Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, MARCH SI. 194» was necessary to call Cor help before bined business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Sarah Cookingham moved on she could be released. Mr and Mrs. E. L. Roye arid Imo Monday to Salem. Mrs. Cookingham recently purchased a new home there- gene visited Monday with friends in Bv EVA BRESSLER She ha; X d in th .-.Methodist pat- Coos Bay. The Ctft Scouts held a pack meet s nage her« »’nee Mr. Cookingham’s The Women’s Club held an all-day ing an 1 court of honor at Rebekah death last Sep.ember. meeting at the home of Mrs. Roy hall Fi day evening. A pot luck sup- There will be a card party at the Huber Thursday. The time was spent | pe- preceded the meetong. The Cubs Grange hall Saturday evening, April quilting, and a pot luck dinner was displavedl a_ table of handiwork and 2, sponsoied by the PT A. Proceeds served at the noon hour. 1 presente a” skit wi tten by Dens 1 will go towaid 4-H scholarships for Mr. and Mrs. Whiter Hilton and and 3. Eric Soderberg, assistant ex- summer school in Corvallis. sons Jerry and Tommy are on a I ecutive of tlhe Cascade Scout District, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Widen of Salem week's vacation. Hilton is agent at j gave a short talk and presented sev were week end guests at the home the SP depot and a relief man is eral films. A -merit badge was given of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carr. The substituting for him. ! Harvey Grimes. Second class awards gioup motored to Marion Forks and ' were given Floyd lengascher, Ronald reprted its f snow there yet. | Lengascher, Ark> Ashley, Donald Mrs. Calvin Trahan and infant j Olmstead and Richard Baltzer. daughter came hme from the Salem By JEAN ROBERTS Memorial Hospital. Attending the union high school Miss Esther Blum of Mehama is Faith Rebekah Lodge/held its meeting at the hall with Helen Mc Lyons schoolhouses following their meeting Thuisday night at Gates Clurg an.if fiances McCarley p e business meeting- In the newly cn- from the Elkhorn section were Mr. siding. 'The regular routine of busi [soliilated district there are 80 ( uptls and Mrs. Bill B.ckett, Mr. ard Mrs. Ike Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ro ness was carried out. Ethel ’Ioffman enrolled in 4-H clubs. berts. was installed as inside guardian to Forming a union highschool which Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson are the replace Lois Myers who was unable Ito take office. For the good of the ) parents of a boy born at the Salem would include the Elkhorn district, order Jean Roberts gave a shrt talk. Memoiial Hosiptal Sunday. This is was under discussion. The community telephone line that At the sc al hour Ethel Hoffman their third child, first son. Mrs. Pat Lyons spent last week at has been down for several months , Laura Neal and Genevieve Johnson entertained and served dainty re the home of her daughter and son- was repaired last week by Bill Bick freshments at the close of the meet n-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor ett, Lou and Jake Myers and John Payton. ..ear Waldport. ing. Work has begun on a playshed fo' M.. and Mrs. Laurence Walwo-rth left Friday for California on a com- the Elkhorn school. Carl Longneckvr employed in the home of Mr. and has been hired to erect the building. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Myers attended Mrs. Alex Muzechenko. M:. and Mrs. IE. J,. Roye and a community dance given at the San- daughter Imogene were Saturday eve ' tiam Grange hall Friday night. A ning guests at the Everhardt resi i good time was had by all. BE GOOD Attending lodge in Lyons from dence in Silverton. Mrs. Sid Grugget of Newport was here Wednesday night were Mrs. Ray TO YOURSELF at the home of her daughtei and son- Roberts, Mrs. Bill Bickett and Mrs. AND ENJOY in-law, Mi*, and Mrs. Paul Penning Ike Myers. Most of the Elkhorn community ton, over the week end. THE BENEFITS Mr. and Mrs. Grover Beriy of Kim attended last rites held in Salem Sat OF GOOD HEALTH berly, Minn., aie visiting at the home urday morning for their frioend and We specialize in the treatment neighbor, E Sischo. of his brother, George Berry. of rectal disorders. At the social night of the Farmers Mrs. Voleen Shields of Salem vis No Hospitalization ited with her sisters, Mrs. Minnie Union at Mehama Friday ¡light were No Loss of Time Smith and Mrs. Catherine Lyon, at Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bickett, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longnecker, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. R. Reynold* Clinic theii home here. Mrs. Don Brotherton is suffering Jake Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myers, Naturo-Proctologist iwith a badly bruised arm, caused in The evening was spent playing cards. 