MILL CITY EN ,'ERPRISE, MARCH 31. 1919 ___ of _ ____ Sunday. líe .» the brother ltrs, | man. i man. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rupp of Klamath, Fkiok. Mis. W. B Shuey is spending the | Calif., returned to Mill City this week Mr. and Mrs. Arey Pordahaky, Bert latter part of this week in Astoria with her daughter, Dorothy. Also Alien and Mr. and Mrs. George Vete- visiting in Astoria at the same time to attended a folk dance rehearsal in Scio Sunday. is Dr. David James Ferguson. Mrs. Alvin F land er» and »ons, La- Mr. and Mis. J. R. Johnson ar» the parents of a boy bom March 27 at Roy and Densus, of Eugene, a.e vis the Salem Deaconess Hospital, Mrs. iting her siter, Mrs. Bill Caswell, and Johnson is in isolation with the mea family. sles so Mr. Johnson has not been able Mr. and Mrs. Dean Foi test of Reed- ley, Calif., are new residents of Mill to see either his wife or son. Sam Jurgenson has been trans- City, living on Rt. 1, Lyons. Mr. For- fe. red from the Salem Memorial Hos rest is employed by Byers Construc pital to the Barnes General Veterans tion Co. Mrs. BUI Caswell has returned Hospital in Vancouver, Washington. . from Lowieton. Idaho, after taking His condition is quite serious. Martin Jepson has purchased the her mother, Mrs. Emma Jesse, to her home of Mrs. C. C. Morrow. Mis. home. Mrs Jesse visited in Chicago, Morrow has purchased a home in Portland, Eugene and Mill City, ac companied by her daughter, Mrs. Al Lebanon where her sister resides. Mi. and Mrs. Leon Hageman of vin Flanders, of Eugene. Mrs. Anne Dawes is working tem Spokane, Washington are are living in Mill City now. Mr. Hageman is porarily at the Red and White store employed by Curtis Dietz of Stayton. in the absence of R. L. Faust who Mrs. Cloyd Moodbaugh of Milwau- is in a Portland hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun were in kie visited her brother, Etmo Earl Smith and her sister Mrs. W. R. Car- Salem Monday on business. Also in Salem shopping was Mrs. Lawrence ter over the weekend. The Mill City Public Schools were Kanoff. Mrs. Billy McGhee had medical closed Thursday and Friday be cause of the Orego n Education Asso tention in Stayton Monday. Mr. and Mrs Byron Davis left ciation conference in Portland Miss Daisy Hendricson and Mrs. their cabin at Alsea Wednesday Charles Wolverton spent a few hours a few days Having dinner with the Frank Bla in Sweet Home at the Dave Epps home Saturday. zeks Sunday were the Charles Wol- Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery vertons Grade cards were received by the and Ann spent the week end at the coast. Their cat spent the week •nd seventh grade pupils Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Feller and with the Wolvertons. Mrs Jack Colburn has been ill for family of Sunnyside were visiting I»er sirter, Mrs. Arthur Kriever, anti several days. Miss Daisy Hendricson ha3 been family Sunday. The older Campfire group enter- invited to spend her birthday Sunday at the home of Mrs. Vivian Hoenig teained their parents with a Swedish smorgasbord Wednesday evening. A in Salem. Mrs. Frank Blazek and Carol were i bib puippet show was given by the in Salem Wednesday for dental at group for its program. tention. Mr and Mrs Frank Smith and Do Miss Mildied Toman returned to lores visited relatives in Mill City Lewis and Clark University in Port over the week end Dolores spent the land after spending her spring vaca time with Betsy Kriever tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. NOT1CE TO CREDITORS Albert Toman. NOTICE HEREBY IS GIVEN that Mr. ami Mrs. James Rose of Port land have been visiting her motSiei, I have been, by the County Court of I Mrs. Albert Toman, for the past two ; Linn County, Oregon, Probate De weeks. They returned to Portland on [ partment, appointed administrator of Thursday, accompanied by Mrs. To- I the estate of Anna Margaret Diewald Steinhorn, deceased, and have qu-ali- erts, Sharon Stone, Janice Strick— I ler.the honored guest, Marvin, Mrs. . Virginia Robison, Mis. Luella Long Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arthur and fam fellow, Mr». Betty Meinert, Mrs. La ily of West Fir visited his parents, Donna Roberts, Mrs. Fem Stone. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Arthur Sunday. Jean Roberts, Mrs. Audtey Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Vanice and chil and the hostess, Mrs. Alice Farmen. dren, Janice, Karen, and Eddie of Kia- , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Veness, Car math Falls are new residents of Mill , ol and Shirley were Sunday dinner City living in the Ted Dorothy house guests of the Edison Vickers family Mr. Vanice is a truck and cat driver at Idanha. Virgil Cribbs suffered painful in and expects to work on the dam soon. A party was given Marvin Strick juries ab?ut the face Saturday while ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Strick working at his logging truck repair ler, on his second birthday, March 29, shop. Seven «fitches were taken at the home of Mrs. Alice Farmen. by Dr. Jack Reid. James Reed of Molalla was in Mill After much playing and romping a- round, refreshments were served to City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sims of Leb Ellen Longfellow, Mark and Claik Meinert, Lynn Robison, Dennie Rob- anon visited at the George Flook's The Mill City Enterprise Mdl City, Oregon. Charles Wolverton, Editor and Publia her Elsbeth Wolverton, Business Manager Entered as second-class matter November 10, 1944 at the post office at Mill City, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. ENTERPRISE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ads received by Wednesday noon will run in the regular classified section and those received later up to 10 a. m. Thursday will run in the "Too Late to Classify" section. Errors in advertising should be reported immediately. The Enterprise will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. CLASSIFIED RATE One insertion for 50c or three insertions for $1.00. Display advertising 40c inch ! z iP Í R I AT I 0 N OREG] P U BLI S T''' fled. All persons having claims ag Dated this 3'lst day of March, 1949. ainst the estate of said decedent here August Steinhorn by are required to present them, with Administrator proper voucheis, to the office of Wal Atty, for Administrator ter H. Bell, Stayton. Oregon, within W. H. Bell, Atty. six months for the date hereof. Stayton, Oregon TOY & HOBBY SHOP 163 N. Commercial Phon* «88 Salam JENKINS HARDWARE SELLS a wide variety of time-tested, washing nationally known and advertised appliances, including machines, steel kitchens, electric refrigerators, home freezers— and guarantees the ptupet installation of them in your house. TnH .1 hl! .......................................... U141U.IU i IIMUUIII i U1JMMU.UH Illi Illi llll’UI UU1U. Ill IliriUI «UMMUU.iauUlHII)iniUIIIUI •I'THWIW We have very attractive terms on all major appliances Come in andjet us explain them to you ROUND-THE-CLOCK HOT WATER SERVICE M < PÜ ...with the NEW UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC WATER HEATER! Here’s the kind of low-cost hot water service you’ve always longed fort All the hot water, always at the same temperature for every home purpose . . . any hour of the night or day . . • with the brand new UNIVERSAL Electric Water Heater. A turn of the faucet opens a new world of thrifty hot water luxury ... with baths just as you like them . .. refreshing shaves and showers in a jiffy. It cuts your dishwwshing in half . .. lightens your house* work ... helps you Jo your laundry faster . .. better, more easily I io Year Warranty i UNIVERSAL i V_____ /1 1 ' SR . •»> * ... V sS ■ —- C/2 Q O t—I Ci M L M o s ’■ hl -< 2 o gives added protection "“‘T ~ td O Ü Written 10 year warranty *♦1 s _. . .. mations 7/' FREES '/OU FROM "OVEN WATCHING"! CAY hello to brand new cooking leisure w ith a new Universal "Speedliner” . . . the completely automatic Tru-Pake frees you from "oven watching” . . . ccoks complete meals by itself. And the new Super-Heat Thrift units plus the new extra Large Economy Cooker combine to make the ' "spoolliner" the fastest-cooking, easiest to-usc electric ran; ■ ever! Sec the new Universal 'Sj<iedliner” today! Only UNIVERSAL HAS All Three Features IXTSA Z COOAIS. l*«6C ICONOMT mure i «>«! tor «hole termly Cooks. 7 Zt SUVtS HfAT THS'rt VNir» WITH " hvph : at cON’eoi Wj TSU-S? f mth ■ Will W Vf N • AUTOMATIC ut v. > íat , CStN Lire