Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
MILL CITY ENTERPRISE. DETROIT By MRS. J. A. WRIGHT Bruce TToucli rrnfl Stela Davis were business caller in Portland last week. Charles E. Wilson of Detroit spent the week end in Ranier, Wash. The ehuflle boa d tournament at Detroit Tavern for last week showed ■■■■»■■«■niiiiaaikHiciiaiiiii Oregon Mutual Fi.e Insurance i See Ed L. Davis Lyons, R. F. D. ■ Phone 751 Mill City MILL CITY Service Station the folowing results: Monday night, 32 , layers, winner sBobbie Renner •mJ Charles Bergman; Friday night. 28 players, winne.s Jack Bennett and Valdoer Heath. It’s rumored that the Gates shuflV board team would like to challenge the Detroit Tavern team. The team hi re calls the challenge. So come on up. But we’re warning you, you are up against some stiff •ompetition. Mi. and Mrs. Earl Parker visited t the Fitz Goodman home in Esta cada last week end. Mrs. V.’ard Stahlman and baby danghter, of Salem, were callers in Detroit last week. Walace Chamberlain of the PRA who has trade his home in Detroit for several months was transferred to Warrendale, Ore., last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Rynearson and laughter Susie spent Sunday in Red mond visit'.ig with friends. Mrs. L. L. Rynearson an daughter Snzie entertained with a surprize birthday party Wednesday evening honoring her husband CRed>. J’ F. I I RICH CG C. E. ‘Pink* Mason, Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS AUTO STORAGE’ BATTERIES ZENITH TIRES FISHING TACKI E REALTORS Investments - Insurance - Appraisals We specialize in all types of appiais- a'^ See u3 about your values. Expert Federal appraiser. Have testified in Federal court 33 times on values. Ph 3-8672 Salem Rm. 202, 317 Court i MARCH 1 1949 Guests were Mr. an Mrs. Len Da- visited with the Jewel Myeis Sunday, weather, a great fee ing optimism Visitors from M.U City Sunday prevails fo the futu.e. vis, Mr. and Mrs. Ruskin Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gesher, Otto Russell, j were Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Dickie and I Quincy Smith r< orts the March of Dimes proceed» amounted to over Art Hansen, Gates Cochran, Glen Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Cole. Dryden and Vai Malfszewski. | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kenny en- .<>(> Bui!, nc ♦ ' wi | to be u.-e 1 After an evening of cards, a buffet tertained Mr. and rifs. Len Davis for money raising programs were de- luncheon was served. A beautiful and son John at a dinner Tuesday n.oi7sh< d by the snow. That and tiie three tiered birthday cake was p.e- I night While the Kennys were taking unusual wintei were the reasons foi sented to the honored guest by his J the Davis’ home late in the evening such small returns. (Idanha was the first community i they foun a last year’s fawn laying friends and business associates. Mrs. G. R. Dickie, accompanied by I in the road. It was cJff and hungry in the state last year to fill its Coni Mrs. William Piercy of Vancouver,' so ♦I», the ’ L* Kennys placed it In in their base mtinity Chest quota. Owing to the lack of parking area Wash., left for Los Angeles last ment for the evening. Sometime dur- week to visit friends and relatives. |ing the night it jumper! through the (snow'banks had taken up the space) Otto Russell is attending an in- ' window and disappeared without ev- in len a thank you. surance i underwriters ___ ___ ___ convention . Mr. ari Mrs. A ehie Mattoon spent Portland this week end- Busines callers in Salem last week Sunday visiting with relatives in’| BE GOOD f were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Holbert Redmond. if’H TO YOURSELI Visiting with relatives here for a •ind Mrs. Jewel Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Gesher and Mrs. John Dellaire few days last week was Mrs. C. R. AM> EX JOY Baldwin of Stayton. of Idanha. A PTA meeting was held Monday Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jones of Salem evening at the old school building. A OF GOOD HEAITH special feature was the showing of We specialize in the treatment Otto Russell 1 a TB film on general health, etc. of rectal disorders. Watch your paper for dates when the No Hospitalization X-ray mobile wil be available. No lx»ss of Time It has been learnt here that Roy Dr. R Reynolds Clinic Agency Newport, a merchant for many years Naturo- Proctologist in Detroit, is in a Portland hospital. Fire 218 N. Liberty. Salem. Ore. Visiting at the Claude Holbert res Auto Life Accident Phone 1502 Detroit You Can Have a Modern House idence is Mr. Holbert's cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Holbeit of Gaston, Ore. Another feeding of hay for the elk and deer was distributed up an down the Canyon Monday. Folk« in this part of the Canyon are enjoying the springlike weather the past week. Detroit p.oper still ihas about two feet of snow on the level. From down in the valley comes a report that daffodils are blooming. Who wants to pick daffodils, any way? Cheer up, daffodils will be in bloom here when theirs are all gone. BOOTS CHAMPION Idanha By CHARLES DE SULLY Lloyd Girod and family returned to Idanha and claim they brought this spring weather we are all en joying. The Ianha Veneer Co. started op erations on the 24th ami are really getting into the stiide of production. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hansen are spend ing the week end in Lebanon. The warm sunshine here is cutting down the snow piles and the frost at night holds in check any serious danger of floods. With the good news of the Da > and the break in the A Home of Your Own For $3800 4 The $3850 Beebe home contains 640 square feet of floor space. There are no wasted areas—no unnecessary halls, etc. It's de signed for modern living. The living room is 14 by 26. Propane gas heat instalation is another foature—at no extra cost Roy Beebe, Contractor MILL CITY A New Plumbing Service for The Canyon Area UNDEF FHA PAYMENTS ARE LESS THAN KENT VETER txs!—ioi R J ix \x< IXG PROBLEMS ARE EVEN SIMPLER! SAMPLE HOUSE ON VIEW IN MILL CITY. NEAR BEEBE AP ARTMENTS FOR YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Stay ton Plumbing Co. lvt wuk »AW»’OM Oregon Ltd. 354 Florence MASTER y Lr-~iitr if * ------ — (Half block east of Santiam Hdw.) New Construction Modernization Estimates Free COMPLETE SERVICE & INSTALLATION with the CRANE NEUDAY GROUP —-------------- -------------- V ( Quality Repair Parts Expert Werkmonskip We Sell and Install . fine appearance plus top qt.ality— that's the Crane Neuday group. Matched styling. Gleaming white, easy-to-clean surfaces. Built-in con venience features. Sturdy coi ac tion for years of tough service. ew engineering—such as CmtfU'n.i fau cets with DultH controls—for easy, trouble-free operation. The Crane Neuday group is priced to fit the most closely watched budg ets. See us for complete information. STAYTON PLUMBING CO. OREGON. LTD. ROBERT SKINNER, Proprietor Re«. 428R , the Idanha Theater was colsed for a short time, It is again i pen and'the usual guod type of entertainment it again here. List week the highway to Sisters and Bend was ugain opened to tiaf- fic. To Mr .and Mrs. Pat O’Brien was born a daughter. Both mother and child are doing well. Mrs. O'Brien’s return from Bend had been delayed by :oa conditions. Stop and shop at rhe Little French» furiatesi fashion in coats suits and dresses Pay one-half, charge one-half 115 N. High St. SALEM CARBIDE Salem Welding Supply Meco & National Apparatus Lincoln Electrodes & Machines Everything for Welding CALL US OR COME IN AND SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES 205 Chemeketa St., SALEM P. Seitz, Mgr. Phone 2-3581 Phone 2-1605