Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. M \Y 26. 1949 DETROIT L « Mrs. William Cauble Sr. visited at i E. W. Bray, Mrs. Otis Floyd, Mrs. the home of her brother-in-law and Lloyd Girod and Mrs. Guy Moore. sister, Dr. and Mrs. George Hunter After the opening of many beau By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT of Pi ineville, coming to Detroit o n tiful gifts, dainty refreshments were Thlrsday. She went to, Portland Sun served. When the American Legion Aux- day where she met her husband. She iiiary puts on its poppy sale next was accompanied to Portland by Mrs. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Friday and Saturday, Mrs. Ed Han- William Cauble Jr. who was on her sen and Mrs. Jim Giebler will sell Intramural games at high school way with her children, Susanne and are almost over with the juniors in them in Detroit, Mrs. Gnuedne Ges- Linda, for a visit with her parents. the lead with 23 points. The seniors ton and Mrs. Gene Cannon in Idanha Mr. and Mrs. Paul Y'oung of Spo and freshmen are tied for secon with and Marla Vickers at school, accord kane. ing to Mrs. Braxton Fouts, chairman 14 and the sophopoies trail with 5. V.siting at the Frank Wilson home Mixed softball is yet to be decided of the committee, At the regular PT A meeting Mon over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. with more games. The ticket sale for dress. Detroit schools were winding up day evening officers for the coming Kenneth Smith and Mrs. Clayton annuals is still going on, but as yet Smith, all of Salem. The Wilson ac the sophomores are in the lead. another school term this week with year were installed. They are: S. T. Mooie, president; Mrs. Sol companied them to Salem. a round of activities. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ratcliff of Wes Baccalaureate services for the high Tucker, vice president; Mrs. Albert The biology class has been going school will be next Sunday, Maj 29. Snyder, secretary; and James Gordon, ton were visiting at the home of their on field trips to pick flowers for their daughter, Mrs, Richard Hansen. On pressed flower collections. Loren Arnett, pastor of the Detroit treasurer. Mr. ami Mis. Raymond Sophy and Sunday the two families drove to Church of Christ, will give the ad- The home economic II class has children, Russell and Richard Rice, Four Corners to visit the brother and been visiting various homes in town x' ; I, L- and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baldwin sister-in-law of Mrs. Hansen, Mr. for demonstrations on child care. O.O.F.. Meets Every Friday took a picnic lunch Sunday and spent and Mrs. Wayne Schaffer. The mother's tea given recently night. Visiting Brothers Welcome. the day helping the Clarence Bald Mrs. Dick Farrow and Mrs. Walter was a great success with about 50 wins of Stayton on their new home. •Anderson were co-hosteesses Tuesday mothers in attendance. J i* for shower at the home of the v‘ a - baby u The seniors went on their annual PRECISION GRINDING former in honor of Mrs. Marion So- flunk day. They left Friday and re About 50 members were present Jwa. Sunday May 22 when the Fraternal ■ wa. Attending were Mrs. Charles turned Sunday. The week end of lawnmawers; all kinds of Order of Eagles held a district meet Clester, Mis. Arthur Clester, Mrs. sepnt at Newport, tools sharpened. ing at the Rod and Gun Club. Hayes Gene Tolley, Miss May Phillips, Mrs. ED L. BERGHOLZ Final exams were being held (on county road SE Hilltop Store) I Eggleston with a group of 12 from Richard Hansen, Mrs. W. Rhodes, week. the Salem Aerie put on a fine drill. Mrs. Raj- Walter, Mrs. Jack Gulli- uiuuiiiu iiuiim iiNiuitiiitiiiit iiiidiUiiiiiiiiiuiiiLiiii mi ¡vimi mi tin hi nu mi min ih Officers here from Salem were W. R. ford, Mrs. Perry Fry, Mrs. Fred Sie- Smalley, district director, Jim Sim, ver, Mrs. Joe Lies, Mrs. Delkar and zone director, S. L. Griffin, president the hostesses. Those sending gifts Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Wilson elect, and Arthur Chaplain, all of the were Mrs. Major Baughn. Mrs. Oli NORTH Willamette Aerie.Present from Dal ver Johnson. Mrs. Walter Ball, Mrs. receiving congratulations over SANTIAM las was H. M. Martin, secretary of La Creole Aerie. ACETYLENE CARBIDE TAUERN Five were initiated—James Evans, Lyle H. Wilson, Virgil Hollenbeck, One Mile East of Detroit Jack Ashburn and Earl Watz. After the business meeting a nice Meco & National Apparatus Fire Protection JEWEL MYERS, MGR. lunch was served. Five women of the Lincoln Electrodes & Machines Equipment Salem auxiliary were invited to par Everything for Welding