Serving the .\rorth Santiam Valley The North Santiam’s Mill City Enterprise $2.60 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A CttPY MILL CITY. OREGON. THURSDAY. MARCH 24. 1949 VOLUME V. NUMBER 12 Looking Up City Council Rushes and Down Through Building Code the Canyon struction projects. The code ts not severe, merely re­ quiring oidinary good building stan­ Today we are laying the founda­ dards. tion for a Mill City that’s going to Concrete founations will be tlhe emerge during the next five years rule henceforth for dwellings a-n d as one of the most prosperous can­ business houses within the city lim­ yon towns in the state. And the town its. Certain sanitary codes murt be and its leadership is deseiving of the observed, and construction must be highest praise for the wise and sen­ done to pass fire pievention codes. sible way it has taken the develop­ A building permit system is set ments of recent months. up in the same ordinance. Filing coBt There is a real basis here for a is 50 cents, and a permit will cost future boom. Yet the town has wise­ $5 for tiie first $1000 valuation and ly avoided- the negative byproduct $1.50 per $1000 for buildings over of that state of affairs—speculation, that. skyrocketing land prices, foolish ven­ Certain structural requirement are tures. in the code concerning the strength On the contrary, land is still avail­ of joists, etc. able at fair prices for business and The ordinance is modeled after one residential requirements. The minor­ Mill City saw a new industry, up written by the League of Oregon i ity that has ridiculous pi ices set on in the air, last Sunday. Cities. property in the Canyon just isn’t get­ There were four planes, from Sil­ ting it sold. verton, part of them being used as Noted als as a healthy sign is the trainets at the Davis Airport east of building now being undertaken by lo­ here. At least six local people have cal people. Small home and apart­ begun flying lessons, which are be­ ment units are going up, business ing given Wedt^sdays, Saturdays, blocks are being built, an expression and Sundays by Ted Galbraith, Sil­ Bids for the remodeling and ad­ of real faith in the futuie. verton flier. dition for Gates high school gymna­ The residential area is widening Considerable work is in progress sium were opened by the board of and filling out. And current and pros­ at the local field. A power line, which directois Monday, with tbe Butler pective buildings for business are de­ might have been a hazaid to 1 ” Construction Co. of Salam low with veloping a real trading center, almost has been replaced with an un, | • $15,669. as if planned. ground cable, and a telephone line The board has planned for the job The great Detroit Dam will pro­ also will be buried at that point. to be done by the opening of the fall vide the spur to the development of Work will proceed, as soon as the term of school. the city. The new highway, scheduled weather permits, on the- new strip, Plans call for an addition to the for completion in early summer, will which need« further grading and present building of 20x80 feet and do much to hold the growth which seeding. The new strip connects al­ installation of a new heating system, comes in the dam building period of ongside the existing one, thus more dressing rooms, and showers. four or five years. than doubling the landing zone. But to make this growth normal Byron Davis, owner of the airport, and lasting, two main tasks remain. has purchased a trainer plane to add First, is attracting industry into the to his present flying equipment. Cany«1,«So ihf his equipment and was awaiting a fheport on the rock at the site. It passed a favorable gov­ ernment teat last week. Mr. Colgan is making his home in Mill City. x in his precise English, something of WITNESS CALLED IN CASE this nature: . OF SPOTLIGHT HUNTING “I like to nead about Mill City and | Bill Bi. kett. Elkhorn, was subpoe- I understand most of what is in the ned to appear in court Friday as a newspaper. However, I have looked i w tness against Bill Rciwrts of Aum» in my dictions y ffnd I canr->t find rill who is charged with spotlighting any such words as ETAOIN or deer on the Bickett property last fall. The case was postponed for the SHRDLU. Will you tell me what they third time. mean?" Price OK’d Agreement upon a price of $2400 for three to four acres of park land was made between the Santiam Lions Club and Consolidated Builders, Inc., contractors for tlhe $65,000,000 De- i From now on, it’s going to be the I troit Dam 12 miles above Mill City. By JEAN ROBERTS parent who will be penalised in the Al Bauer, general manager of the With the advent of spring, the delinquency of a minor. contracting concern, and a commit­ night hunter will again be on the The Mill City Council Wednesday tee of the Lions Club including Ro­ prowl. An honest citizen by day, but night