CLASSIFIED' DEPARTMENT 23 RABBITS & SKINS WANT LIVE RABBITS « lbs. up. rab- Mt skins, hides, wool, mohair, cas- cara. live poultry. Baby 8 Company. •35 S. W. Front. Fortland. Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS apbicots cammed whole In heuvy syrup, case of 24 large cans, 16.25. Delivered Washington, Oregon, Idaho Hinzes Cider Mill, Bt. 6, Yak- tma, Wash. ATLAS Imperial 90 h. p. Diesel Ma­ rine 4-cylinder engine. 807 E. 2nd, Vancouver, Wash. WALNUTS AMD ALMOMDS Reduced Prices Almonds ....So lbs. (12.50 25 lbs (6.50 Brazil Nuts 5u lbs. 16.50 25 lbs. 8^0 Blk. Walnuts..50 lbs. 6.00 25 lbs . 3.50 Mixed Almonds, Black Walnuts and Brazil nuts ..50 lbs. 11.50 25 lbs 6.00 Lge. Deglet Noor Dates 5-lb. crtn 2.50 With nut order ................... 1.75 We Pay Express Charges J. Stammerjohan 538 West First Avenue, Chico, Calif. DOGS. CATS. PETS. ETC. BRITTANY PUPS. 150 and up; dual reg. Cockers, 125. Tom Bran, N«- halem, Ore. CHICKS POULTRY, 6 FQUIP. "CHICKS from our heavy laying Par­ menter Reds will make you come back for more. Conley's Poultry Term, Tide. Oregon. BROAD BKEASTEK BRONZE POULTS. U. S. Pullorum clean. Mellle Compton, Kt. 1, Jefferson, Oregon. MASTER Incubator No. 3. 3500 eggs, No. 1 tin tray hatcher, good cond. Z. J. Russell, Bt. 1, Bos 518, St. Helens, Ore. LIVESTOCK TILLAMOOK guaranteed dairy calves. We are accepting orders now for Jersey heifer calves sired by pure­ bred bulls and from production test* ed dams. Reasonable prices. Write Tillamook Dairy Herd Improvement Assn., Tillamook, Or. FOR SALE—40 A. Q. H. A. Reg Mares 2 A. Q. H. A. Stallions. Ed Echols A. Q. H. A. No. 4120 and Parkers Chicaro, Reg, P. 6825. Also weavers and yearlings. Best blood lines, reasonable prices. W. D. Parker, Sonoita, Artz. AUTOS, TRUCKS & ACCESS. 1942 GMC 4x6 with flat bed or fifth wheel, $1200; 7’xl2’ steel dump bed and hoist, $400. Virgil Bode, Waits­ burg, Wash. JO-TON log trailer. Off highway model with 8 14.00-20 tires, almost new. 8 new spares tubes, wheels, mount­ ed. Trailer used 3 months on high­ way with single tires, $3,000. 2104 Aberdeen Ave., Aberdeen, Wash. ’M CH EV. 45-PA8S. SCHOOL BUB Good condition. Price $1,250.00. lfcCONNELL - - 661-W Seaside. Ore. 6-TON White, almost new. 2900 actual miles. Cost $9500. Flat bed 13x8, 20-ton twin Heil hoist, 18-ton Garwood winch in back of cab, 12.00x20 tires, bolster fits in center of bed. Bed has stake holes, easily converted for dirt. Asking $55('0. M ke offer. ROB­ ERT GREGORY, 1440 Carlos Ave., Burlingame, Calif. Dimond 3-7129. SEEDS, PLANTS, ETC. BLUEBERRY PLANTS STeweat and best varieties. Loweit prices. Send for 25th anniversary price list. BUSINESS A INVEST. OPPOR. MODERN AUTO COUBT 13 units on hiway 9y, plus modern liv­ ing quarters. Room for additional units. Central heating plant, elec, ranges and refrig. Large income. O'DonnaU Bealty, Bealtors, 4526 Roosevelt Way, Seattle 5, Washing­ ton. Owners; if selling contact us. FOR SALE—A neighborhood grocery. All equipped and stocketL Also lovely 2-bedrooin fipt. In fast growing town of Newport, Oregon, on Coast. Offered at a sacrifice as owner has poor health Irene B. Jones, Box 1358, Mewport, Ore. COMPLKTB Shoe machinery, hand tools and stocks, reasonable. J. B. Myers, Garibaldi, Ore. FOR SALE Help UR Self-laundry, doing good buaftBMMt 4-year lease, living quarters and furniture Box •52, Myssa, Oregon. WRECKING YARD AND GARAGE GOOD BUSINESS Parts, tools and wrecker. 