Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
MILL UT i ENTERPRISE, JUNE 9. 1949 them. Ronald Lewis of Carvallis was John Kiamer, new president, and Earl William Fryer, son of Mr. and Mrs a visitor Sunday and Monday . (iWare, L. Wavelet, Park Fleming and Tom Fryer, returned Saturday eve Mrs. H. D. Tolbert of Sweet Home Ray Anderson. The men were accom ning from Provo, Utah, where he had was a visitor from Tuesday until j panied by a women’s drill team who been attending college since the mid By MRS. J. A. V. BIGZT Thursday at the home of her son-in- put on a drill. dle of December. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Hanson left for Vancouver Friday evening, thence to law and «laughter, Mr. ami Mrs. Louis Another meeting will be hel«i Wed The American Legion and Auxil Abenleen, Wash., to visit their son, Cline. Last Sunday the Clines visited nesday, June 15. iary held their installation of officers Robeit Hanson and wife, then to Ho at the home of her brother-in-law at the Gun Club Saturday evening. quiam, to visit their daughter, Mr». ami sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack How Mr. and Hrs. L. L. Rynearson and A group from Bend came over to con Glen Burgess, returning here Mon- ton at Estacada. «laughter Susie went to the home of duct the installation. Mr. and Mrs. Fitz Goodman of Ea .fay evening. They were accompanied Keith White went to Portland Sat- her parents. Mrl .and Mrs. A. S. Mc as far as Vancouver by Mrs. Eva tacada were guests st the hm«b of Namee at Oswego Sunday to attenrl urray to see his stepfather, William ¡Wise who is visiting hei son Loren Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker and Mr. a family reunion given in honor of‘lWard. who sufferer! a severe heart and son George in Portland before and Mrs. Guy Moore Thurwiay and the grandfather of Mrs. Rynearson. attack. Mr. Ward will'be in the Good Friday. returning here. Robeit H. McNamee, on his 97th Samaritan Hospital for at least two Mr. and Mrs. John Estey spent the birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bilyeu of Kala weeks. M«-morial week end in Bend. ma, Wash., their son in-law and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Boyd of Fred White of Portland is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mattoon fish daughter, ail of Poitland, visited at Hood River were overnight guests of this week at the home of his brother- ed at Suttle and Blue I«akes and the the Harry Booker home Saturday. the Rynearsons Thursday. in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mrs. Bilyeu is an aunt of Mrs. Book Metolius and Deschutes Rivers over the three day holiday. er. Sunday the Bookers drove to Hol A baby daughter was born at Sa ly to visit the Willard Bookeis and their daughter Lorraine returned with lem Memorial Hospital Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Sowa. Mrs. Nolan Rasnick went to Port land Thursday to attend graduation exercises for her son, Jerry Noble, AT YOUR FINGERTIPS at Lincoln High School. Her husband I drove to Portland Saturday and they returned Sunday. I Louise Dailey and Bill Bray were married last Tuesday in Vancouver, Wash. They are building on their home and will live here. You are invited to come to YOl R store when in Stay Ernie Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wallace, whi broke his arm on ton and inspect YOUR merchandise. 1 am sure you will Memorial day, was brought home on find that w» stock many ite ms that you are interested Saturday from the Bend Hospital. His arm is still badly swollen. Once in Love With Amy in. We solicit your patronag Howard Baldwin has resigned as Freddie Martin Pussy Cat Perry Como trustee of the Canyon Athletic Club. Lavender Blu«1 Sammy Kaye Mrs. Joyce Edwards has resigned as Perry Como secretary. Missouri Waltz Mrs. Curtis Howard and son Kenny Ya Wanna Buy a Bunny Spike Jones left Salem by bus Saturday evening for a two weeks’ visit at the home of Mel a nd. «>l y Minstrel Vaughn Monroe her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bowen in Fresno, Calif. the One Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright, fosmer Three Suns residents of Lebanon, attended the Boom Dennis Day strawberry festival there Friday. A group of friends gathered at Big Cruising Down the River