Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
ALWAYS POP» I SEWING CIRCLE PATTERNS junior ^rocL C^uaint —CHISP A*D fjOLLY.r-7-4 if ■ ^martfy Silijíeil ^hirtiuaìster Hibernation “Freddie, can you name an ani mal that hibernates in the summer time?” "Yessum, Santa Claus.” • CORN Í j\r——"tv] 1 1 RELIEF AT LAST ForYour COUGH Creomulsion relieves promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsioa with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. Change of Position "What become of that charming secretary of your if" "I married her and esow ihe'i my treaiurer.” Good Kiddance "I had a note from Bill, He saya he is taking my wife.'* “Will you shoot him?” "Yes, if he changes his mind.” CREOMULSION for Coughs,Chest Colds, Bronchitu Dishing It Out Mae—I can carry 70 dishes with my left hand. Fay — What can you do with your right hand? Mae—Pick up the pieces. Check that Cough from a cold Before It Gets Worse — and get wall quicker with the NlW FOLEY'S Th« NEW FOLEYS HONRY k TAR Contain* one or the moxt important cough treatment development« In yean, one that ACTUALLY HELPS SPEED RECOV ERY. Also soothes throat, check, cough ing Also delicious, non-narcotlc. does not upset dlgceilon. But most Important. NEW FOLEY U lulpt you tel well quicker from cough due to cold At your druggist. BACK ACHE TORTURE? SORETONE Liniment's Heating Pad Action Give* Quick Relief! For fast, gentle relief of aches from back strain, muscle strain, lumbago pain, due tq fatigue, ex* posure, use the liniment specially made to soothe such symptom« Soretone Liniment has scientific rubefacient Ingredients that act like glowing warmth from a heating pad Helps attract fresh surface blood to Superficial pain area. Soretone is different! Nothing else “just like it.** Quick, satisfying results must be yours or money back. 50c Economy size SI 00 Try Soretone for Athlete's Foot Kills all 5 types of common fungi — on contacil Jfll COMMON SENSE.. I r4 X1) proved rhoutondr upon / fhoutonds of rimes f «^/ALL-VEGETABLE SjW LAXATIVE NATURE'S REMEDY (NR) TAB LETS—A purely vegtubls to relic*« conxtipaiion without the usual griping, sickening. perturbing sensa tions, and doe* out cause • rash. Try NR—you will ace the difference. tin- coated or candy coated—their action la dependable, thorough, yet gentle aa million* oi NR'a have proxed. Get ■ 2 Sc bos and uae aa directed. TO NIGHT FUSSY STOMACH? MUFF FORACnj^v INDIGFSTIW A GASANO k’-ïrÙJ MIARTBURN V - * THE TUMMY I Relieve distress of MONTHLYx FEMALE WEAKNESS Are you troubled by dtetrren of female functional periodic disturb» ancee? Doea thia make you suffer from pain, feel so wnww tired— at euch times? Then vo try Lydia K Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms Pinkham s has a grand soothing effect on one o/ »roman's moet inportent orpens/ V LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S When Your Back Hurts- And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par tt may M «Bused by dl«, de, o( Od- asy lunrtuui that pwmus p-isos us «aste te accumulalo Tor truly many propio <»-l lirod. Weak and m «bee lbs kidney* fail to remo«« ai-«as acida and other vasts aaaller trow tbs blood. You may suffer narr1*'« barbecha, rbeumatle pain*, headache«, diet neat (•Ilin* up sight«. I«« ggtog, auelluig. Sometí mea traqueal and ecanty urina tion with «marling end bun. . la ••- otber « that eomethmg to erong allb tbe kidney« or bladder There «hould ba no doubt that prompt treat ment la wtaer than «««let tan tkaau « Pilla. Il to batter to roly co a Badie!«« that haa von country a.J. •«- preval than aa eometbing lena la.orabiy knew*. Ikeeo’r hare been tried and lean ed many yearn Am al all drug Moma, Gel naea's today. DOANS PILLS Serve Baked Puddings for Dessert! (See Recipei Below) Oven Magic LYNN CHAMBERS’ MENU THERE IS NOTHING more warm ing to cold spirits than to come Roast Leg of Veal from the chilly Baked Corn Pudding / out - of - doors in- Perfection Salad • to a kitchen fra- Muffins Beverage grant with the 'Raisin Apple Pudding baking of fruit •Recipe Given desserts. These, served warm with cream, make a well-greased baking pan (about very special finish 1034x7x2 inches). To make topping, blend all ingredients together and to the ending of a meal. Homemakers will appreciate be spread mixture evenly on batter. ing able to use the oven for more Bake in a moderately hot (375°f.) than just the main dish and vegeta oven 35 to 40 minutes, Serve