Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE, j buying at home spells progress for THE CANYON Santiam EDO I) MART SANTIAM SELF - SERVICE L A U N I) R Y MEATS • Margaret NOBLE Standard Rates Washing, Drying or Either Workingmen's Bundles Finished DETROIT TAVERN and Trailer Court First in Detroit Still First in Detroit Redd Rynearson Otto Russell Glen Dryden I Ph. 418 li GROCERIES Janet NELSON Mi. E. of Detroit CANYON GARAGE Baldwin's EXPERT REPAIRING SHELL OIL PRODUCTS U. S. ROYAL TIRES P. E- FRY, Manager Sport ng Goods & Notions Dry Goods and Clothing For the Entire Family DW1S SPORTING & DRY GOODS Famous Pendleton Shirts We Have Them L. C. DAVIS & SON t IS YOUR REFRIGERATOR work ing right? If not. call PORT £R & LAU for fast, dependable refrigeia- tor. washer, electric appliance or ra dio sei vice. * MILL CITY DISPOSAL SERVICE Wants and Sales Garbage, ashes, trimmings, etc. Weekly pickups $1 per month. Also light hauling. FOR KENT—3 rm. mod. apt. See Ed Leonard Herman Phone 2102 Cooke, Shephera Add. Oregon Certified Marshall FOR SALE—mod. small 5 rm house, Strawberry Plants near business section. Box 61, Ph. Grown in Eastern Oregon 260, Detroit, or inq. within after 1 Write for Price List p.m. R. J. Mermilion. 3* Agricultural Research Industries Route 2. Box 72. Payette, Idaho FOR SALE—refiigerator, Ward’s de luxe, 7 ft, like new, call 620, Detroit, ODD JOBS done Fridays after school or see at Mrs. Mermillion’s home, and Saturdays. See Pat Wolverton. Detroit. 4* Wilma Howe or phone 3425. SEE MORRISON for carpentering and concrete work. Free estimates. Sidewalks a special ty. See D. V. Morrison, Gates, or leave word with Don Jenkins, Mill City. FOR RENT—2 rm. house, furnished, reasonable rent, propane gas cook, oil heat, laundry a id bathhouse. H. C. Edwards, Gates. 8 FOR ANY kind of brick work and fireplace, chimney flues, patios. New or repair. Fiee estimate. Tel 1171, John W. Hanna. Silverton, Rt. 3 * 318 Broadalbin Í Real Estate & Insurance Albany STAYTON Tex’s Tavern A friendly family atmosphere prevails CALL FOR BIDS’. . Sealed proposals wil be received by the Board of Director» of School Dis trict No. 29J, Linn and Marion Coun- t •«. Lyon, Oregon, until 8:00 o’clock P.M March 7, 1949. for the eoAftnic- tion of an eight room grade school building, ami will be publicly opened at Lyons School, near Lyons, Oregon, at that time. All bids shal be addressed to The Board of Directors of School District No. 29J. Linn and Marion Counties. Plans, specifications, and Forms of Contract Documents may be obtained from the offlee of the Architect, L. P. Bartholomew, 444 Center Street. Sa lem, Oregon, upon deposit of *16.00. The amount of the deposit for one set of documents will be returned to each actual bidder upon receipt of the documents by the Architect. Each proposal shall be made out on a Bid Form contained in the Con tract Documents. The Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. (signed) ALICE HUBER, Clerk of School District No. 29J, Linn and Marion Counties, Lyons, Oregon. Date of first publication, Feb. 25, 1949 Date of second publication, March 4, 1949. HAVE an army barrack. 20 ft by 64 ft., good mate ial. Can be made into 4 apts., or for tavern, cafe, pool hall or club. Gable roof. Will install it any a here and will finish it as per your request. Write C. H. Cass, c-o Major Baughn, Detroit, Ore. 1 FOR SALE or lease—Beautiful home site, level, on Linn aide of river above Mill City on county paved road. Cleared land. 6 a. Ralph Davis, Rt. 1, Box 95, Lyons. 9 LOST tail gate for trailer between Fleetwood’s and Jerry Vinton’s. No tify Ernie Jose, Mill City Cafe. 9 BOY!! Have We Got “IT’! What’? Canyon Property To buy or sell—see “The Women” PENNICK & PENNICK Phone 702 RELIABLE high school girl for baby sitting. References if desreid. Wanda tOSL * WE STOCK all types of Hearing Aid batteries. Radio Batteries, and Flash- lite and lantern batteries. Stiffler Radio and Appliance Store. * A GOOD selection of linoleum yard age. 6 and 9 ft. widths. 