Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 9, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Mongold By AMBER RUTHERFORD Mrs. Frank Barton of Blacawell, Okla., arrived June 8 to make her home in Detroit. Mrs. Barton is War ren Oard’s sister. Mr. and Mrs. Maiion Teach and sons, Max and Rex, visited the coat last week end. projects. Mr. Gates, contractor on the ini- tial cleai ing job, visited the Detroit Dam area Monday. Mrs. Thomas L. Albertson was taken by ambulance to the St. Char les Hospital in Bend June 6. Mrs. Margaret Hermus of Vancou- | ver, Wash., is visiting her daughter, Mis. Harvey Krieter. Mr. and Mrs Leo Fitzgerald are in Iatrumle, Wyo., attending his fa — thers funeral. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith attended the strawberry festival in Lebanon the past week end. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Loughran arrived at Camp Mongold this week. Mr. Loughran is resident geologist and was transfeired from Tulaa, Ok la. Also new residents at Mongold are Mr. and Mrs. George W. Barker of Seattle. Mrs. Margaret Hintz of Detioit joined the office force this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. McDonald visited Portland the past week end and attended the races. Mrs. William Vealey was hostess at a card party the afternoon of June 2. Guests were Mrs. Gus Gustafson, Mrs. Claude Beck, Mrs. Ray Goebel, Mrs. Warren Oard, Mrs. Lewis Mc 1 Daniel, Mis. Keith Pinkstaff, Mrs. Ken Ramsey, Mrs. Olney Hawkins, MILL CITY Service Station FOR HIKE (’. E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. HAUUNG CATS, SHOVELS and HEAVY EQUIPMENT SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. PISHING TACKLE Phonest Plant 34644; Office 39408 1405 N. FRONT ST. SALEM IUH Shux Electric Has it // 1 JUKI 9. 1949 Mrs. Pat Crawford, Mrs. Tom Ma honey, Mrs. Randolph Hellwig and Mrs. W. D. Smith. High score in bridge was won by Mrs, Gustafson amt in pinochle by Mrs. Pinkstaff. LYONS Hr EVA BRESSLER Mrs. Eugene Roye was hostess for the Women’s Society of Christian Service at her home Tuesday. The meeting was called to order by the I new president, Mrs. Laurence Wal worth. Plans were made for the Fa ther and Son banquet June 23. Ray Fedje of Salem will be the speaker. Committees for the banquet were ap pointed. Present were Mesdames Al- bert Ring, Wallace Power, George Huffman, Walter Bevier, Glen Jul ian, Floyd Bassett, Loren Chamber- lain, Jim Lande, Alex Bodeker, El mer Cullwell, George Clipfell, Laur- ' ence Walworth, Mrs. Minnie Smith and Mrs. Daisy Johnston. Mrs. Marvin Richards honored her /husband with a party for his birth- i day at their home Saturday night. I A pot luck supper was served. Guests | were Mr. ami Mrs. Byron Bates and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Morgan and Juanita of Mill City, Mrs. Carl Stavang and Wayne of Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ixioney, Yvonne and Burton of Scio, and Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Carol and Dale. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Andersen were Mr. and Mis. Tom Smith and Wayne of Richland, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spaul- stra, Dale and Janice of Salem. Duane Downing is at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Downing. Duane was among those receiving diplomas at OSC, in elec trical engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor and son Maurice who have spent the last two months in Lyons, returned Sunday to their home near Waldport. The Tay lors own a boat cadp there. Mrs. Jim Lande has returned from Los Angeles where she attended a family leunion. Mrs. Alice Huber went to Portland j Tuesday to visit her daughter Mrs. George Keeley and attend the Rose Festival. Visiting the Laurence Walworths are their daughters. Miss Jean Wal worth of Honolulu, now on vacatios, and Mrs. C. S. Thomas and three children of Oakland. Calif, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hoff- Guests of the Walter Hiltons are man of Evanston, Wyo., her brother anil wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Hoff