passed an ordinance, following bert Veness, Albert Toman and Carl an illegal marauder at night the line of one passed recently in Kelly, negotiated the price of the Last fall, the buzzards circling a many Oregon cities, including Salem, tract this week. hundred feet from the Gates hill tes­ that holds a patent responsible for Agreement also was reached for tified to a night hunter’s careless aim child delinquency. the purchase of several small adja­ A big 4-point buck had been wound­ If parental neglect is the cause, cent tracts, one tbe home place of ed with a small caliber gun and left they must face the courts along with Leonard Herman, who agreed to sell to die. their children. virtually at cost to help get the home Not only do the wild creatures project here. suffer, but no one’s property is safe. ELECTRICAL FIRM TO LOCATE Coatly Homes Planned. One of Bill Bickett’s cows died last Robert Taylor, a former Mill City CBI representrtives have stated it year on his Elkhorn farm as the re­ resident, ha« arranged to establish is their intention to build homes in sult of a “spotlighter’s” bullett an electrical contracting business in the $8000 to $10,000 class, and to The year before a goat was killed. Mill City. He has several local con­ develop the entire area into a planned Why can't people realise that Il­ tracts at this time. He is from Leba section, with landscaping and other legal hunting only deprives everyone non. featubaa. of game that is rightfully his, and About 25 homes for key personnel can be had in abundance if the laws OUT OF HOSPITAL are to ba built. Company representa­ are obeyed? Mrs. John Young, one pf three in­ tive« said CBI elected to build per­ Educate your children to enjoy and jured in an automobile wreck last manent homes instead of temporary conserve the wildlife— a rich herit­ week above Detroit, was- released le- ones because they felt the resale val­ age! i cently from a Bend hospital, after a ue after they have completed the dam (Mrs. Roberts is Elkhorn corre«- few days Nervation. She tx^Rcts would he greater than cheeper con­ pondent of The Enterprise.) to return home sooji. struction and would well pay over She has been staying at the home what the extra cost might be. DETROIT COMMERCIAL CLUB of Harold Pugh in Bend. Mr. Pugh, Russell Hoffman, general superin­ ELECTS OFFICERS with John Young, were the others tendent of tffe job, has been in Mill Edison Vickers, upper Canyon bus­ injured and are making satisfactory City or the damsite most of the week inessman, was elected president of recovery. and other engineers have been assist­ the Canyon Commercial Club at its ing him in planning for the construc­ last meeting. BOY SCOUTS HOLD COURT tion procedures. Other officer« include, Ray John­ The Boy Scouts Monday night held Vince Palmer assisted by Carl Pal­ son, vice pi evident, Nolan Rasnick, court of honor and presented a pro- mier last week completed the spe< ■ secretary-treasurer, and Otto Russell gram here. Participants in the pro- I ifications on the clearing to be done and Len Davis, directors. gram included June and Lorena De­ at the damsite and the Cundey Creek vine, < Gates, Ernest Podrabsky, Don quarry area. The two tracts are about PLUMBING SHOP PLANNED Ficek and Kirk Wirick. Police Chief 140 acres, of which over 25 must be Clarence Nidhol, Silverton, recent­ J. T. King demonstrated the uses of grubbed. ly purchase prodperty in the Gates a respirator, a fund for which is now Six or more concerns had indicated section on Highway 222, for the er­ being sought. interest in bidding on the subcontract ection of a plumbing shop. The pro­ and the company will open bids this perty was owned by Al Haun of Mill 70 AT LYONS X-RAYED Friday at 3 p.m. City. Seventy persons took the ebast X- In the meantime very little hiring David M. Reid was the broker. ray examination when the county mo of workers has been done, although bile unit was in Lyons Thursday. hundieds of applicant« came here the COMMENCEMENT .SPEAKER Mrs. Geoge Huffman was local past week. Dr. Chester Hamblin, pastor of the chairman, and several women assist­ From Washington came news of First Presbyterian Church of Salem ed her. the approval by the House appropri­ and president of the Oregon Feder­ ations committee of the fund sought ation of Churches, has been selected CAR DAMAGED IN HIT- RUN by the Army Engineers for Dstroit as speaker for the Mill City high Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carleton had Dam in the fiscal year of 1949 *50. school commencement May 26. Mor­ their car badly damaged Thursday The full amount of the request-$11,- ton Boothe, Albany, a former Navy evening when struck by a hit-and-run 380,000 was approved. The deficiency chaplain, will give tbe baccalaureate driver when they were returning to appropriation of $2,000,000 for the address here May 22. their home in Fox Valley. No one