218 N. Liberty. Salem, Ore. a washing machine accident Monday morning. Her arm was drawn into the wringei as far as her elbow. It LYONS Elkhorn STAYTON the ‘ù'JæjJ Ü7ÜÄ11 \s HOT WAT£R URGENTLY NEEDED! LISTINGS OF REAL ESTATE A^èstîn^îiouse AUTOMATIC WASHER F?r Itsi Measures water to the size of the load. All you do is set a dial. Need Help on Your INCOME TAX? ■ j* If you had more than one em ployer in 1948, you may be en titles to refund on social secur ity tax. Consult— Look at these Features! Ow/y Laundromat has them I V A L r«ONT—N o awkward bending or stooping when loading or unloading washer ... the loading shelf is a time and work saver. iNCiiNfo aasvir ka ment over all known washing meth ods. Inclined Basket gives a was! - ing action that isamsrimdy efficient. ssif-ciiA: inc has no lint trap. Wash and rir-e waters keep in'erior sparkling desn. V^^tfstirghouse MILL CITY STORE OPEN TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS PHONE 1884 •- io APPLIANCES -SERVICE M1LL CITY ' TUNE IN TEO VAIONI . WHITE Phone 3408 Mill City Notary Public SINGH DIAL CONTSOl All opera tions performed automatically: Startin-, stopping, filling, water temperature, washing, rinsing damp-drying. PORTER & LAL’ RADIOS C. S l A'IIING INSTALLS ANYWürr.Z! Uo balfirg fo Floor... No Vitral.on! X a , every me»«*». •: a I Rroaduiau I i B--------- P453 COURT 2-4565 | There 11 Be No Crosswords When You Put Your Reliance in - - ACROSS name o) fine freezer sold at Broa ’. I, One of the best houses for ap way Appliance. pliances. (Supplier.) 24 The price <T this ite.n is down 6 Centuiy Plant. (Plural.) and you can ’teep 100 pi-unds n 9. Coffemaker that uses a glass s n rProadway Appliance ireeiur rod filter. fur greater saving! II. The opposite of the beginning. 2G. IV here usable rainfall is col 13. The opposite of off lectx:. (A natural.) 14. The toy train that Junior and 28 }-.e**nt tense of w*i, his papa want to plav with You 29. Go- Broadway Appliance get it at Broadway Appliance. I . is n . “if,” "and" “b.-f 18 A fine ironer and a fine wash about the saving. ing machine, bo h found it Bro id ’ll. 1 i iish version of mans n.>u’*. way Appliance. (Brand nine.) 33. A cold Alaska town, limos' as l’J. No rich. But then •» • ’t gold as a York *ree*er. need to be to zhop at B oadw.iv 34 Ihs peak. Word meaning fin Appliance. est, highest. Just like the appl - 21. hit ala of the first p eaident a rice of the same name of the United Ltates. 23. Combination with “Krai" for Mill City LAUNDROMAT in a Trade-Mark. Ro*.. U.S. Pat. Off. Phone us and make ar rangements to see the Laundromat wash a load of your clothes. IT'S FREE. 4» IMPLEMENT COMPANY —Homes for sale or rent —Business property, buildings and sites —Vacant lots —Small acreages 10 gaJans of waler -------- ------------- * easy, conv Hieing way I JUST EAST OF GATES •» -sas- and PHYSICIAN & SURGEON that saves up to *280*» Cltfl Ambers San tiam Hardware D. W. Reid MD W’lER Wffi OK TNI SUUP-lM STfH IRAK ,Mission JfrYnrk.v.vv, Fine Cosmetic* and Prrfumes Gift* for Men and Womrn 50 Cents up KAY COLBURN. Distributor Mill City, Oregon Studio 200 feet West of Furniture Store Telerhone 2606 for appointment M aples * LUZIER’S Stayton INCLUDING: 1 I •---------------" THE All officers and member* who wish transportation for OES district meet ing in Stayton Tuesday night. Aptil 5, please call Fern Shuey, or meet it Odd Fellows Hall, 7 o’clock. FROM MEHAMA TO GATES. WITH THE FAMOUS (»299« j) Mr. and Mr*. Bill Bickett and fam ily and Mr. a J . l.j. Ray Roberts -pent Sunday e*tem<x>n di wing smelt front the Sandy River near Troutdale. The river is very deep and the current swift; fish were not as plentiful as in previous yean. The ones that are caught are of good quality, large and firm. *'•*•*' Mds».. . A*C IWinit MILL CITY FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS STAYTON PLUMBING CO. OREGON. LTD. ROBERT SKINNER. Proprietor Blue 118B R«s *28« STAYTON f Quality Repair Parts '* fxp«rt Werkmonskip We Sell and Install CRANE Service Station C. E. ‘Pink- Mason. Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE* BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISHING TACKLE Otto Russell INSURANCE Agency Fire * Auto Life Accident Phone 1502 Detroit I DOWN store you’ll find the most amazing 2. Last naftie of appointee froi’i variety. the United ifitates to the Vat can. 16. When you get this way you Also Brand name of apartment appreciate the ease that Broadway site washing machine at Broad Appliances give. (Comparative.) way Appliance. 17. Never say this to Broadway 3. He. (Italian) Appliance. 4. Not ye*. 18. Folding beds. 5. Initial* of famous electrical ap 20. Constellation. Boy-friend of pliance house well represented at Diana. Broadway Appliance. 22. The brand name of the best 7. What children should be. What electric house-heating unit*. the great appliance* at Broadway 24. Slight. Appliance are. 25 First name of Tolstoi’s Ksie- 8. What this puzzle really i*. nina. 9. A lady’s powder-case. Also the 27. The Piper’s Son who stole a name of a fine vacuum cleaner at Broadway Appliance. P'g 28. This general has just been re 10. What is not off. 12. What designers call the new called to Washington from a New York university. fashions. Initials.) 32. With ’’V” meaning “big shots” 15. ------ the Broadway Appliance ANSWERS TO LAST WEEK’S PUZZLE NO. 3