•< MILL CITY EVTERl’RlljR, MARCH 24. 194» FOR SAliE—20 a., ft rm. mot homer • 2 rm. guest house, garage, outbuild­ ings half mile N. Santiam riverfront, Ma aad Mot U mk Klutfe BUYING AT HOME SPELLS PROGRESS FOR THE CANYON « just off Highway 222. 6 wrings. Id­ i v* RENT — Furnwbed ajwrtir.vot eal for motel, retort, home. $9600. sous, ac».v*,y ay sitting. 75c age. Mil City. T. E. Baker 1 see Pat Wolverton or Wilma Howe.* HAVE an army barrack, 20 ft by 64 per hour or $2 for night. Inq. at En­ W. of Hilltop Store. 1* ft., good material. Can be made into terprise. 3 FOR ANY kind of brick work and fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New NEED A TELEPHONE?—Come in 4 apts., or for tavern, cafe, pool hall WANTED—carpenter to finish house or repair. F ee estimate. Tel 1171, and ses the new Stromberg-Carlson or club. Gable roof. Will install it near Gates in exchange for ref... Ca­ ^ater^SySem7 John ’»’.Hanna, Silvertop, Rt. 3 * de k telephone. Ijighest quality and an_ywhere and will finish it as per Sheet Metal bin beside Gates school. House for approved for your local phone ser­ your request. Write C. H. Cass, c-o Burners Water Softeners OH 3 Don’t Borrow, Subscribe! 1 rent Inq. at Enterprise. vice. At Stifflei’s Radio & Appliance Major Baughn, Detroit, Ore. JUDSON’S «MiwiHU.iiuiniiiiiiiiiiMnuiiMiiiiiiwiwiiiM iiii-imiia mi »ffluuumiminciiiiu Phone 902 Mill City Plumbing * Hooting FOR SALE—2 lg. butane brooders, I Iton’t Borrow, Subscribe! “Service Anywhere” practically new. Bargain. Clyde Ro­ hkkk wick « 45 floods last year, ä * HAY FOR SALE or trade for cattle gers. bringing with them misery and 3 Tel. 3-1414 279 N. Commercial suffering Again thia yesr, thou­ I Salem, Oregon —Paul Homer 9* AGENTS make big money selling sands will need housing, medical I Attorney at Law care, food, and long-term rehabil­ BOY!! Have >e Got “IT’! Plastic Tablecloths, U. S. Patented itation. And, as always, your Red What?? Plastic Aprons, Magic Combination Real Estate & Insurance A 'bany 31b Broadalbin Croea will lie there. Mat year, Canyon Property of Purse and Shopping Bag. Also iHlillUillllHItllimiaNllilltMMM Í uiiwruiiHMmtiiHiui through your Red Croaa, you STAYTON To buy or sell—see “The Women” other items. Sell on sight. Samples gave relief in 30.3 disasters . ., as­ free. Shneider Products Co., 83 At­ sisted over 312,400 persons. PENNICK & PENNICK lantic Ave., Revere, Mass. 1 Phone 702 I FOR SALE or trade-'-Young New RELIABLE high school girl for baby Zealand bucks * sitting. References if desreid. Wanda Dan Morrison, Gates'. Haney, Ph. 2051. • FOR SALE—1945 Universal trailer WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid house. 26’, 3 rm. very good shape, el. batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- refrig., oil heat, propane range. Can Stiffler lite and lantern batterie«. be seen at Chandler’s Texaco. High­ Radio and Appliance Store. way 99E & Calapooia st, Albany, Tel A GOOD aelection of linoleum yard- 150-R, or write R. C. Lund, Gen. Del. 4 age, 6 and 9 ft. widthi«. 95c per *q. Albany. --$1825. PHONE S452 yd. Mill City Furniture Co. WANTED—U> iP^iano in good con­ FOR SALE — Mod. 5 rqfr house. dition. G. L. Stefl^, P. O. Bx 421, 4 near Hilltop. Stanley Walczak. ... 