Image provided by: North Santiam Historic Society; Gates, OR
About The North Santiam's Mill City enterprise. (Mill City, Or.) 194?-1949 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1949)
-K MILL CITY iLSTElV'KlBE, MARCH 3. 1**9 » ' >f Mrs. Ruby Homer that she was condition following the operation. to undergo major surgery at a hos- i M . and Mr . Lyle Rush of Salem ... . . . . . . , . , pital in Palo Alto, Calif., Feb. 23. No -pent the week en< t th* home *f „„„v. , them .. , Word has been re.'e.vd by 1 fii nds news has yet reached as to lier his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush. Miss Jackie Bidigary who has been a guest at the Norman Gnrrison home for some time has accented a position at A thur’s Cafe in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Garrison and son Ger ald and Miss Bidigary motored to Marion Forks to g't pictures of the eep snow there. Mi. and Mrs. Max Harlan and son Billie from Detroit visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.xNed Richards Saturday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson Sunday were Mr. and Mis. Howard Johnson of As toria, Miss Norma Jackson F>f Port land, Mr. an' Mrs. Sherman Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. Carter and tw children, all of Iuehanon. All are nephews of Mr. Johnson. Their daughter, Mrs. Robert Levon of San Francisco is still a guest at her par ents’ home. M's. Albert Millsap an 1 her guest, Mrs. Henrietta Quinn of Seaside, were luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Curtis Cline Thursday of last week, Mrs. Quinn was also enter tained in several homes in Mill City dur ng her week’s visit. The last week of springlike wea- ther brought most everyone out of their enfoiied hibernation because of the ice and snow of the past two months and many took advantage of the pleasant days to catch up on their shopping. Among those seen in Salem Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. t Cecil Haun, Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne I Rambo and two children, Mr. and t I Mrs. Steve Champ and daughter Li b la, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thomas Yes . . . everything must be cleared! Buy a and family. « building or part of a building... at just 5 % rm mi uii mi mi iui in. mi Unwin' >i" iin.,11. mi'niiiM., hiii ini muiuiiiiiiiiw of its original cost! Buildings for your every Need Help on Your need ... to build a home, barn, garage . . . Gates Vanp®rt Buildings MUST I AT SACRIFICE PRICES! 95% OFF original cast INCOME TAX? or remodel! ACT TODAY! If you had more than one em ployer in 1948, veu iffy be en titles to refund on social stx’ur- ity tax. Consult— VAL c. w Phone 3408 H I T E • J Notary Public I «mia BÈJ KASTLE NOW! NOTICE Materials, • SKttíg. Gar load Woven Wire better - than • “• rs prices! BUILD IN Mr*. Theodore Burton was accom panied to Salem Wednesday by Mr*. Joe Joaquin. Miss Georgia Shane. Mr I.auia Joaquin, Mrs. Albert Mill »ap an I Mrs. Lincoln Hennes*. A community dinner was held in ocial rooms of the high school the ----- Thursday evening of last week. Fol lowing the dinner hour cards were In play at teveral tables. The next regular meeting of the club will be ‘at the school house Tliuislay after noon. March 10. At this meeting all past presidents of the club will be guests of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Btosig have purchased the former home of Mrs. Gwen Schaer and with their family will make that their home. The place is located a mile east of Gates on the Linn County side of the river and includes the house barn ami oth- 1 er farm buildings and several acres of land. Mrs. Marietta Smith of Mill City has been seriously ill at the home of her son. Charles Smith, here. Two other sons, Raymond (Pete) Smith of Coos Bay and Robert Smith cf Salem were called home by their mo ther’s illness. Wilbur Smith, another son, was unable to come. Carolyn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Turnidge and her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen in Salem. Sunday guests at the Burrel Cole home were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin An derson and baby and Mrs. Frank An derson. all of Molalla, and Mrs. George Stewart of Mill City. Word has been received from Mr. ari l Ms. Elmer Cooper that their plans to return to Lakeview to make their home after leaving Gates were changed and that they purchased a home in Phoenix. Ore., just beyond M’^dfor 1, and will reside there. Mrs. Lyle Shelton of Stayton was a guest at the Melbourne Rambo home one day last week. Mrs. Don Gessner has returned af ter several weeks spent with rela tives in Salem. Guests Sunday at the I Gessner home were Mr. and Mrs. A. I F. Warner, Mr. and Mis. Robert Bo az and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Warner and family and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wainer and children, all of Salem. The grouip enjoye a wiener roast outside in the sunshine. The Gates postoffice is having its a C-'otOfflCT cnUnraH S.t. r rd. nJ PhcT« TW IBC9 or TV/ ISSB ALSO... plumbing, pipe in all sizes, toilet:, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Fisher, N.. ami Tommy of F'orest Grove were week end visitors in Mill City. LADIES A < 1 ILI BESS DRESSES WART, th’ Speed Cop SILVER RHONE 903 — B.v Jack & Ted SADDLE SERVICE STATION TRAILER COURT IN CONNECTION <♦> ;♦> >3K. .» <«• 24 HOUR SERVICE <<e. ând Irish «ties when you »end jolly Hallmark St. Patrick » Day Card» to your friend»! ||ALLft\ARK CARDS Edward Williams 330 Court SALEM 39 in. 12 in. Stay 39 in. Gin. Stay Will arrive in March. Place your order now New Low Prices SPRING! 0PXNIMHY I WH.. f AM to 5. JO PM face lifted. The building is being shingled on the sides and a new roof •was placed recently. I Kantiani Farmers Coop wash bis’.-.s, fixtures... at sacrifice piices. < b 4 »'■•WKS*" 16 Inch Old Growth ANYWHERE WITHIN DELI VERED 100 MILES FREE TO YOUR IN EASY-ÏO-ERECT SECTIONS WOOD Bill Hutchinson. Lyons, Rt. 1 Mill City State Bank Mill City. Oregon A Home Bank,Owned and Managed by Home People. Coil Spring — with the purchase of any innerspring mattress in the house HURRY! Established in 1919 All Depositar* Insured up to $5000 00 Under the Term* of th* Federal Deposit Inaurane* Corporation. Fire and Automotive Inaurane* Notary Publie. HOMES FARMS BUSINESS Offer good for limited time only Mill City Furniture Co priced as little as (12x20) Well-constructed government buildings in sizes up to 20 x48'l Easy terms for qualified buyers. Investigale... only a limited number available. ... a few days work, add a little trim and your basic building can look like this . .. See sample building at N. Interstate at Shaver Portland Notice to Mill City Manufacturing Co Employees Mill will resume operation Mon. March 7th. Planning and leading crews to start Tues. Mar. 8 *