The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949, May 12, 1949, Image 1

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    Serving the North Santiam
The North Santiam’s
Mill City Enterprise
MILL CITY. OREGON. Till RSI \T. HAi i_; 194»
Looking Up Breitenbush
and Down Hot Springs
the Canyon Sold to Lessee
Fishin’ Won’t
Stop for Rain
Little drops of water
Coming down and down and down
Make fishermen unhappy
Make them faunch and frown
When its’s clear and warm and sunny’
Anil the fish begin to bite
Then the world’s a pot of honey
When he’s home with fish at night.
Did you know it is fishing season
again? Even up here in these frozen
filds we se them buzzinz around and
prancing along the creeks. They don't
care if Marion Creek or the Santiam
is a couple of feet too high to catch
They are just fishinfi. Why should
they worry?
Despite the downpour last weekend
many stayed with it anc caught fish.
A number of folks caught their li­
mits from the Metolius and Suttle
Lake. Rainbow Lake too supplied a
good numebr of fish. A party report­
ed there was still 12 feet of snow at
Square I^ke. The lake is just em­
erging from under the ice at one end.
Cheer up. The snow is melting at
the rate of an inch a day in the Mai-
ion area. It won’t be long now.
The Healy estate has sold Breiten­
Along any big railroad line or any bush Hot Springs to the Bruchman
major highway one sees little sleepy interests, lessees of the famous re­
towns that apparently temained un­ sort for many years.
touched by developments that liter­
It was learned that the sale price
ally brushed against them. The fab­ of about 160 acres was somewhat
ulous streamliners of our day barely over $50,000. The sale ends a long
recognize them with a contemptuous lawsuit of the Healy estate against
toot. Or motorists, if it happens to Bruchman for asserted non-perfor­
be on a wide ribbon of concrete, go mance of the terms of the lease.
on to the next town to stop. There’s
The new owners face a big job of
a hopelessness about such places that mending the damage of last winter’s
even the speeding traveler can see. heavy snow and a disastrous fire that
The same thing is true of being destroyed the store and postoffice.
next door to great sources of electric
Heavy snow crushed in the roof
power. It may be generated next of the bathhouse, the dancehall and
door. The transmission lines may be some of the cabins. The lodge weath­
in the backyard. And at the same ered the winter with little damage.
time nary a kilowatt is halted there
The Bruchman interests plan an ex­
—it speeds with the velocity of sound tensive improvement program at the
to cities far away, which were alert resort.
enough to demand and persevering
A new forest road into the area
enough to get the magic stuff that and beyond to the Skyline Highway
comes out of the wires.
will add considerably to the resort.
Fortunately, Mill City’s leadership The new Santiam highway, to be fin­
has decided not to be a town by the ished in July, will also be a boon to
side of the road—a dark place with the famous spa.
the stuff that makes light abounding
all around.
The city council has taken steps
for placing a bid on a block of power.
The future points to a need for al
least double the present consumption
of power. Maybe more. And there’s
no better time than now to plan for
A major development of the forest
it. Fact is, the request must be on
road system got under way this week
Bonneville's presentation to Congres«-
An effort to solve Detroit’s critical in the Breitenbush area.
this year.
last week by the Canyon Commercial
The Forest Service began to move
It was good to see the Chamber problem of water supply was made
of Commerce indorse by motion last Club and Raull Morris, Scio, owner material for a camp of tent houses
on Humbug Creek at the forest camp
week the efforts of the council in se­ of the system there.
site to house about 40 men. The pro­
curing this power. Councilman Po-
At a meeting last Tuesday a plan
drabsky, in his report to the Cham­ to relocate and use a storage tank ject will be under the direction of
ber, did not gloss over, the difficulties formerly used by the railroad.wvas Charles Mason, according to S. T.
ahead. But the prospect didn’t fright­ discusser!. Mr. Morris offered lit« co­ Moore, district forest ranger.
