The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949, March 17, 1949, Image 1

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    Seri in g the North Santiam
The North Santiam’s
Mill City. Colts. Mon ¿old
Detroit and Idanha
Mill City Enterprise
Looking Up Kimmel Heads
and Down New Planning
the Canyon Commission
J, C. Kimmel was elected prseident
of the Mill City Planning Con.mis­
sion at its first meeting Wednesday
night at the City Hall.
Frank Rada was elected vice pres­
ident, and Earl Ragsdale, city recor­
der, was named secretaiy-treasurer.
Members of the commission include
Roy Bedbe, Neal Marttala, Arlo
Tuers, Lee Ross and Charles Wolver­
Mr. Rada, "Mr. Beebe and Mr. Mai-
ttala were appointed by Mr. Kimmel
to get data for a building code, first
project of the commission. As soon
as a satisfactory code can be written
it will be submitted to the city coun­
Problems of zoning and special as­
sessment financing of a paving pro­
gram were discussed, but members
felt that a building code was the most
urgent matter to prevent the erec­
tion of low-standard dwenning and
business buil.lings during the Detroit
Dam building period.
Mayor Harold Kliewer and Coun­
cilmen Robert Veness and Arey Po-
dratsky represented the city council
at the meeting.
C. A. McClure, engineer of the Sa­
lem Planning Commission, spoke at
the meeting, and advised no delay
in establishing safeguards against
undesirable additions to the town. He
agreed that a building code was a
prime necessity at this time.
Mr. Kimmel said the zoning prob­
lem would require lengthly study.
The Planning Commission will get
maps drawn of the town and sur­
rounding area, at least six miles east
and west, and shorter distances to
the north and south.
The building code, as proposed,
likely will contain a building permit
(2.00 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A ( •PY
MARCH 17, 1949
CBI Maps Dam Plans
It’s pretty hard to stop Ed Vickers
and Frank Wilson, upper Canyon
businessmen, once they get started.
Even all the hard luck two men
could have, about, hasn’t fazed them.
Several years ago work was begun
on a theater in Detroit. It burned
down before it could be finished. This
winter, with the heaviest snow ever
recorded, played havoc with the build­
ing they had erected in its place. The
roof was completely crushed by the
weight of snow.
But this week there was the build-
in/ standing again, plenty strong
this time. It won’t be many weeks
before it will be finished.
Montag Low Bidder
On Bonneville Line
Affairs of some importance have
occupied this column for the past
few weeks, and no doubt it's been
dull leading. So it’s time to get to
more interesting, and still just as
The Montag Construction Co. was
The bid was reported at about
important, topics of the day.
low bidder on the construction of a 1800,000.
• > •
230 kv power line between Lyons and
The Montag firm has been working
Key personnel of Consolidater
I went over to th« beauty parlor
the Detroit dam, it was learned here on concrete bridges and viaducts on
last week and made an appointment.
this week.
the highway for the past two years, Builders, Inc., were laying out plans
What for? What do you think? For
The Montag firm has been working as subcontractors f<*#- the Kuckenberg an<i making technical studies this
week for the construction of the De-
a permanent, of course.
in the Canyon as a subcontractor on Construction Co.
Those of you who have seen the
Tower fixtures have been spotted troit Dam.
Mij'Wi TMr»il—«fili
I the North Santiam Highway.
Robert Veness, a member of the
editor without his hat on might have
along the route of the line, for which
Club which owns the Mill City
.luted that in the past the.e\*as a
right of way is being cleared, at
site considered' by CBI, talked brief­
somewhat sparse growth. Some evil
several places.
minded detractors burr been so rude
The line, scheduled for completion ly with Mr. Hoffman about it this
as to suggest I was bald. They’ll
in August, will carry 115 kv to the week, but no final plans were reached.
Thursday Mr. Veness talked with
have to eat those words, come a few
damsite for use in construction of
months, after my permanent has
the dam and will be converted into Edgar Kaiser, of CBI, here and was
been welded to the place where to-
a 230 kv line when the dam is com­ told the company would make a final
decision on the selection of a hous­
day a luxurious growth is being cul­
Harold Morris, 16, youthful offen- fused.