4 lots, 200 ft. on highway 101. Signal gas, 2 pumps. Will sell complete or will sell business, parts and tools. Lease shop and ground. BILL S AUTO SEBVICB Box 586, DeLake, Or. PROSPEROUS Western Auto Store in rich farm town. 112,000. Western Store Mo. 273, Palouse, Wash. FOR SALE—Self Service grocery store in thriving community 20 mi. from Portland, Ore. Doing $5000.00 per month. Two people can handle. Long lease. Reasonable rent. Price $11,000. Address Box 69, Newberg, Oregon. RENT—sell new modern 30x50 bldg., equipped for radiant heat; located very busy lumbering town. Welding, truck repair service est. Oppor. for fender, body painting, auto rep., parts, steel supplies. Cat. Hyster service; most any kind business. Chance for reliable man or partner getting started now for spring rush. Will make good deal to right party. Rent or sell all or part of equip­ ment. Equipment Service Co., Ph. 293, Ed, Box 206, Glendale, Ore. Coast Town Corner, paved street, frame bldg., gro., restaurant, apartments, equip., stock. $9.000—terms. ALSO: 14 A. tidewater 101 frontage, meadow, new hse.. ideal cabin boat side, automatic spring water, rent, sell, term^. Ward's Realty, Tillamook, Oregon. SHOE SHOP FOR SALE. Latest machinery from United States. All good condition. 1S1$ Jackson - Seattle. Wash. FARM MACHINERY & EQUIP. 5-FT. SEAMAN Rototiller, never used. Powered 80 H. P. Waukesha. 15% discount. G. H. Belton, Rt. 2, Sheri­ dan, Oregon. Phone 3213. INTERNATIONAL tractor, Isaacson semi-sing, axle, 28-ft. flat bed comb, lumber with chains and bind­ ers, droptail gate for lumber. Also removable cattle rack equip. Now hauling hay from E. Or. Also indi­ vidual 20-ft. stock rack; all in A-l cond. Sacrifice on acct, of sickness. Ph. GA. C128. 6302 W. Kerby, Port­ land, Oregon. KBR-12 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR, AND 35-FT. UTILITY DUAL AXLE SEMI Bulk grain racks, 2 seta of tarps, all in excellent condition. Engine com­ pletely overhauled. Bob Christensen 921 M. 184th. Phone Richmond Beach 14C3, Seattle, Washington. FARMS AND RANCHES DESCHUTES 320 a res near Steam’s Siding just off Dal­ las-Klamath Falls hiway. North Mi section 15, township 21, south range 10W. M. Grazing, some second- growth timber, $3200. Bonsall, 416 Pearl Ave., San Carlos, Cal. FARM: 160 acres, about 80 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and timber, location near highway 95 at Sandpoint, Idaho. For full descrip-, tion write B. T. TOLLBOM Box 246 Sandpoint, Idaho. SPECIAL EBERHARDT BLUEBERRY NURSERIES Kt. 1, Olympia, Wash. FLOWERS & BULBS 100 BULBLETS, collectors Gladiolus, 31.00; Pkt. Oregon Giant Pansy seeds Included M. Davison, Bonan- ■a, Oreg-on. Rural Box 109. _TO RENT OR LEASE FOR SALE or lease, mink ranch. For details write Roland McGinnis, Rt. 1, Box 864, Astoria, Oregon. “ Lawn Chair Pleases Adults, Tots Alike FOR SALE—Fully equipped garage and three-pump service station, Tex­ aco, Firestone, Kaiser-Fraser fran­ chise. Four furnished apartments over station. Good location near Hungry Horse darn. D. B. RasdaU. Box 484, Waiter Uh, Mont. SITUATIONS WANTED RANCH WORK—Single, exper . dairy, stock, milkhouse and general farm­ ing. Steady, sober. State details first letter. B. Smith, Woodland. Wash. HELP WANTED—MEN, WOMEN Esteron 44 Results In Wild Onion Curbs During the past three years many experiments have been made with varied forms of 2,4-D to control wild garlic and wild onion. Tests with sodium salt of 2,4-D were un­ successful. Esteron 44 and the amine liquid salt formations, how­ ever, gave good control when used at the rate of three to four pounds of 2,4-D acid equivalent per acre. Apparently