Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
o MILL CITY ENTI iPRISE, MATCH SI. 1949 f corner of the northeast quaiter of m* Farm Home, the Red Cross an' Mr«. Mabel Taylor spent two daysl’*0”4- i ther c ia’it’es. of last week w.-r-k at t the home her Mr. -nd Mrs. Elmer Klutke were the southwest quarter of said sec tion 32; thence south one-fourth sister-in-law, Mrs. Clarence Jonnson. r.uats Sunday at a family dinner at Mr*. I»< »a Reten who ha-. L»en em- Mrs. Taylor, a former resident, is their home in observance of the se'.- mile to the south line of said sec The Gates Woman’s Club will hold enth birthday of their son, Ross. At- tion 32; thence west one and one- a cooks1 f>cd sale <5aturdav at the pi >yed !n C< rvallis, returne I to th from Dallas. fourth miles to the southwest cor Heath B i . m . store. The money from community Is st week. Mis. Roten it Mrs. Stavang who has been visit tending were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. ner of section 31 :n said Tp. and Kirkland of Mehama, E. E. Miller of the ale w*ll o* added tithe general | awaiting ‘he arrival of the body of ing rilM her 3VII, son, Vflil Carl uiarang, Stavang, ivi for auiuc some fund >f >• 'lub rathe1 than t h e | her con. “Tiny” Rotan, who was killed tim« visited at the hornea of Mr. and ; Lyons and Mr*. James Hudgins of Range; thence North one-half mile to the quarter section comer on buii • g ft nd. The genera) fund :»i .n action overseas in the war Mrs. Byion Bate« and Mr. and Mrs. Stayton. uted for the upkeep of Fa -wew co ' Mr .and Mrs. Walter Brisbin spent Chris Knutson before returning to whair.. C l---LGamet aemm ET Al the West line of said section 31; Elmer Klutke went to the Salem thence West one-half mile to the metery a id donations to the Chilo- Friday to Sunday in Portland where her home in Minnesota. Memorial Hospital Monday evening center of Section 36 in Township they met her brother and wife, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Tumidga h' J South, Range Ddllgc O 3 East, Will. **u.. xuv.., Mer.; and Mrs. George Arthur of Seattle quite an exciting time Saturday a'- where he underwent surgery Tuesday y I V 9 OUllin, and visited with her siter, Mrs. Os- temoon when theii chomney burned ■morning for a hernia sustained re - [ thence south one-fuuith mile to the northeast comer of the south half ca; Osterhout, and husband. M s. out. Thi. gr got pretty warm for a cently. Br .shin’s son, Anse) Hayward, and bit, but no serious damage resulted. Miss Esther Weatlhers, daughter of of the southwest quarter of said family were at the home of Mr. Bris M rs. Laurence Walworth, of th« Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Weathers, and section 36; thence west one-half bin’s daughter, Mrs. Philip Hacken- high school faculty has resigned her Marvin Stafford, son uf Mr. and Mrs. mile to the west line of said sec- burg, all of Portland. position and Ca ter Bogy’s, Portland, George Staffo.d, were married Thurs tion 36; thence south one-fourth Mi«. Ray Salchenfoerger of^ Lyons has been engaged to complete her day, March 17, in Stevenson, Wash. mile to the township line; thence and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur unexpired ter".. The bride is a sophomore in Gates west one mile along the south V Blackburn, were Sunday guests at high school and the bridegroom a line of section 35; thence south T. R. L .’ton, principal of the iocal the Tilmon Rains horn«. high school, r< ports tha- ihe library graduate. After a short honeymoon to the southeast comer of the >/ Buddie Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. book list is n proce ;s of completion. trip t'ha young couple returned to northeast quarter of the north- east qarter of section 3 in Edmund Davis, and Don MR-.y, s< n Abut 150 now books . will be bought Niagara where they will live. of Mi«. Velma Carey, are two stud- lor the high school and element i y Mr. and Mrs. Stafford are building Township 10 South, Range 3 east, ens from Oregon State who were libraries. a new home on property he owns •Will. Mer.; thence west to the west home during their spring vacation. there, which will be leady soon for line of said section 3; thence north attendit^ the Ttiose from Gates one-fourth mile t o t-h e township Don CSarey upent his vacation work Boy Scout District meeting in Meha occupancy. line; thence West to the southwest ing for his brother, Gale Ca.ey. Bud ma last week were T. R. Burton, comer of the southeast quarter of die and his father motored to Seattle chairman of the local scout commi NOTICE OF HEARING to visit Mr. and Mrs. James Overlock ttee, William Herti an 1 Orville Hay By order of the County Court of the southwest quarter of section 33 in Township 9 South of Range 3 and daughter. Mrs. Davis spent the ward, other aerbers of the commit Una County, Oregon, issued March j* time they were gone at the home of tee and scout master, Gale Carey. 