Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1949)
Serving the Xorth Santiam Valley The North Santiam’s Mill City Enterprise VOLUME V, NUMBER 20 MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY Looking Up 14 to Be Graduated and Down In High School the Canyon in Lyons. Mehama. Elkhorn Mill City. Gates Mongold Detroit and Idanha $2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A CWPY him Airport Asks Mill City Asks BPA New Route for For Block of Power Power Line Baccalaureate for the Mill City High John Strait School graduating class of 1949 will La Cretta Thomas By CHARLES WOLVERTON be held Sunday. May 22, in the Christ Eugene Thornley The Bonneville Power Administra The Canyon is a cordial place to ian Church at 8 p. m. Louis Verbeck tion was asked Wednesday by Byron Rev. Morton L. Booth, pastor of newcomers, so far as individual res Kirk Wirick Davis, owner of the local airport, to idents are concerned. But organiza the First Presbyterian church of Alb reroute its transmission line in the tions here could do a lot moie toward any will deliver the address. The in The eighth grade graduation ex interest of safety to planes landing making the new people feel they are vocation will be given by Reverend ercises will be held at 8 p. m. on at the field. Donald Hinkle of the Fi ee Methodist Muy 25 at the high school auditorium. part of the community. , Ted Galbraith joined Mr. Davis in When you go to a meeting of your church, Mill City and the scriptures The main feature of the program the request, made to Dr. Paul Raver favorite organizations, take a new- and prayer by Reverent Thomas will be the play ’Feet First’ directed of BPA, after work had been started Courtney. by the eighth grade teacher, Mrs. comer along. on a 90 foot tower on a high knoll A solo will be given by Miss Hope Everett Elliott. The setting of the There are several organizations east of the field. play is in the Ozark Hills where a Request for an 8000 kilowatt block with membership quotas. These were Baney, high school music teacher. Mr. Davis said that changing the Decking of a bridge across the San of power was made to the Bonne Commencement will be held the lam has been constructed. The plot based largely upon times when the route now would be a good deal easier tiam at the Detroit damsite was to ville Power Administration by Mill various towns were smaller. They’re following Thursday evening. May 26 centers around the efforts of Lawler and it would be cheaper than the out of date now. There ought to be at 8 p. m. in the Mill City Theater. who is in charge of this dam to per iltmage done by a plane which might be completed before the end of the City Monday. week, the local office of Consolidated Dr. Chester Hamblin, Presbyteiian suade Granny PeaSley to leave her The future electric power program bigger membership quotas. Builders, Inc., said today. The bridge was presented to a Bonneville repre minister of Salem, will deliver the old cabin which will soon be in the hit the lines. • • • Mr. Galbraith said the high line will take heavy equipment to the sentative at a meeting in Stayton by lake. The big cities are a little worried, address. would be a hazard on takeoff or ap Linn County side where excavation Invocation The cast is as will be given by Rev. Councilman Arey Podrabsky. follows: They have voted in daylight saving proach at the east. alredy is in progress. P. Wolverton The block of power sought is part time and the small towns in many Thomas Courtney. After the address I Granny Next big task is digging a 1400 of that which will be generated in Ellie Lou J. Johnson cases, for once, have failed to follow there will be presentation of awards BREAKFAST HOP SET FOR JULY foot diversion tunnel for the river, the North Santiam Canyon, at De Belle Martin G. Cruson suit. The farmers don’t want the by H. R. Bayless, principal of the A breakfast hop which will bring to bypass the stream around the dam- troit and Big Cliff Dams, by about Mr. Lawler high school. A total of five awards T. Karroff change. The town of Molalla turned Buck Jeffers 1954. In order to avail itself of the J. Williams scores of planes to Davis airport ait e. it down after first voting it in. The will be given: two scholarships, the Other work in progress is clearing, current, Mill City must set up a city Ethel Hickey award, one for the most Other numbers be a song by here July 17 has been announced by county offices in Salem decider! not a quartet: Dorothy Downer, Beryl Picsident Barnum of the Oregon which has been slowed by the coming owned system. to go along either. Who does want outstanding athlete and one for the of fire season May 15; and leveling best English student. The announce Mason, Betsy Kiiever, and Louelle Sportsmen's Pilots Assn. Councilmen in Stayton heard a spi it? The same Sunday Byron Davis and of work areas. ment of the Ethel Hickey award will Mason, a piano solo by Betty Lou rited debate between representatives If the small towns and the farm Engineering programs