Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, M \RCH 31, 1949 1 we bother to mention them at all, ex his sister and family, Mrs. Curtis I cept that, God created Heaven and Crawford. Earth, and all creeping things, and ' The Sat Santiam Aerie of the Frater they're one of them. Tire By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT nal Orde of Eagles had its fi:st The sc ason’s first group cf hungry J! . ?nd Mrs, Alex Kauko re- m»etmg sine* December on Wednse looms winged t e.r way from parts turned this week from Finland hav- day evening and elected the follow unknown into Detroit last week an t >*>S spent about six months there. ing officers: made three point landings. President, Ed Debolt; vice presi They sailed on the Gripsholm. On the In the pest department, ants ere return trip they visited relatives in dent, James Fowler; chaplain, Jacob beginning to di scend upon the un- Massachusetts and Michigan and in Fischer; conductor, Floyd Yarbo:- suspecting public. Don’t know why Salem with their .daughter Maltha ough; secretary, Curtis Howard; who works for Dr. Fortmdler. Ben treasurer, Otio Russell; t ustees, Kauko came back with them from Forrest Etter, Jim Giegler, Emmett Finland and will make his home with Dorothy; inner guard, Roberte John them. son; outer guard, Daniel McCormick. Vergil Nelson of Sacramento came Out of town visitors were F. Est- by bu3 for a two weeks visit with bennett and Wefcb Loy, Bend, and Virgil Nelson, Mendota, Calif. ' DETROIT . establish a bookkeeping and steno graphic service here. Mrs. W. Mason lefts Tuesday for Ha:ri.4burg to visit her son, Ar thur Mason. Mr arw .Mrs Mason will attend teachers institute in Portland the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Anderson of Vancouver were week end guests of her s:s<er and brother-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Vinton. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Mulkey of Sil verton visited friends in Mill City last week. H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop bargains M A C’S 145 S. Church, next to Salem Parking tfcresa One Mile East of Detroit JEWEL MYERS, MGR. GATES Chevrolets at Orval’s 1918 Chevrolet Stylemaster Sedan. R. and H. ...$1795 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero, R. and H........... ... 1495 1912 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero, R. and H......... ....1345 1912 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Sedan. R. anl II.............. ....1295 1942 Chevrolet Special Deluxe 2 Door with H................. ....1195 1942 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Coupe, R. and H............... ....1195 1941 Chevrolet Special Deluxe Convertible , R. and H. . ....1095 1941 Chevrolet Special I>eluxe 2 Door. R. and H......................... 995 1910 Chevrolet Special Deluxe 5 Pass. Coupe. R. and H. ... 895 1940 Master Deluxe Coupe with Heater .......... 1939 Chevrolet Master Deluxe 2 Ik »or, with H. 3 Terms Trade ORVAL’S USED CARS Center & Church Sts. 16 * Phone 3-4702 Sunday COMICS!!! PAGES DICK TRACY BLONDIE FLASH C”T 3N GASO I» ' ALLEY JOI FA’.OOKA DIXIE DUGAN '■'JPEYE MICKEY FINN UNCLE REMUS B'JZ SAWYER ANNIE ROONEY AROUND HOME Starting APRIL 10 Through the medium of our friendly contemporary. The Mill City Enterprise we are proud to announce the finest Sunday comic-feature section any where in the northwest. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed making it available to our thousands of friends. If you are not now a member of THE STATESMAN family, we will be glad to have you join us. There is no in crease in price. J Somet'me ago Mis. Archie Mat toon had one of her vertabrae thrown out of place. This morning, during a coughing spell, it was again mis placed. Her husband took her to Red mond for medical treatment. Mrs. Frank Dickey returned Thurs day after visiting friends in Mill City for several days. Bob Schotsick, son of Gil Schot sick, Stayton, was calling in Detroit Wednesday. Wilbur Lester of Santiam Hard ware, Stayton, accompanied by Mr. Greer of the Mehama fish hatchery made a business trip to Detroit and Idanha Wednesday. Virgil Nelson of Sacramento is vis iting two weeks at the home of