Another line will be built by the ing site, perhaps Friday.
der, made his second escape in two [ Morris fled the school soon after Bonneville system northeast across
No definite* plans have yet devel­
It all happened because there was
weeks Sunday, this time from the | he was released from detention there the Cascades, to Goldendale, Wash. oped on the contemplated housing
a bottle
State Industrial School in Woodburn. Another juvenile got away with him.
project of 25 homes. Still under con­
kind of bottle you might have had
No trace of the boy had been found
The week before the foimer Mill
sideration were a site in Mill City,
in mind.) It was a new concoction,
City High School youth had, with an late this week.
one n Gates, and, reportedly, one in
containing one of the magic new
Morris was sentenced after convic­
accompl ce, pried open the the bars
drugs. No one was using it. There
of the county jail in Salem and hed tion for a series of burglaries in Mill
Russell Hoffman, general superin­
is a fair abundance of hair upon the
He was picked up by officers City, Stayton and Aumsville. He was
tendent of the (28,(MM),000 first con­
pates of the whole editorial tribe.
uniter a year’s suspended sentence
not long afterwards.
tract, was at the damsite several
It’s a characteristic they get from
city court here for public drunk
days this week, mapping plans for
me—as you will see in the months
dismantled a jail bed and used the enness.
roads and big equipment installations
rods for a crowbar. A pile of mag­
and Vince Palmer, engineer, had al­
So just for the heck of it, I tried
azines was used for footing.
most completed !g>ecifications foi the
the fluid. A growth of stubble began
County officers asked the juvenile
clearing part of the job.
to appear in a few days.
court to release the boy from its cus­
The OBI, to which the Henry Kai­
It was no freak growth like that
tody, after the Salem escape, so he
A public hearing on the question ser interests are allied, is studying
which resulted from the stuff used
of uniting Mill City, Gates, Elkhorn, plans tor'ng the million or
could be sent to prison. The couit re-
in the recent movie, “Her Husbands
This year’s snowfall in Detroit sur­ Fox Valley and Taylor school dis­ more ya.da of rock and gruvel that
Affairs,” in which a little too much
passed that of the record year of tricts in a union high school will be goes into the 429 foot dam structure.
and at a little too fast a rate was
held at Gates high school at 8 p.m. They were considering a construction
1937 by a margin of two inches.
the result.
road from the vicinity of Gates up
The total inches of snowfall to next Thursday.
I’m keeping the name of the stuff
Invitation for the meeting came the Linn County side to the damsite,
date is 132 1-2 inches, with the great­
secret. I’m going to find out the for-
Also under consiileration was an ag-
est depth of 53 inches of standing from the Gates board.
mula as soon as I can, and start a
Membora aX the Gates board met (ttgai in the Cumky Cicek area
snow in Detroit proper.
hair farm.
Total snowfall for 1937 in the up- with the Mill City board, Superinten­ above the damsite.
The town was treated to a wiener
Other engineers heie were Scotty
er Canyon town was 130.5 inches, dent Vernon Todd and high school
roast last week by the Enterprise.
Principal Henry Bayless Sunday to Wright, and Jack Lacey. Joseph Mc­
Probably you didn’t know your paper
The problems of building a grade
look over the facilities.
Neely, housing engineer was here to­
had been the donor of good things,
school, the lowest bffl for which was 59 inches.
The unionization has been under day, and Elddon I^ents, office mann­
so we’ll be frank about it. (No puns
199,000, with the (153,000 available,
discussion for many years, and be­ er, was expected to locate here per­
were related Tuesday evening at the the Detroit area.
came an important issue last year manently Friday.
There was a difference of 10 cents
Woman's CltMb by Donald Sheythe.
when a timber transaction took away
Mr. Kaiser, Mr. Hoffman and oth­
in the price of the wieners and the
building committe chairman of the
surveyed the damsite further on
way it came out Tn the paper. The
both Mill City and Gates < t-
A nominating committee was ap­ school board.
advertiser sold 120 pounds, all he
“Work has been started on the new
At present Elkhorn, a small com­
had. We’re out 12 bucks. Next time pointed at an organization meeting grade school building "and the ‘cat’
munity on the Little North Fork,
we put on a free wiener feast we’ll for a Garden Club for Mill
has scooped the foundation and a
has one student in the Gates school.
the high school last Friday.
furnish mustard.
‘leveling is in process.” he said.
Fox Valley stutlents have been at­
Final arrangements for a
“Due to the fact that the lowest
tending Mill City high school.
ent club will be made this Friday
bid was approximately (200,000
evening at 8 p.m. at the home of
Commisioner Rice of the Marion
which is almost (45,000 more than
Mrs. Albert Toman.
the school board has, the district it­ County Court announced this week
On the nominating committee are
self is building the school. The start that the building of an improved
Mrs. Art Kerr, Mrs. Cuhtis Cline and
was slowed down because union and road from Elkhorn to Gates would
Three persons were seriously In­
Mrs. Lester Mason.
Cecil Haun and Al Haun have been
nonunion men were hired, but now get under way this summer.
Members of the Stayton Garden the school is being built entirely by
“It wont be a boulevard, but it circulating a petition for a permit jured Friday night when the auto­
Club gave a highly illuminating ac­
mobile in which they were riding
nonunion men because we can get it will be a usable, year-round road,” to ereil and operate a dance hall in
Gates. The building which will be lo­ struck a broken spot in the pavement
Dennis Bevier, 9-year-old son of count of their club and the benefits done cheaper.
the commissioner said.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bevier,, was derived from it. They sponsor a pe­
He said that rock surfacing to be cated on the Cecil Haun property and Clashed into a tree.