have been Ted Galbraith, airport owner and fly ers hold out this year and continue be made by Carl Kelly, an alumnus Cree, and singing of the class song ing instructor, have ai ranged for a prolonged, Vincent Palmer, assistant of Bonneville and private power com by the entire class. and former student of Miss Hickey. panies, including the Mountain States on standard time, the big cities will big air show, the first of its kind for to Russell Hoffman, general superin Power Co. and the Portland Gas and The presentation of class diplomas PUpilss making preparations for hesitate next year. Especially since the Canyon. The air show will bring tendent, said, because the canyon is Electric Co. the occasion are: the rest of the state failed to hup will be made by Ramon Roberts, the here the leading stunt flyeis of the so narrow it is difficult to find places Programs- Beryl Mason, Mary Bonneville representatives and ad president of the school board. on the bandwagon. And more espec to spot equipment. Northwest. Lou Smith. There will be no validictorian or vocates of public owned power dis ially when they see their downstate The state highway commission put tribution contended that their me T^e breakfast hop is one of the Stage- Betsy Kriever, Lyle Fleet customeis staying at home to trade. salutatorian this year because of ties big get-togethers of fliers of the a 25 mile an hour speed limit on tra thod was cheaper and assured a full wood. in scholastic records So, let’s stand firm. That extra Properties- Phyllis Gibson, Le Roy state. The event usually attracts 75 flic at the damsite. The senior class flower is the white supply of current. hour’s sleep in the morning is worth Th,. Montag Construction Co. is rose, their colors, royal blue and Podrabsky, Dorothy Downer- and to 150 planes. On the other l and, private power it. First passengei on the taxi service speeding the construction of the trans company representatives said that your Richard Syverson. white and their motto- Plan • • • Sound Effects- Seeley Bennett and of the local airport to Salem was mission line. Towers are being erect private firms were among the biggest work and work your plan. ’Ae difference between a lawyer Jhon Feeley, aged 11, son of Mr. and ed in some places along the 21 mile taxpayers, and contended that ade The graduates of 1949 are as foll Richard Kanoff. and and editor is that the former ows: route from Lyons, and footings for quate power supply would come from Mrs. John Feeley. Prompter- Wilma Howe. gets paid for his advice whereas the There is considerable development the towers in others. Curtain- William Shepherd. the power pool. Warren Bennett latter has to give his away for no Favorable weather is hastening The eighth grade graduates are: work still going on at the field. The About i year ago the Mountain Francis Clark thing. Jungwirth gtavel company is start t emplet« ion by the Kuckenberg Con States Power Co. made a request of Seeley Bennett Albert Haas • • • Betty Lou Cree ing a new fill at the east end of the struction Co. of the North Santiam the city council, shortly after the in Jerry Hunter Here’s some free advice: (Tail Cruson strip to lengthen the approach. Al highway. All fills are complete, and corporation of Mill City, for a non Virginia Jackson No one has to pay an exorbitant Dorothy Downer Haun is going to operate a lunch fast progress is being made on bal- exclusive franchise. The request was Pavid Karr pi ice for anything. Just for instance, Lyle Fleetwood counter on week ends there. It is now ast surfacing. tabled. Gerald King there are those who are charging j Marian King Phyllis Gibson being built. The new repair shop is SUBSTATION BIDS OPENED outlandish rents on houses. Will it , Fianklin McDowell Philip Goble ready. work ? Possibly, for awhile. But high Wdma Howe M . Galbraith is now devoting full Bids were opened Thursday for the rents force families to build, and un- I Joan Johnson time here and is conducting lessons construction of the Lebanon line ter- de FHA they can become owners Richard Kanoff daily. First of his students to solo 1 n:d additions to the Albany sub for a good deal less than they can Thomas Kanoff was Wayne (Bud • Thomas, who flew stat on of the Bonneville system. La- be renters. Charles Keever by himself Sunray afternoon. ev Electrical Construction. Portland, High land prices merely divert the Betsy Kiiever Ed Keith Oliver won the free ride v as low bidder with $7379. | Search for a B-26 army bomber, trends of development elsewhere. If Beryl Mason last Sunday. The Mill City Parent-Teacher Assn The work is necessary to provide mt.