the amount of water used makes little difference in the results obtained. As many as 125 gallons per acre and as few as five gallons per acre were applied with equal success. For pasture work, observers agree that Esteron 44 may be some- what more effective than the amine salts, but because of the possible danger from volatility of the esters of 2,4-D, it is suggested that the amine liquid salt be used where susceptible plants grow in immedi- ately adjacent areas. (Lawns, for example, with adjacent flowers 1 and shrubs). Moisture Conservation Helps With Wheat Crop A 30-acre field that had produced 1 little during the last few years, ’ even with favorable moisture con- ditions, produced a good wheat crop, according to the Kansas state college extension service. “A combination of things made the land productive again,” a con­ servation district cooperator said. “Use of sweet clover, seeded in the spring of 1946, for green manure i and terracing, and contour farm- i ing for moisture conservation were important.” The land, he explained, was bad- ly eroded. The soil was thin, dense and hard to work. It had not produced a decent crop in the previous six years and was prac- tically idle land. Gullies were plowed shut after the terraces were built, so that the whole field could be contour farmed. In addition, grass waterways were | developed and more terraces plan- : ned. Bronchitis I j ; 1 Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you • bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have your monev back. CREOMULSION for Coughs,Chest Colds,Bronchitis > | I I I ; I I . BACK ACHE TORTURE? SORETONE Liniment's Heating Pad Action Gives Quick Relief! For fast, gentle relief of aches from back strain, muscle »tram, lumbago pain, due to fatigue, ex­ posure. use the liniment specially made to »oothe such symptoms. Soretone Liniment has scientific rubefacient ingredients that act like glowing warmth from a beating pad Helps attract fresh surface blood to superficial pain area. Soretone is different! Nothing else “just like k.” Quick, satisfying results must be your» or money back. 50c. Economy size $1 00. Try Soretone for Athlete’» Foot Kill» all J type» of common fungi —on contact! Relieve distress of MONTHLY x FEMALE WEAKNESS Are you troubled by diatreaa of female functional periodic diaturb- ances? Does thia make you Buffer from pain, feel so nervous, tired— at auch times? Then do try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham’s has a grand soothing effect on one of woman’s most important organs! Before It Gets Worse Not a Cure-All But a prevail formula far neatralixin, cavity-form.'na acid, Price 35«* ear h pin» 15e for Parking and Portage er 2 for $1.00 PCSTPAIS Pleaae tend me............eostaii ten of th* N**w “Ammonium Icn” Tooth Ende« id. Send Postpaid. Fama .................. ................................................................................................... Address ..................................... ........................................................................... City ........................................................................................................................................ X HowTo Relieve on Family REDUCE CAVITIES ....................... I Check that Cough from a cold — and get well quicker with the NfW FOLEY'S WITH THE Powder England levied a tax on bach­ elors in 1695 to help finance the war with France. While there has been no direct legislation concern­ ing the taxation of oachelors in Britain, they