Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE JUNE ». 1949 —T Portland were week end guests at Week end visitors at the Ray Ro •Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis spent a father and brother of T. R. Burton, I horn resident, who has been residing tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Harola few days in Pasco, Wash., their for principal. 1 in Salem most of the past year, also berts home were Mr. and Mrs. Oral Wilson. Mr. Spoelstra is Mr. Wilson’s mer home, on business last week, re- spent the week end with her son and Varley and Sanrra. of Buxton. Mrs. Lula Coilins who has been ill uncle. family, also visited old friends and Mrs. C. Cox and daughter Paula ‘turmng late Friday night. as the result of a fall sustained sev Jane and Mrs. Paul Mason and Paul Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left the fi«t ; neighbors. ■Mr. ani Mrs. Wilson Parks and eral weeks ago, was taken Sunday to o* the week for Cut Bank, Mon... family were Portland visitor last week Bob Foltz of Salem has moved in ine of Mill City also attended. Estacada where She will visit at the their former home, where they will Mr. and Mrs. Harry Edwards at- By JEAN ROBERTS to a vacant house at “Three Cor- Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen took pos home of her son and daughter-in-law. v.- t relatives for two week-. They session of their new home Saturday. Guests at the Ray Sisc-ho home last ners.” He has been employed for sev tended the strawberry festival in Le- Mr. an Mrs. E. V. Collins, Mrs. C. made the trip by motor. The house was built by Davis and week end were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie eral years by Myers and Myers Log banon last week. Rosheim, her daughter, of Mill City, Mrs. Robert Wilson and new baby Park and was completed last week. Graham and Mrs. Bess Vandermeer, ging Co. Recent guests at the home of Mr. made the trip with her. Mrs. Louie Ray and boys tempor- and Mrs. Ned Richards were his cou boj and Lonnie returned to Gates Among those from out of town at and Wanda, all of Mil! City. Also Mr. and Mrs. Guy Spoelstra of from Eugene where Mrs. Wilson has tending commencement exercises visiting the Sischos were Mr. and | arily have moved to the West Stay- sin, J. F. Richards of Stayton, Mrs. | ton area where they are working in Harriet Gay of Kellogg, Idaho, and been at the home of her parents, Mr. were W. H. Burton and daughter, Mrs. Lyle Rush of Salem. •a and Mis. W. W. Wells, for several Mrs. H. H. Plumeau, McMinnville, “Muddy” Sischo, a longtime Elk-1 the berry fields. Mis. Ella Cousins of Portland. weeks. Mrs. A. A. Holthouse of Corvallis NOTICE The amount of tax, in excess of the *’ F*r t‘ent proposed formerly of Mill City, was a guest of School Election Upon the Ques said school district, for the purpose levied for said fiscal year is $26,860.- “this week at the homes of Mr. and tion of Increasing Tax Levy Over of submitting to the legal voters of are: 00. School bus: $2200.60 Mrs. Albert Millsap and Miss Geor Amunt Limited by Section 11, Ar said district the question of increas Dated this 1st day of June, 1949. ing the tax levy for the fiscal year New building: 10,006.60 gia Shane in Gates. She also visited ticle XL State Constitution. Attest: Alteration of building: 3000.06 of 1949-1950 over the amount limited friends in Mill City. Charles C. Kelly, Notice is hereby given that an el New furniture: 6500.00 Sunday guests at the Albert Mill- ection in School District 129 of Linn- by section 11, article XI, of the Con District Clerk Betterments: 1160.00 stitution of Oregon. sap home for a picnic dinner served Marion County, State of Oregn, from R. L. Roberts, Landscaping: 4000.00 The reasons fro increasingsuch levy on their lawn, were Mrs. A. A. Holt 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at High School in Chairman Board of Directors house, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING and family of Stayton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Meinert and three boys of I NOTICE IS HEREBY' GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 129, of Linn .Mai ion County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEET Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis I ING of the said district will be held at High School on the 20th day of June, 1949, at 8 o’clock p. m., for the purpose ot discussing the budget lor the fiscal school year, beginning July 1, 1949, and ending June 30, 1950, here nafti se. forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a district and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolverton‘ tax. and two sons. Recent guests at the home of Mr. -«-■■■■ " ■ 1 - -e and Mrs. Riley Champ were his bro Schedule 1 Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances ther and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Total All ITEM Champ of Tacoma, Wash., M t . and Funds Mrs. Don Champ and daughter Linda Estimated Receipts from and Mr. anti Mrs. L. Zuber and small $ 3,576.50 County School Fund son, all of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Basic School Support Fund 24.302.64 Lyle T. Shelton of Stayton. Mrs. Shel 282.21 State Irreducible School Fund 3.800.06 High School Tuition ton is Mr. Champ’s daughter. 1.086.60 High School Transportation Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klutke spent $33,041.35 15. Estimated Total Receipts last week end at the coast on a short Whether yours be coarse, vacation. Their sons visited at the Estimated Expenditures Schedule II--General Fund fine, dyed, bleached or home of their grandmother, Mrs. L. Expenditures for the Two Years normal, machineless per Estimated VV. Kirkland of Mehama. Next Preceding the Current Expenditures manents will lend it that Miss Georgia Shane was hostess School Year Budget Estimates! for the ITEM Elementary High ha rd-to-achiete, Allowance Expenditures Detailesl Ensuing Saturday evening at her home, hon Schools Schools Expenditures in Detail School Year for the naturally- wavy look oring her guests, Mis. A. A. Holt First Year for the last Ensuing for the in Detail • 'rly and comfortably. house of Corvallis. Bridge was in Give Yearly School Year Current Year of th. I. GENERAL CONTROL play at four tables High honors were Totals Two-Year School Year by Totals 1. Personal service: Period held by Mrs. Leon Faust; Mrs. Rich Clerk $350. (HI (¡00.0(1 500.00 $350.00 $700.00 ard Saucier received consolation and Compulsory education a guest prize was presented Mrs. and census 20.00 25.00 40.00 25.00 25.00 Holthouse. Other guests were Mrs. Other services 1,500.06 500.00 500.06 2. Supplies 20.00 40.00 20.00 Curtis Cline, Mrs. C. C. Mason, Mrs. 3. Elections and publicity 23.(HI 46.00 23.00 Kay Colburn, Mrs. Elsie Potter and 4. Legal service (clerk’s bond Mrs. W. W. Allen. audit, etc.) 50.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 SHIRLEY LAIRD A farewell surprise party honoring 5. Other expense of gen 325(H) «-"-as- ■»> ■»: Mrs. Steve Champ who is leaving for 325 00 eral control 350.00 175.00 175.00 6. Total Expense of her new home in Turner, was held by Mill City Lodge No. 144, I.- 726.13 896.00 2,515.00 1,736.0(1 1,736.00 General Control J 1J 18.00 (>18.00 Members of the Gates Woman’s Club O.O.F.. Meets Every Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. III. INSTRUCTION—Teaching night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. 1. Personal service: Melbourne Rambo, Friday afternoon. 4(1,520.06 48,011.40 Teachers .704.00 18,514.06 52,218.00 The afternoon was spent informally. 350.00 360.00 Substitutes 290.00 460.00 170.06 Several selections on the electric gui 100.00 100.0(1 PRECISION GRINDING 2. Library supplies .repairs 25.00 75.00 50.00 . 10 00 tar weie player! by George Rambo. 750.00 3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) 700.06 1000.00 300.00 of lawnmowers; all kinds of 650.(8) 650.00 2,100.00 4. Textbooks 2,006.00 Refreshments were served by Mrs. 106.00 (¡00 00 tools sharpened. 1.200.00 5. Tuition to other districts 1100.06 160.00 Rambo, assisted by Mrs. T. Rr. Bur 6. Other expense of ED L. BERGHWLZ -»■ ton, and a shower «f handkerchiefs teaching (man. tr.) 400.00 400.00 (on county road SE Hilltop Store) 32.368.61 was presented the guest of honor. 42,570.00 50,471.40 57,453.00 57,45.3.0(1 7. Total Expense of Teaching 37,819 19,634.00 iiii!iiiHifiiiiiim!!iiiiiiii!iiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiitiniii:iiiri!ii mi<i nuiiri!ii ti Present besides were Mrs. Nelson IV. OPERATION OF PI.ANT Lanphear, Mrs. Norman Garrison, 1. Personal service: Mrs. T. R. Burton, Mrs. Lincoln Hen- Janitors and other 2,700.00 ness, Mrs. Laura Joaquin, Mrs. Al- 2,700.00 employees 5,100.00 2,850.00 2¿5O.OO 175.00 600.00 NORTH 2. Janitors’ supplies 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 Millsap, Miss Georgia Shane, 1,897.(8) 1,525.00 3,100.00 3. Fuel 1,300.000 1,800.00 Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Clarence 300.00 300.00 200.00 400.00 4. Light and power 200.00 SANTIAM Rush, and Mrs. Joe Joaquin. 