Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
conductor in the Canyon before h.* retirement, has his leg amputated in the S. P. K- K hoipital in San Fran Jack Seller«, 80, Southern Pacific cisco. The operation was necessary bo ause of a gangrenous Condition- fi Sellers is well known in the Canyon, f a? an SP conductor for many years. Mill Sunday dinner guests at the Clay ton Baltimore home were Mrs. Balt imore’s sister, Mrs. Leonard Runkle, and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Martin, Mrs. Mabel Runkle, all of Portland, and Mrs. Cora Calavan, of Scio. Mrs. R. L. Faust was a visitor at the Presbyterian Church Youth Fel lowship meening Sunday night. Dick Turpin attended the funeral of his brother in Portland last Thurs day. His brother died in Prescott, Ariz., Feb. 118 of an asthmatic af fliction. OOPS! DID YOU DROP IT? YOUR WATCH Ha« it met with an acci dent? Is it not keeping good time? THE Cllß Ambers' Bring it to BAK ER’S Mill City Jewelry F Where modern methods and genuine factory replacement are installed by a skilled watchmak er — nMians prompt, efficient ser vice and • dependable timekeep er. ALL WORK GUARANTEED TOY & HOBBY SHOP Sweet Home, spending tl e night with HA\ FOR >AKE or trade for cattle t Paul Homer 9« , th« Dave Epp» ■ APARTMENT for rent — see Paul FOR SALE »— Mod. 5 rtq. house, nuur Hilltop. Stanley M alczak. . 1 Horner. FOR HIRE H. A. Schroeder Repair Shop JUST EAST OF GATES :«• <«• 4» » 4». -3K- •» 4» < Complete stock Garden seeds At Hilltop block west of theater RECORDS! RECORDS! Arthurs Cafe •Buttons and Bows - Betty Garrett •Down by the Station - Slim Gallard •Life Get Teejus - Carlson Robinson •Blackout Blues - Bob Wills •Guitar Boogie - Art Smith •Closed for Repairs • Bob Wills •Down Among the Shelteiing Palms- Brown •Roses to Tell You I’m. Sorry- .... Denver Darling IN STOCK NOW! at HILL TOP A friendly place to meet GENERAL STORE and eat. Chicken in the Rough We Do All .Types of Information Center. Detroit, Oregon Meat Cutting For Lockers 24 hours a day Jacob Spaniol & Son Model Airplane Supplies IM N. Commercial Phon« 11688 M aples LouS Ytada" and wife of Salem at~ in -------- Albany Mrs. Jack Colburn was in | tended the dance at the Bohemian Saturday on buunrcs. Tuesday and hall in Mill City Saturday night. Wednesday she spent in Lebanon and A farewell party waa given by Sheieen and Craig Muir for Lonni« and Merilee Lerbakken who left with their parent» last week for their home in North Dakota. Musical HAULING CATS, chairs and other games were played, SHOVELS and guests were Larry Cribbs, Carol Ve- heavy equipment ness, Lincoln and Jefferson Wolver ton, Carolyn, Ervin and Lorraine Iv- Salem Heavy Hauling & erson. Ice cream and cake were Equipment Co. served. Mr«. Elsie Potter was a recent vis- Phones: Plant 34644; Office 39408 itor in Mill City at the home of her 1405 N. FRONT ST, son, Willi« Potter. She had been in SALEM California with her sister but is now at her home in Salem. Her health is much improved following a recent illness. Mrs. Arthur Kriever and Betsy were in Salem Monday consulting an eye specialist. Miss Daisy Hendric- son and Mrs. Charles Wolverton made the trip with them. * Blacksmithing * Welding * Logging and Sawmill Repairing. Salam Custom Curing of Pork QUICK FREEZING AVAILABLE TINNERS and PLUMBERS STAYTON, ORE. RADIO & APPLIANCE "SERVICE BACKING EVERY SALE” KEN GOLLIET Ì Phone 902 Mehama A MILL CITY TAVERN “Setter “B/iead/ BYRON DAVIS, PROP. FOR THE SAME COST “At the Bottom of the Hill” MILL^CITY U OREGON Buddy Clark Eyes Dinah Shor« What Did I Do? 1 Don’t See Me in Your Eyes i'fddy Clark Anymore Pee Wee Hunt Wabash Blues Baby, Won’t You Please Come Jo Stafford Home Kay Stan- So Tired Harry James September Song Spike Jones My Old Flam« TYiis Is the Moment Dinah Shore Benny Goodman Sextet Album Canned Milk 2 cans for .25 N. B. C. Shredded Wheat 2 pkg. .25 Borene Soap Reg. Pkg .30 PORTER & LAU ANY BRAND “First With What You Want Most” COMPLETE APPIANCE SERVICE Radio, Washer Refrigerator and Electrical Appliance Mill City 1884 Stayton 215 Weddle Funeral Home MODERN FUNERAL SERVICE SM* uam ' .i— ut Stayton, Oregon * Meat Dept. WHILE THEY LAST. 2 lb. INVESTIGATE THE USE OF Fresb Smelts Butane & Propane POIND Link Sausage PLENTY — FRESH HEATING . COOKING - WATER HEATING - REFRIGERATION Safe - Clean - Economical Automatic Appliances Gas Heat, Inc. I New Spuds 3 lb. Bell Peppers Cello Salad, pkg. Phone Lyons 15 Lyons, Oregon 11 I Fleetwood’s Prices Friday and Saturday SAM BRI I).»ES, Distributor On Highway 222 Fryers & Rabbits .35 .48 Produce Dept You, too, coo help through Your RED CROSS