man of Weston, Idaho, an aunt, Mrs. R. D. Herrington of Valley, Neb., and an uncle, William Anderson of Poca- tello, Idaho. Recent visitors of the Roy Heineck family were her mother, Mrs. J. A. Messinger and sister, Mrs. B. A. Vose of Oswego. The last day of school picnic was held Sunday at the Lyons school. A large crowd attended. A basket lunch was served, followed by a program presented by the children and two ball games. A recent visitor at the Orville Downing home was his aunt, Mrs. Ella Forcier of Hoquiam, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson of Portland spent the week end at the hme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. The Orville Downing family went to Sutherlin to attend the graduation exercises for a niece, Miss 1 rene Downing, Mrs. Catherine Lyon of Lyons was in Mill City Monday evenin« with her son Howard to view’ the new school building. She will return to Portland where »he will spend part of her vacation with her daughter and family. nr Ad. rr twtfflMMi MILL CITY POOL HALL From where I sit... // Joe Marsh NOW OPEN Billiard». Pool, Snooker. Shuffleboard Chet Hollinshead Ben Hauck For taxi service call Mill City 2602 or 2108 Don't Fence Yourself In » Every spring. Handy Peterson and Easy Roberts patch up th« stone wall that separates their farms. They walk along talking— Easy on one side. Handy on the other—picking up the fallen stones and putting them back. Afterwards, over a friendly glass of beer, Easy says, “You know, wall-mending is a nice neigh borly custom, but we really don’t need that wall. We keep it up just because it happens to be there.” “Yes,” says Handy, “a lot of walls and fences and boundaries keep on separating people for no o.e> 1 reason. Ma»’»» -»e'd »11 be beet«» off if tom« of ll»«m ecietorn down, instead of k*pt »landing.’ From wher» I »it, H .odr »aid a mouthful Take the “wails of ia tole-ance" that people build up against eaca other. I like a tem perate glavs of b»er now and tbea. you may piefer buttermilk—but that’s no reason for ir- to critic!«« you, or you, me. Let’s live and let live fo jether— ricking row friend» and fewer “walls.” Wood’s Store LADIES A CHILDREN's| DRESSES 1 Modern DANCE Copyright, 1949. United Staiti Breve, i Four dation ROOFING ROOF Johns - Manville asphalt shingles applied right over your old roof. Now is the best time to apply your new roof — before your old cedar shingles are all curled up. Glenwood Ballroom mi. N. of Salem on 99E GLEN WOODRY’S ty'ERY SATURDAY ORCHESTRA 85 cents, me. tax NOTHING DOWN — THREE YEARS TO PAY Phone 3-1642 — Eve. 2-1647 164 S. Commercial MATHIS BROS. RoofingCo. SALEM < AUMMMaaBMaHR^a&itaiiF.* x A SELLING OUT WATER1 ACTION Hotpoint's Famous Agitator Gives You Charier, ALL OUR FINE FURNITURE.. Whiter Clothes. You Use Loss Hot Water—Save Clothes—Save EVERYTHING goes NO! THIS IS NOT A SALE! WE’RE POSITIVELY \ WU TCTE» Going out of business - : imOVHI) : hew Hetpelnt*« amazing \X'und-R« Dial controls complete operation . • • how Fluid Drive ends harmful vibration, i»rotongs wssher lite . how flexible till ets you control exactly water quantity and temperature llotpotnt's new Auto matic \Xather has everything — does everything HFTTFR’ 1 WE WANT TO f SELL OUT w* i 4 ’.■4 £ i STAY rox OXYGEN i FOR I t III I • ♦ Ì UHDES FOR RENT | ACETYLENE Mero A National Apparatus Lincoln Electrode« A Machine« Everything for Welding J ja.’itai CARBIDE CALL US OR COMF IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF \PP\R ATI'S AND SUPPLIES MIL! I Salem Welding Supply i i «* li «»Us Io n Equipment John P. Seit». Mgr Res. Phone 2-1606 A.* JUST AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! 206 Chemeketa St . SALEM Phone 2 35« I ♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ • ♦ ♦♦♦♦ (I TV TAVERN BYRON DAVIS, PROP. SAVINGS ON FURNITURE - APPLIANCES - HARDWARE -EVERY r THING IN THE STORE! HELP US CLOSE OUR DOORS! Building For Rent— Fixture» for "■>*1« Capital Hardware & Furniture “At the Bottom of the Hill" MILL CITY OREGON 241 N. Commercial Salem OPEN fri a sai VILI m p.M