100.00 100.00 Water 96.00 48.00 48.00 70.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 6. Telephone 50.00 TAUERN 4,398.58 4,870.00 5.697.00 10.29d.00 10,296.(Ml Don't Barrow, Subscribe! 4,848.00 Total Expense of Operation 5.448.00 Gates Elkhorn 1 SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SHOP V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Repair and maintenance of 500.00 furniture and equipment 2. Repair and maintenance of: Buildings 300.00 3. Other expense of mainten ance and repairs 4. Total Expense of Main 800.(HI tenance and Repairs One Mile Ea->t of Detroit Mill City Plumbing & Heating Supply JEWEL MYERS, MGR. BE GOOD VI. AUXILIARY’ AGENCIES 1. Health service: i Personal service (nurse, etc.) 100.00 Supplies and other expenses 30.00 2. Transportation of pupils: Personal service 575.00 Supplies and other expenses 100.00 Repair and replacement of busses 3. Other auxiliary agencies: Personal service Supplies and ather expenses 288.00 Lunch room Musical instruments 4. Total Expense of 1.061.00 Auxiliary Agencies TO YOURSELF AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF GOOD HEALTH We specialize in the treatment of rectal disorders. No Hospitalization No Loss of Time Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Naturo-Proctologist 21« N. Liberty. Salem. Ore. Bill Dotson LICENSED PLUMBER Phone 2152 Snore heur- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop PIANOS BAND INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENT REPAIRING • » Jacquith Music Co 136 S. High St. SALEM GLEN’S BARREK SHOP tinners and plumbers STAYTON, ORE qMHMMMMBM» - Salem Laundry SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton ..Laundry and dry cleaning: Ken Golliet. Mehama; Mt. Jeff^e.. 9 J « « Dry Cleaning: Santiam Self-Service Laundry, Detroit t SALEM 163 S. High <* Pb- 3 9125 400.00 3,200.00 3,500.00 750.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 3,450.00 4,250.00 1.050.00 900.00 450.00 30.00 .550.00 60.00 500.00 85 »0 500.00 600.00 2,200.00 576.00 700.00 2200.00 1.200.00 450.00 1,518.00 63.00 32.00 630.00 320.00 I < « i i I -I 4,250.00 1 I ♦ I « i 3,400.00 3,700 00 r J r t 3,375.00 5,036.00 300.00 600.00 2,250.00 2,550.00 5,650.(8) «¿50.00 3,000 00 6,500.00 1.000.00 300.00 10,800.00 1 5,036.(81 I 6.250.00 I 6,500.00 1,000.00 I «00.00 800.00 800.00 3,600 00 X. EMERGENCY Total Schedule IIGeneral Fund—Total estimateli expenses for the year—sum of items 1-6, IT-5, I1I-7, TV-8. V-4, VI-4. VII-4. VIII-7, IX-3„ X _ Jacob Spaniol & Son « 300.00 !.\. DEBT SERVICE NON BOX TIED 1. Interest on warrants 3. Total Debt service, Non-bonded BLOCK WEST OF THEATER IN GATES GLEN HEARING. Prop. 700.00 I 300.00 VI LI. CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1. New sites 3,500.00 2. New buildings 10,000.00 3. Alteration of buildings (not repairs 4. New ffumiture, equipment and replacements 5. Assessment of betterments 6. Other capital outlays: 300.00 Library books 13.800(81 7. Total Capital Outlays * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. LESSONS ACCORDION VIII. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance 3 Other fixed charges: Retirement fund 4. Total Fixed Charges « 200.00 A 1.000.06 1.000.06 1,000.00 6,703.40 2,730.00 1.489.80 692.25 4,040,63 5,530.43 2265.00 2.967.25 5,000.00 7,500.00 1.000.00 1,500.00 5,396.50 660 00 24,600.00 I 450.00 19.345.50 800.00 1 800.00 «08)00 3,600.00 1 3,000.00 1,904.49 350.00 2.500 00 2.000.oo 1,978<8B 4.764.86 251.83 2,000.00 114,021.00 edule III Bond Inte est and Sinking Fund ^ DEBT SERVICE BOND INTEREST AND SINKING FI ND........... 1. Pr.ncipal or bonds (include negotiable interest-bearing warrants issued under section 111-1016, O.C.L.A.) 14.j60.00 _____ ____________ 14,560.00 1 3. Total Schedule III -Debt Service-Bonds and Interest 14,»A)UO 1 Balances, and Tax Levi es. Schedule VI Summa r of Esumate, of »penditure«. Md A vailable Baivi Interest and Sinking Fund .-ESTIMATION OF TAX General Fund Total Schedule III T.FVV Total Schedule II R. L. Roberts 14,550.00 Dated thin May 25, 1949 Total estimated expenditure- 114.02100 Chairman. Board of Directors I Signed: Charles C. Kelly DEDUCT: R. L. Faust District Clerk Total estimate«I receipts and available Chairman. Budget Committee. Approved by Budget Committee cash balances (Shedule I) 33,041.35 Signed: Lee Ros- Amount necessary to balance the bud 14.550.00 Secretary, Budget Committee get HO .97965. I Income Tax Offset Levy to be extended 54,U9.'»5 26.860 00 14.560 00