MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, (Continued from Pagel » schools. Results of the meet: Running broad 9 Ro- nald Williams and Arthur Webb, Mill City 1st and 2d, Robert Trahan, St. Mary’s, 3d; age 11—Jerry Hilton, of Lyons, 1st, Bobby Howe, Mill City. 2d, Ronald Dinnebeck, Mehama, 3ci; age 13—Lyle Fleetwood and Elton Gregory, 1st and 2d, Mill City, D:ck Woodward, Detroit, 3d; age 15- Le roy Podrabsky, Mill City, 1st, Wil liam Han, Lyons, 2d, Gearaid Tuck er, Detroit, 3d. Potato race, age 9- Bruce Gordon, 2d, Norman Garitz, St. Mary’s, 3d; age 11—Richard Crook, Mill City, 1st Donald Snyder, Detroit, 2d; Mike Thomas, Mill City, 3d.. The shuttle relay for boys was won by the Mill City team: Podrab sky, Kanoff, Syverson and Chiisten- son. Dash, age 9, boys: Robert Trahan, St. Mary’s, 1st, Dale Bilyeu, Mehama 2d, Ronald Williams, Mill City, 3d; age 11—Lyle Fleetwood, Mill City, 1st, Charlie Keever, Mill City, 2d, Dick Woodward, Detroit, 3d; age 13 —Larry Bennett, Mill City, 1st; Ro bert Fery, St. Mary’s, 2d, Jerry Hil um. Lvons. 3d; age 15—Leroy Po- MAY 26. 1949 drabsky, 1st, Vernon Chrisenson, 2d, ward, Detroit, 2d, Darlene Boedig- william Hau, Lyons, 3d. > heimer, St. Mary’s, 3d; age 11—La Dash, girls,: age 9—Myra Small. I nit* Boedigheimer, St. Mary’s, 1st, Mehama, 1st; Clara Caudle and Phil- Yvonne Dart, Mill City, 2d, Joan Al- li# Smith, Mill City, 1st and 2d; age i bus, St. Mary’s, 3d; age 13—Helen 11 Joan Albus, St. Mary’s, 1st, Shir Fery, St. Mary’s, 1st, Wilma Howe, ley Cree, Mill City, 2d, Doris Neal, Mill City, 2d, Charlene Manasco, De Lyons, 3d; age 13—Carol Jane Bla troit, 3d: age 15—Darlene Juel, St. zek, 1st, Virginia Timm, 2d, both of Mary’s, 1st, Mary Jo Wolverton, Mill Mill City, Geraldine Kline, St. Ma City, 2d, Phyllis Gibson, Mill City, ry’s, 3d; age 15—Phyllis Gibson, Mill 8d. Photo Race; age 9—Clara Caudle, City, 1st, Charlene Schmitz. St. Ma ry’s, 2d, Rosella Thomas, Mill City. Mill City, 1st, Barbara Manning, De troit, 2d, Shirley Kirsch, Mehama, 3d. 3d. Accuracy throw: age 9 — Frances age 11—Yvonne Dart, Mill City, 1st, Ward, Mill City, 1st, Arlene Wood- Rosmary Peterson, St. Mary’s, 2d, Joan Turnjdge, Mill City, 3d. Relay race: Mill City team. Mary Jo Wolverton, Carol Blazek. Virgin ia Timm and Aloha Hammond won for 13-age group; Mill City team in age 15 team also won with Wilma Howe, Phyllis Gibson, Rosella Thom as and Bernice Ficek. Standing broad jump (boys): age 9—Leroy Holbert, Detroit, 1st, Ro bert Trahan, St. Mary’s, 2d, Norman Gerats, St. Mary’s, 3d; age 11 Ro bert Fery, St. Mary’s, 1st, Bobby Howe and Larry Bennett, 2d and 3d; age 13, Cfcarlie Keever and Lyle Fleetwood, Mill City, 1st and 2d, and Dick Woodward, Detroit, Detroit 3d; age 15—Leroy Podrabsky, Mill City. 1st, John Foster, Detroit, 2d. Venion Christenson. Mill City, 3d. The freshmen class was giving a reception to the seniors after grad uation Thursday evening. Dont Borrow. Su born be’ Mill City Lodge, No. 180, A. F. & A. M. Special communi- cation May 30. E. C. degree Visitors welcome. Charles C. Kelly, Secy. A INVESTIGATE Original price Butane & Propane 182.50 on Full size the use of HEATING * COOKING - WATER HEATING REFRIGERATION Wedgewood Ranges Safe - Clean - Economical Automatic Appliances Gas Heat, Inc. SAM BRIDGES, Distributor Phone Lyons 15 2 weeks Free Trial On Highway 222 Lyons, Oregon No obligations Mill City Furniture Co. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 8 Amazing Values! 3-P1ECE Bedroom suite Real Walnut Bench, 5.95 - Nite stand, 5.95 THE FREEZR SHELF REFRIGERATOR IS iH.iL i.UC UANGEi / ; . 'E CREEZEUS 329.95 Tonn.i refrigerator it here to day! Il , the new Gihaon with the original I rre/’r Ixx-ker anti nntinal Fresh'nr r law'krr. pioneered and per fected b* Gibaon.’ Frera’r lxM*ker i« the roomy, full-width freezing space uHi’ve alwa*« wanted and nrreird. It keep* load*» of froaen food« farm* fresh and vitamin-full for weeks. Freah’ner lacker is the moist, super* chilling shelf that retain« the natural goodne«« of all fifth foanl« for days and davs. In addition, the new Gib«on gnea you more ea.«y*lo-gel-at shelf spore, more ire cube capacity, faster freraing. treater convenience and many other advantage« I oust in today and see the plut * aloe« you get in the new <>ibaon brwa’r Shelf Refrigerator! Other models as low as 229.95 Open stock. Buy only the pieces you want. UNHEARD-OF prices! While they last! ALSO — 20 PF.R CENT OFF ON Ol’R ENTIRE STOCK OF BED- ROOM FURNITURE THIS WEEK! SEE OUR NEW SHIPMENT OF Print LINOLEUM 95Cy£ 9 x 12 i WOOL RUGS 34.50 ‘