Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. ment, which reflets honor on the lo cal chapter, comes through the Grano Chapter of Oregon, which will be in session in June. Richard Crook, who was reported Mrs. Rupp is now a i es ¡dent of as having three years’ perfect attend West Salem, but retains her mem ance at school, actually has four, the bership in Maiiyn Chapter. best record in the local school. George Steffy, who is living in the Mr. and Mrs. George Veteto st ent Frank Rada apartments, is now em Sunday in Canby and drove to Tim ployed by CB1. berline Lodge Memorial Day before Nine men with the Army Engin returning to Mill City. eerseers were transferred to Merid Miss Mildred Toman, who is at ian Dam at Eugene last Thursday. tending Lewis and Clark College in Ed Kellern had an operation re Portland, was home over the week cently to remove a bunion from his end with her patents. Mr. ami Mrs. foot. Albert Toman. Mi. ami Mrs. Steinaue of Beaver Miss Irene Toman of Scio spent ton ¡.pent Memorial Day with her Saturday with her cousin, Miss Mil- sister, Mrs. Lester Mason. In the af dred Toman. ternoon they drove to Detroit, Mon Mr. an<l Mrs. Cloyd Cox and daugh gold and the damsite. ter, Paula Jane spent the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blazek and at the coast. Caiol Jane plan to leave the first of Visitors at the Gates high school the week for Yellowstone National Tuesday afternoon were Paula Van Park following the Ted Dorothys who Buskirk ami Elnora Albright. have been visiting friends here and Fern Shuey, worthy matron of are returning to their home in Day Marilyn Chapter, No. 145, O. E. S., ton, Wyoming. has made it known that Alice Rupp, Darrell Farmen is going to Eugene a past worthy matron and present to visit his brother, Junior. While Marshal, has received an appoint there they will take trips to the coast ment as Grand Representative for and other points of interest. the State of Louisiana. This appoint- Leslie Brown, a former resident, veteran of Pearl Harbor, was mar- I ried recently in Chicago. Mrs. Rosa Daly, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Meinert and family drove to Poit * PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' land Memorial Day. MUI City | >• Dont Borrow. Subscribe! JUNE 2. 1949 The Gates Womans Club sponsored a surprise birthday and farewell par ty, honoring M:ss Georgia Shane, at her home Thursday evening, Many useful gifts were presented , in re membrane? and appreciation ni her generosity and service to the organ- ization during her membership. M ss Shane received a beautiful sandwich tray from the club. Games were plac ed and refreshments served to the honored guest. Miss Shane, Mrs. Har ry Edwards, Mrs. Elmer Stewart. Mrs. Gwen Schaer, Mrs. Steve Champ Mrs. Robert Levon, Mrs. William Hit te. Mrs. Clarence Johnson. Mrs. Nel son I^inphear, Mrs. Theodore Burton, Mrs. Harold Wilson, Mrs. Gerald Heath. Mrs. Mary Howell, Mrs. T.l- mon Rains, Mrs. Norman Garrison, and Mis. Albert Millsap. A gift was received from Mrs. Burrel Cole. The Human Race MMMMMUiimtMnil . util— CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. DAY SAINTS Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall GATES COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday School 10:00 FIRST Morning Worship 11:00 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Christian Endeavor 6:30 Prelude; call to worship;doxology; Evening Worship 7:30 invocation; gloria; psalter selection; Walter Smith, Pastor. Church Activities me ■■ CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Every Lord’s Day 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Young PeapTe’s Meeting 7:30 Evening Worship Tom Courtney, Pastor FREE METHODIST CHURCH "The Church of the Light and Lite Hour” 10:00 Sunday school 11:00 Morning Worship Y’oung People’s Service 7:00 Guests last week at the home of Evening Worship 7:30 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Heath were Mr Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 and Mrs. William McCargar, son Donald Hinkle, Pastor North Side Barnett and daughter