In order to cut costs, many econ­
They are Harold Pugh, Bend, for­
drowned in a mill pond here Thursday tunia contest to encourage people to omies have been made, changing the used is shale in the Lun ker bridge west of Gates will have a floor space
of Detioit and Mr. and Mrs.
afternoon after he ha appaiently fel-
oigiginal plan, he said.
statewide publicity.
len from a log into the water.
Suivey found that the top of the ing in which dances could be held John Young, both of Detroit. The in­
The Mill City Pharmacy will be
The Stayton group said that they
jured were taken to Mill City Hos­
"Dennis was playing with his bro­
closed Friday because of a death ir mountain is exactly two miles from since the IOOF hall bumel several
pital by the Idanha ambulance.
Elkhorn and two miles from Gate*, years ago.
ther and cousin when the accident have a project for keeping fresh flo­ the Kimmel famdy.
Pugh received cuts, bruises and a
occurred. The bovs ran for help, but
possible leg fracture, Young suffere«!
the boy was not revocered from the gteat deal of research is done in
a broken nose and several facial cuts;
woter until abut half an hour later. raising flowers.
Trips are taken by the members
and Mis. Young received a cut from
Funeral services were held in the
forehead to the top of her head.
Presbyterian Church Sunday.
Sunday she was taken to Bend when
The boy was bom in Mill City on Staytonites are prominent exhibitors
a p ainin her chest developed,
Oct. 15, 1939. He was in the third at the fairs.
“A consciousness of all c’tizens to
Pugh said the car struck a hole in
grade. He is survived by his parents,
pavement left by the recent
two brothers, Gary and Jimmie, his
freeze, causing the auto to go out
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter efforts of a garden dug largely,"
at control, plunge into a snowbank
Bevier, Lyons, and Mrs. Anna Sto- said Mrs. Inglis, who has charge of
the flower show at the Oregon State
and then cross the road and crash
dola of Mill City.
into a tree. The car was demolished.
Stayton guests included Mrs Mi
Deputy Sheriff Ijirry Wright made
. Donnel, presirent. Miss Edna Eery
a report of the accident.
Mrs. Raleigh Harrfld. secr»tr*-y Mrs.
A 14-year-old Lebanon youth died Katy Fery. Mrs. Louis Freres pro-
Marion County court has set Ap
last Thursday of a gunshot w^und 1 gram chairman, Mrs. Jack Fta<n>er
11 as «late for heaiing on the es-
after he had playfully held a pistol
tab1 ’shment of a rural fire protection
he thought was unloaded to his head Welter, Mrs. J. W. Peabody, Mrs.
Fred Berger and Mrs. Inglis.
and pulled the trigger.
Attending from Mill City were
He was J. Ford sun of Mr. and
Mrs. Ellis Ford, former residents of I Mrs. Lowell Cree. Mrs. James Swan
Mrs. John Swan, Mrs. Cline, Mrs
Mill City.
I Ida Swift, Mrs. Ed Stone. Mrs. Lea-
' ter Mason. Mrs. Frank Blazek. Mrs.
All Civic organisation* are t»r-
Charles Wolverton, Mrs. Kerr. Mr«.
invited to attend a jiont
* ElrrerShav and Robert Veness,
Mr. an,1 Xrs. William Samuels, oTanized che meeting
msvting to he held in the Mill
who reside at the former Keister ’ The Mill City group was asked to
City Thmtcv.
place east of Gates on the Linn side | give some thought to the selection
are the parents of a daughter, born j of a eity flower.
March 10. at Mill City Hospital. The
mother was en route to Salem but ' evident beauty of Stayton showed
II! 11OIT Mirrh »-Pictured above la the darlint of Detroit, pet deer Mary Ann, who co
got only as far as Mill City where I the handiwork of an active garden
of John Arthur'« cafe occasionally when hungry (as above) I row the Inside lookins out 1«
I Purpose: to plan for pur­
the baby was bom. The mother and club.
.w- Xriv aeeeptln« a Piece of bread from Arthur and po«ln« for her photograph by Lswreuce
baby. Judy Ann. weight seven pounds
WHgat a vtarion county deputy »herlff stationed ia the Detroit area.
chase of respirator
and 12 ounces, were taken to their
Iton’t Borrow Suharrihe*
-Courtesy the STATESMAN
home. This io their second child.
Plan Due,
Kaiser Says
Juvenile Offender Escapes
Second Time in Two Weeks
Union High
Meeting Set
For Sunday
Snowfall Hits
Record in Detroit
Board Trims
School Plans
Cardan Club Plans
Second Meeting
Elkhorn Road
Set for Summer
Three Injured
Bevier Boy
Dancehall Planned
In Car Upset
loung Doe Is Darling of Detroit Area
Killed in Mishap
March 20, 2 pin