The road building job dovetails
en anybody.
operation in moving the tank if it with major developments in the Can­
Sunday I had a talk with Tony can be secured.
yon area. It will facilitate access for
Moravec, a Fern Ridge berry grower,
Edison Vickers, president of the
who, it turned out, had been presi­ club, appointed two more men, Ted the construction of a transmission
dent of the Monmouth Chamber of Irzyk and Sam Weiser, to serve on line from Detroit Dam to Maupin,
Commerce when that town took the a committee seeking a solution of the Oregon, Goldendale, Wash., and the
problem of power over. Unfrighten­ water shortage. Other members are main Bonneville grid in the Columbia
ed by the usual bogies that are dug Nolan Rasnick, Otto Russell and How Valley.
Further, however, as pointed out
up whenever public power is propos­ ard Baldwin.
by E. C Kennedy o f the Lower
ed, the Chamber there took the lead
John Arthur, chairman of the com­
and in seven years the town owned, mittee on stieet lighting, reported Springs resort, the improved road of­
free of debt, a power distributing his committee, including Ray John­ fers better access into the Breiten­
system far better than the one they son, Otto Russell and Raymond So­ bush legion and a connection with
replaced. Now Monmouth has the phy, had been successful in raising the Skyline Highway and to Mt.
cheapest municipal rate in the state. all necessary money for installation Hood, only 49 miles from the resort.
However, the question of public vs. and work on the line is well under Mr. Kennedy further outlined the
private-owned power distribution is way. Paul Reynolds, Idanha Power possibility of a loop from Portland
not the issue. A light bulb shines with Co. manager, said he has all equip­ to Mt. Hood, t Breitenbush and the
either. The main thing is to keep it ment ready and as soon as a little Nrth Santiam Canyon, thence back
to Portland- which would be one of
more work is done the lights will be the most beautiful tours in the North­
• • •
Floyd Yarborough leported that a
The city council wisely tabled the
question of daylight saving time and dance to raise money was being plan­
chose not, at this time, to take an ned. Wives of members were present.
uneasy seat on the bandwagon of the Otis Whitq, high (school principal,
A new house, built by contractors
showed a forest service film.
big cities.
Pederson & Hagen, will be opened to
Meanwhile, this column would like
public inspection Sunday on the ad­
to advance the Enterprise Daylight SPEAKER CHOSEN FOR NEXT
dition recently subdivided by George
i Thomas
Saving Plan.
Ted Medford, Safeway Stores, ex-
The idea is to change the clock so
that eight in the morning coincides , ecutive, has been chosen as the next
Mr. and Mrs. Art Kerr and their
with the present midnight. By so do­ .speaker for the Chamber of Com­
grandchildren drove to Sheridan on
ing we’d be saving not an hour of merce at its luncheon Thursday, May
Sunday to buy some gladiola bulbs.
daylight but eight full hours. Think 19. The title of his address will be
Mrs. Bessie Lyons went flying at
of the possibilities. Your day's work “The Price of Freedom."
I the Davis airport Sunday.
Mr. Medford’s talk has been deliv­
would be done when the sun was just
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cooke visited in
over the mountains. You’d have a full ered befor many Chambers of Com­
Salem Sunday at the home of friends.
12 hours or more of sunshine. All it
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill and son
would take to put the plan ever is to before the Portland chamber. Presi­
drove to Sweet Home Sunday.
work out a pact with Nature so that
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham and
cocks would crow, cows ask to be the luncheon will be held in the IOOF
Mrs. Stony Wells spent Mother's Day
milked and children sleep according dining room to accomodate a larger
in Salem.
to the new timetable. It's easy.