Frankie Carle Springs forest camp Sunday for a picnic in honor of Eric Nyberg’s birth- dayiPresent were the honor guest, sis wife and daughter Christina, Harry Christian, Mr. and Mrs. John Estey, "Firs' With What You Want Most" OPTOMETRIST Fay Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE Brown and twins Linda and Donna, Radio, Washer Refrigerator and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walter and child Electrical Appliance " ishes to Announce that He Will ren Nina, Frankie and Gene, Curly Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 Trask, Carl Ball, Mrs. Enid Bennett Op n an Office at the Mill City Fur- and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright. Mrs. Harold Champion and Mr«. nitore Co. for Complete Optical Ser- Gale Fagan drove to Berni Monray. DETROIT Parker, men jojn pj|ots jn the Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Yarbrrough flight. spent the week end at the home of Traffic at the field is inci easing, his 'aunt, Mrs. .Mattie Kinkart at this time there are four more Junction City. planes than the hangars will hold. AIRPORT NEWS Don't Borrow. Subscribe! Elmer Moore, Bonneville employee who soloed recently, bought a Tay- I . lore:aft light plane Saturday and is keeping it at Davis Airport. All local planes are attending the breakfast hop at Redmond Sunday morning, June 12. Three or four air- J. C. JONES, Prop. CAPITAL Monumental Works J F. ULRICH CO REALTORS Investments • Insurance - Appraisals We specialize in all types of appiais- alg^See us about your values. Expert Ferlerai appraiser. Have testified in Federal court 33 times on values. Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 An Invitation To the Residents of the Sant ¡am Valiev A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern Santiam Farmers Co-op PORTER & LAU o.o DR. MARK HAMMERICK'ON ■ A FULL SI72 TANueM DISC THAT ON GUAKD When, you have a checking at count, your Bank 15 on ¿uari aUtkehme tokeep your money safe-Use cheeky ■ ice. Deluding: The Fiaternal Order of Eagles, I Santiam Aerie 2745, had installation services last Wednesday evening. In stalled were Ed Debolt -president ; J. Fowler, vice president; Curtis How aril, -ecietary; Otto Russell, treas urer; and Bill Defoe, chaplain. Visit ors from Bend were State Vice Pres ¡dent W. M. Loy, L. B. Rhodes, re tiring president of the Bend aerie, G lasse» Fitted \n tnalvtical Eye Examination 0VEN Y0U.R accouni ^* Lenses and Frames Duplicated Eye Glaaa Adjustments Lifts and Lowers at a touch OFFICES WILL BE OPEN This Is the Deal burn Lift Type Tandem Disc for (hr ford Trac tor with II draulic Touch Con trol The Cord Tractor can pick it up and carry it over roads at highway speed vithout blade damage. It lifts for fast short turns on headlands, for passing over grussed waterways, for ba* king into n-rs. It really pulverizes and levels the dirt. Cone hra-nu & n and l-i ’ If We are l ord Tractor«, t I •iiieiilx. gra- ■ liait» iiarK ulne parts lanai and expert servire. FURNITURE A 1:00 to 6:00 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. also AT LOWEST 6:00 to 8:00 PRICES IN THE VALLEY NEW & USED By Appointment Make appointments anytime at the furniture store HOME OFFICE at W. R. Ten Brook, Jewelers. 313 W. lit. St. k Randall’s Elkhorn Guest Ranch I 160,5 N. SALEM. ORE. Breakfast II1XIXU • Wool Carpet * Appliances Otto Russell INSURANCE ’Zencj Fire \ Uto Life ' ccidenl Living Room Funrnitur- • Bedroom Furniture junt Jf] • TR IDS ’ TERMS Ph 3-5110 Horner’s Pop. Dad, Father, Paw, whatever you call your father, it’s A m day—June 19th. Choose his card from our complete selec tion of Shop ■ I S T O M CUTTING \rates tn Sapphire« and Ruble» ' ut and Mounted to Order Drilling and Placing of Emblem« and Monogram« On Stones. Price« ((noted On Request. Member of R(»< KS X MINER (I » kSMH I \ HON VUtMv Welcome Mill Citv > ton Pay one-half, charge one half 115 V llith St Dinners 15 Miles East of Mehama on the Elkhorn Road * Linoleum 530 < hemeketa Street Lunch SKI FM * || ALLMARK. CARDS for Father’s Dav. H l R G A I N S n Furniture. Stoves, Dishes Clothing. Houseware» M A ( ’ S S. Church, next to "Salem Park ""a::::: 330 Court SALEM Bulk Ice Cream Brick Ice Cream Slices Dixie ('ups Popsicles Fountain Flavoring and Topping D e L uxe I ce C ream C ompany