have occasionally been taxed more heavily than oth­ ers. SAVE Provide, An Inexpensive Way To SEWING CIRCI E NEEDLEWORK 530 South Wells St. Chicago 3, 111 Enclose 20 cento foe oattent. No_________________ Name The Mason and Dixon line actu­ ally was surveyed by two English­ men, Charles Mason and Jere­ miah Dixon, (November 15, 1763, and December 26, 1767) to settle constant dissensions between the Lords Baltimore and the Penn family, the lords being proprie­ tors of Maryland and Pennsyl­ vania, respectively. The line was originally marked by milestones, every fifth one bearing the coat of arms of Penn on one side and those of Lord Bal­ timore on the other side. 5 8 5 9 Í HEAD COLDS ? Layette Is Fine Gift DAINTY, yet very practical Inveito ti layette that makes an ideal gift for the babies of your friends, daughter or granddaughter. Use fine white nainsook for the petti­ coat, sacque and dressing gown. A / QUICK RELIEF WITH ! MENTHOLATUM 'SOOTHES IRRITATED ' membranes 1 ...BRINGS EASIER BREATHING mm mm mm ? ? ? ? ? J ; ASK Ml ANOTHER wenerui wuiz Î f m A General Quiz mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1. How far is the sun from the earth? 2. Governor Dewey polled over 22,600,000 votes in the presidential election of 1944. How many did he receive in 1948? 3. Is the peanut a nut or a vegetable? 4. On what Pacific island did the mutineers of the “Bounty” settle? 5. Who was the first United States ambassador to the Soviet Union? The Answers 1. 93,000,000 miles. 2. Over 21,383,000. 3. A vegetable belonging to the same family as peas and beans. 4. Pitcairn island. 5. William C. Bullitt. IF YOU WERE A WAVI, WAC, MARINE or SPAR Find out what Nursing . offers you! \ — an education trading Io R. N. — mor« opportuuiliaa every rear ho.pital«, public health, etc. ka — your allowanea under the C. I. Bill of Hixlila often «over« you entire nursing oourae. — ask for more Information al lha hospital »hero too would like Io enter nursing. Jt mataafr than aw- THÊiunûiui.jiifsinœ Pipe »mokdrz pref ar Prince Albert For tta cool, tongaa-oasy smoking comfort —roH-your-ownara Ilka th« way Prince Albert rolls up feet and eaey Into extra-taety cigarette«! 1 I GET REAL SM0KJ NG COMFORT IN A PIPEFUL OF PA. V-AND WITH THE NEW L Æp-Jt ■ ■ K HUMIDOR TOP, PA. STAKS’ SO FRESH AND RICH- — TASTINO 1 t “Crimp cut Prine« Albert ha» bwn a favorite in my pipe for yeera,” say« Al Earl. “Rich-tarting P. A. amokea mild and cool —eaay on the tongue.“ Right, Al! P.A.’s choice tobacco ia specially treated to insure against tongue bite. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S '¿SMZi' Buy U. S. Savings Bond»! Dental Bills SERVICI SPECIALTY CO. Boz 2225 Portland 14, Ort yon have a chair they can call their own. Nothing seems to be quite so important to the young ones as having things “just like Dad’s.” Materials for two chairs can be purchased for less than one chair costs ready made. Make adult size chairs from Pattern No. 32 and a matching settee from Pattern No. 39. Child size chair is Pattern No 132. • • » Bachelors Taxed EXJOY BETTER HEALTH with America's Finest Radiator Enclosures. Write ALBRECHT CORfANT, Io»» City, lows. As Described in December Better Homes & Gardens and February Reader's Digest “Page 78" To cbtain complete pattern for the 5- riiece set. tracing for embroidery, stitch il- ustrations and finishing instructions for the lovely layette Set (Pattern No. 5H5»i send 20 cents in coin, jour name, ad­ dress and pattern number MASON-DIXON ■LINE* Send 25c for each Pattern No. 32, Pattern No. 132 Send 35c for Pattern No. 39 to Easi-Bild Pattern Company, Dept. W. Pleas­ antville. N. Y. HOME FVRNISHINGS A APPLI. "A. M. I.'