Mrs. Mel Robison had dinner with
« • •
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kelly and fam­
son, state tourist and recreation offi­
We note in the advertising col­
cial, will talk on the recreation pos­ ily Sunday. In the afternoon they
umns the tidings of “experienced"
sibilities of the North Santiam and attended a show in Salem.
autos for sale. Our '35 jalopy has had
Mr. and Mrs. James Swan attended
will show several films.
lots of experience too Maybe that’s
a family dinner at the home of their
Arey Podrabsky. city councilman,
what’s wrong with it
daughter. Mis. George Gillenwater of
i was last week's speaker. He spoke on
| Swisshome. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oder
the need to assure for Mill City an
adequate supply of electric power by man and Kathy of Klamath Falls
The city council Wednesday night requesting of the Bonneville Power were there too.
Mrs. Lavonne Bayless, daughter­
tabled indefinitely action on daylight Administration a block of current for
in- law of Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Bay-
saving time. The council has been in this area.
Less is employed part time at the
touch with Stayton which is anxious
Bonneville power, he said, is as­
to work out a time schedule the same signed by a system of priorities. The Mill City post office.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woods had
as other Canyon communities.
most constant and dependable kind is
’s day dinner with Mr. ami
’’prime’’ power, which goes first to
Mr. and Mia James Muir and dau­ public-owned distributing companies. Mrs. Jack Colburn.
J W. Dirks, uncle of Mrs. Gene
ghter, Susan of Seattle spent the All other power furnished by BPA
week-end with his brother. John Muir less constant and more subject to in­ I Armstrong died Monday evening in
' Moundrioge, Kansas. Mrs Armstrong,
and family.
who had been called to Kansas re­
Mrs. Joe Joaquin of Gates is now
Privately owned utilities, he said,
was reared by Mr and Mrs.
employed by Muir’s bakery.
cannot get prime power.
Mr and Mrs. Lowell Stiffle and
Floyd Fleetwood went to Salem
children visited the O. B Aaaiaftd* SCHOOL TO CLOSE MAY 26
Mill City schools will close May Tuesday to con.-ult with the architect
>f Harr.sberg Sunday. They also vis­
ited his brother. Stanley Stiffler and 23, according to Vernon Todd, super­ who is drawing up the plans for his
new building.
family of Eugene.
Springs Road
Detroit Seeks
Work Begun
Water Supply
Zoning Plan
Wins OK
At Hearing
Lyons, Mehama. Elkhorn
Mill City, Gates. .Mongold
Detroit and Idanha
Engineers Seek Bids
To Clear Dam Basin
The City Planning Commission ap-
parently has smooth sailing for its
proposal to zone the city into com-
mercial, industrial and residential
At a public meeting Monday night
at the high school, about ten citizens
showed up, most of them city council
or planning commission members.
Although the zoning plan coveis
a wide scope and directly affects all J Detioit was taken by surprise anil
The Army Engineers th s week
property owners, apparently it didn't its citizens somewhat peeved over a sent out specifications to prospective
arouse opposition or was generally ruling announced by Col. O. E. Walsh bidders for the first project of clear­
accepted, as outlined by the commis­ Portland district army engineer to ing the Detroit Dam reservoir.
sion several weeks ago.
An area of about 174 acres, in two
halt land speculation in the upper
The plan would zone:
Canyon town and stop further build- parcels was opened for bidding. The
Commercial: Santiam Blvd, from
entire area is about 4000 acres and
the east to west city limits for 100
Much land acquisition has to be total contracts for the clearing of
feet on each side of the street. (This done in the reservoir area. Detroit trees and brush will amount to more
is the route of both the new and old will be covered by water.
than $4,000,000.
Highway 222 on the Marion side.
I_ "Entirely too much building is go­
A total of $1,500.000 is on the en­
Also, the present downtown section
ing on in the Detroit area,” he said.
in Marion County; all of Broadway t “The Corp.-- of Engineers does not gineers’ budget for the fiscal year
(Highway 222 on the Linn side) from intend to evict anyone living in the of 1949-'5O for clearing.
