Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, Mongold By AMBER RUTHERFORD CBI and *tne Corps ot tuigineer- switched to daylight saving time on May 23. About 40 engineers met in the mess hall May 18 to discuss plans for a hobby shop. A committee including W. D. Smith, chairman, Leo Fitz gerald, Gus Gustafson, Tom Mahoney and Norman Quail was set up to plan design of a building and acquisition of materials. There will be no Engineers Club dance in May due to the holiday week end. The April 29 dance netted about »15. Lewis McDaniel, chief of surveys, has returned from the Veterans Hos pital and is convalescing at home. | The Marion Leach family was call ed to Wyoming May 19 by illness. | Chuck Morby caught a 26 inch steelhead last week. MAY 26. 1949 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shuford a nd (depot building, will stay on standard daughter Billie spent the week end time. Mil City, Oregon. at the coast .bringing back their lake Mre. Ike Butler from Mad Creek was boat. shopping in Mill City last Monday. Charles Wolverton. Editor and Publisher Mrs. Claud« Beck is vivaiting her Gerald Garrison has now opened daughter at Waldport. an electrical and refrigeration ser Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager Mrs. W. D. Smith was hostess at vice in the Mill City Furniture store. a bridge party last week. Guests in He had three years training in this Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City cluded Mrs. Claude Beck, Mrs. Gus work in the service. Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Gustafson?Mrs. Ray Goebel, Mrs. Pat State barber exeminer, Harold M. Crawford, Mrs. Ned Warriner, Mrs. Erikson, called on the Mill City bar Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and Randolph Hellwig, Ms. Olney Haw ber shops last Tuesday. those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the “Too Late to Classify kins, Mrs. William Vealey, Mrs. Lew section. EJrrors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not is McDaniel, Mrs. Tom Mahoney, Mrs The Mill City High School grad Ray Morby, Mrs. Warren Oard and ' uating class of 1944 held their re be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Mrs. Ruskin Smith. CLASSIFIED RATE union at the high school recreation One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch Twenty-two engineers took the six- room. A potluck dinner was served hour supervisors’ training course the at 6:30. Those present were: Mr. and NATIONAL EDITORIAL past week. Mrs. Norman Peters, Kappy and A sTo C- i I a I k $ n N LW S(H\P I * « Norma Lou of Prineville, Mr. and Zd *-r Rs M so ' c ' utiok and Mrs. Bob Davis, Gary and Susan of Valsetz, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jud ge of Salemy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dug The Detroit Public Library sponsor end at the home of her sister and At the home of their parents, Mr. gan and Sandra of Lyons, Mr. and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J i m and Mis. Clyde Oliver, over the week Mrs. Donald Sheythe. Denny and ed by the Womens Civic Club open Swan of Mill City. ed on Tuesday afternoon. 1 end were Miss Jean Oliver of Salem, Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Todd Mrs. Louis Stutzman of Los ,.. An- After this week the library will be . Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver and Bill and Stephen, Mrs. Edith Mason, Mr. open on Tuesday afternoons from « J^tmg the Laurence Wai- 'and Mrs. Jim Story, Christeen and Oliver, students at OSC in Corvallis. 2-4 P. M. and Thursday evening worths. Mr. Stutzman, who has spent Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pudrabsky Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott, the past two months at the Walworth and family drove to the damsite and and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Toman and from 6:30- 8:30. The library is now in a room in home, plans to return home with his then to Scio to visit her parents on Steven all of Mill City. The program the old grade school building which wife this week. consisted of a re-reading of the class Sunday. has been newly decorated and has MB •« •» will, history, Junior ’ s farewell and <«• » at- at The Reverend and Mrs. Donald quite a large collection of books from ’ The Ideal Senior*. Norman Peters Hinkle, pastor of the Free Methodist Cliff Ambers' which to choose. This year there is church, left for Kansas May 22 for was master of ceremonies. Another a rental shelf of a group of the an extended visit with their parents. reunion was planned for 1954. later boks available. Book