ticipate, also your correspondent. Installation of officers for this ae CALL US OR COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE rie will be June L LINE OF APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES BE GOOD John P. Seitz, MgT. 205 Chemeketa St., SALEM 1 The Detroit-Idanha grade schoo Res. Phone 2-1605 TO YOURSELF >*• will hold its graduation exercises on Phone 2-3581 June 1. A dinner and dance will be AND ENJOY given at Marion Forks. Mrs. Eli Bangs will present diplomas to the THE BENEFITS following: OF GOOD HEALTH Betty Brudeen, Alice Fryer, Char We specialize in the treatment lene Manasco, Donna McKeever, Vir of rectal disorders. ginia Fears, Jack Bennett, John Fos No Hospitalization ter, J. Z. House, Billy Peterson, Moy “At the Bottom of the Hill No Loss of Time ne Renner, Gerald Tucker, Leroy Dr. R.* Reynolds Clinic Walker, Raymond Wallace, Roy Naturo-Proctologist Getz and Jerry Lyle. 218 N. Liberty, Salem. Ore. Mrs. Agnes Booth, county school superintendent, Mrs. Vivian Hoenig, county school supervisor, and an as sistant from Mrs Booth’s office vis ited grade school recently A daughter was born to Mr. and Pl IYSI Cl AN & SURGEON Mrs. James Jeffreys at Salem Mem MUI City orial Hospital Monday, last week. The baby weighed five pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Don Thorton and daughter of Eugene were here sever al days last week visiting her par Stop and shop at ents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wiggins, and his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thorton. Graduation exercises will be Thurs day, June 2. Dr. A. C. Howard, for mer supe: intendent of public inseruc- tion and onetime president of Ore gon College of Education, will be the speaker of the evening. Diplomas will be given by Otis White, principal of the high school, to the following: Donald Fryer, Dick Haseman, Cecil Willis, Shirley Hammer, Roberta Manning, Bobbie Jean Blan and Ha zel Blan. birth of an eight pound boy, born I Godden was called here by the death May 15, at a Eugene hospital. The ' of her mother. Mrs. William Stitt. baby was named Richard Charles, and Don't Borrow, Subscribe'. has a big biother, Ronnie, aged 2, at home. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Well« of Eu gene and the paternal. Mr. am- M s. Harold Wilson of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards were M HAI LING CATS, and Mrs. Elton Brow-n and sons, Har- SHOVELS and ol i and Douglas and Chris McDonald HEAVY EQUIPMENT and son Allen of Mehama. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Mombert and son Dale Salem Heavy Hauling & of Sweet Home also were callers. Mr. Equipment Co. Mombert was a resident of Gates for Phones: Plant 34644; Office 39408 many years when his parents oper ated the old Gates Hotel. 1405 N. FRONT ST., Mr.-. Stanley Godden of A read a. SALEM Calif., has been at the home of her father, W iliam Stitt, this week. Mrs. FOR HIRE lodern DANCE a Glenwood Ballroom Gates Salem Welding Supply MILL CITY TAVERN mi. N. of Salem on GLEN WOODRY'.'. ta| ERY SAIT RDAY ORCHESTRA S3 cents, tnc. rax Otto Russell Dont Borrow. Subscribe! ROOFING fROOF 1 ■Leak? Johns • Manville asphalt shingles applied rigl.t over your old roof. Now is the best time to apply your new roof — before your old cedar shingles are all curled tip. 10 per cent down — 3 years NOTHING DOWN — THREE YEARS TO PAY BYRON DAVIS, PROP MILL CITY MATHIS BROS. RoofingCo SW' SALEM .. «— D W. Reid MI ) I MILL CITY SERVICEMEN’S I he Little French GLEN’S BARKER SHOP IN GATES GLEN HEARING. Prop Mill City Plumbing & Heating Supply Shop furiatesi fashion in coats suits and dresses Pay one-half, charge one-half 115 N. High St. SALEM «■■MH -a VETERAN’S Bill Dotson LICENSED PLUMBER Phone 2152 Stirare hours 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Milk and Cream Homogenized Milk 10% Milk • 5% Milk Cottage Cheese Cheddir Cheese Bu iter HALL H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop • Blacksmithing • Welding • Logging and Sawmill Repairing. MAY 28 BLOCK WEST OF THEATER Jacob Spaniol & Son TINNERS and PLUMBERS STAYTON, ORE. AT YOUR STORE ot AT YOUR DOOR —— MBS Salem Laundry U hether your> be coarte. fine. dyed, bleached or ’■ rmal. machinelett per- menh u ill lend it that ird-to-achiete. .rurally- uavy look h and comfortably. Music bif Wonder Valley Boys SERVING THE CANYON AREA PICKUPS AT Laundry: Nu-Method, Mill City and Stayton ..Laundry and dry clean ng Ken Golliet, Mehama; Mt. Jeff Cafa. . Dry Cleaning Santiam Self-Service Laundry. Detroit. I 163 S. High SALEM SHIRLEY’S BEAUTY SI IOP . 7 SHIRLEY LAIRD M M » -■» 4» » '« T ✓