I MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, MAY 24. 19« ! son served refreshments to Mesdames and Meadames John Allen, Bob Dra Clipfell, Wallace Power, Alex Bode- per, Charlie Crook, Raymond Branch, ker, Floyd Bassett, Albert Ring, Lau- Jack Teeters, Jack Ryland, Vern lence Walworth, Sid Thomson, Burl Goodell, Ercill Wilson, Roy Philippi, By REBA SNYDER Mrs. Vernon Hallford and new baby Smith, Loren Chamberlain, Lyle Kin- Tarry Kimsey, Charlie Bouche, Harry made the trip home Tueday afternoon zer, Art Baltzer, Jim Lande, Ms. Dai "Monroe, Barney Kirsch, Elmer Tay sy Johnston, Ms. Minnie Smith and lor, Giles Wagner, Keith Phillips, ftom the hospital in Bend. Earl Wolfkeil, Mrs. Pearl Dake, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pitta were bus Mrs. Hartnell. Elizabeth Hughes, Mrs. Eva Crook iness visitors Wednesday i n Salem Mrs. Russell Wilson of Lyons, Rt. and Mrs. Jennie Moe, of Mehama. and Vancouver. Ottis Floyd has rented his cabin 1, honored her mother, Mrs. Floyd The Lyons Extension Unit held its to Jim Piatt of Nebraska. Mr. Pratt Boyington of Salem with a party at is working at the Ford Harvey mill, the Wilson home Thursday afternoon. meeting at Rebekah Hall Friday af school students from Idanha attend- The Boyingtons recently returned ternoon. Miss Patterson was present A good number of Detroit grade from a winter’s vacation in Florida and gave an interesting demonstra ed the track meet in Mill City Fri and plan to move there in the fall. tion on storage space. New officers day. Several ribbons were won. De- Honoring Mrs. Boyington were Mes were elected, with Mrs. Otto Weid troit school won third in the five- dames Will Carter, Luther Stout, man, chairman, Mrs. Orville Down town meet, which is good consider Chet Blum and Miss Lois Blum of ing, vice chairman, and Mrs. Keith Salchenberger, secretary - treasurer. ing there has been no gym at the Stayton; Mrs. nlnarretbauva school the past yeai. Next year it Stayton; Mrs. Alex Bodeker of Lyons [ The new officers will take thei posts will be different. The Lloyd Girods and the James McKennys picnicked on the Deschutes Sunday. Little Jimmie Girod had the honor of catching the biggest fish. Thirteen members of the Idanha Sunday school gathered Sunday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter TO THE Reynolds to draw plans for a church, to be 32 by 60 feet. Foundation forms will be built next Satuiday. A double surprise birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Batney for Mrs. Stanley Er ick-on and Mrs. Jim Giebler. Besides the honored guests and the Barney Plenty of Hot Water family those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Giebler, Stanley Erickson, Reasonable Rates Mr. and Mrs. Ted Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andersen, Mr. and Mrs. MEHAMA R. L. (ìuilliams Albert Harris and two childrei, Milo Harris and son, Mr. and Mrs. Pat O’Brien and daughter, Mrs. Florence Smith, Arnold Harris and Norman Bowers. A pot luck supper was serv ed. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thorton spent the week end in Wallas where her brother is critically ill. Mr. and Mrs. Kendig and three children of Oregon City came early Sunday morning to visit the Frank Coats New family. They picnicked at Suttle Lake. 65.09 VALUE — NOW.......... 50.0« Jomn Bowers was treated by a doc- 59.00 VALUE — NOW ......... 45.00 tor in Bend Sunday for a cut on his 3.3.0« 49.00 VALUE — NOW leg caused in a fall. 29.75 VALUE — NOW ...........21.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ottis Floyd and fam covert ily Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Floyd and son 29.75 VALUE — NOW .........18.00 and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Leming and tweed family made a sight seeing tour of Suttle latke, Metolious and Deschutes last Sunday. Dresses and The house recently occupied b y 5.95 to 29.95 — NOW 4.95 to 25.95 Hansen, belonging to the Idanha Lumber Co., is in the process of be ing redecorated, also new floors and Distinctive Apparel for Women.. built-ins. STAYTON, Ore. 238 Third Street Idanha SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY Sport logs Swim Suits KAY’S LYONS Hr EVA BRESSLER Mis. Anna Johnson was hostess for the meeting of the Women’s Society of Christian Service held at her home Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was called to order by the president. Mis. Alex Bodeker, and devotions