-sing since Apr.I 21, was abandon business cannot operate with too high will sponsoi a kindergarten next fall Louella Mason As a special attraction every Sun construction power for Detroit dam. ed in the North Santia ; .anvon Werl fixed chaiges, it goes to places where Delbert Meeks day, Mi. Galbraith will do low stunt for children from four to six, Mrs. Five ther bids ranged from $10,561 nesday when the reflection of what it can. Donna Nelson flying at the field at about 3 p.m. Robert Veness, president. has an to $11,056. The bids are being re- wu • believed to be the wing of a It’s a competitive world. LeRoy Podrabsky nounced. v ewed prior to contract awaid. The plane turned out to l>e a patch of Some more advice. There's got to William Shepherd While definite plans for location successful bidder has 45 days to fin ■now. be a whole lot more than a Detroit Mary Lou Smith ish the work. and other details have not been de- Larry Wright, Marion County de Dam in this Canyon to warrant the Richard Syverson termined, a sign-up list has been puty sheriff, stopping to fix a tire Jack Williams exaggerated ideas of some. True, a started, and all interested parents between Niagara an I the Detroit dam Erick Soderberg, Albany, Scout boom will come. But high employ Patricia Wolverton are urge 1 to enroll their childien. site last Friday, saw a gleaming ob official of the Cascade area, was pre ment of 3000 oi more men will be Model for the kintergarten was set sent at the Cub Scout pack meeting Ravmond Colgan, 51, owner of a ject on the Linn County side of the comparatively brief. For the next up by mothers in the Lyons commun and spoke on the topic: what is ex sand and gravel company which *e- canyon. With binoculars the shiny 12 months, no huge payroll is in pro ity, which has had a successful kin- • i a appeared to be a large section pected of a Cub’s parents. cently started in business here, died sped. And for the last two years of de:garten run by the mothers them of metal, and broken trees nearby Mr. Soderberg said that paients Funeral services foi Mrs. Alice Lo unexpectedly in a Salem hospital on construction the number of woikers selves for the past year or more. Lo retta Stitt, 76, long a resident of the are expected to attend monthly pack Tuesday following a heart attuck. also were seen. Engineers in the area will gradually decline. cal members of the PT A visited the Gates community, who died Sunday meetings, work with the cub in his Mr. Colgan recently sold his inter sighted the spot through transits and A community that’s solid is built Lyons group and were impressed by in her home there, were held Wed scout achievement studies and co-op est in a similar concern in eastern confirmed Wright’s opinion. on solid foundations. For the Amer the lesults of the experiment. But search was abandoned Wednes- nesday afternoon in the Weddle par erate with den mothers. Oregon and had leased a rock and ican city that means a prosperous Mrs. Charles Power, who directs lors in Stayton. Harold Kliewer, cub committee gravel site southeast of town on the < ay after Sheriff Denver Young pro agriculture, industiial payrolls, or the Lyons kindergarten, has offered Mrs. Stitt had been in poor health I chaiiman, in charge of the meeting, Geddes property. He had purchased nounced it to be a gleaming patch both. After all, they just don't Ko on her assistance to the Mill City PTA for the past three weeks, but her | announced that pack meetings would and installed a rock crusher there, of snow. He went over the region by plane. Other planes investigated on in launching the pre-school program. leath came as a shock to neighbois be held throughout the summer; the and had bought a fleet of trucks. building a dam forever. At its final meeting of the school and friends. first scheduled for Thursday evening, He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Wednesday. Air search had been de layed by 1 o w lying clouds several The Rev. Willard Buckner of the | June 9, at the city park, with a wie Winifred Colgan, Mill City, a daugh What does it take to get a road year Thursday, the PTA heard a sum days previously. mary of the past year ’ s activities ner roast. On June 6 a meeting of ter, Mrs. Barbara Pennick, Gates; Stayton Baptist Church officiated. In- I improvement on the agenda of the and officers of the cominK year were terment was at the Fairview Ceme den mothers and committeemen will and two grandchildren, Patsy and state highway (Baldock) commis- LYONS I II WINS HONORS installed. Billy Pennick, Gates. be held in city hall. sion ? i tery in Gates. Following a shoit business session Services will be in the charge of KT COUNTY CLUB FAIR Geoige Ditter presented all cubs Mi. and Mrs. Stitt have been in The people of the state, all the way old time dancing was the program the Clough-Barrick Co. of Salem with with certificates of registration. Al the Gates community for many years. S'xty-four exhibits v« re ent- ed at from the eastern Oiegon country. She is survived by her husband, Haun presented awards, as follows. I burial in Belcrest Memorial Park in the Linn County 4-H Club fair by through the magnificent North San of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Receiving wolf badges: Harold Lee Salem. Lyons youths last week, and the Can- tiam Canyon with its new federally- Horner played for the square dances William Stitt of Gates; three