MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. M YY 26. 1949 ! 1) E T R 0 I T tkadi : ix I .BUCKING HORSES and roping calves wanted for Saddle Club horse show June 19. Contact Bert Karr, Rt. 1. Bx 44. Lyons. Phone 251. 2 BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON S a n t i a m FOOD MART CANYON GARAGE EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E. FRY, Manager • MEATS Margaret NOBLE DAVIS SPORTING it DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON FRIDAY and SATURDAY GROCERIES Janet NELSON JUDY CANOVA in DETROIT TAVERN I and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden I ‘Strawberry Roan' Riderail» JEANS and HICKORY’ SHIRTS Wants and Sales NEEDED! FROM MEHAMA TO GATES. SEE MORRISON for carpentering and concrete work. Free estimates. Sidewalks a special ty. See D. V. Morrison, Gates, or leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill City. MIKE’S Septic Service Canyon Club Bruce Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanka priced $12.50 and up, and Electric Roto-Rooter Sew er Service. No digging. No muse. Persh FOR ANY kind of brick work and fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New Phone 3-9468 or 3-5327.......... or repair. Free estimate. Tel 1171, John W. Hanna, Silverton, Rt. 3 • IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR work Rea 107» Elm St, W. Salem ing right ? If not, call PORTER & LAU for fast, dependable refrigera List your homes and farms with me. tor, washer, electric appliance or ra Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, dio service. • Detroit, Lyons. DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab by have it recovered, modernized and Garbage, ashes, trimmings. etc. made like new. Mail us a card giving Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also exact location and I will call with light hauling. samples and give free estimate of Leonard Herman Phone 2102 cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. ACCOUNTING, bookkeeping, audit Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen ing. Brad Bradley, Ph. 2133. 1895 sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone Hemlock, Lebanon. • 1153. ODD JOBS done Fridays after school s and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton. Wilma Howe or phone 3425. • 8 A. Large modern house, completely furnished. Room for apartment up FOR REFRIGERATION service call stairs. Electric pump, bain, chicken Al Laue, through your local opeiator. house. USED Range in fine condition, Call Al Laue. Refrigeration Sales and 4 rm. house, modern, lot 50 x 100. Service, Salem, Ore. • clean, only $4500. MASTER 8RfAD ■.„-.U. I HARLOW L WEINRICK Attorney at Law 31» Broadalbin NEED A TELEPHONE 7—Come in and see the new Stromberg-Carlson desk telephone. Highest quality and approved for your local phone ser vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Phone 902 Mill City WANTED IMMEDIATELY Bern Pickers by Joe Shmitz, Fern Ridge. !• FOR SALE- Stationary laundiy tubs. Mrs. Frank Bass Mill City. Linn County side 24* Albany Tex's Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails DEAR BUM and Deadbeat Please return the last hatchet you borrowed from L. C. (Doc) Craft. 1 FOR SaLe- Modern home. Mill City, Oregon on River road. C. E. Ball. 1 FOR RENT—Johnson Electric floo polisher. Will really put on a pro- I tective coat of wax! $1 per day. Also I GE Tidy sweeper with all attach ments. Exc. for cleaning car and housecleaning. $1.50 per day at— Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance Store SPINETTE piano for balance due. Write Credit Dept.. Wills Music Stpre, Salem, Ore. 0* A GOOD selection of linoleum yard age, 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. , • W hen it comes to pre scriptions, you want to be nbsolutelv sure. Health is too important a matter to you or family for guess and gamble. And this Prescription Pharmacy offers you a serv ice of tester! responsibility. We employ only able, registered pharmacists: double-check every step for accuracy. Let us till that next prescriptico! Geo. H. Bell Real Estate & Insurance STAYTON SANT I AM GARAGE ttllABlt» <0 ’ISrtiJItG ' ESÄÄvFr THE KINGb ! rt rovto « I —Homes for sale or rent —Business propertv. buildings and site» —Vacant lots —Small aervages David M. Reid Real Estate MILL CITY ____ ! L • * * wmmmmmmnmm«>nn«* ( ' 1500 WATT. 110 volt, D. C. Kohler j light plant, *■« and I H. P. Motors, ; battery charger, all $100. Albert Mill sap. Gates, Ore. 2* FOR RENT- Johnson Electric floor , polisher. Will really put on a protect- I ive coat of wax! $1.00 per day. Also G.E. Tidy sweeper with all attach ments, Excellent for cleaning car and housecleaning. $1.50 iper day. At STIFFLER’S RADIO AND APPLI ANCE STORE. Mill City, FOUNDATION GARMENTS Special Attention Given to Fittings Hosiery-Lingerie-Dresses-Smocks 131 High St. Salem Ph. 4032 On 2 MILES EAST ON PRAIRI E ROAD r Washed Sand, Crushed Gravel I- 4/ It's RCA Victor’s sensational new system of recorded music • There'» never been anything like it. Come in ar.d hear the new, low-coil distortion-free cord» played on the world'» fa»te»t rec ord changer. 7-inch non-breakable record plays as long as ordinary 12-inch. Find out about the many advantages of the amazing new RCA Victor system and its great BIG SAVINGS for you I Play it yourself today! 