Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. M \Y 26. 1949 Many are buying tickets to the Mill Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kimmel were will visit relatives while under med among the sightseers at the damsite City Service men’s dance in the Vet ical observation for a skin rash. erans Hall Saturday night May 28. Ray Roberts, accompanied by Bed Sunday. By JEAN ROBERTS Fire broke out in one of the trail Mrs. Ed Cruso n returned from Johnson of Mehama, went to the Des Bill Bickett was subpoene I to ap- chutes River on a trip last I Medford Tuesday after a few days ers at Martin’s court Tuesday after pear in court in Sale r Friday. This week end. The river was muddy and of house hunting. noon, but damage was slight. was the fourth time he a : been call the fishing poor. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schafer of Idan Consolidated Builders, Inc., went on ed as a witness against three Aums Bad news leached the Elkhorn ha were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. daylight saving time Monday. The ville lesidents on a deer spotlighting community at the end of the week, Charles Cruson over the week-end. Corps of Engineers in the area also charge. The case which had been when a letter from Mrs. Patrick of Mrs. Ed Cruson and Mrs. Charles set the clocks up. pending for six months was dismiss Mehama arrived, stating she did not Cruson gave a stork shower for Mrs. CBI made the change to coriespond ed for “insufficient evidence." B’U intend to teach school next year. Elk- Pearly Cribbs last week. Games were with Portland, where its main offices was accompanied by Lou and Ike hotners had been considering them played and refreshments served to are located. The time differential was Myers. selves fortunate at the prospect of the following guests: Mrs. Betty- causing confusion. The Elkhorn school attended a a teacher already contracted to teach Tinney, Mrs. Albert Toman, Jr., Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Völkel and Mr. track meet held in Mill City Friday. . in our small country school. Vern Shaw, Mrs. Frances Hopkins, and Mrs. Fay Collins, who lecently The entire school of ten pupils was Mrs. Leo Cruson, Mrs. Mae Cribbs, purchased the Dan Morrison trailer transported by Mrs. Bill Bickett and camp, have leased the Heath Bros, and Mrs. Joe Cribbs Mrs. Ray Roberts. Taking part in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindgren and store and took possession Monday. the meet from heie were: Durwood family moved to Aumsville the first Mis. Birdie Taylor also will be in and Drury Lane Dark, Dean and Ja the store. of May. net Glunz. Lois Rae Roberts and Al Mr. and Mrs. Ryan of San Diego, Mrs. Lena Thayer of Farmington, Patricia Cree had an appendectomy vin Ray. Washington is visiting Miss Daisy May 13 in the Salem Memoial hos California were guests of Martha Mrs. Carl Longnecker and Billy Hendricson. They were girlhood pital. She returned Tuesday- Brown for a few days. Mrs. Ryan is left Wednesday for Eugene where she friends in Farmington. Bert Tumidge is in the Salem Mem the sister of Mrs. Brown. Mr. Ryan orial hospital having treatments for is treasurer of the 1-aJolla Camera .1 au. 10 I Club. his arm which he hurt last fall. COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND DOME TIC This is Mr. and Mrs. Ryan’s 1 first Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cruson have puchased six acres of land in Fox trip into western Oregon ami I they LIGHTING Valley from Mr. and Mrs. MacRae. have taken many pictures of the ■ They are planning to build a house beautiful scenery and the dam site for display at the camera club. in the near future. They plan to return next year for The Women’s Council of the Church 236 N. High St. SALEM of Christ held their last meeting of more pictures. the year Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed Cooke. Seen in Salem on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kanoff Mrs. FIRST W. W. Allen, Mrs. Milan Weston, ami PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veness. i Leonard Rowan will be the general Prelude; call to worship;doxology; 1225 Cross St. SALEM, ORE. manager of the Colgan Construction invocation; gloria; psalter selection; Company. He is from Salem and is hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; WINDOW FRAMES OUR SPECIALTY planing to move to Mill City soon. notices; offering; music by choir; I sermon; hymn; postlude. Our quality is up and our prices DOWN COURT NEWS Feb. 20—“When All is Lost, Sing.” We are in a position to furnish any style of sash, window or fram, according to your needs Recent cases be for Judge Donald Feb. 27—“Wanted: a Fighting Man. Sheythe in local City Court: DOORS TRIM CABINETS Morris White and Clifford Guthrie, CHURCH OF CHRIST drunk and disorderly, $34.50 fine each Services Every Lord’s Day Guthie was booked again the same Morning Worship 0» <♦: <♦> « week on a disorderly conduct charge and posted $35 bail. WHY DRIVE ALL THE WAY INTO SALEM FOR William Graham, disorderly con PHOTOGRAPHS? duct, $19.50 fine. Marshall Lake, Floyd Kilburn, reck less driving, $29.50. e_z Elkhorn 6:30 Donald Hinkle, Pastor North Side 7:30 COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor CHURCH OF THE LATTER .. Sunday School 10:00 DAY SAINTS 11:00 Morning Worship Sunday, 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall Evangelistic Service 7:45 7:45 Wed. Bible Study FREE METHODIST CHURCH “The Church of the Light and Life GATES COMMUNITY Hour” CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday school 10:00 Sunday School 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Morning Worship 11:00 7:00 Christian Endeavor Young People’s Service 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 Evening Worship 7:30 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting Walter Smith, Pastor. Young I'eopTe’s Meeting Evening Worship Tom Courtney, Pastor Mill Citv t Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. Church Activities Salem Woodworking Co. Mom & Pop’s Cafe vir&tt'an Í have a studio open each Friday afternoon in the MILL CITY 2:00 to 7:30 FURNITURE STORE “Always those reasonable prices” City Electric Electric Contracting COMMERUIAD * INDUSTRIAL WIRING FRED SNYDER Mill City Phone 902 245 Center St, Salem Freres Building Supply Co. Building Materials of All Kinds Private Dining Room New Location Hendricson's Variety Store has moved to the READY - MIX Mill City Furniture Co Treat your family CONCRETE SUNDAY DINNER in the all myrtlewood dining Silver Falls Lodge FINEST FOOD Reasonable prices Dining room oipen 12 to 7 on Sundays only delivered to your building project R. F. Nohl^ren iMUiaiii: RIDERS of the SANTI AM 12.75 This service is a saving to you. No hither * No mess to clean up Orders filled immediately. No costly delays. G. C. McKinney We have EVERY TH I NG you need for riders, except the horses Shafer Leather Goods i. Commercial SALEM t CIVIL ENGINEER Ph. 2-2578 310 S. High St. Santiam Gravel Co. Surveying I Construction, Plans and Specifications Salem. Ore. GARDNER BENNETT STAYTON