warm bles. When you bake your dessert with plain or whipped cream. • ♦ • along with the meal, you save time PLAN TO SERVE your family and last-minute preparation. prunes frequently as they are eco • • • nomical, delicious THIS SPECIAL rice pudding has and nutritious. A much to offer since it's combined good source of with tasty apples and a delicate iron which builds butterscotch meringue as topping. red blood, as well Apple Rice Pudding as an excellent (Serves 6-8) supply for thia 1 cup uncooked white rice min, vitamin A 6 medium apples, thinly sliced and riboflavin 1 teaspoon salt Iwhich help safe- 1 cup sugar ==g u a r d health, 1 teaspoon cinnamon prunes should find a welcome place 3 cups milk in menus. 2 egg yolks Prune Bread Pudding 2 egg whites, beaten (Serves 6) 4 tablespoons brown sugar 4 slices bread, buttered if de- 1 teaspoon vanilla sired Wash rice and cook in saucepan 1 cup sliced, stewed prunes with 1 quart boiling water and 1 2 eggs teaspoon salt for 10 minutes; drain. H cup sugar Place half the apple slices in a IS cup (1 can) evaporated milk buttered 2-quart casserole. Blend to 1 cup boiling water 1 gether salt, sugar and cinnamon and teaspoon salt sprinkle of the mixture over Dash of nutmeg or allspice upples; add 34 of the rice and the Lay bread in a shallow baking remainder of the apples and dish. Cover with prunes. Beat eggs sprinkle with second % of sugar until foamy. Add 34 cup of the milt u r e. Top sugar, milk, water and spice. remaining Pour custard over prunes. It should with rice and sugar be rather foamy to brown nicely. mixture, Pour in Bake in a slow (325’f.) oven until milk which has set, about 1 hour. Remove from i been blended with oven. Sprinkle with remaining 34 beaten egg yolks. cup sugar and set in a hot even or Cover and bake in under broiler just long enough to a slow oven brown. Serve warm or cold. (300’f.) for about 2 hours, stirring • • • occasionally, adding extra milk as Peach Pie Crust needed. Uncover and cook 30 min (Serves 6 - 8) utes longer to brown. To make mer Crumb Shell: ingue pudding: beat egg whites 1 cup finely-rolled corn flake until they peak; add brown sugar, crumbs a tablespoon at a time, beating be 2 tablespoons granulated sugar tween each addition and continue cup melted butter or sub beating until very stiff. Fold in stitute. vanilla. Spread on pudding and re Filling: turn to oven for 20 minutes or until 1 tablespoon plain gelatin lightly browned. Cool Serve with a M cup cold water jug of cream. IM cups sliced canned cling • • • peaches. LIKE THE ABOVE pudding, this M cup syrup from peaches next one uses apples, too, and has a K cup granulated sugar buttery brown sugar topping with a 2 eggs hint of spice: M cup lemon juice •Raisin Apple Pudding 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind (Serves 10» 1 cup cottage cheese Batter: M teaspoon salt *« cup seeded raisins Crumb Shell: Blend corn flake 2>, cups sifted all-purpose flour crumbs and sugar. Add melted but 1 teaspoon salt ter and mix well. Pack firmly into 4 teaspoons baking powder bottom and sides of 8-inch pie pan. cup granulated sugar M Chill thoroughly. 5 tablespoons shortening Filling: Soften gelatin in cold H cup milk water. Heat peaches, syrup and 3« 2 eggs cup sugar Beat egg yolks slightly 2 cups thinly sliced cooking and add gradually to heated mix apples ture without stirring. Continue to Topping: cook and stir until slightly thick M cup melted butter or substi- ened. Dissolve softened gelatin in tute hot peach mixture. Blend in lemon cup brown sugar (packed' juice and rind. Cool. Force cottage 1 teaspoon cinnamon cheese through sieve and add to 1 teaspoon nutmeg peach-gelatin mixture Beat egg To make batter part, rinse rail a whites until foamy, add salt and and chop, Sift together, flour, salt. beat stiff. Gradually add remaining baking powder and sugar. Work in *4 cup sugar, beating after each ad shortening Add milk and eggs, dition. Fold into peach-gelatin mix beaten together, and mix well Stir ture Pour into crumb shell and in raisins and apples Pour into a chill 3 to 4 hours before serving. LYNN SAYS: Delightful Salads Please the Palate Mix pistachio nuts with cream cheese and form into balls Serve these on apricot halves and crisp salad greens Small whole leaves of spinach tossed with a garlic-flavored French dressing make a tangy green salad for heavy dinners. Pineapple spears spread with cream cheese and garnished