17 1949 notice is hereby given that east; Will. Mer.; thence North one- Mu and Mrs. Lincoln Henness. Mr. and M s. Ned Richards are on Monday, April 18, 1949 at 10:30 fourth mile; thence West one- fourth mile to the West line of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carey, re having part of their building in A. M. of said day in the County said section 33; thence North one- cently of San Francisco, were guests which the Richards Tavern is located Court Room in the Court Hous« at r fourth mile to the quarter section at the home ■ >*e*9'YTTother last week. remodeled an l a room finii’.ied which Salem, Oregon, a hearing will be held He will return to Corvalli« to attend will be rented for a barber sitep. El on the proposed formation of a Rural corner on the west line of said OSC for the spring term. He will re mer Stewart is doing th a ca. pouter Fire Protection District to be known section 33; thence East one-fourth ceive his degree in June. as the Gates Rural Fire Protection mile; thence North one - half mile District the exterior boundaries are to the north line of said Section 33; thence west to the northwest which as follows: comer of section 33; thence north Beginning at a point where the to the center of the North Santiam line between sections 28 and 29 in TownshJp 9 South, Range 4 East, Will. Mer., Linn County, Oregon, intersects the Center of the North Santiam River; thence running South tfaree-fourths mile to the quarter section comer between sec- tlon« 32 and 33 in said Tp. and Range; thence West one-half mile- to the center of said Section 32; thence South one-fourth mile to HALLMARK Private Dining the southeast comer of the North ! CARDS east quarter of the southwest quar Room ter of said section 32; thence West tl TUt NEW or«e-fourth mile to the southwest Gates T . t tl ei e Ea. .eriy up stream ■' > id river to the point of beginning. saving and excepting any right of way of any railroad or any Federal, State or County owned land that might te included within the boun dary of the above described area. Valuer! . ’s .-e ■ MASTER w« Every Delton necklace comet in handtome gift cate Lovely, lustrous simulated pearls Mom & Pop’s Cafe by DELTAH, fashioned into single, double ond triple strand graduated necklaces. Remarkable values, modestly priced! Earrings to match. Featuring HOLLY HALLMARK " CARDS k: WALL HALLMARK 11 CARDS Unusual Cards for birthdays, I IIALLMARK M CARDS anniversaries Mill City Jewelry T SHERWIN-WILLIAMS WONDER PRODUCT HEATER Her«'* new comfort, beauty ond safety in an extra small wall heater, with extra large heating capacity. Circulates gently heated air on 44» or both side» of a partition. Shortly designed panel completely sMvids ax workin-' part* — children'» frig «ft, ckthing f'rnituie '-■« i At*« b' burnedj Easily !•*• »tal'ed ift old or neve Dimension* 14* t 50’A • Phone u» to day for free •»timet«*, BAKER’S fa* the famous laboratories that gave you Kem-Tone! Rill™ ‘ V 11 V SMF f T t 'SG!' ~ÍTf$M¡SÍT! e Operate Propane - Batane Gas! Quick Heat! Dependable! Clean ! and birth HALLMARK 11 CARDS congratulations FOX SATHXOOàtS, & Appliance Co Edward Williams 330 Court me Aii, (W¿y *2#/! 319 FERRY ST. Opposite Markon Hotel SALEM Phone Salem 3-5098 SALEM ANYWHERE WITHIN 100 AAILES DELIVERED EASY IÍ APPLY! SOWS« ABIE! •*i£ COAT COVE' R C3LY S2.39AQCART NO PPIME8! WON T STAIN I no FREE TO YOUR ’ r<»£ttaiAr>£! ' • RESISTS CREASE! DRIES- 3- 5 NOWS DIR) WASHES OFT! WtSfiAKU! RESISTS BCIUNG IN EASY-TO-EÜECT SECTIONS Sensation;/.new Kent-Glo! Looks and washes ¡ike baked enamel! For the first time, kitchen and bath room walls, woodwork in every room ca.i have a fin ish that’s smooth as plas tic. cieanable as china ware, beautiful as polished ivorv! . o.^ir WATE«*.! i QvAnT S7Jt GALICK «•W «* ■* -«y ■ WWW» * V GORGFGUS LIVING RC9MS, DINING ’OOMS, NFOROOMS JR ■ >' HOMES FARMS BUSINESS Such glorious coior. ------ coior! Such magic ease! And only 13.79 a Eti»!!-»"»! No wonder Kem-Tone is America's most popular flat wall paint! a r;M&f Wit A 'CASS/ ’395 AV pvssf ffC sor^m f (12x20) Wcil-constructed government buildings in sizes up to 20 x 48 ! Easy terms for qualified buyers. Investigate... only a limited number available. QUICKHOME SALES ‘ * * . CO. See sample building at N. Interstate k at Shaver 3 3971 N Intento*«, Cem*, Shover • TU 3917 In Portland. Ore I L KEM ... a few rays work, add a little trim and your basic building can look like this . .. Open Doily ahd Ivnday -Friday te #30 7 M 1 OIL A ill OIE FBATI- t ÍA W.IH SrtCJU C1SIWS ter eitra 4 rabMty. I*it'«< 1 * R. L. Elf^trom Co SALEM