has been install­
to be constructed of concrete
ed in the Lyons telephone office, a 50-
will include sales volume, pay rolls, Chance, Ben Bodeker and Buddy Tho­ blocks, were poured late last week.
circuit board.
mas. Ted Finley and Mr. and Mrs. The work has been contracted by the
It is quite an improvement over and employment.
Lee Selman of Silverton and Elmer I jar sen Construction Co. of Silverton.
the old board which has been in ser­
Rapid progress was being made on
of Salem joined th ■ flight
vice ever since the telephone com­
the Hilltop General Store’s new build­
S. T. Moore, district ranger, said here.
pany was organized early in 1900.
ing. The outside walls and roof are
The first service in Lyons was a this week that lookout stations at
finished, and chief work remaining is
three jack box at the Trask ami Bro­ Stahlman peak and Kinney Ridge had
plastering amt glazing. Albert To­
therton store, with only three lines. beei opened this week, and that eight
man, proprietor, said he expected to
That was before the telephone office t « more stations would be manned be­
start moving into the new place in
fore early July.
was established.
i mid-July.
Mill City’s new grade school build
| ing is going ahead rapidly toward
completion. All walls are up, most
of the roof has been placed and part
COUNCIL ’ adiR t
The City Council last Wednesday of the exterior has been finished in
approved a proposed budget of »15,- a gleaming white. The work is under
24« for the fiscal year beginning in the direction of the Adams Construc­
tion Co. of Stayton.
High above the highway is the
With arrival of millwork, the sub­
Mayor Harold Kliewer said the city
A word picture of the North ¡¡power line right-of-way, looking for tax would not exceed the six per cent division of 18 homes of the Consol
all the world as though a mighty limitation.
¡dated Builders, Inc., is rapidly near­
Santiam Canyon, now transform­
reaper had mowed a -wath through
completion. Mountan States Pow
er! by a new highway, is given
Other action by the council:
j the forest; up and down, crossing
by our Elkhorn correspondent.
An application for a betr license er Co. was placing a large water
Where once was a narrow, windi ng 1 mountains so steep as to be nearly from Oliver Farmen was tabled in­ , main to serve the area.
a definitely.
The Presbyterian Church was mak-
gtavel road of hairpin turns and r impassable,
plans to move the manse to a
treacherous curves, there is now a , draight line.
A plat of Evergreen St., as sub­
now hard surfaced highway.
The level road stretches ahead mitted by G. C. McKinney, civil en­ different location, following sale of
Although not entirely finished, the | still gradually climbing, cement walls gineer, of Salem, was approved. (A i frontage for business purposes of the
new highway from Gates to Detroit j supporting the lower -ide in places new survey had been requirtd because 1 lot on which it stands.
is so much improved, a.« to be nothing where the mountains were too steep of faulty original surveying.)
Pedetson and Hagen, Salem con­
i to provide a road bed.
short of a miiacle.
The council heard a report that the tractors, were at work on their fourth
At the main damsite, huge flood­ state highway commission was look­ residence in the locality. They began
Tons of solid rock have been blast­
ed along the North Fork of the San­ lights skirt the road, heavy equip­ ing into the problem of drainage near one in Fox Valley last week.
Both the new Freres Lumber Co.
tiam for the highway right-of-way, ment, hage D8 cats and enormous the Silver Saddle station.
building and the service station on
which at first follows the bank of lock trucks, stand in neat yellow
the highway were almost ready for
this sparkling river, then gradually rows. Above these drifts the smoke X-RAYMOBILE SERVES 410
occupancy thia week.
climbs higher and higher to the crest of clearing projects which are keep­ IN UPPER <ANTON STOP
of the new Detroit Dam, now under ing pace with dam construction.
A total of 410 persons took advan­ RAGSDALE TO MANAGE STORE
Above the damsite a huge diver­
At the site of Big Cliff Dam. rocks, sion tunnel is about to be drilled tage of the chest X-ray mobile when
F irl Ragsdale took over the man­
trees and stumps have been cleared through solid rock; through this the the unit came to the upper Canyon
of the local Porter A Lau
iwr must flow while the dam is be­
to make room for construction. A
appliance store Wednesday.
huge cliff of solid rock faces the
road fro macros* the river while just I As yet incomplete, and with huge
the branch for the past few month*,
above this, in the river, can be seen
nA kiarkw'iw
highway rarved
out of rock William Johnston, M s. El Debolt, resigned to set up a wholesale meat
“Big Drift,” a solid mass of shining • rerouted
monument Mrs. Gardon Skidmore. Mrs. H. H. , business.
white logs that have drifted down,
1 Mr. Ragsdale is city recorder. Mr.
a tangle of huge timber jammed into ta an achievement of men and mach­ Storey, Mr«. Eli Bang», Mr». Earl
Kliewer i* mayor.
| a narrow gorge
I)am funnel .Job
Will Start Soon
Oregon Pulp’s
Mill Begins
New Building
Adds 80 Feet
Council OK’s
Writer Sees New Highway
Transforming the Canyon
1950 Budget