brother-in-law sister, Mr, a Mrs. Curtis Howard. Mr. and Mrs. William Cauble made a business tri? to Portland on Wednesday. In the shuffle board tournament at the Cedar Tavern this weak Mrs. Ar. thur Edwards anil Emmett Dorothy were the winners. At Detroit Tavern Wednseday night Mrs. Dick BukeT and Mrs. B. C. Delano won, and Glen Dryden and Floyd Yarbrough were the winners Saturday night. Sunday, Aipril 3, there will be a covered disii dinner at noon at Vick- e s Hall for the Idanha and Detroit Sunday schools. At 2 o’clock a film, “Reaching for Heaven,” will be pre sented. Mill George Steffy, a new resident of Mill City, left for Los Angeles Wed nesday and will return with Mrs. Steffy in two weeks. They plan to LYONS VARIETY OPEN SUNDAYS, 9 a m. -4 p.m. M’CKEY MOUSE POL.Y & HER PALS PUZZLES-STORIES were HAvma a -VtT ÍA4A0? « Monday evening S. T. Moore showed I two motion pictures to the crowd of about 45 attending. Mrs. Eli Tangs revealed the plans regarding the school lunch program which will be . staited at the new grade school next week. Mrs. Bangs has headed the committe in charge of getting the lunch program. She has been assisted by Mrs. Otis White and Mrs. Cliff Pete-son. For the present season the mothers of the children will take turns cooking and serving to the 100 or more pupils. A lunch was served by the sixth grade after the program. favorite/ WHO SAIO At the regulat meeting of the PT A NORTH SANTIAM TAVERN BLOCK WEST OF Tri EATER iii.iin E conomize ! I Your l-jle hours * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. In Furniture, Stoves, Dishes Clothing, Housewares AIMJtttC A Friendly Place To While Away Mrs. Calvin Hunter, formerly Miss term. Alta Case, •« i< w orking at Mom and Pop’s Gate. 5* 1'o.-d Jcn'3 and i’au,'vter. now living in California, will join her husband, who is a CB1 engineer, I here at the conclusion of the school file ter both ulaà aid desserb • NUCO A I 2 lbs. FRIDAY & SATURDAY JttMUWlMttlIHftOt ELSINORE DIMPLE .12 11 ox. can 3.89 50 lb*. 29 PICNIC HAMS. LB 40 ■ r« 65 f| I I I» TENDER YND TASTY 79 CHEESE — TASTY PAK 2 14 ox- PORK CHOPS. LB CENTER CUTS for 29 PURE GROUND BEEF.LB.-49 S MONEY BACK GI ARANTEE ON ALL MEATS, PRODUCE AND GROCER1ES 288 SIZE .39 2 doz. 10 lbs. Carrots Oranges Potatoes 4 CLEAN AND CRISP .47 2 bu. IMMMMM KenGolliet OPEN SUNDAYS MEHAMA IT’S HERE** • and even better than you’d dreamed I SUNDAY PAPERS The Statesman is the only daily news paper in the valley delivered to you by mail the same day it is published. /ihn and Developing. Dry Cleaning THE OREGON STATESMAN CANDY - CIGS - TOBACCO INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER SALEM. OHE. By Mai! in Advance: $3 00 year, $4 00 six months Weddle Funeral Home By Carrier in Your City: $1.00 month MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE Stayton, Oregon li c. ■■y kz 31 W "«Eft with URGENTLY Frozen Food "Stowaway Meat "Frigidrawer" . . . Super NEEDED! Storage Pantry-Bin . . . "Folda way" Shelf... "Tight-Wad” Unit ) WITH THÉ F«IENUie$î<&Âr "TU EVFR 5AW/ LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE Í YOJÏL MEET THEM, *H0 THÉ RtST OF THE ROOM TO SPARE with spare room in the kitchen! FROM MEHAMA TO GATES. SHAOC* INCH’DING: Silver —Homes for aale or rent —Butlines« property. buildings and siten —5'scant lots —Small acreages Saddle SATURDAY, April 2 IN STANOAIB tfFtlUUTOt IN Bflllf IFFIItftlTOt serti Ofint t:rii«ffAYni in The new IH eight-cubic-fooc refrigerator will win your heart with their beautiful «tresmlined design) . and amaze you with their ample stor age space. In the Super DeLuxe model (illus trated I there's room to spare with 16 square feet of shelf area — a 35 pound capacity freezer locker for storing delicious frozen food — and Moraee space to keep 1336 pounds of meat juicy and sender. Pius a Pantry-Bin that keeps 116 bushels of unrefrigerated food handy . .. not to mention “cokes" for the small *ry. Don’t wait until tomor row . . . come and see them today! LET US GIVE YOU A LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANf E ON David M. Reid L^ÿSÜROCK^^J Real Estate I MILL city YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR AL LAUE, Refrigeration 2359 STATE ST. SALEM 4