o MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Dont Borrow, Subscribe! Gates Gates just isn't the same old place. While in the past no sounds but the roar of the Santiam, the songs oC birds and the peaceful tinkle of bells on cows grazing in the village green were heard, now nothing can be heard but the buzz of power saws, the ring of hammers and the clank and pound ing of well drillers. The fragrance of wild flowers and of balm trees, growing on the banks of tht river, has given place to the stench of gas oline from the truck loads of build ing material being delivered to the several buildings now under construc Once in Love With Amy Freddie Martin tion heie. Work ha «started on a S6 x 70 Perry Como Pussy Cat Sammy Kaye foot buikling on the foundation of Lavender Blue Perry Como the Id IOOF hall which was destroy- Missouri Waltz td several years ago by fire. It is re Ya Wanna Buy a Bunny Spike Jones ported the location has been leased fiom Heath Bros, and is adjacent to Melancholy Minstrel Vaughn Monroe their store. Mr. Hutchinson, formerly of Portland, who has been assisting You, You, You Are the One Three Suns Dave Reid in his real estate business in Mill City, is having the building Clancy Lowered the Boom erected and it is scheduled to house Dennis Day a furniture store and pool hall. Cruising Down the River Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison have Frankie Carle started the erection of a duplex dwelling on the lot which they re- tained from the sale of their trailer camp. A well has been drilled on the “First With What You Want Most’’ property. COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE The duplex being built by Mr. an«l Radio, Washer Refrigerator and Mrs. Leo Hammer, formerly of Sa Electrical Appliance lem, on property they recently pur Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 chased from Glen Henness, is going uip fast. The stoie building under construc- tion by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gar- rison, has received its final coat of stucco and the inside will soon be ready for the installation of a var iety store, fountain and lunch cocn- ter. C. J. Montag ami Son Construction Co. has almost completed the court, f pumice block and cement, they are building in Gates. In its setting of good farming large oak trees it is going to be very attractive. starts with good plowing Mr. and Mrs. Tex Allen of Port- lanr will be able to take possession Dearborn LIFT-TYPE of their new home, almost completed MOLDBOARD PLOW by Davis and Park, soon, and work on a second house will start immed No matter how much you diac and bar- iately. These are only a part of the row you can’t correct a poor plowing Job. So why not get a plow that give* building activity going on in Gates. you a good jol> hi the first place? PORTER & LAU Thia Dearborn .Moldboard P*ow can be attached to a Ford Tractor In one min ute, lifts and low er* by the tractor’s Hydraulic Touch Control. Designed to give you even depth and clean, well turned fur Phone or come in row* with a *elec with your part* and tion of ilxes and rvice problem*. bottom* to fit every We’d like to know »oil 'ondltion. you better. arimi Mrs. Delbert Hill, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Shuey, Mrs. Richard Saucier, Mrs. Elsie Potter and Mrs. C. E. Mason, all of Mill City, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley of Stayton. Among those attending the Oahu Music Festival, given in Jefferson by the Kelley sturios, were Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Turnidge and daughter Caro lyn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Herron and son Rex, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stubbs and son Rodney and Mrs. Mel bourne Rambo and son George. All the youngsters in the party partici pated in the musical. Guests at the Gerald Heath home last week were Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Standish ami daughter of Salem. Over the week end Mrs. Harold Heath of Portland visited the family. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker at tended memorial services in Silver- ton for her brother, Sgt. Theodore Hall, who was killed in Okinawa. Guests at the Clarence Johnson home last week were Mrs. Florence Carrysot and W. Wise, both of Port land. Mrs. Carrysot is a former res ident of Gaes. Mrs. Robert Levon of San Francisco who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, had as her guest Sunday Mrs. Oliver Far- men of Eugene. Mr. ami Mrs. William Mickenham and his mother, Mrs. Henry Micken- i ham of Lebanon were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Gwyn Schaer. FOR Guests last week at the home of Miss Georgia Shane were Mr. anti Mrs. C. W. Preston of Hollywood, Cal Mr. Preston was formerly connected with the school system in lx»s An geles und principal of one of the high schools there. He is still active in obtaining favorable legislation for the Retired Teachers Assn, of California. Miss Shane entertained in honor of here guests «luring their stay with an “indoor” picnic and an evening of cards. Besides the honored couple an«l hostess those present were Mr. and FURNITURE A Friendly Place To While Away Your Idle hours Richards Tavern GATES WHO DE.V.ÀND Randall’s Elkhorn PROPANE GAS Guest Ranch & Appliance Co VALLEY NEW & USED Monumental Works House guests fro mSalem at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gar rison over the week end were Mr. I J. C JONES, Prop. and Mrs. Fed Zunck and son. Saturday guests at the home of Mr. [ MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS and Mrs. Ned Richards were Mr. ami NOW Mrs. Elton Brown and sons, Harold and Douglas, and Chris McDonald and son of Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. 2210 So. Commercial St. Salem Merle Mombert and son Dale of Office Ph. 6887 Res. Ph. 6887 Sweet Home also were callers. Mom bert was a resident of Gates for ma- No matter where you live today. Propane Gas gives you the quick, clean, service of modern Gas cooking. Get an estimate today. (While they last, a few floor model ranges greatly reduced!) AT LOWEST Gen. Robert E. I<ee—presi dent of Washington College Achievement day was held by the local schools last Friday. The morning was devoted to visiting various grade school rooms and viewing tse pupils’ work on display. At noon a picnic dinner was served. In the afternoon outdoor sports fur nished the entertainment. In the eve ning a benefit program for the senior class of the high school was present ed, which included songs and skits by the grades, folk dances from sev eral nations, by the high school stu dents, accompanied by Mrs. Gwyn Schaer and Norma Devine, several ac- cordian selections by Norma and Lo- ny years when his parents operate«! rena Devine and Wiley Muise. Fol the old Gates Hotel. lowing the program ice cream ana cake were sold by the students. The affair was well attended. CAPITAL Use Propane Gas ° C‘ <• rntkrfa Street Most Treasured Documents Mr. and Mrs. Mickenham are former residents of Mill City. Achievement day was held by the local schools Friday of last week. The morning was devoted to visiting in Mrs. Vern Morgan and Mrs. Scott Young went to McMinnville to visit with .Mrs. M. C. Smith who used to be a resident of the Canyon. “Smitty” w-.s very badly hurt while loading logs. He is getting along fairly well, He suffered four broken ribs and other injuries. Mr. and Mrs. V. Fallhaver who used to live in Idanha, made a short stay here May 4. Ralph Adams of Redmond called at the Scott Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith made a business trip to Bend Saturday the 7th. Hz-* SALEM AMERICA’S THOSE i MAY 26, IMS Ferry St., Opposite Mat ion Hotel Installations and service in Marion, Counties Breakfast Phone Salem 3-5098 Benton Lunch Dinners 15 Miles East of Mehama on the Elkhorn Road In our display window : I Mountain States P wer Company \ Self Supporting. Tax Private Enterprise ► ♦• • • ••♦•••♦•♦•♦♦o NU 1605 N. SALEM. ORE. • Wool Carpet • Appliance* Lirina Room Funrniturw • Bedroom Furniture c WALLPAPER TRADE TERMS Ph 3-5110 100 Patterns % PRICE The lucu.ux new Salemmm of chocolates Hornpr s and Mlnrr G< * , 1 n, iivi nri a In the one and two pound distinc- CUSTOM CUTTING \ gates to Sapphires and Rubies Cut and Mounted t«> Order Drilling and Flaring of Emblems and Monograms On Stones. Prices Quoted On Request. Mentor of ROCKS A MINER U.S \ssot I ation V i«itors W elcome Mill City R A R G A 1 N S Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Houseware, BTAYTOS M A ( with .'I# varieties live box. A beautiful gift or yriae. \xw different. And don’t for- get the Oregon Corry box ALLA\ARK CARDS Hutcheon Paint Store EDWARD WILLIAMS 330 Court SALEM 1*2 SALEM * WWE