with whole fresh strawberries are a spring favorite. Chicken salad looks elegant when garnished with apricots rolled in toasted c< xonut, topped with whip- ped crean n and a cherry, Raw ci lullflowerets tossed with shredded raw carrots, blanched al- mends am d lettuce hearts in mayon- naise are cnsp and delicious Garnish individual salmon salads with note) it d cucumber slices, man nated gre en beans, tomato wedges, Lunches n meat rolled with a fill- ’ v shredded carrot mixed Witt i naise may be used with any table salad. ... with Raisins! Well-Mannered Standby CTANDBY season after season is the well-mannered shirtwaist dress. Comfortable and attractive, this version has extended shoul Quaint Style ders, neat belted waistline and a A QUAINTLY old fashioned full skirt. Try a colorful striped ** junior style that’s as smart as fabric. e paint. Puffed sleeves are short or Pattern No. 8313 is for sizes 14. 1«. 18. elbow length and finished with gay 20; 40. 42, 44 and 46. Size 16. 4s* yards bows, collar is edged in tiny ruf of 39-inch. fling or lace. Send an extra twenty-five cents for see your copy of the Spring and Summer Pattern No 8404 comes in sizes 11. 12. 13. 14. 16 and 18. Size 12. 4% yards of 38 or 39-inch. FASHION—it's filled with sewing infor mation. Free pattern printed inside the book. SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 330 South Wells St. Chicago 7, Ill. FIRST AID to the AILING HOUSE Enclose 25 cents in coins for each pattern desired. Pattern No------------------ Name. Address. Tasty Kellogg'» All-Bran and lus cious raisins ... a mouth-water, ing flavor combination! 2 tablespoon« 1 cup sifted shortening flour 34 cup sugar 234 teaspoon» or molasses baking 1 egg powder 'Sur.fran088'* 34 teaspoon salt % cup milk 34 cup raisins Blend shortening and sugar thor oughly: add egg and beat well. Stir in Kellogg's All-Bran and milk. Let soak until most of moisture Is taken up. Sift flour with baking powder and salt: stir in raisins. Add to first mix- ture and stir only until flour dis appears. Fill greased muffin pans two-thirds full. Bake In a mod erately hot oven (400“F.) 25 to 30 minutes. Make 9 marvelous muffins. ffn«rlc,'s mast famous natarsi laxsti«, csrsal— tr, a bowlful tods, I by Roger C. Whitman QUESTION: ‘‘When we moved into our apartment, we purchased from the previous tenant the inlaid linoleum on the kitchen floor. The quality is excellent, but the color is a dirty gray-green in a marble- ized pattern. Is there any product which will stain or dye the linole um (not paint) so that we can get a deep blue tone and still retain the marbleized effect?" ANSWER: I do not know of any stain or dye for that purpose. But you may be able to get the effect that you want by stippling in two colors, or else by applying a "spatter-dash” finish. For the stip pling, first cut a large sponge in half. Apply an oil floor paint of the background color that you wish on the floor. When this has dried, paint a section of clean board with a sec ond color that you will use for stip pling, press the flat, cut side of the sponge on this fresh paint, and then press this on the linoleum. The pattern of the cut sponge thus will be transferred to the floor. For a spatter-dash effect, use a stick and a brush with a rather long bristle. Dip the brush into the paint and wipe off the excess. Strike the brush ferrule against the stick so that the paint will come off in drops on the floor. (The floor should already be painted with the background color.) Try these methods first on pieces of boards to get the knack. See that the linoleum is absolutely clean and dry before you start to paint, no grease or wax. Reducing Lamb Lnnsee Fortifying »heep ration, with co balt and iodized salt is a promising means of cutting down lamb losses on some farms. I f P eter . "P ain pummels you with • Rub in gently-warm- ing, soothing Ben-Gay ... It acts fast! Ben-Gay contains up to 2 % times more methyl salicylate and menthol — pain-re lieving agents known to every doctor—than five other widely offered rub-ins. Get genuine Ben-Gay, the original Baume Analgésique, for speedy relief! GÍMCK... Let the Ad« Guide You When Shopping HOMAfíLDCM A CIGARETTE BE? Make the Camel 30-Day Test and see! • In a recent teat of hunJreds oi people whe sn-. kej only Camels tor 30 days. noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported NOT ONE SINGLE CASE OF THROAT IRRITATION due to smoking CAMELS