Several logging companies in the
the city limits to the bridge.
area on conducting business there,”
Also First St. from the corner of I Col. Walsh stated, "but the main pur­ Canyon received copies of the sipee
Broadway to the county road (King- pose for action at this time is to ifications. The Santiam Clearing Co.
however, is no more, because its in
wood Ave.)
protect prospective buyers and build­ dividual members dropped out one by
Industrial: Most of the area be­ ers who may think they will not be
tween the Mill road on the Linn side in the Detroit dam pool area.”
The specifications, as announced by
to the main line of the Southern Pa­
As the property in the town of De­
cific on the Marion, east of the bridge tioit. containing homes and business the engineeis, made the job a strict­
ly logging “show.”
to the city limits.
,buildings is acquired,, the engineers
As described in the invitations for
Residential: all other areas not de­ will be prepared to lease it back to
the project calls for “clearing,
signated as commercial, industrial or* the original owners at a fair market
logging and stockpiling of merchant
for public use.
, rental, he said.
able timber within a portion of the
The proposition next will be con­
“We will pei mit all residents and
sidered by the city council, further business to remain until the time Detroit Dam reservoir area, located
approximately 15 miles east of the
hearings held and finally submitted comes when buildings must be
to the people, either in a direct vote preparatory to filling up the pool,’’ town of Mill City Ore.
Sealed bids will be received until
or by action of the council.
he said.
May 27, at 2 p.m. and then publicly
The town of Detroit n.ust be ev- opened.
’rusted w cleared early in the cal­
A capy «•' the specification* is at
endar year 1951, Walsh said, depend­ the Enterprise office and available to
ing of course on appropriations.
interested logging companies.
This will be the latest date people
The aret is about 34 acres on the
will be allowed to remain in the res­ Marion County side of the river just
The opening of the Canyon Thea­ ervoir area, he said.
east of the damsite, and about 149
ter has been scheduled for Thursday,
acies near the confluence of Blowou’
its owners, Frank Wilson and Edison GATES STUDIES FIRE DISTRICT Creek and the Santiam.
Vickers, announced this week.
The specifications call for comple­
tooqos oqt ;w ppq sbm autpioiu v
The ntw playhouse has a seating house Tuesday evening of last week tion in 180 days. Clearing is defined
capacity of about 4(M). Its stage is for the discussion of a proposed Rur­ as the complete removal of all Io*
24 by 16 feet. There aie rest rooms al Fire Protection association. Five and brush, cutting trees to a heigst
and even a cry room, which should ariangements, Harold Heath. Hollis not more than 12 inches, measured
be of interest to mothers of small and Elmer Klutkc. Another meeting I Oom the uphill side.
children. The color scheme through­ Turnage, Oswald Hirte, Glen Henne-
Floatable material is to be remov
out is blue and gold. There is a small directors were elected to complete ed or burned.
All merchantable logs will be cold
will be called in three weeks when a
In the lobby confections and pop regular election will be held and the decked on sites where they are ac­
corn will be splr, and later fountain organization completed.
cessible by truck; merchantable tim­
service will be installed.
ber is defined as logs eight inches or
Opening night one of the better M & M. EXECUTIVES IN IDANHA mor in diameter.
comedies, “Apartment for Peggy,"
Col. O. E. Walsh, district engineer,
Top executives of the M A M.
will be presented, with special com­
has stated that other contracts will
edies for children. A lucky prize will
be awarded for hauling the logs from
be given, along with novelties for the Idanha Veneer Co. plant in Idan­ the stockpiles; that mills will be paid
children, and other surprises.
a custom fee for sawing the logs. AH
bert Malarky, Harold Miller, Thomas
timber will become the p.operty of
Autzen and Mason Bingham.
th,, federal government.
Col. Walsh said the army ures a
vast quantity of low grade lumber
Members of Marilyn Chapter, No. for crating and ship dunnage.
The Idanha Little Theater Gioup
was organized with the ’following 145, O. E. S., were hosts to a large
In the state capital a movement is
charter members and officer*: Mil­ group of guests at the lodge hall afoot to have the Detroit Dam le-
dred, president and director, Edna Monday evening when Ramona Chap­ named McKay dam in honor of Gov.
