MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, MARCH 24. 1949 Dr. Roy Fedje of Salem was in charge of the «m irr.'ng se -ice at the Lyons Methodist Church Sunday due to the illness of Rev Quirin. Mr. and Mr... Paul Cookingham of Poitland were Sunday afternoon vis ¡tors at the home of his mother, Mrs. Sarah C \ ngham. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elmer and son Gale of Albany visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hiatt. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in Brownsville for the in­ fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ram- mie Martell, born Friday at the Le­ banon Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bas e‘t spent the weekthe week end with r -’atives :n Lyons and Mill City. Dale, who is a student at OSC, will his vacation in this vicinity. The Altar Society sponsored a St. Patrick party at R<.b"kah Hall cn Cards were in Thursday evening, play. About 60 attended. Students from OSC spending their spring vacation at their homes are Imogene Roye, Bi'’y I’rchard Dale Bassett, Duane anil Juanita Downing and Willard Berry. lucheon was serve«!, followed by sev- I eral tables of 500. High honors went to Mrs. George Huffman, second to Mrs. Earl Allen, low to Mrs. Roy Br EVA BRESSLER Mrs. Herman Free was hostess foi Huber, and Mrs. Pat Lyons drew the afternoon card club with the par­ the traveling prize. Present besides ty held in her home. A 1:30 dessert were M**sdames Orville Downing, Bob Fiee, Arthur Olmstead, Albert Bass. /L a Francis Jungwirth, Bert Lyons, Per­ cy Hiatt, Sam Bridges and the hos­ tess. LYONS Mountain 'View, Calif Far Away Planes Perry Como Lavender Blue Sammy Kaye Cuanto la Gusta Eve Young Down by the Station Tommy Dorsey By the Way Perry Como More Beer Andrews Sisters Who Tommy Dorsey Oattle Call Eddy Ai nold Blue Yodel No. 4 Bill Monroe Glenn Miller Album Vol. I Down Memory Lane Vaughn Monroe Mrs. Otto Weidman was hostess for the Lyons extension unit at her üome Friday when the unit met for an all day session. A study of Nor­ way was scheduled tor 11 a.m. with Miss Betty Jean Patterson giving a wonderful talk A Scandinavian smor­ gasbord luncheon featured the noon hour, f ollowing the business meeting in the afternoon Miss Putterson gave an interesting demonstration on the use pf bi oilers. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Chamberlain spent Thursday and Thursday night in Halsey at the home of his sister Mrs. Averill. C. W. McCall was injure Wednes­ day at his job at the Fieres-Frank mill. He was taken to a SSlem hos­ pital. Mr. and Mrs. George Huffman and daughters Janice, Janet and Jeanette were Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard in Eugene. The occasion honoted the Hubbards on their wed­ ' “First With What You Want Most" ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Corbett of Salem COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE were Sunday dinner guests at the Radio, Washer Refrigerator and home of Mr. and Mrs. Cly«h> Bress­ Electrical Appliance ler. M s. Corbett is a sister of IIr. Mill City 1884 Stavton 215 ■■MeMnatrMMMMtaMtaMmwMwzBRMaMM Bressler. By Jack & Ted AifX SLOW OP. YOU Ï- T D eposited Ysoa - on wANf-teoa* > A NEW CAR. BUT I \ i S upe . w#prs\ DON'T WRNTRNT ' k J’ re of al ? ) NÍY1 CAM NOW -- , AFTER SüííiS^ STRIKED MY OLD CUNTI I WOVCOR’Y mavì ANIW ONC' L \ ¿ DIS 791’ LalOP IT? YOUR WATCH I Has it met with an acci­ dent? Is it not keeping good time? I Bring it to B A K E R ’ S Mill City Jewelry Where modern methods and genuine factory replacement are installed by a skilled watchmak­ er — means prompt, efficient ser­ vice and a dependable timekeep­ er. SILVER SADDLE SERVICE STATION TRAILER COURT IN CONNECTION Phones: Plant 3461t; Office 39408 1405 N. FRONT ST. SALEM The Whole Town is Talking About MAYFLOWER A Friendly Place I the Extra Rich Premium Ta While Away "Mk Your Idle hours CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Every Lord’s Day Bible School 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Young People’s Meeting 6:30 Evening Worship 7:30 Tom Courtney, Pastor fir YOUR DOOR — OR — AT YOUR STOR£ Richards Tavern GATES CHURCH OF THE LATTER ., DAY SAINTS Sunday. 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall FREE METHODIST CHURCH “The Church of the Light and L Hour" Sunday school 10:00 Morning Worship 11:00 Young People’s Service 7:00 Evening Worship 7:30 Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30 Donald Hinkle, Pastor North Side Arthurs Cafe A friendly place to meet and eat. 24 HOUR SERVICE COMMUNITY CHURCH Rev. Wayne W. Watkins, Pastor Sufirl v School 10:00 Morning Worsmp 11:00 Evangelistic Service 7:45 Wed. Bib’ ’ Study 7:45 Chicken in the Rough Bill Dots in LICENSED PLUMBER Phone 2152 Store hours 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. ACETYLENE CARBIDE Salem Welding Supply Detroit, Oregon I BYRON DAVIS, PROP. CAPITAL Monumental Works “At^the Bottom of the Hill” J. C. JONES, Prop. MILL CITY Mero & National Apparatus Lincoln Electrodes & Machines Everything for Welding Information Center. 24 hours a day MILL CITY TAVERN OXYGEN Salem Heavy Hauling & Equipment Co. ÍVLRV- 1 PHONE HAI LING CATS. SHOVELS and HEAVY EQUIPMENT Mrs. Claud» Alexander of Kodiak Island, Alaska, who has been visit­ ing Mrs. Lula CrFIina for some time has rented the Tucker house which she will occupy this week. Mrs. Don Gessner was in Poitland from Friday till Sunday as a guest of her son, William Boaz, and at the home of a former girlhood friend and schoolmate, Mrs. Lewis Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Len Young, as en- tertainment for their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mulligan of Pine City, Minn., motored across the mounta'ns to Redmond ar.d Sisters. They nf for 20 years and has been in evan­ stopped at Suttle Lake. gelistic work the past four. Mr. and Mis Clyde Oliver were Donald Hinkle is pastor of the hosts Sunday at dinner in observance local church. of the 21st birthday of their son, Wil- FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Prelude; call to worship;doxology; invocation; gloria; psalter selection; hymn of praise; scripture; prayer; notices; offering; music by choir; sermon; hymn; postlude. Feb. 20—“When All is Lost, Sing.” Feb. 27 “Wanted: a Fighting Man. bcaps ! SALEM WART, the Speed Cop FOR HIRE Gates Church Activities Salem Lighting & Appliance Co. 236 N. High St. GATES COMMUNITY liam (Bill), a stu 'ent at OSC. Those honoring him were his paie':* , Miss CHURCH OF CHRIST 10:00 Jean Oliver of Salem. Mr. and M:s. Sunday School 11:00 Robert Oliver, Corvallis, Mr. and Morning Worship 6:30 Mrs. Ben WrigglevworL: , Mis Eve Christian Endeavor 7:30 Fich, of Salem, and Gerald Carison. Evening Worship Walter Smith, Pastor. n*iuuni» m an amauaisaiaiMU ■ nruairiai * lauiMmi i,aa «ai am*« iiiiHiiuimiiiiiiiniii!iiiKiuiiiiiliniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii«iiiiiiiii4iii'