donations Hiney Slevoigh, a barber from will be gladly accepted from any The Mill City Presbyterian Miss Ranier, Oregon visited Dick Turpin last Monday. Slevoigh worked for ionary Society had as guest speak interested persons. JUST EAST OF GATES Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Naue and Ruby Turpin when he owned a barber shop ers Wednesday afternoon four offi » ■» 4B -as- 4» aS- •»> 4B 4» < moved Saturday into the Frank Don- cials of Willamette Presbyterial: at Ione, Oregon. The Southern Pacific station an<i Mrs. Paul Sheperd, chairman of the ison house ast of town. ■ Mrs. Roy Huber spent the week Dick Turpin’s barbershop, both in the world service department, who spoke on programs and youth; Mrs. Glenn «■laiHniuanuiuin.MuaauianiuiiinHniHmuMuaiJuMinMwinuiiui'Uu mi imimmi * Sanders, vice president of Presbyter ial and chairman of the program last year; Mrs. Willis Dallas, secretary of See Ed L. Davis Christian Missions and overseas sew ing; Mrs. R. C. Sheperd, local Christ Lyons, R. F. D. ian home secretary. The monthly meet Phone 751 Mill City ing was held at the new home of Mrs. W. W. Allen. The Mill City Enterprise Miil City •RICES FRIDAY AN D SATURDAY SWIFT’S ORIOLE SLICED, per lb. SWIFTS PREMIUM. SWIFT’S PURE PORK 49 43 43 1 lb. .31 Uli, .35 .59 1 Pt 1 at. t R1S( () - SPRY .3 lb. 4 lbw Lima Beans. Kidney Beans .93 .49 .25 THE M aples Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Contractors & Builders Tracy Cox & Co SALEM Sea A. T. Barnhardt at Silver Saddle Phone 903 ILL BE OPEN SI NDAY. MAY 29th, FROM 10 A.M. • M. CLOSED MEMORIAL DAY. MONDAY. MAY 30th HILL T 0 P GEN E R AL S T 0 R E Crain New-Found Popularity and Happiness n a few pleasant hours, ( lass or private instruction at the High School each W ednesday. BALLROOM ACROBATIC Dr. David J. Ferguson, minister I of the local Presbyterian church, is | on vacation this month. He plans to i atend the Evangelistic Conference i New York, May 17, also the general assembly in Buffalo on May 19. He also planned to speak at Alliance, Nebraska and Chicago, and to deliver the commencement address at a tea cher’s college in Chadron, Neb., on May 27. Dr. Ferguson will be back in Oregon by June 3 to deliver the Wood bom commencement address. Dave Epps and Butch were in town last Tuesday from Sweet Home. FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS STAYTON PLUMBING CO. OREGON, LTD. UNION SHOP ROBERT SKINNER, Proprietor Blue 11SB R«e. 428R STAYTON NOTICE Because of the high school gradu ation on Thursday, May 26, the Gar den Club will hold their regular May meeeing on Friday, May 27 at 8 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Curt Cine. She will discuss sprays and irises. Dont Borrow', Subscribe! Weddle Funeral Home MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Stayton, Oregon ■angaaiMMMMa Stop in and See Our SPECIALS un ALL TRAILER HOMES Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON,OREGON GEIGER MOTOR CO. USED CARS Bought - Consigned - Sold 1 Mile East of Gates Neer The Maples om B Arthurs Cafe l.UZIER'S A friendly place to meet and eat. Chicken in the Rough Information Center. Detroit, Oregor 24 hours a day Fine Cosmetics and Perfumes Gifts for Men and Women 50 Cents up KAY COLBURN, Distributor Mill City, Oregon Studio 200 feet West of Furniture Store Telephone 2606 for appointment LICENSED Quality Repair Parts Expert Workmanship We Sell and Install BATON TW 1 HI.I NG Register at The Enterpise Instruction from CRANE Merlain Dancing School ■ QUIPMINT GARBAGE SERVICE $1 par month and up Also serving Gates and Lyons MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Phone 2102 LEONARD HERMAN BUILD for Happine^ BUILD a NEW HU CAPITAL APTO PARTS •Delta Band Saws •Delta Joiners •Delta Table Saws Delta Wood Lathes Delco-Rem y Shocks Phone 9-9151 Liberty \fter hours 2-1593 Chemketa S il.EM. OREGON ( omplett supph ot bu i Id 11>£ Knotty pine paneling- Firtex Sheet Rock needs OPEN S VITKIHY S ■MM Retail Division Russell hellv, Mur Santi am Hardware ATTENTION: BUSINESSMEN W» will run your errands or get your parts for you out of Portland or Salam in time that will amaza you. Passenger Air Taxi Service to Salem It'a not hard to learn to fly with a competent instructor. DAVIS .AIRPORT has engaged the aer vice of Ted Cralhraith. Silverton, a licensed flying instructor, who will be at the airport daily each week Check with Byron Devia. Mill City Tavern, for details. DAVIS AIRPORT ind IMPLEMENT COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF TENTS, AWNINGS & CANVAS GOODS Tents For Rent By The Month TeL 3-4788 729 N. Liberty. SALEM