Gordon, vice-president, Warren Stoll, ter of Silverton, Barzillai Chapter Douglas McKay, who was for many
business manager, Betty Pittam, se­ of Albany, and Euclid Chapter of years chairman of the Willamette
cretary-treasurer, Reba Snyder, pub­ Jefferson sent large delegation*.
Valley Project Committee.
The initiatory degree was confer­
licity chairman, Georgia New, pro­
In Mill City, the offices of the Con­
gram chairman with James Gordon red upon Walter and Stelle Kay by solidated Builders, Inc. gave a re­
and Kills Schaffer as committee, Ros­ Wilson Stevenssworthy patron, and port of the week's p ogress at the
elle Vickers, property chairman with Fern Shuey, worthy matron, assist­ damsite. More acres road was built,
Frank New and Mary Gulliford. as ed by Sttven’s two daughters, Lois further work on the bridge just above
committee, and Carl Schaffer and Scott, conductress, and Hallie Toman the damsite was accomplished. The
John Ray as stage caipenters. It was associate conductress. Their mother bridge is to lie complete I in about
voted to meet the second Sunday of substituted as marshal.
two weeks.
Distingui hed guests p|vwnt in­
each month «luring the summer. The
Excavation at the portal of the di-
June meeting is to be at Suttle Lake. cluded Verneta Cooley, Grand Re- I version tunnel had reached bedrock,
Albert Snyder Edison Vickers and presentativr fo: Wyoming, Phylti and digging of the 25 foot in diame-
Jack Gulliford were unable to a’tend Agntw, worthy matron, and Hollis ter 1400 foot underground waterway
but were g‘iven charter membe ship HullHull, worthy patron, all from will start soon after big equipment
status if they wish. The aim and pur-. Albany; Evelyn Aaboe, worthy ma- can be brought over the bridge Clear
po*e of this group is to entertain the | tron of Ramona Chapter of Silver ing subcontracted to the R. W. Byers
public and at the same time make ton; and Harold Riley, worthy patron Coistructon Co. of Red ing ¡Calif, is
money for the betterment of the com­ of Euclid Chapter of Jefferson.
proirresing on schedule.
munity. All who are interested in im­
During the course of the evening
proving recreation facilities are in­ a trio of Rainbow Girl», made up of
vited to contact any charter member. Dorothy Down. »J Marlene Verb. < k
The Santiam Valley Grange went
There will be no rehearsal urtil fall. and Ula Ktlly, sang two numbeis,
‘Over the Rainbow’ and Let the i on record last Friday night in oppos-
The C. E. Coville real estate office Rest of the World fio By’, accom- i ition to daylight saving time, Most
farm organizations in ‘he state have
is being enlarged. A son and nephew ;anied by Maxine -Hill.
For the refreshment hour, the din­ i indicated of position to «etting the
are doing the remodeling. The office
is on the property recently purchased ing-tables were beautifully decorated clock* up.
by Mr. Coville from J. G. Rand of with maypoles and flowers, the
Three new pool tables have Iieen
committee being Frances Randall,
Yakima, Washington.
Dr. David James Feiguson left last Beaulah Clise, Gertrude Mason and ' installed in the oil bowling alley
I location and they will l»e open for
Sunday for New York City where he Celene Taylor.
A apecial meeting will be held on 1 play Friday night with Ben Houck
will attend as a delegate the General
Assembly of the Prewbyterian < hurch. Monday evening, May 23. for ano­ | in charge. Hours will he from 7 p.
Mr*. Martin Hansen is spending a ther initiation. The committee will m. to 1 a.m.
few day* in Long View. Wash at the be Mary Tuers, Rachel Olmstad and The quarters have been redecorated
I and remodeled for the opening..
¡Nellie Ward.
home of her parents
Halt Ruling
Riles Detroit
New Theater
Opens in Detroit
Start Drama Unit
Logs to Be
For Timber