Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, JUNE 9. 1949 | in Idanha. D. Schmidt and party of Ook Grove spent some time fishing. Alo F. Clark Detroit grade school ue>u iu» giau- and party reported good fishing on uation party at Marion Forks Wed Mai ion Creek. nesday, June 1. The seventh grade Vern Morgan has returned to Mar- and parents of both grades were in 'ion Forks and will resume logging in vited. A ham dinner was served to this area. They are logging in the about 60. Class president, Jack Ben , area where the new fish hatchery will nett, acted as master of ceremonies. be located. Mis. Eli Bangs, principal, present Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shepherd were ed diplomas. Mrs. Bangs, and their visitors here recently. teacher, Mrs. Jack Ray, were present Mr. and Mrs. John Young and Mrs. ed with gifts. Vern Morgan were in Bend on bus- Graduates are Charlene Manescq, ness last week. Betty Brudeen, Alice Fryer, Donna Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith .-»pent McKeever, Virginia Fears, Jack Ben Saturday in Bend on business. nett, Moyne Renner, Wayne Lisle, Dick Nordurft and party of Salem James Calvin House, John Foster, spent the week end trekking into Raymond Wallace. Gerald Tucker, Le- Teto ljike on the Skyline Trail. They Roy Walker, Roy Getz ami Billy Pe- 1 reported 12 to 14 feet of snow there terson. yet ami very difficult going. They I ---------- I I all caught their limit of fish. -------------- Judge Felton and wife of Salem I Detroit-Idanha High School held and Judge Duncan and wife of Sa its graduation dance at Marion Forks. lem weie recent visitors here. Graduates aie Shirley Hammer, Ro Noyes Whitten and family of Id berta Manning, Hazel and Bobby anha spent a short tife here. Also Blan, Dick Haseman, Cecil Willis ami Eddie Kohler and party of Dallas Don Fryer. fished in this area. Eddie once lived Marion Forks Dont Horrow, Subscribe! EX- GATES GIRL MARRIED At a quiet service solemnized in the First Christian Church in Salem. Saturday evening, Miss Wilma Stew art, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Stewart of Gates, was married to : Bernard Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith of Salem. The Rev Dud ley Strain read the double ring cere mony in the presence of families of the couple. Also attending the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford LaVine, Mr. and Mrs. William Shackleford, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pickerell, Misses Betty and Lo rena Smith. After a two weeks’ wedding trip to Troy, Kans., the couple will be at home in Salem. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE HELD befor Melvin J. Conklin, Examiner for the Department of Ag riculture, Milk Control Section, at the Chamber of Commerce, Salem, Ore- ' gon, June 14, 1949 at the hour of 10:00 A. M., to receive testimony and evidence on matters relating to the production and distribution of fluid milk and cream in Marion County Market Areas No. 1 and No. 2 to consider minimum wholesale and re tail prices and minimum prices dis tributors shall pay to producers. DATED at Portland, Oregon, this 7th day of June, 1949. THOS. L. OHLSEN, Chief Milk Control Section Department of Agriculture State of Oregon. K* USED CARS -48 •45 •47 ’45 ’41 •39 ford J ton Pickup Studebaker, 1 ton Frazer, overrive, heater, radio Nash, radio and heeter. Olds, 4 dr. Plymouth, 4 dr. SHOWER MOTOR COMPANY STAYTON INVESTIGATE THE USE OF Original price Butane & Propane 182.50 on Full size HEATING - COOKING - WATER HEATING REFRIGERATION Wedgewood Ranges Safe - Clean - Economical Automatic Appliances Gas Heat, Inc. SAM BRIDGES, Distributor Phone Lyons 15 2 weeks Free Trial On Highway 222 Lyons, Oregon No obligations Headquarters for & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 1.00 down and an additional 1 1.00 each week \ I ti ni i nu ni Ridgerow 29.95 ti c per foot while it lasts 49.95 SANTIAM SUPPLY Of Mill tl IA GR \DE Gerald Garrison » Detroit f/c(//mtn J in nur EXPERT REFRIGERITI«» X El.Et TRK sERVU E >: f </< ( hate a studio open each Friday afternoon in the MILL CITY FURNITURE STORE 2:00 to 7:30 • X X X X *