daugh- I yonitea walked off with a big -hare built highway, and on into the Val and Don Ficek. Veia Ficek, Ernest ters, Alice L. Stitt of Gates, Mabel Kliewer, Rodney Goble, Billy Haun. 1 i of the prizes. ley. were told by Engineer Baldock Podrabsky Jr., Francis Clark and Smith of Mehama and Mrs. Stanley Clark Stevenson, Billy Hedge. Ken- | MILL REPAIR < OMPI.ETED Receiveing awards we e: The Idanha Lumber Co. is oper that the improvement of the vital Mrs. Carl Jones playei waltzes ami God ien of Arcadia, Calif.; a son. Del- neth Lienweber, I-a, ry Kar >ff. Ar Home woodworking: Terdie Silber- link from Mill City west “was not polkas. Square dance callers were fod Stitt of Portland; a brother, thur Webb. Jimmy Baltimore, Renn e ating under its own power again, Frank Jar.v of Scotts Mills; several Williams, Lonny Podrabsky. Keith th s week, the large flywheel having ' nagel, red ribbon. Cecil Basset* white on the agenda" for this year. Well, Orville Downing and Dick Turpin. Refreshments were served by Mrs. grandchildren and four great gran I- Powelaon; receiving bear badges: a reived and been installed. ribbon; Faim woodworking: David neither was the widening of 99E Eugene Gregory, Mrs. Neal Marttala, children. Richard Ziebert, Larry Bennett and The flywheel flew apart several 1 Neal, champion; forestry, George from Salem to New Era. Laurin Dart; gold arrows: Laurin weeks ago when a boiler explosion Johnston, blue, Richard Baltzer, red; What does it take to get a road Mrs. Lawrence Kanoff and Mrs. Ed Goschie. Dart and Billy Haun. ! Lynn Scott, white: sewing, IA, Judy GOATS GO TO OKINAWA brdly damaged the mill. program on the Baldock agenda? Kunkle, white; sewing IB. Do. is Neal Each den hail handiwork on display The Warner Hampton goat farm Perhaps to do like Salem did—ac white, Carol Mattson, white; -wing The last, executive meeting of the in Gates has sold 60 goats for ship Gardening being the theme of the ; NEW THEATER OPENS cept the engineering of Mr. Baldock The Canyon Theater had its grand 1 HI A. Shirley Johnston, blue; sewing and throw out their own long range Mill City PTA’s current season was ment to Okinawa, part of a cargo month, the five den joined in a gar i IllB, Shirley Weider, blue. Laura plan, for which they had spent $100,- held Wednesday night at the home of f being collected for that Japanese is dening son. Den chiefs who wore full opening in Detroit last Thursday. uniform attending the meeting were land by Heifers for Relief The auditorium with a seating ca 000? In other words, bend the knee its president, Mrs. Robert Veness. The purchase was made by David Dick Kanoff, whq lei the Cubs in the pacity of about 400 was full. Edison j style review, Shirley Johnston, blue; in gentle submission? What do we have to give to get (.KOI ND BROKEN FOR CHURCH E. Norcross of Pasadena, Calif., for o|rening flag drill and Cub promise, Vickers, one of the owner-, spoke. cookery II, angel food cake. JoAnna thF relief organization which has as Darrel Williams, Richard Verbeck, Darlene Storey was called to the Kunkle, grand champion. something on Mr. Ba block’s agenda* Ground for a new church in Idanha Through a misunderstanding the Celia Bennett and Charles Hinder- stage to select winning tickets. its goal 2750 goats by July 1. has been partly cleared. It is located son. rest of the members frosted their Seeing the theater open was quite The Hamptons maintain a large And. .epeaking of roads, it’s time near the new homesite there. Nineteen Cub Scouts attende the a satisfaction to Mr. and Mrs. Frank cakes. Since there was no class for herd on rough and brushy land north to remind the Marion County court Henry Hiebert has called for vol Besides having a ready Scout circus held in Salem Ma/ 7. Wilson, co-owners with Mr. Vickers, • floated cakes, local judges made the that the Gates-Elkhorn ¡oad is on .its unteers to help with the buildirg to I of <later. ; market for goat cheese they manu- Mill City cub officials are hoping that because the first building was 'les i following placing*: angel food. Paul- agenda fr this summer. The court contact him. ’’aeture the Hamptons have further next year local boys will take part troyed by fire when only partly com line Bridges, red; sponge cake, Donno put it there itself. Weather’s fine up here, honorable members of the court. couldn’t find last year. Whole moun benefited by having hundreds of acr- in the circus. The dens have not been pleted and the -econd was crushed i Peabody, blue, Janet Huffman, blue. Ruby Naue. red, and Carol Kuiken, I es cleared by the animals which eat organized 'ong enough for entry th s by heavy snow last winter. Good season for road building. We tains of it. year. Robert Veness, Mill City theater i red. I most types of vegetation. Just found 'em. gvtta lotta rock. too. the stuff you owner, helped install the equipment Bridge Nears Seeks OK Completion at On Canyon’s Detroit Dam Dam Output No Plane, Just Shining Snow Kindergarten Scouts Get Awards Ray Colgan Dies Mrs. Stitt Dies