95c per sq. yd. Mill City Furniture Co. FOR SALE- Baby stroller, *6; wall phone, $18; wood heater, $10. Sec Mrs. J. O. Herron, Rt. 1, Lyons, Ore.6 SANT I AM GARAGE GENERAL AUTO AND TRUCK REPAIR ARC AND ACETYLINE WELDING lUWUUh THURSDAY ami FRIDAY Water Systems Sheet Metal Oil Burners Water Softeners JUDSON’S Plumbing * Heating “Service Anywhere” Tel. 3-1414 279 N. Commercial Salam, Oregon Bookkeeping and IncomeTax Service OFFICE in New Theatre Bldg. Telephone Blue 114-R STAYTON, ORE. SWORDSMAN" Roy Kogers Saturday, March 12 ZELPHA GROVER CITY OF MILL CITY, ORE. Near Detroit dam, wants diversified industries, large and small. Sites, la bor, utilities available. Write for bro chure. Chamber of Commerce, Mill City, Ore. * Klien DREW Larry PARKS CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposalls will be received EXPERT auto and home radio ser vice. 20 years experience, all makes. Guaranteed service. Stiffler’s Radio and Appiance Santiam Hardware »bx tj'X Ruard pf Dinctuis^LriichoolJ Date oí secund-publication, March 11, District No. 21J, Linn and Marion | 1949 Counties. Gates. Oregon, until 8:00 oclock P. M. Match 14, 1949. for an I addition to and remodeling of the . xdiool gymnasinm, and will b pub lidy opened at Gates School, Gates, Oregcu, at that time. All bids shall be addressed to The FRIDAY and SATURDAY Board of Directors of School District No. 21J, Linn and Maricn Counties. "THUNDERHOOF” Plans, specifications and Forms of With Preston FOSTER Contract Documents may be obtained and from the office of the Architect, L. P. Joe E. BROWN Bartholomew. 444 Center Street, Sa THE DARING YOUNG MAN lem. Oregon, upon deposit of *15.00. The amount of the deposit for one set f documents will be returned to SUNDAY and MONDAY each actual bidder upon reciept of the documents by the Architect. Each proposal shall be made out Robert Young Marguerite Chapman “RELENTLESS“ on a "Bid Form, contained in the Con tract Documents. The Board of Directors reserves the right to rejectany and all bids. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY (Signed1 C. J. RUSH Robert Preston Margaret O’Brien Clerk of School District George Murphy Danny Thomas No. 21J, Linn and Marion Butch Jenkins! Counties, Gates, Oiegon. “BIG CITY’’ Date of first publication, March 4, 1949. ••THE List your homes and farms with me. BABY SITTING week nights and Have cash buyers. Mill City, Gates, Sat. Call before 7:30. Phone 3425 or Detroit, Lyons. see Pat Wolverton or Wilma Howe.* DAVID M REID. REAL ESTATE W. of Hilltop Store. 7* IF YOUR FURNITURE looks shab NEED A TELEPHONE? -Come in by have it recovered, modernized and and see the new Stromberg-Carlson made like new. Mail us a card giving desk telephone. Highest quality and exact location and I will call with approved for your local phone ser samples and give free estimate of vice. At Stiffler’s Radio & Appliance cost. Truck and auto seats recovered. Phone 902 Mill City Pickup and delive'y free. C. E. Hen sley, 604 N. 1st st., Silverton. Phone NURSERY STOCK-See or call Tony 1153. Moravec. Berry and poultry faim, Rt. 1, Bx 242, Stayton, Ph. 1483, about your Wash, raspiberry and Vftrybest blueerry phlants. Ask for pi ice list. Geo. H. Bell Attorney at Law MARCH S. 1*49 Freres Building Supply Co. Building Materials of All Kinds AMERICA’S .Motti Treasured Documents Earl Smith, Mgr NEXT WEEK I Waahington Describes the Crisis of the Winter of 1780 The Commercial Book Store In our display window Has Everything for Your OFFICE NEEDS Mountain States Power Company FURNITURE AND BOOKKEEPING SUPPLIES 141 N. <'ummereiai St. Phone 3-4534 A Saif Supporting, Tax Paying Private Enterprise and IMPLEMENT COMPANY Stayton Who know» bolter how to service your Ford than our Ford-trained Mechanics? They know your Ford from A to I. PHONE »452 ■ SAME T0B>AV • There is no acceptable substitute for experience. You cannot afford to take chances with the prescrip tion your Doctor has writ ten. Take it directly to a Professional Pharmacy, where you are assured the services of skilled Registered Pharmacists. Come to this pharmacy. Capital Drug Co Salem. Oregon A. M. McCL’EN PORTLAND AND MILL CITY CHARLES LOVEL, MANAGER Factory-approved Method* and ’ Special Ford Equipment give surer serv ice that saves you money. Stayton Hardware and Furniture STAYTON,OREGON rMnvfìw » Our ' ífcMÉ TOWN FOLKS » f 144' *0*1 “J »« c iurmMO.’Ai For trouble-free driving we can get you Genuine Ford Parts made right to fit right to last longer. Drive in today for our 4-way Ford advantage: y rcfd- yroin#ci wtcnamci 2J Ford Fare« j j Factory -approved Methods KING’S * I "TEEN-AGERS’ DANCELAND KING’S FREE COFFEE TO TRUCK DRIVERS 8 MILES WE.’T OF MII.L CITY — HI-WAY 222 F ord D ealers know fords best ! Herrold-Philippi Motor Co. STAYTON