MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, MARCH 24, 1949 . side it the trees become individuals. and all other markets for wood in Usually they aie young, a growing town, will provide a new view and 1 crop. How is the crap to be managed an important one, of trees as a mon to bring the most dollars' per year ey crop. ' with the least loss to the farm wood Car Stakes Are Trees. Another view of the kind may be land unit? | This is the key question, the heart had along any railroad in the nation. of the forest problem of the whole Watch the freights joll fty. More TREES ARE TWO BY FOURS neighbor, everybody. The easiest way to see the maiket This is true if you are thinking country, the question on the big in open cars of lumber are to be seen Modern lumber at the two by four (2” x 4”) and of tfoe tree crop of the gieat national dustrial frest unit as on the farm than ev erbefore. think what it means to you, your forest, or of trees on a large indus woodland unit. To put it another handling machines will load a flat trial tree farm, or of wood that’s way: how can we give and take at car in less than 30 minutes, and at many yards similar machines will un | the same time in the timber? growing on the ‘‘back foity.” Timber Ci*op in Town load the car in jigtime. Ther ’ s an old saying “ One cannot Jacob Spaniol & Son Lumber loaded by hand in boxcars One way is to take a trip to town see the forest because of the trees.’’ TINNERS There are 462 million forest acres in 'and go through the yard of a retail is held in by the car’s sides. Open and the United States, and about 139 mil lumber dealer. Stop by the bins or cars of lumber need car stakes, and PLUMBERS lion of them are the tree crops on stacks of two by fours. See them as car stakes grow in trees. They can ’the young trees, the new crop on a be made on the farm to better all STAYTON, ORE. millions of farms. Study that for a minute, and you back forty that was logged 60 years round advantage than they can be •» ;g| sawed at high cost in the sawmill.' will agree that often one cannot see ago. See the car stakes as trees on the One bin of two by fours will be the forest because of the figures, Need Help on Your smooth and bright and: show few farm, and see the trees in the wood ’either. Even that wooded forty on the knots. Another will have two by land as traveling tree.*, each a flat- INCOME TAX? Thus, money grows in farm is only a scene of dark stems fours that’hre rough and tough, knot- car stake, If you had mare than one em ty and pitchy, bark often showing, , trees, and gree tops from a distance. In- ployer in 1918, you may be en white-pocket, and otherwise hard on I The more money that is seen in titles to refund on social secur- the eyes. All of these blemishes are J trees the more they will be valued. ity tax. Consult— not to be found on every two by four i Dvn’t Borrow, Subscribe! in the bin, of course. But each has VAL C. W HITE smething that rates it as low grade. Between the two bii^, are other Phone 3408 Mill City grades of .J wo by fours. See them Notary Public as the trees back on the fa: m C, E. ‘Pink’ Mason, Prop. one item of relationship after SHELL PRODUCTS other will come to mind. 16 Inch Old Growth AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES The first bin represents the best ZENITH TIRES wood of the tallest, biggest anti strongest trees in the woodland. Each FISHING TACKLE of the other grades can be seen in ttTe shapes of the diffeiences in a Bill Hutchinson. Lyons, Kt. 1 a—aaa stand' of trees and in the differences of »he wood in any sin; I tree as they go from clean lower trunk to *the tap with its dense limbs, aach branching from a “knot” in the trunk. | Other questions follow: how many of the larger trees can be taken from the woodland To yield the high grade of two by fours ghat bring the best ‘price; how many of the poor trees , in the woodland can be cleared out to yield lower grades, at prices above ■ what such items as fuelwood and fenceposts will bring; and how much 1 of all may be taken without injury to the remaining crop? | Tlie -wise forest owner of course looks even further, thinking f tak- tak ing from the woodland in ways to give it more growing space for the crowded trees. A trip through the lumber yard. MILL CITY Service Station Santiam Hardware WOOD as special guests. Mrs. Al Yankus and Ray, Mrs. Ro bert Veness and Shirley drove to Lyons Wednesday morning to visit and observe the kindergaiten class which is under the direction of Mrs. Charles Power. The Mill City Par- ent-Teacher Assn, is planning to sponsor a kindergarten here in the fall. Miss Zeta Prichard’s second grade class, which won the recent room con test for the largest percentage of fathers at the PT A fathers night program, was given a party Thurs day afternoon in the recreation room. Games were played and refreshments served. Mrs. John £uir and! Mrs. Ro bert Veness were in charge. St. Pat rick’s day theme was used. The junior class of the high school was given a wiener roast Monday evening at the outdoor fireplace of Mrs. Rosa Daly. Despite rain and threatening weather which soon cleared, a number came out. Mrs. Muir and Mrs. Veness were in charge with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rugh ¡MHk fëétt&i'Tï/wad' FOR THE SAME Stayton NORTH SANTIAM TAUF7.N You can’t stop my paper now. The ‘events in the Canyon make youi 'pa per like a Western serial—each is sue a little more exciting. Keep up your fearless editorials for the betterment of Mill City. E L. RADA ! D W. Reid MD I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON H ZELPHA GROVER Bookkeeping and IncomeTax Service OFFICE in New Theatre Bldg. Telephone Blue 114-R STAYTON, ORE. Stop and shop at Mill City State Bank 'The Little French and IMPLEMENT COMPANY To the Editor: pforlatest fashion in coats suits and dresses I Í Pay one-half, charge ooa-half 115 N. High St SALEM Mill City, Oregon A Home Bank,Owned and Managed by Home People. Established in 1919 AU Depositors Insured up to IMM.M Under the Terms of ttm Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Firs and Automotive Insurance Notary Public. »rmn itr-r— ) One Mile Cast of l»et««it Jewel Myers, Mgr. Otto Russell INSURANCE Agency Fire Auto Life Accident YOUR YOUR Phone 1502 b M n I N G BABY BEEF FOR LOCKERS Detroit Buy on. c’uar,of.0Op‘\ Tru-Lit. at Prk* of Only 1.64 Ms re's your chance to pvt mw color into your homo ot a real saving I Simply come into ovr store, buy one quart of luetrovs Royse« Tru-Uto fnamel at regular price pot second quart for only 1« additional. Ten glorious pastel shades ... easy to handle ... dries over night to a beautiful gloss ... won't chip . .. washable a« a china dish. i BUY HOW h THtsi SPECIAL SALE PRICES ind SAVE Mill City Meat Market MBl Freres Building Supply Co Building Materials of All Kinds Earl Smith, Mgr. PIANOS BIND 1NS1RI VESTS INSTR! MENT REPAIRING ACCORDION LESSON’S Jacquith Music Co 13« N. High St. SALEM Stavton KELLY Lumber Sales Co II. A. Schroeder Repair Shop * Black smith, ng * Welding * Logging and Repairing. Retail Division ACT NOW! BLOCK WEST OF TH EATER 4 Russell Kelly, Mgr This offer good only while supplies lost!