were led by Mrs. George Clipfell. A good te- port was given from the Mother and Daughters banquet. Plans ami some discussion was held for the Father and Sons banquet which will be held some time in June. The report of the nominating committee was accepted, as follows: Mrs. Laurenec Walworth, president. Mrs. George Huffman, vice president. Mrs. Jim Land«, secretary, and Mrs. Glen Julian, treasurer. They will b einstalled at the morning »er- vices at the church. It was voted to pledge $100 per year on chuich expenses, Mrs. Bo decker, i etiring president, was pre- sented a beautiful corsage from the members in appreciation for her faith ful wo k for the past two years. At the close of the meeting Mrs. John- I 4?. J ^Qm w^ere I sit.../y Joe Marsh Two Heads Are Better Than One (Or None) I get a kick out of buying _ _ »tuff down at the hardware store. And I always ask for a little advice .rum one of the two brothers who run it. because I know beforehand exactly what the answer will lie. Like when I needed a new gar den hose. “Henry,” I says, "how about this new plastic hose is it really as good as rubber* ” " Well,” he rays, “I'm inclined to think it is but you’d better ask Tom.” I found Tom in back and asks him the same question. “Well,” says Tom, "in my opinion it is but you’d better ask Henry, already have,’’ I says, “and when you two cautious old ecsigers agree I’d bet tny life on the decision." I run where I sit. your own opin ion is worth a lot—but so's the other fellow's. That’s why I keep saying, over and over, let'» be tol erant of the other person's poim of view—whether it's on politics or farming— or whether you like ■••It shakes and he prefers a temp«r«t. glass of beer. CepirigAr. /9A9, I *,i,d Statu Brta*.t f 4 H \ N D - M A D F. ’ I CARPENTERS' OVERALLS UNION MAPS toe. or lace-to-loe. spring h-.'el Ms. Pat Lyons was hostess for the afternoon card club with her party at her some. A 1:30 dessert luncheon was followed by several tables of 500. Mrs. Walter Bevier held high score, Mrs. Earl Allen, low, and Mrs. Albert Bass drew the traveling prize. Pre sent were, in addition, Mesdames Ar thur Olmstead, Floyd Bassett, Her man Free, Percy Hiatt, Orville Down ing, Bob Carleton and Merrill Brass field. The new officers or the WSCS were installed by the Rev. A. J. Quinn at the Lyons Methodist Church Sunday. A shorth summary" was given by de legates to the retreat meeting at Sil- ver Creek Falls. Mrs. Daisy Johnston went to Sa- lem Sunday to spend several days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Bertha Woodworth. She also will visit her nieces, Mrs. Orville Bower and Mrs. Fred Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian and son Thumper spent Monday in Portland on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Neta Manning of Bay City visited several days with relatives in Lyons. She with Mis. Bert Lyons and Mrs. Roxie Trask of Salem spent the week end in Portland. They were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hassler. Mrs. Hassler is a daughter of Mrs. Trask and a niece of Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Lyons. Mrs. Harry Elmer and son Gale of Albany spent several days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt. ECIALS SATURDA CHECK THESE VALUES CAREFULLY/ SPERRY SPRECKLES 25 lb. bag 2.19 49 PANCAKE FLOUR LG.A or KITCHEN QUEEN STAR KIST Grated can 41 LINDSEY, large No. 1 TASTY PAK .29 PEAS 3.79 flour :? 29 OLIVES QUAKER VEL - SUPER SUDS large box .28 OAIS PLEASE GERBER’S three 25 3 canto NEW SHAFTNER shank, lb. SWIFT’S PREMIUM 39 Potatoes Picnic ham SWIFT’S ORIOLE, sliced SUNKIST, No. 344, 2 doz lb. 49 Oranges Bacon SWIFTS SELECT 3 BUNCHES arm or blade rut. lb. Radishes, gr. onions.17 Beef roast FRESH STAYTO BAKERY PRODUCTS DAILY Oregon Pioneer Calked Logger ---- in the fall. MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON ALL MEATS, PRODUCE AND GROCERIES Ken Golliet MEHAMA OPEN SUNDAY S ALL STEEL, frozen food LOCKER S AVAILABLE LEBANON. ORJE Carnival time is here again antfth* spirit of fun prevails for all who attend. Many 1 ** * __ exciting events and a portion of the world's to . t <' 6 ' ;< * largest shortcake are in sto*e for you. Best * * * * ¿s' * b L wishes for o successful celebration s l\t H RANGER SHOE I’laon toe and lacv-to-toe to IM II ENGINITRS BOOTS (til tan. (. ondi Mr welt company service are Lincoln, Marion «nd TOWN & COUNTRY STORE MouniainStale ower Co. Privat« tnt«rarls« I I ’