* Tooth Powder Made of silk crepe, the dress will be a lovely christening gown. Add reoa Wild garlic and wild onion long have been two of the most trouble­ some weeds in southern lawns, pastures and certified grass and and grain seed production fields. As lawn weeds, these plants give the lawn an uneven, ragged appearance and produce a very disagreeable onion odor when mow­ ed. In pastures, dairy cattle feed­ ing on these plants produce milk with an off flavor which is of great concern to dairymen in several states. Seed production has been limited by the presence of wild potential contamination. onions in many fields because of New Hay Chopper Revolutionary Hew "Ammonium Ion" Sew a Layette for a New Baby Wild Garlic also Found Vulnerable to Solution WANTED—Aggre^sfre Man or Woman To own business. Write BUSINESS CORP. OF AMERICA Bl II.DING, Phlla. t. Pa. ************ IF IN NEED of lawn furniture, * build it yourself and save money. Full size patterns are available that simplify building the chair illustrated above. A smaller size chair, suitable for children two to eight years of age, can also be constructed from a pattern. Youngsters will be hap­ py to join the family circle if they NEEDLEWORK PATTERNS This combination hay chopper and ensilage cutter, which can be operated by one man, has been int.oduced by the New Holland Machine company. The new machine feeds, cuts to desired length and blows corn, hay or other crops to mow or silo in one operation. Cutting in lengths ranging from 3-18” to 1*4, the chopper can handle up to 20 tons of silage an hour. Bathtub Fairly Recent Innovation in America Although many Americans con­ sider the daily bath essential to good health, most of their predeces- ■ sors of a century ago never saw, ‘ much less bathed in, a bathtub in the home. For pre-Civil War ■ Americans, bathing was a luxury irdulged in a hut alongside the home The White House got its first bathtub during Lincoln's term. The first all-iron tub was installed in New York City in 1870. The NEW FOLEYS HONEY A TA!» contain, one of the moat Important cough treatment development« In .ear., one that ACTUALLY HELPS SPEED RECOV­ ERY Abo aooihee throat, check« cough­ ing Alan dellclou« non narcotic, doe« no» upaet digration But moat Important. NE W FOLEY S tulps you sei well guKSer from cough due to cola At your druggist ■ I LUCE THE WAY TPA j new humidor TOP KEEPS EASY- TO-R0U, CRIMP CUT PA. FRESH FOR TASTY, ^MILD 'MAKJNS^ I SMOKES ’’*15 That Nagging Backache May Warn of liiaordered Kidney Action Modern Ide with lu hurry and worry, irretular hah ta. Improper anting «nd drinking—na risk of .ip.aura and infre- tion—throw« heavy «train on th. work of the kidney«. They an apt to become overrated and fail to ftltor a.rwoo and and other imparitioa from the life-giving htood. You m»r «u!!»r nagging baek.eha, headache. di««n*m. getting np nighta, log pa na.—fwt eonMantly t rM, nervuna. all worn out. Other • gna of kidney or bladder diaorder are «oiwm time. burning, eeaaty 0» too tnquoa* ■rina tion. Try Dee»’« Pitt». Deen'e help the kidney« to paaa off harmful «Mem body west«. They hove had mor« than half a •salary of public approval. An raeom mended by grateful »on «vorywbam Aak ye»r neighkoet D oan spills HI NEW HUMIDOR TOP locki IN tlw FRESHNESS dnd FLAVOR MORE MEN SMOKE THAN ANY OTHER TOBACCO "7ME national joy TUMI IN P. A.’e -«NANO Oll OPRV." «atardar Nlefcte eg NBC