Linda of Sa- lem. COMMUNITY CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson mo- Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor tored to Eugene last Sunday to see Sunday School 10:00 their new grandson, born to Mr. ami Morning Worship 11:00 Mrs. Robert Wilson in Eugene May Evangelistic Service 7:45 Wed. Bible Study 7 a I'» W Reid \1 d " Î hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; notices; offering; music by choir; sermon; hymn; postlude. Feb. 20—"When All is Lost, Sing.” Feb. 27—"Wanted: a Fighting Man.” COMMERCIAL. INDUSTRIAL AND DOMESTIC LIGHTING Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. High St. Dovslsr* Softly Strvict SALEM Salem Woodworking Co. 1225 Cross St. SALEM. ORE. reunion of the class of 42 was in the high school recreation room Saturday night. Twenty, of which 14 were classmates, attended the dinner. Present were Mrs. Glenda Lindemann. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Naue and Leland Manning. Lyons; Mrs. Helen Collingwood, Klamath, Calif.. Mrs. Florence Roten, Mehama. Mrs. Violet Holtrof, Stayton, M;. and Mrs. Alvin Guy. Eugene, G ord on Weitman, Aumsville, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Debus, Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lake, Terre Bonne. Ore., Mrs. Fauneta LaVine. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas and Lowell Fleetwood, Mill City. Kirk Wirick, a special guest, sang several songs. The class history was read. A meeting will be held later in the summer to enable those unable to attend, to decide on future reun ions. The class colors, white and blue, were carried out in the decorations. Dancing follower! the dinner. WINDOW FRAMES OUR SPECIALTY Our quality is up and our prices DOWN We ars in a position to furnish any style of sash, window or fram. according to your needs DOORS TRIM CABINETS Mrs. Dorothy Potter an daughter of Portland aie visiting Mrs. Elsie Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dorothy an 1 Miss Jean Wooten of Dayton, Wyo., are visiting the Frank Blazeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Feeley were at the coast Sunday. Francis Feeley took ill with the measles. Coral Veness came down with the measles. New Location Hendricson's Variety Store has moved to the Mill City Furniture Co DuJILc STIANO Treat your family to SUNDAY DINNER in the all myrtlewood dining room at SiNCLE STIMO >7« tupie stiìhd Silver Falls Lod^e FINEST FOOD Reasonable prices Dining room open 12 to 7 on Sundays only »IS00 I Mom & Pop’s Cafe ted Toa Ind The one gift every woman opprer'alcv— Famous. fine quality Dehah »¡muloted pearls, lovely and lustrous, •A*ept. In gift boxes. Private Dining Room BAKER’S R. F. Nohlgren RIDERS of the SANTIAM Ml50, Mill Citv JEWELRY turimi ■ City Electric Electric Contracting COMMERCIAD & INDUSTRIAL WIRING FRED SNYDER 245 Center SI, Salem Mill City Phon : * > r M ,,s:. Greenly s PLUMBING & HEATIAG LET I S FIGURE YOUR ESTIMATES ON PLUMBING AND HEATING. NO JOB TOO LARGE AND NONE TOO SMALL. Ph. 2-7609 Shop and Residence 4260 Madeay Rd. SALEM • M mum iiiiwiiiiLiiiiiuuaHi.iiiiuiaiiiiuiwimMiittitiinniiiwiMit-aiinaiiawniwtiwiiiauimtMWi—_------- * w Freres Building Supply Co Building Materials of All Kinds Earl Smith, Mgr. Headquarters: . -i m . . mulini- - 11- • • < . Stayton Wc carry a isunplete line ol first Quality nl<•r'•hal1dilM• and shorn for vour many ne-da. — -y à,»» » r You Ice* my uniform ♦he Y-- for victory SHIRTS SHfU WOLVERINE SHELL HORSEHIDES Overalls I \\T Bl SI OSHKOSH LEVIS EM Work (iothing BL VI K BE AR HIRSI II WEIS G. C. McKinney We have EVERYTHING you need for riders, except the horses Shafer Leather Goods N*. Commercial CIVIL ENGINEER Ph. 2-2578 310 S High St. ■ying instruction. Plans a Spec.fications Salem. Ore. :$*| e WMAN'S L 779 « COMMERCIAL ■ SALEM. OREGON <TOP and see the Wolverine Work -roe« frozen in a big ice cake, and i .-y dry out aoit, stay soft, af m-It* Only Wolverine« tanned Sb rif Horsehide in *.>lea aul upper*. Aak ua about em. J if.'iC __ _ _ ■ ' ’MS e W3 ' X ' • liogRer Shoes W EST COAST V A. < UTTER BONE DRY Rnbber Footwear I. S. RI BBER - BONE DRV