1 Mill City. Í I ■«APE IN DETROIT Home-seekers Agency Specials Silverton, Oregon Baldwin’s DXV1S Canyon Club \Vants and Sales Faces of Disaster You, too, con help through Your RED CROSS GIVE HOW HARLOW L. WEINRICK Geo. H. Bell Tex’s Tavern SANT I AM GARAGE A friendly family atmosphere prevails Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON,OREGON Capital Drug Co Salem, Oregon ptESCRlPTtOWS THE KI n ST HOME TOWN FOLKS ro»rr n tut ñéñPj TWO- You, too, can help through Your RED CROSS GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING a prescription in your purse or pocket, your first thought is for safety. V >u * ant accuracy, competence, fresh potent drugs. But, you also sunt that prescription com- pounded at a fair price. Be­ cause our business is built on just such a sound basis, we cor­ dially insite you to try us on yoai Doctor a next prescription. rnf T j - ' PL OP ,f 1 *4 A BCT - ■«••»Mir’. KING’S “TEEN-AGERS’ DANCELAND” MOBIL-MINUTE- FREE COFFEE IZ I VT f 1 ’ Q TO TRUCK DRIVERS 111 U 0 MAN SERVICE 3 MILES WEST OF MILL CITY — HI WAY 222 EXPERT autn and home radio ser­ FOR SAL£—Oil coMr stove, $75 66 4 vice. 20 years experience, all makes, See John Muir. vruaranteed service. SCIO BARGAIN CENTER—Pk28FC Stiffler's Radio and AppiaMce 2 blocks S. of Bridge on Main St. Beds, Chaits,-Taffleiv. PlumMfflt Fix ’ CITY OF MILL CITY, ORE. Near Detroit dam, wants diversified tures, HeatfnJT anff Cooking Stoves. Many other items. Come in and look industries, large and small. Sites, la­ around. We Buy, Sril t Trite?« • 4* bor, utilities available. Write for bro­ chure. Chamber of Commerce, Mill LOST—Brindle Boston terrier, MboW5 ' City, Ore. * 5 mos. old. Call 1241 or Hathaway’s Garage. 2*'' List your hornea and farmi with me. Have caeh buyers. Mill City, Gates, FOR SALE—hsd stead , springs, 2.50; Detroit, Lyons. Radiol a console, $10. Kitchen cabinet DAVID M. REID. REAL ESTATE with gl«M doors. Mm KenrteTh HiU,' 1 1-2 nd. E. of Miimfy. 2 IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab­ by have it recovered, modernized and CAR TRAIIJCR for sale—16” tiree. made like new. Mail us a card giving bed. $30. Lae Ba.vseit,' at Mt. States exact location and I will call with Power office. 4 1 camples and give free est.mate of •out. Truck and auto seat« rerevered. SMALL AMOUNT of timber, Mme Pickup and delivery free. C. E. Hen-1 houae logs, sotne saw logi ia ex­ ■ sley, 604 N. l*rt st., Silverton. Phone change for building road about he- quarter mile. Anyne interested see .115«. Frank Rada. Ph *». «HlCJtf. 4 NURSERY STOCK-See or eeH Tony Dea’t bom*. Sabaetibel Moravec. Berry and poultry farm, Rt. 1. Bx 242. Stayton, Ph. 1483. about your Wash. raspt»erry and Varybest blueberry plants. Ask for price list.* WANTED! Chevrolet Owners-this isthc opportunity you’ve been waiting for. So take advantage of it while you can WANTED Dependable man or worn en as local representative on per­ manent basis to write new, stream­ lined hospitalization and health in­ surance, disability benefits, etc. High first commissions and liberal renew­ als. Experience preferable but not re­ quired as we will assist you. Write: Intermediate Division, Continental | Casualty Co., 329 SW Oak St., Port- ’ land. Oregon. 1* I ‘ 4 DosTt put thoee needed repairs off any longer. We have made it po«- nibte for rou to take care of thio neoesanry wve-k by paying a small amount each moath We are running a SPECIAL PRICE on motor repairs on Orvroieta only. Inaiali piston ring* Grind valves < lean and align oil pan Hum ent brami harps pe. All gaakrta S quarta oil THIS INCLUDES ALL THE ABOVE LISTED PARTS AND LA BOR FOR ONLT 95 DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Don’t forget te aak ab out our budrot plan. 11« N«wth Comrarctel Ph. J-J175 Salem. Orogen