Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, LYONS Bv EVA BRESSLER Faith Rebekah Ix>dge held i t 3 meeting at the hall with Helen Mc- Clurg, noble grand, and F ance-. Mc Carie;.’, vice grand, p.esidi"g. The re- ■•ular routine of business wa> carried I ut, with election of >ffice v the mam 1 usines«, un. tie following elected fi. the coming term of S’v. months: France» Mi Carley, noble grand, B.&nthe Wagner, v.ce gra*:.i, Garnett Bassett, sr'-’etary, ana Brulab Lewis, r,ea«urer. Alma ti’unt'id financial -•«cretary. For g«'■ <>f t^e order M s Elsi« Mye* ini B.’U ah Lewis gave very intr.‘>»i:f reports from g'-vnd lodj .h«.' i. “<! I•! at Nor.b P»nd. Mrs. Has-'' Ixv i pib the 'le- uree of chivalry At th • vm hour „inty r¿¡ r -ment» ■ verrei by t*>. comvl* <•- 7 r, Millie P'ckett, Jea-. Ron ri .-I Elsie M PRICES FRIDAY AN l> SATURDAY 49 .39 .99 per tin BUÏTEH GRADE t .41 .89 .29 .57 GIANT per pkg. .53 ALL BRANDS 11 I L I T 0 I’ GENERAL STORE I Berry. en In a lew pleasant hours. Claaa or private instruction at the High School each M edneaday. BALLROOM ACROBATIC BATON TW I RUNG Register at The Enterpiae Instruction from Merlain Dancing School The Mill City Enterprise Mr. and Mrs. Burl Smith and Don MMI City, Oregon. Mr. and .M 7 ■ i este- of Sa na were week end visitors in Catha- lamet, Wash. It <i visited jeii-c... la» • with 1a- Charlea Wolverton, Editor and Publisher Mr». Thelma Surry, and Bill Surry lives in Lic-is. r wwt guests at Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager ’he Earl Alleu C! • it Hr issi, r ani of Portland, Mr. and Mrs Hy Surry and <iaughter of Astoria, and Mr. and ’ohn Word n h> >e Mrs. Edgar Pessemeir of Seattle vis Entered «a second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Mrs. Alex B ufg Mr- L’ . Carl- ited friends in Lyons Sunday en route Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING iton and M-< P. >v Hubrr were hos to Lebanon. Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and Miss Imogene Roye, student at O.- tesses for a gif * ah i - honoring M-p Dona' Hube , he: i at the Hu S.C., visited suday with her parents, those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the "Too Late to Classify” section. ber home F i lr evomng. Games fu - Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roye. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise wrill not Mr and Mrs. George Kimery and •.ished the t” e lain* <u and after tic openin.' of gifts, refreshments daughters of Portland spent the week be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RA IE ..ere servet to the h o-ed gue.-t, end and Memorial day with relatives One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch Mrs. Huber, Mrs. Eldon Mulkey, Mrs. in Lyons. They were guests at the Parrish, of Silverton, and Mesdames homes of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. NATIONAL t DIÎO2 I At i Z~\ 'I Z'~N Floyd Bassett, Pat Lyons, Merrill James Kimery, his sister, Mrs. Art ASSOCIATION XFÀft R ’N * ✓ Brassfield, Jack Duggan, Bert Lyons, Ayers and family, and brother and *-r SOCI ATI ON Eugene Roye, Fred Lindemann, Clyde sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kim _____ LLLXDL ery. Biessler, Howard Naue, Orville Dow Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vaughn of ning, Roy Heineck, Earl Allen, Phil- a„.| M„. Uster H.ttawy' D.n.U L- »< W„hiMlon ! lip Pietrok, Percy Hiatt, Paul John Portland were among those visiting and granddaughter of Enterprise. ‘he Frank Blazeks over the Memor- ston, Arthur Olmstead, Alex Carle old friends in Lyons. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Davis of i al week end.. . _ _ ton and Roy Huber. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shelton of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. King, Benny 1 _____ Dallas visited at the home of Mrs. Valsetz visited her father, Cleve Da and Barbaia, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis 1 Sunday dinner guests at the home Roy Huber en route to the cemetery. vis, last week end. Joan Davis is J. King were in Dallas over Memor of Mr. an<l Mis. Earl Allen wer^ Mr Duane Downing will be among spending the summer with the Robert ial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Louis King Davis ’ . and Mrs. Fred Hester, Mr. and Ms. those receiving diplomas from Ore Mrs. Fern Shuey left Tuesday for returned to Medford Tuesday. Phil Cobett, all of Salem, and Mr. gon State College June 5. He now at the state Easter Star meeting in Port an I Mrs. Clyde Bressler of Lyons. the home of his /parent«, Mr. and Mrs. Dont Borrow. Subscribe! land. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Berry and sor. Orville Downing. :<«• ■» <«• <«• <«• * Mrs. Lena Thayer, who has been ‘Jimmie of Glendale, Ore., visited at Memorial day guests at the home Cliff Ambers' the home of his parents, Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Julian were visiting Miss Daisy Hendricson, left Tuesday for Eugene, to visit before Mrs. George Berry, Sunday. their daughter an husbadnd, Mr. and In and out of town guests over the Mrs. Vem Crawford and Mr. and returning to her home in Farmington week end and Memorial day were Mrs. William Knight of Washington, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. William Love of Eu Mrs. Titus Bierley, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson of Albany, JUST EAST OF GATES | Herman Gamroth and family, Mr. Hurley Julian, Joe Julian and daugh gene were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I :♦> as- : | and Mrs. Haivie Bierley and Lorraine ter, Mrs. Joy Smith of Wabuska. J. B. Ixive Sunday. He is a brother r <«• :« <« of Mr. Love. I Bierley of McMinnville were guests Nebraska, who have spent several Mr. and Mrs. Roger Harris and | ' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George days at the Juilan home. Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard of Eugene were guests at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman. Jeanette Huff See Ed L. Davis man returned to Eugene with her Lyons, K. F. I). grandparents Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Brassfield ’hone 751 Mill City were called to Salem the last of the week by the serious illness of Mrs. Fred Brassfield. Mrs. May Swank of Stayton spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Stop in and See Our Mrs. Daisy Johnston. Additional din SPECIALS I ner guests at tne the jonnston Johnston home numv -were on SALEM J Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thayer of Albany! ALL TRAILER See A. T. Barnhardt and his niece Mrs. Hatton and daugh- HOMES at Silver Saddle. ter, Ruth Ellen, of Colorado. Phone 903 Mrs. Hugh Johnston and Mrs. Claire Humphries and Mrs. George Clipfell left Tuesday morning for Nes kown on the coast where they will attend the Youth for Christ camp. Mrs. Clipfell will be one of the adults USELMCARS assisting in the teaching there. t Bought - Consigned - Sold THE M aples Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Contractors & Builders Tracy Cox & Co. FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS STAYTON Gain New-Found Popularity and Happiness JUNE % 1949 Mill Citv Mrs. John Feeley will attend the University of Oregon extension in Portland, and Miss Sigrid Grimstad will be at the University of W’ash- ington this summer. Seen in Salem Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Arey Podrabskky and Bar bara, Mrs. Delbert Jenkins, Mrs. Bill Weddle Funeral Home OREGON, LTD. UNION SHOP ROBERT SKINNER, Proprietor Blue 11811 R ub . 128V STAYTON Quality Repair Parts MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Stayton, Oregon CRANE $1 par month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 2102 LEONARD HERMAN CAPITAL acto parts •Delta Band Saws •Delta Joincm •Delta Table Saws Delta Wood loathes Delco-Remy Shocks •hone 8-9151 Liberty and After hours 2-1593 Chemketa S \I.EM. OREGON < omplete supph of bn i l<i I iilt needs OPEN S \T( RD \Ys Knotty pine paneling Firtex Sheet Rock MOTOR CO NN MW 1 Mile East of Gates Near The Maples HMMHmemMSM Arthurs Cafe LUZIERS A friendly place to meet and eat . Fine Cosmetics and Perfumes Gifts fur Men and Women 50 Cents up KAY COLBURN, Distributor Mill City, Oregon Studio 200 feet West of Furniture Store Telephone 2606 for appointment ■i Chicken in the Rough Information Center, Detroit, Oregor 24 hours a day " y-'-.:- •••♦• LICENSED GARBAGE SERVICE BUILD for Hopei’ BUILD « NEW hl) GEIGER • Expert Workmanship We Sell and Install VIVMIIHO IQUl'MINf Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON,OREGON SANTIAM WAR SURPLUS \RMY & NAVY OXFORDS CLOTHING TENTS WORK SHOES BOATS FISHING TACKLE 1 mile east of Detroit ATTENTION: BUSINESSMEN We will run your errands or get your parts for you out of Portland or Salem in time that will amaze you. Passenger Air Taxi Service to Salem It'a not hard to learn to fly with a competent instructor. DAVIS .AIRPORT has engaged the ser vice of Ted Galbraith. Silverton, a licensed flying instructor, who will be at the airport daily each week Check with Byron Davis. Mill City Tavern, for details. DAVIS AIRPORT SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. MANUFACTURERS OF TENTS. AWNINGS & CANVAS GCTDS Tents For Kent By The Month 729 N. Liberty. SALEM