39.95 Player at tachmen for any radio— 24.95 San be seen in operation at the Mill CWy Theatre PORTER & LAC HAROLD KI1F. WER, Manager APPLIANCES ( RADIOS PHONE 1884 SCIO -SERVKE MILL CITY REALTOR ROY V. SHELTON I HAVE LARGE FARMS— SMALL F’RM CITY PROPERTY LOTS — ACREAGE TO Bl lLD ON— ( LOSE IN AND FAR OUT Call me up. Ix-t's talk it over. Better yet come over and relax a while. We’re uut of the crowded area, Through divorce, sickness, death, separation, change of climate, sore feet and corns between the toes, we havo lots of listings. Here's just a few good buys: 41 A.. 1 A. in cult. 2 bed i oom house, garage and shop combined large wood shed. Some piling and second srrowth log.--. Imrned. possession, $2900. On good creek and county road. Electricity. 5 miles from store. $9135 lown. 383 A. 225 in cult. Fine stock fa m. $31,500.00 273 A. 125 A. cult. Stocked and equipped. No $21000.00, i down. 5 room house in Scio. Bath, etc. -3250.00 $1250.00 down. Modern trailer house, electric. bia! ■ . 1100.00 15 A. 1 mile of Stayton, house barn. Elec, water system. Price $1250, $2000 dn„ bal. 4 percent, $25 per ino. The Commercial Book Store Ilan Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES I'hone .1-45.34 141 N. Commercial St. SALEM. ORE . , JUSX.WMI Chevrolet Owners-this isthcopportunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can Don't put thune needed repaint off any longer. We have made it pos sible for you to take care of thin necessary work by paying a small amount each month. We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Chevrolets only. THIS INCLUDES ALL THF. YBOVE LISTED PXRTS AND LA BOR FOR ONLY Concrete Mix r»< KING’S TEEN-AGERS' DANCELAND” VTATU’C! -MOBIL-MINUTE FREE COFFEE I y IIM i O man SERVICE TO TRUCK DRIVERS 3 MILES WEST OF MILL CITY — HI WAY 222 * Now see the world’s fastest record changer at * Ll>- vouaiT nc-a I I*. O. Box 421 Mill City Or phone Enterprise ottico Instali piston ring« Grimi valve# (lean and align oil pan Bum uut braatherpipe. All gaaketa 5 quarta oil • i C. E. & L. R. Coville Real Estate Brokers HOWARD CORSET SHOP P.O. Box 497 Phone .3422 MILL CITY. OREGON pl «CZ w<»r *OU ssvt « COLtSS t»t«« C iri rou sstv ’ . We'll keep your books and write your letters FOR SALE- House tiailer 23 feet, sleeps 4. See B. D. Bumgarner, Lyons, Ore. P. O. Box 107A or 3 miles east of Mill City on Linn county side. Colgan Construction Co PHONE 3452 HOME TOWN FOLKS Listings Wanted J- F. ULRICH (O GENERAL AUTO ANU truck repair ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING Salem, Oregon INCLUDING: IF YOU HAVE a treasured picture, snapshot of children, animals, land scapes, seascapes or photos, also min iatures, get them hand-tinted, to bring them to life. Contact Mrs. Mary E. Alexander, P. O. box 185, Gates, 3 bedroom modern home, completely or call at Tucker house, S. side of furnished, piano included, 2 large lots tracks, in Gates. 4* FHA loan available. FOR SALE- Cow, fresh June 1st. New 2 bedroou hoce, 1 A. of land, See Frank Bass. Linn Co. side of partly furnished, only $5800. Veter- Mill City. ans or FHA loan. USED refrigerators, Good Bargains, 2 New bedroom home, lot 50 x 100. I Best Condition, Al Laue Refrigera tion, 2350 Seate, Salem. Will carry veterans or FHA loan. New 3 bedroom home, best of loca- 'FOR SALE —4”xl2” planer, 2 HP tion, lot 85 x 145. Will carry veterans motor. H. D. switch. All like new. or FHA loan. Would deliver in this vicinity. Write Chas. Rombach, Jacksonville Star Rt., 2 bedroom, modern, lot 50 x 100, good Box 2A, Medford, Ore. 1 location. SCIO BARGAIN CENTER—Ph28F6 2 blocks S. of Bridge on Main St. About 5 A., 350 ft. h’way frntage, fair building, plenty of water, elec Beds, Chairs, Tables, Plumbing Fix tures, Heating and Cooking Stoves. tricity. A good investment. Many other items. Come in and look • rm. modern home, double garage, around. We Buy, Sell & Trade. 7 lots, best of location, terms. FOR SALE—1 set Book of Knowl edge Encyclopedias; also 4 year 1 A. on h’way, large house. Make books, all for $65. A $90 value; 1 excellent rooming or boarding house. Duo-therm oil range, $140 value for $70. Richard Hansen. Detroit, phone We have 5 houses, owner out of town 1348. 3* says sell. Let us show you and make us an offer. FOR SALE 2 stoves. Wood cook stove, 2 sets coils. Coleman oil cir Me have many more good listings, culator; 2 50 gal. tanks. Claude Mil Call and see us. ler, Mill City. 1 PENNICK - PENNICK WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid Brokers Phone Mill City 1901 Evenings 702 batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- lite and lantern batteries. Stiffler Radio and Appliance Store. • REALTORS Investments - Insurance - Appraisals We specialize in all types of apprais al^ See us about your values. Expert Federal appraiser. Have testified in Federal court 33 times on values. Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court CANYON URGENTLY LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE Baldwin's Dont Borrow. Subacribe! FOR SALE—2 b’room mod. house, FOR FULLER BRUSHES and dean utility rm. and garage attached. See equipment call you: fuller brush deal Clarence Estenson, Mill City. 2 er. Theo. Muysken, Rt. 1 Box 22!) Aumsville, Oregon. EXPERT auto and home radio ser . ■„ ...J* vice. 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler's Radio and Appiance ‘Puddinhead’ GENE AUTRY in WILL PARTY' who picked up gray parka coat by mistake in MAPLES Tavern please notify Edna Jenkins, Mill City or Phone 942 1* •95 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY EXCAVATION and DUMP TRUCKS BY HOUR OR CONTRACT il * | V Don’t forget to aak ab out our budget plan. Siu North ( ommerrtal Ph. $-$175 »■*••• Oregon