Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, » DETROIT Dont Borrow, Subscribe! By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT L. J. Fitzgerald of the Army En- gineers was calleci to Cheyenne by AT YOUR FINGERTIPS the death of his father. He left Sa lem Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dorothy and Mias Jean Wootten of Dayton, Wyo., ar rived here Friday evening to visit his brother Emmett and friends here. They left to visit in Mill City. They are former residents of both places. They plan to spend about two weeks in Oregon. M . and M rs. R. Bowen of Fresno, Once in Love With Amy Calif., left for home Tuesday after Fieddie Martin spending a week at the home of Mr. Perry Como Pussy Cat and Mrs. Curtis Howard, their son- Sammy Kaye Lavender Blue in-law and danghter. Como Perry Missouri Waltz Mr. and Mrs. Earl Layman will go Ya Wanna Buy a Bunny to bring home Spike Jones ta Toledo Thursday stayed there to their son, Bob, who Melancholy Minstrel of high school. Vaughn Monroe complete this term They moved here recently. You, You, You Are the One Visiting the Frank Wilsons last Three Suns week were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boom Dennis Day Townsend, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Grube, Mrs. June Cochrane and Mr. and Cruising Down the River Frankie Carle Claire Jarvis, all of Salem. Baccalaureate services were at the Church of Christ Sunday ning. The junior-senior banquet was given Friday evening at the high “First With What You Want Most" school COMPLETE AFFIANCE SERVICE Radio. Waaher Refrigerator and The Detroit Women’» Civic Club Electrical Appliance wishes to thank thoae who have made Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 donations to the library. Anyone hav ing books out from last year please return them as soon as possible as the books are to be cataloged very soon. Library hours are from 2 to 4 ,p.m. Tuesday and from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Donations of books are acceptable at all times. PORTER & LAU “C A FULL SIZE TANDEM DISC THAT Lifts and Lowers at a ¿ouch This Is the Dearborn Lift Type Tandem Disc for the Ford Trac tor with Hydraulic Touch Con trol. The Ford Tractor can pick it up and carry it over roads at highway spc* » without blade damage, it lifts for fast short turns on ’s, for passing over grit'sed waterways, for backing into n.en. It really pulveri/« s and le vels the dirt. Come I i and . • it* We are headquarter*, G>r 2 ord Tractori, Dearborn Im- . 'cinci’ts. gen uine p i ts and expci I service. Everyon is uked to keep in mind the t eat X-ray mobile which will be in the lipper Can von June 13. The American Legion Auxiliary made a house-to-house canvass in the Idanha area and the canvass in both towns is nearly complete. Please contact Mrs. Ray Johnson at the telephone office if you were missed. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wright drove over the South Santiam highway Sat- u day, visiting friends in Foster, So daville and Ix-hanon, and her brother, in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Crane in Scio before returning via the North Santiam highway. M an<l Mrs. George Renner took Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dryden to Enter prise last week to close their home there and bring the remainder of their fv niture here. Ernie Wallace, six year old son of Mr. and Msr. Rav L. Wallace, broke his light arm in two places on Mem orial Day when he fell from a lad- dor while playing at home. One break was in the elbow and one just above t^e wrist. He is still in the Bend hos I pital. through Yellowstone National Park. Mrs. Luther McDaniels is-in a Sa Most of the pak was closed by snow lem hospital for medical attention at the time, but has been opened to 3nd treatment due to an extreme ner the public recently. Colleen obtained vous condition. employment in Cheyenne and Mrs. Mia. F. L. Noble returned to her Moore returned by bus May 29th. home here last week-end after stay They reported a wonderful time and ing seven weeks at the home of her goo traveling most of the way. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs CARD OF THANKS Clarence Baldwin of Stayton where she was helping to care for her We are grateful for the many ex young giandson, Daniel Richard and pressions of sympathy and kindness granddaughter, Hannah. during our recent bereavement. Mrs. G. W. Moore accompanied by Mrs. Ray Colgan Colleen Mermillion left here May 14 Mr. and Mrs. William Pennick and drove to Cheyenne, Wyo. to visit Rodney Moore who is stationed at The Muir children did not wish to Fort Warren. They visited the states be left out, so they too, came dowh of Idaho, Montana and enjoyed trip 1 with the measles. M.r and Mis. Albert Toman, Jr. | and Steven are going on a trip to J Yellowstone National Park this next week for their vacation. Stanley Chance was surprised re cently when an army buddy dropped j dropped in to see him. Don't Borrow. Subscribe! CAPITAL Monumental Works j- F. ULRICH CO J. C. JONES, Prop. REALTORS MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS NOW Investments - Insurance - Appraisals We specialize in all types of apprais- aLj^See us about your values. Expert Federal appraiser. Have testified in Federal court 33 times on values. Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Office Ph. 6887 Rea. Ph. 6887 A Friendly Place An Invitation To While Away Your Idle hours To the Residents of the Santiam Valley Richards Tavern You are invited to come to YOUR store when in Stay- ton and inspect YOUR merchandise. I am sure you will GATES find that wa stock many ite ms that you are interested in. Wa solicit your patronag Santiam Farmers Co-op F'/n/tounce men/ DR. MARK HAMMERICKSON OPTOME! RIST forspending control Wishes to Announce that He Will , , . PAY BY CHECK. Thenyou. will Kcivc q . record of ecicn payment. Youll know where you are and. where you’re $oing. Open an Office at the Mill City Fur- niture Co. for Complete Optica) Ser- vice, Includili!!: We ll welcome your account ’ An Analytical Eye Examination Lenses and Frames Duplicated Eye Class Adjustments Mill City State Bank SALEM MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. ' emeketa Street OFFH ES WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY AFTERNOONS FURNITURE AMERICA’S Most Treasured Documents 1:00 to 6:00 6:00 to 8:00 PRICES IN THE Gen. Robert E. I sm —presi dent of Washington College Randairs Elkhorn also AT LOWEST NEXT WEEK Guest Ranch By Appointment VALLEY NEW & USED HOME OFFICE at AV. R. Ten Brook. Jewelers, Breakfast Lunch Dinners 15 Miles East of Mehama on the Elkhorn Road In our display window ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ t ItiOó N. SALEM. ORE. wer Company WALLPAPER .inoleum A Sell Supporting, Tax Paying Private Enterprise Wool Carpet *a Appliances Living Room Funrnituro JfiitlisM' Bedroom Furniture TRADE TERMS Ph 3-5110 100 Patterns The luscious new Salem-m-m box of chocolates, with 30 varieties Horner’s In the one and two pound distinc- I U S T O M C U T T Agates to Sapphires and Ruhies Cut and Mounted to Order Drilling and Placing of Fmhlrm« and Monogram. On Stones. Price« AJuoted On Request. Nt box. A beautiful gift or prise. different. And don't for- get the Oregon cherrv box. ; her of KOt KS A MINER Al S ASSAM I ATION HARRAINS In Furnitur», Stoves, Dishes Clothing. Rousawarrs M A C ’ S STAYTON 115 S. Church. next to Salem Parkin* i % PRICE ALLMARK CARDS A iaitora Welcome Mill City Hutcheon Paint Store EDWARD WILLIAMS 330 Court SALEM I 1*2 SALEM